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  • 1 Lindar

    noun "Singers" sg. Linda, what the Teleri called themselves WJ:380, MR:349, UT:253, 286. It seems that Lindar is also interpreted "the Beautiful" cf. the common adj. linda "fair, beautiful", but this interpretation apparently belongs primarily to Tolkien's earlier conception, when Lindar was the name of the First Clan, the name of which he revised to Vanyar similarly meaning "the Fair". Adj. Lindarin = Telerin but Tolkien of course held it to be = Vanyarin when the First Clan, the later Vanyar, were still called Lindar – before he decided to apply this name to the third clan, the Teleri TĀ/TA3

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > Lindar

  • 2 nórë

    noun "land" associated with a particular people WJ:413, "country, land, dwelling-place, region where certain people live, race, clan" NŌ, NDOR, BAL, also used = "race, tribe, people" SA:dôr, PE17:169; however, the normal word for "people" is lië. Early "Qenya" hasnórë "native land, nation, family, country" in compounds -nor LT1:272

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > nórë

  • 3 noldo

    ñ noun "one of the people of the Noldor", "one of the wise folk, Gnome". Cf. the gloss "Gnome" in early "Qenya" LT1:262. Also name of tengwa \#19, that is used for the initial n of noldo in Tengwar spelling. Originally pronounced ngoldo also spelt ñoldo by Tolkien, ÑGOLOD; initial ng had become n in Third Age pronunciation Appendix E. Pl. Noldor "Ñoldor", "the Wise", name of the second clan of the Eldar WJ:380, 381; gen. pl. Noldoron "of the Noldor" is attested VT39:16

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > noldo

  • 4 nossë

    noun "clan, family, 'house' " NŌ, "kindred, family" PM:320, "kin, people" LT1:250, LT1:272, LT2:338

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > nossë

  • 5 Mindi

    noun ”First-clan” PE17:155

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > Mindi

  • 6 vanya

    1 adj. "fair" FS, "beautiful" BAN, a word referring to beauty that is “due to lack of fault, or blemish” PE17:150, hence Arda Vanya as an alternative to Arda Alahasta for “Arda Unmarred” ibid., compare MR:254. Nominal pl. Vanyar "the Fair", the first clan of the Eldar; the original meaning of this stem was "pale, light-coloured, not brown or dark" WJ:382, 383, stem given as WAN, “properly = white complexion and blonde hair” PE17:154, stem given as GWAN; stems BAN vs. WAN discussed, see PE17:150.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > vanya

  • 7 tatya

    archaic ordinal "second". Nominal pl. Tatyar *"Seconds, Second Ones", the original name of the Noldor as the Second Clan of the Elves or rather the direct Quenya descendant of the original name, which was probably *Tatjāi. WJ:380 Later, tatya as an ordinal was replaced by attëa VT42:25.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (Quenya-English) > tatya

См. также в других словарях:

  • clan — clan …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Clan — clan …   Dictionary of sociology

  • CLAN — Dans son acception minimale, qui est aussi celle du langage courant, le terme «clan» désigne un groupement fondé sur la parenté: ses membres se reconnaissent descendants d’un même ancêtre. Cette signification fondamentale du clan en fait… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • clan — clan·des·tine; clan·des·tine·ly; clan·des·tine·ness; clan·des·tin·i·ty; clan·gu·la; clan·jam·frey; clan·less; clan·nish; clan·ship; clan·wil·liam; cy·clan·thus; le·clan·ché; matri·clan; pat·ri·clan; cy·clan·de·late; clan; clan·nish·ness; …   English syllables

  • Clan So — Clan Sō Le clan Sō (宗氏 shi) était un clan du Japon médiéval qui a gouverné l île Tsushima de la période Kamakura à la période Edo les historiens pensent que le clan descend du clan Koremune, qui occupait le poste de dazaifu dans la province de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • clan — CLAN, clanuri, s.n. 1. Comunitate gentilică caracteristică comunei primitive, formată din oameni legaţi prin relaţii de rudenie şi de limbă. 2. (peior.) Clică. – Din fr. clan. Trimis de hai, 21.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  CLAN s. v. bandă. Trimis de …   Dicționar Român

  • Clan (TV) — Création 12 décembre 2005 Propriétaire Radio Televisión Española Slogan « Parte de ti » Format d image …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Clan — (kl[a^]n), n. [Gael. clann offspring, descendants; akin to Ir. clann, cland, offspring, tribe, family; perh. from L. plania scion, slip, cutting. Cf. {Plant}, n.] 1. A tribe or collection of families, united under a chieftain, regarded as having… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • clan — 1. (klan) s. m. En Écosse et en Irlande, parmi les Gaëls, tribu formée d un certain nombre de familles, régie par des coutumes déterminées, et ayant un chef appartenant à une famille éminente qui le fournit héréditairement. Un clan de montagnards …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • clan — s.m.inv. 1a. TS stor. presso i popoli gaelici, gruppo familiare i cui membri discendono in linea maschile da un progenitore comune: i clan scozzesi, il clan dei McDonald 1b. TS etnol. gruppo sociale chiuso, l appartenenza al quale si basa su… …   Dizionario italiano

  • clan — [klæn] n [Date: 1400 1500; : Scottish Gaelic; Origin: clann family, race, clan , from Old Irish cland new growth on a plant, offspring , from Latin planta; PLANT1] 1.) a large group of families that often share the same name ▪ the Campbell clan ▪ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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