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  • 1 das Recht

    - {claim} sự đòi, sự yêu sách, sự thỉnh cầu, quyền đòi, quyền yêu sách, vật yêu sách, điều yêu sách, quyền khai thác mỏ, luận điệu, lời xác nhận - {due} quyền được hưởng, cái được hưởng, món nợ, tiền nợ, cái phải trả, thuế, hội phí, đoàn phí - {interest} sự quan tâm, sự chú ý, điều quan tâm, điều chú ý, sự thích thú, điều thích thú, tầm quan trọng, quyền lợi, lợi ích, ích kỷ, lợi tức, tiền lãi, tập thể cùng chung một quyền lợi - {justice} sự công bằng, công lý, tư pháp, sự xét xử của toà án, quyền tài phán - {law} phép, phép tắc, luật, quy luật, định luật, điều lệ, pháp luật, luật học, nghề luật sư - {reason} lý do, lẽ, lý trí, lý tính, lẽ phải, lý, sự vừa phải - {right} điều tốt, điều phải, điều đứng đắn, điều thiện, quyền, thứ tự, số nhiều) thực trạng, bên phải, phía tay phải, phe hữu, phái hữu, cú đánh tay phải, phát súng bắn phía tay phải = das Recht [auf] {right [on]}+ = mit Recht {justly; rightly; with justice; with reason}+ = das Recht beugen {to warp justice}+ = das Recht nehmen {to incapacitate}+ = Recht sprechen {to adjudicate; to administer justice}+ = Recht zusprechen {to administer justice}+ = das kanonische Recht {canon law}+ = mit Fug und Recht {with every right}+ = mein volles Recht {my just right}+ = das Bürgerliche Recht {civil law}+ = das angestammte Recht {birthright}+ = für Recht erkennen {to adjudicate}+ = das geschriebene Recht {Statute Law}+ = er hat kein Recht zu {he has no right to}+ = er kam zu seinem Recht {he came into his own}+ = die Einführung in das Recht (Jura) {institutes}+ = jemandem Recht verschaffen {to right; to see justice done to someone}+ = jemandem ein Recht absprechen {to deprive someone of a right}+ = Gnade vor Recht ergehen lassen {to show mercy}+ = jemandem Recht widerfahren lassen {to do someone justice}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > das Recht

См. также в других словарях:

  • civil claim — legal claim concerning a non criminal issue …   English contemporary dictionary

  • claim — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 statement saying that sth is true ADJECTIVE ▪ dubious, false, unfounded, unsubstantiated ▪ conflicting ▪ There are conflicting claims about the cause of the fire …   Collocations dictionary

  • Civil and political rights — Civil rights redirects here. For other uses, see Civil rights (disambiguation). Rights Theoretical distinctions Natural and legal rights …   Wikipedia

  • Civil liberties in the United Kingdom — have a long and formative history. This is usually considered to have begun with the English legal charter the Magna Carta of 1215, following its predecessor the English Charter of Liberties, a landmark document in English legal history. Judicial …   Wikipedia

  • Civil Procedure Rules — the name given to the new rules on civil procedure introduced in England and Wales in April 1999 to implement the Woolf Reforms. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001. Civil Procedure Rules …   Law dictionary

  • claim form — the form in which one starts civil proceedings in England and Wales under the Civil Procedure Rules. It is worth saying in a dictionary that this represents a deliberate attempt to introduce plain English into legal usage and has accordingly done …   Law dictionary

  • Civil allegiance — is the theory of duty of loyalty and obedience which a person owes to the State of which he is a citizen, as defined by Roman Catholicism. [CathEncy|url=http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03794b.htm|title=Civil Allegiance] The word allegiance is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Civil Allegiance — • The duty of loyalty and obedience which a person owes to the State of which he is a citizen Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Civil Allegiance     Civil Allegiance      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • CIVIL MARRIAGE — CIVIL MARRIAGE, a marriage ceremony between Jews, celebrated in accordance with the secular, and not the Jewish law. The Problem in Jewish Law Since in Jewish law a woman is not considered a wife (eshet ish) unless she has been married properly,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Civil Service F.C. — Civil Service F.C. Full name Civil Service Football Club Union Football Association Rugby Football Union Nickname(s) War Office Founded pre 1863 Civil Service F.C. is an English …   Wikipedia

  • Claim club — Claim clubs, also called Actual Settlers Associations or Squatters Clubs, were a nineteenth century phenomenon in the American West. Usually operating within a confined local jurisdiction, these pseudo governmental entities sought to regulate… …   Wikipedia

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