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  • 1 rinse

    [rins] 1. verb
    1) (to wash (clothes etc) in clean water to remove soap etc: After washing the towels, rinse them (out).) []skalot
    2) (to clean (a cup, one's mouth etc) by filling with clean water etc and then emptying the water out: The dentist asked me to rinse my mouth out.) []skalot; paskalot
    2. noun
    1) (the act of rinsing: Give the cup a rinse.) skalošana
    2) (a liquid used for changing the colour of hair: a blue rinse.) skalojamais šķidrums
    * * *
    skalošana; šķidrums matu ietonēšanai; dzēriens; izskalot; ietonēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > rinse

  • 2 scrape

    [skreip] 1. verb
    1) (to rub against something sharp or rough, usually causing damage: He drove too close to the wall and scraped his car.) nobrāzt; noskrāpēt
    2) (to clean, clear or remove by rubbing with something sharp: He scraped his boots clean; He scraped the paint off the door.) notīrīt; noberzt; nokasīt
    3) (to make a harsh noise by rubbing: Stop scraping your feet!) švīkāt
    4) (to move along something while just touching it: The boat scraped against the landing-stage.) nobrāzties
    5) (to make by scraping: The dog scraped a hole in the sand.) izrakt; izkašņāt
    2. noun
    1) (an act or sound of scraping.) nokasīšana; švīkāšana; beršana
    2) (a mark or slight wound made by scraping: a scrape on the knee.) nobrāzums
    3) (a situation that may lead to punishment: The child is always getting into scrapes.) ķeza; ķibele; liksta
    - scrape the bottom of the barrel
    - scrape through
    - scrape together/up
    * * *
    kasīšana, skrāpēšana; nokasīšana, noskrāpēšana; skramba; čirkstoņa, švīkoņa; liksta, ķeza; skūšanās; kasīt, skrāpēt; nokasīt, noskrāpēt; nobrāzt; pievilkt kāju; čīgāt; skopoties; tikt cauri, izspraukties; izkasīt, izrakt; notēst, nodrāzt

    English-Latvian dictionary > scrape

  • 3 sweep

    [swi:p] 1. past tense, past participle - swept; verb
    1) (to clean (a room etc) using a brush or broom: The room has been swept clean.) slaucīt (ar slotu)
    2) (to move as though with a brush: She swept the crumbs off the table with her hand; The wave swept him overboard; Don't get swept away by (= become over-enthusiastic about) the idea!; She swept aside my objections.) noslaucīt; aizslaucīt
    3) (to move quickly over: The disease/craze is sweeping the country.) traukties; spēji brāzties
    4) (to move swiftly or in a proud manner: High winds sweep across the desert; She swept into my room without knocking on the door.) joņot; drāzties
    2. noun
    1) (an act of sweeping, or process of being swept, with a brush etc: She gave the room a sweep.) slaucīšana
    2) (a sweeping movement: He indicated the damage with a sweep of his hand.) vēziens; mājiens
    3) (a person who cleans chimneys.) skursteņslauķis
    4) (a sweepstake.) totalizators
    - sweeping
    - sweeping-brush
    - at one/a sweep
    - sweep someone off his feet
    - sweep off his feet
    - sweep out
    - sweep the board
    - sweep under the carpet
    - sweep up
    * * *
    slaucīšana; atvēziens; vēziens; ritums, plūdums; skursteņslauķis; izplatījums; pagrieziens, līkums; kritums; redzesloks; vinda; garš airis; spārns; atkritumi; totalizators; nelietis; slaucīt; izslaucīt; traukties; aiztraukt, aiznest; viegli pieskarties; pieskarties; sniegties, stiepties; pārlaist; pārmeklēt; cēli soļot; aizraut, sajūsmināt; gūt pilnīgu uzvaru; apšaudīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > sweep

  • 4 wash

    [woʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to clean (a thing or person, especially oneself) with (soap and) water or other liquid: How often do you wash your hair?; You wash (the dishes) and I'll dry; We can wash in the stream.) mazgāt; mazgāties
    2) (to be able to be washed without being damaged: This fabric doesn't wash very well.) būt mazgājamam; mazgāties
    3) (to flow (against, over etc): The waves washed (against) the ship.) (par viļņiem) skaloties
    4) (to sweep (away etc) by means of water: The floods have washed away hundreds of houses.) aizskalot; aiznest (ar straumi)
    2. noun
    1) (an act of washing: He's just gone to have a wash.) []mazgāšanās; pelde
    2) (things to be washed or being washed: Your sweater is in the wash.) mazgājamā veļa
    3) (the flowing or lapping (of waves etc): the wash of waves against the rocks.) skalošanās
    4) (a liquid with which something is washed: a mouthwash.) mazgāšanas/skalošanas līdzeklis
    5) (a thin coat (of water-colour paint etc), especially in a painting: The background of the picture was a pale blue wash.) plāna []krāsas kārtiņa
    6) (the waves caused by a moving boat etc: The rowing-boat was tossing about in the wash from the ship's propellers.) ķīļūdens
    - washer
    - washing
    - washed-out
    - washerwoman
    - washerman
    - washcloth
    - wash-basin
    - washing-machine
    - washing-powder
    - washing-up
    - washout
    - washroom
    - wash up
    * * *
    mazgāšana; mazgāšanas; veļa; samazgas; sejas ūdens, losjons; plāna kārtiņa; šķidra krāsa, akvareļkrāsa; veca upes gultne, kanjons; zelta smiltis; skalošanās; ķīļūdens gaisa strāva; izskalojums; mazgāt; neplukt, mazgāties; mazgāties; labi mazgāties; skaloties; izskalot; aizskalot, noskalot; pārklāt ar plānu kārtiņu; izturēt kritiku; skalot zeltu; bagātināt; mazgājams, neplūkošs

    English-Latvian dictionary > wash

  • 5 scrub

    1. past tense, past participle - scrubbed; verb
    1) (to rub hard in order to clean: She's scrubbing the floor.) berzt (ar suku u.tml.)
    2) (to remove by scrubbing: She scrubbed the mess off the carpet.) noberzt; nospodrināt
    3) (to cancel: We planned to go but had to scrub the idea.) atteikties no; atcelt
    2. noun
    (an act of scrubbing.) beršana
    * * *
    brikšņi, krūmājs; beršana; cieta suka; punduraugs; dienas strādnieks, kas veic smagu, netīru darbu; nenozīmīgs cilvēks; vāja komanda; berzt, mazgāt; mazgāt rokas; anulēt, atcelt; darīt smagu, dienas strādnieks, kas veic smagu, netīru darbu; aizmirst; atlaist; attīrīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > scrub

  • 6 wipe

    1. verb
    1) (to clean or dry by rubbing with a cloth, paper etc: Would you wipe the table for me?) []slaucīt
    2) (to remove by rubbing with a cloth, paper etc: The child wiped her tears away with her handkerchief; Wipe that writing off (the blackboard); Please wipe up that spilt milk.) notraukt; aizslaucīt; uzslaucīt
    2. noun
    (an act of cleaning by rubbing: Give the table a wipe.) []slaucīšana
    - wipe out
    * * *
    slaucīšana; noslaucīšana; kabatlakatiņš; pārsegums, zvēliens, spēcīgs sitiens; slaucīt; noslaucīt; iezvelt, spēcīgi iesist, zvelt

    English-Latvian dictionary > wipe

  • 7 shampoo

    [ʃæm'pu:] 1. plural - shampoos; noun
    1) (a soapy liquid or other substance for washing the hair and scalp or for cleaning carpets, upholstery etc: a special shampoo for greasy hair; carpet shampoo.) šampūns
    2) (an act of washing etc with shampoo: I had a shampoo and set at the hairdresser's.) mazgāšana ar šampūnu
    2. verb
    (to wash or clean with shampoo: She shampoos her hair every day; We shampooed the rugs yesterday.) []mazgāt ar šampūnu
    * * *
    šampūns; galvas mazgāšana; šampanietis; mazgāt galvu; tīrīt ar šampūnu

    English-Latvian dictionary > shampoo

  • 8 sponge

    1. noun
    1) (a type of sea animal, or its soft skeleton, which has many holes and is able to suck up and hold water.) sūklis
    2) (a piece of such a skeleton or a substitute, used for washing the body etc.) sūklis
    3) (a sponge pudding or cake: We had jam sponge for dessert.) biskvītkūka
    4) (an act of wiping etc with a sponge: Give the table a quick sponge over, will you?) beršana ar sūkli
    2. verb
    1) (to wipe or clean with a sponge: She sponged the child's face.) []berzt ar sūkli; []tīrīt ar sūkli
    2) (to get a living, money etc (from someone else): He's been sponging off/on us for years.) dzīvot uz cita rēķina
    - spongy
    - spongily
    - sponginess
    - sponge cake
    - sponge pudding
    * * *
    sūklis; noberšana ar sūkli; poraina viela; biskvītkūka; liekēdis; plencis, pļēgurs; tampons; noberzt ar sūkli; uzsūkt ar sūkli; zvejot sūkļus; dzīvot uz cita rēķina

    English-Latvian dictionary > sponge

  • 9 mop

    [mop] 1. noun
    1) (a pad of sponge, or a bunch of pieces of coarse string or yarn etc, fixed on a handle, for washing floors, dishes etc.) suka, vīkšķis
    2) (a thick mass of hair: a mop of dark hair.) ērkulis, kodeļa
    3) (an act of mopping: He gave the floor a quick mop.) slaucīšana
    2. verb
    1) (to rub or wipe with a mop: She mopped the kitchen floor.) []slaucīt, berzt
    2) (to wipe or clean (eg a face covered with sweat): He mopped his brow.) []slaucīt
    * * *
    rudens gadatirgus; beržamā suka, vīkšķis; ērkulis; saslaucīt, uzslaucīt; noraust, noslaucīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > mop

См. также в других словарях:

  • Clean Water Protection Act — The Clean Water Protection Act (H.R. 1310) is a bill introduced in the 111th United States Congress via the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment, of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. It… …   Wikipedia

  • Clean Diamond Trade Act — Clean Diamond Trade Act, established in 2003, is a United States law designed to stop the trade of blood diamonds that fund violent civil conflicts in many African countries. The law enacted U.S. participation in the Kimberley Process… …   Wikipedia

  • clean up your act — clean up (your) act informal to stop doing things that other people do not approve of and start to behave in a more acceptable way. There s a very strong anti press feeling at the moment. A lot of people think it s time they cleaned up their act …   New idioms dictionary

  • Clean Up the World — Type Non governmental organization Founded 1993 Location Sydney, Australia Origins Clean Up …   Wikipedia

  • clean up its act — clean up its/your act INFORMAL ► to start to obey laws or accepted standards of behaviour: »There are still serious questions about whether the company has cleaned up its act since its $11 billion accounting fraud was exposed. Main Entry: ↑clean …   Financial and business terms

  • clean up your act — clean up its/your act INFORMAL ► to start to obey laws or accepted standards of behaviour: »There are still serious questions about whether the company has cleaned up its act since its $11 billion accounting fraud was exposed. Main Entry: ↑clean …   Financial and business terms

  • The Act of Marriage — articleissues refimprove = September 2007 notable = September 2007 The Act of Marriage: The Beauty of Sexual Love is a self help book, written by Christian writers Tim and Beverly LaHaye. The book is concerned with helping couples, mostly women,… …   Wikipedia

  • clean — adj., adv., v., & n. adj. 1 (often foll. by of) free from dirt or contaminating matter, unsoiled. 2 clear; unused or unpolluted; preserving what is regarded as the original state (clean air; clean page). 3 free from obscenity or indecency. 4 a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Clean Air Act (United States) — Clean Air Act Full title Clean Air Act of 1963 Acronym CAA Effective Dec. 17, 1963 Citations Public Law P.L. 88 206 …   Wikipedia

  • Clean Water Action — Founded 1972 Location Washington, D.C. 19 Offices Nationwide [1] Area served United States Mem …   Wikipedia

  • Clean Air Act (1990) — The 1990 Clean Air Act is a piece of United States environmental policy relating to the reduction of smog and air pollution. It follows the Clean Air Act in 1963, the Clean Air Act Amendment in 1966, the Clean Air Act Extension in 1970, and the… …   Wikipedia

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