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cipher machine

См. также в других словарях:

  • cipher machine — šifratorius statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. cipher machine; cipherer; coder; encipherer; encoder; encryption device vok. Chiffriermaschine, f; Codiereinheit, m; Codierer, m; Verschlüßer, m rus. шифратор, m pranc. chiffreur, m;… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • cipher machine — noun : an enciphering and deciphering instrument : cryptograph; especially : one that telegraphs or prints its output see converter e (1) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Purple (cipher machine) — This article is about the Japanese cipher Purple, also known as AN 1 (citation for AN 1 nomenclature for Purple?). For other Japanese ciphers, such as JN 25 which played a part in the Battle of Midway, see Japanese naval codes. In the history of… …   Wikipedia

  • Combined Cipher Machine — CSP 1600, the replacement stepping unit to adapt the ECM Mark II to CCM The Combined Cipher Machine (CCM) (or Combined Cypher Machine) was a common cipher machine system for securing Allied communications during World War II and for a few years… …   Wikipedia

  • Mercury (cipher machine) — Mercury was a British cipher machine used by the Air Ministry from 1950 until at least the early 1960s. Mercury was an online rotor machine descended from Typex, but modified to achieve a longer cycle length using a so called double drum basket… …   Wikipedia

  • C-36 (cipher machine) — The C 35 and C 36 were cipher machines designed by Swedish cryptographer Boris Hagelin in the 1930s. These were the first of Hagelin s cipher machines to feature the pin and lug mechanism. A later machine in the same series, the M 209, was widely …   Wikipedia

  • C-52 (cipher machine) — The (Hagelin) C 52 and CX 52 were cipher machines manufactured by Crypto AG starting 1951/1952. These pin and lug type cipher machines were advanced successors of the C 38/M 209. The machine measures 8 1/2in times; 5 3/8in times; 4 3/8in. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Reflector (cipher machine) — A reflector, in cryptology, is a component of some rotor cipher machines, such as the Enigma machine, that sends electrical impulses that have reached it from the machine s rotors, back in reverse order through those rotors.Note: The greyed out… …   Wikipedia

  • cipher — cipherable, adj. cipherer, n. /suy feuhr/, n. 1. zero. 2. any of the Arabic numerals or figures. 3. Arabic numerical notation collectively. 4. something of no value or importance. 5. a person of no influence; nonentity. 6. a secret method of… …   Universalium

  • Cipher (newuniversal) — Not to be confused with Cipher (comics) or Cypher (comics). Cipher Cover to newuniversal: shockfront #2, Marvel Publishing, circa 2008. Publication information …   Wikipedia

  • Enigma machine — Military Enigma machine …   Wikipedia

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