1 city planning
city planning планировка городов -
2 city planning
- city planning
- nпланировка города; градостроительство
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
3 city planning
4 city planning
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > city planning
5 city planning
гос. упр. = urban planning -
6 city planning
планировка городов ; -
7 city planning
8 city planning
9 city planning
1) Общая лексика: (town) градостроительство, планировка городов2) Техника: градостроительство3) Социология: градостроительное проектирование4) Картография: составление плана города, съёмка плана города5) Экология: городское планирование6) Деловая лексика: планировка города -
10 city planning
11 city planning
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > city planning
12 city planning
13 city planning
14 city planning
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > city planning
15 city planning
16 city planning
градостроительство, планировка города* * *планировка города; градостроительство -
17 city planning
18 city-planning engineer
гос. упр. = urban plannerАнгло-русский экономический словарь > city-planning engineer
19 City Planning Commission
Общая лексика: Комиссия городского планированияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > City Planning Commission
20 city planning authority
Техника: отдел планировки городаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > city planning authority
См. также в других словарях:
city planning — n. the technique, profession, etc. of planning and coordinating the development or rehabilitation of urban areas city planner n … English World dictionary
city planning — n [U] AmE the study of the way cities work, so that roads, houses, services etc can be provided effectively British Equivalent: town planning … Dictionary of contemporary English
city planning — noun uncount AMERICAN the job of deciding what roads, buildings, services, etc. a city needs ╾ ,city planner noun count … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
city planning — city planner. the activity or profession of determining the future physical arrangement and condition of a community, involving an appraisal of the present condition, a forecast of future requirements, a plan for the fulfillment of these… … Universalium
city planning — noun determining and drawing up plans for the future physical arrangement and condition of a community • Syn: ↑town planning, ↑urban planning • Hypernyms: ↑planning • Member Meronyms: ↑zoning … Useful english dictionary
city planning — designing the physical layout of cities, planning the infrastructure of an urban area … English contemporary dictionary
city planning — noun (U) AmE the study of the way cities work, so that roads, houses, services etc an be provided effectively; town planning BrE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
city planning — noun Date: 1900 the drawing up of an organized arrangement (as of streets, parks, and business and residential areas) of a city • city planner noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
city planning — cit′y plan′ning n. soc the activity or profession of determining the future physical arrangement and condition of a community • Etymology: 1910–15 cit′y plan′ner, n … From formal English to slang
New York City Department of City Planning — The Department of City Planning is a governmental agency of New York City responsible for setting the framework of city s physical and socioeconomic planning. The department is responsible for land use and environmental review, preparing plans… … Wikipedia
City Beautiful movement — City Beautiful redirects here. For the city in India, see Chandigarh. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago The City Beautiful Movement was a reform philosophy concerning North American architecture and urban planning that flourished during… … Wikipedia