1 cinema operator
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cinema operator
2 cinema operator
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > cinema operator
3 cinema operator
Техника: киномеханик -
4 cinema operator
5 operator
1) оператор; (квалифицированный) рабочий3) управляющее устройство, средство управления4) метр. поверитель5) связист (телефонист, радист)6) матем. оператор ( символ операции)7) вчт. операция8) энерг. рабочий фильтр9) нефт. нефтедобывающая фирма10) оператор (участок оперона, регуляторная функция которого контролируется белком-репрессором)•-
crawl operator
adding operator
airborne radio operator
aircraft control operator
aircraft operator
AND operator
arc-welding operator
arithmetic operator
asdic operator
audio operator
band-building operator
binary operator
bit string operator
boiler house operator
Boolean operator
bridge carrier operator
cable television operator
cable operator
calander operator
camera operator
chain-saw operator
charging machine operator
charging-car operator
cinema operator
CNC operator
coach operator
coiler operator
comparison operator
composite operator
console operator
control tower operator
differentiation operator
direction finder operator
door operator
drill operator
dump operator
duty operator
edge operator
electric motor operator
electric operator
energy operator
engine operator
experienced operator
extruding machine operator
feller operator
flame cutting torch operator
flight radio operator
flight systems operator
forehearth operator
forest operator
generic operator
gradient operator
ground radio operator
hack operator
Hamilton operator
Hueckel operator
human operator
indirection operator
infix operator
interlocking operator
Laplace operator
lathe operator
lehr operator
logging operator
logical operator
machine operator
mathematical operator
membership operator
multiplicative operator
navigator-radio operator
OR operator
paper-machine operator
postfix operator
prefix operator
pusher operator
radar operator
radio operator
reactor operator
relational operator
relation operator
retarder operator
rolling mill operator
roof bolter operator
sawmill operator
screen operator
sensor operator
shearer operator
shuttle/cell operator
skilled operator
sonar operator
sorting operator
spreading machine operator
stacker operator
standard basis operator
station operator
stove operator
string operator
substation operator
suffix operator
switcher operator
telecine operator
tensor operator
unitary operator
unary operator
unit delay operator
unskilled operator
vector operator
video tape operator
vision control operator
vision operator
vision mixer operator
welding operator
white-collar operator -
6 cinema
['sɪnɪmə]n1) кино, кинематография, кинематографThe cinema loses to TV. — Кинематограф уступает телевидению.
- silent cinema- amateur cinema
- expanded cinema
- drive-in cinema
- cinema
- cinema circuit
- head of a cinema firm
- amateur of the cinema
- news-reel
- film star
- camera-man
- filming
- be keen on the cinema2) кинотеатрSee:When it comes to the cinema, we are on common ground. — Когда речь заходит о кино, мы едины во мнении.
The cinema was born at the end of the 19th century. — Кино появилось в конце
XIX — века.
The new district requires amenities such as schools, restaurants and cinema. — В новом жилом районе должно предусматриваться строительство школ, ресторанов и кинотеатров.
- air-conditioned cinemaHe collected his girl and brought her to the cinema. — Он зашел за своей девушкой и повел ее в кино.
- cinema operator
- cinema advertisement
- cinema audience
- cinema show
- usherette
- usher
- portable film projector
- in the front rows - take smb to the cinema
- go to the cinema•USAGE:Существительные the cinema, the circus, the theatre как названия видов искусства употребляются с определенным артиклем: I like the cinema я люблю кино; the cinema is my favourite art кино - мой самый любимый вид искусства; to be at the cinema быть в кино; to go to the cinema ходить в кино, ср. they are building a cinema here здесь строится кинотеатр -
7 киномеханик
8 кинодокумент
кино|документ - м. documentary( film) ;
~журнал м. film magazine;
~звезда ж. film/movie star;
~зритель м. filmgoer, cinemagoer, movie-goer амер. ;
~искусство с. the (art of the) cinema, cinematic art;
~кадр м. frame;
~камера ж. motion-picture camera, (movie-) camera;
~картина ж. film, picture;
movie амер. ;
~комедия ж. comedy film;
~критика ж. film criticism;
~лента ж. (cinema) film;
~любитель м. amateur film-maker;
~мания ж. cinemania;
~механик м. cinema operator;
~оператор м. cameraman;
~панорама ж. cinerama;
круговая ~панорама ciclorama;
~передвижка ж. portable film projector;
~плёнка ж. film;
~продюсер м. film producer;
~прокат м. film distribution;
~промышленность ж. film industry;
~режиссёр м. (film) director;
~сеанс м. (cinema) performance, show;
~студия ж. film studio;
~сценарий м. film script, screenplay;
~съёмка ж. shooting, filming;
~театр м. cinema;
~установка ж. projecting machine;
~фестиваль м. film festival.Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > кинодокумент
См. также в других словарях:
operator — OPERATÓR, OÁRE, operatori, oare s., adj. 1. s.m. şi f. Muncitor calificat care supraveghează funcţionarea unei maşini de lucru, a unui aparat sau care efectuează diverse operaţii cu acestea. ♦ spec. Persoană care mânuieşte aparatul de luat vederi … Dicționar Român
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Cinema of Portugal — European cinema • Cinema of Albania • Cinema of Armenia • Cinema of Austria • Cinema of Azerbaijan • Cinema of Belgium • Cinema of Bosnia Herzegovina • Cinema of Bulgaria … Wikipedia
Cinéma sonore — Le cinéma sonore allie images en mouvement et son. Il convient de distinguer cette expression de celle de cinéma parlant, qui n est qu une composante du cinéma sonore. En effet, la sonorisation n est pas toujours passée par la parole, notamment à … Wikipédia en Français
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