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  • 1 chorus

    ['ko:rəs] 1. plural - choruses; noun
    1) (a group of singers: the festival chorus.) coro
    2) (a group of singers and dancers in a musical show.) coro
    3) (part of a song repeated after each verse: The audience joined in the chorus.) refrão
    4) (something said or shouted by a number of people together: He was greeted by a chorus of cheers.) coro
    2. verb
    (to sing or say together: The children chorused `Goodbye, Miss Smith'.) dizer em coro
    * * *
    [k'ɔ:rəs] n 1 coro: a) conjunto de cantores. b) composição musical para coro. c) trecho de hino que se repete. 2 Na Grécia antiga, grupo de atores e cantores. • vt+vi cantar ou falar em coro. in chorus em coro, todos juntos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > chorus

  • 2 chorus

    ['ko:rəs] 1. plural - choruses; noun
    1) (a group of singers: the festival chorus.) coro
    2) (a group of singers and dancers in a musical show.) coro
    3) (part of a song repeated after each verse: The audience joined in the chorus.) refrão
    4) (something said or shouted by a number of people together: He was greeted by a chorus of cheers.) coro
    2. verb
    (to sing or say together: The children chorused `Goodbye, Miss Smith'.) cantar/dizer em coro

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > chorus

  • 3 chorus

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > chorus

  • 4 chorus-girl

    [k'ɔ:rəs gə:l] n corista, bailarina.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > chorus-girl

  • 5 in chorus

    in chorus
    em coro, todos juntos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > in chorus

  • 6 dawn chorus

    dawn cho.rus
    [dɔ':n kɔ:rəs] n coro do alvorecer: canto dos pássaros ao romper do dia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dawn chorus

  • 7 refrain

    I [rə'frein] noun
    (a line of words or music repeated regularly in a song, especially at the end of or after each verse; a chorus.) refrão
    II [rə'frein] verb
    ((with from) not to do; to avoid: You are asked to refrain from smoking / from (drinking) alcohol.) abster-se
    * * *
    [rifr'ein] vt+vi 1 refrear, conter, reprimir, deter. 2 abster-se. to refrain from smoking and drinking / abster-se de fumar e beber.
    [rifr'ein] n estribilho, refrão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > refrain

  • 8 choruses

    plural; see chorus

    English-Portuguese dictionary > choruses

  • 9 choruses

    plural; see chorus

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > choruses

  • 10 refrain

    I [rə'frein] noun
    (a line of words or music repeated regularly in a song, especially at the end of or after each verse; a chorus.) refrão
    II [rə'frein] verb
    ((with from) not to do; to avoid: You are asked to refrain from smoking / from (drinking) alcohol.) abster-se

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > refrain

См. также в других словарях:

  • chorus — [ kɔrys ] n. m. • XVe; mot lat. « chœur » 1 ♦ Vx Reprise en chœur. ♢ Clameur d ensemble. ⇒ chœur, concert. « un chorus universel de haine et de proscription » (Beaumarchais). ♢ Mod. Loc. FAIRE CHORUS : se joindre à d autres pour dire comme eux;… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Chorus — may refer to: Plays Greek chorus Musical Choir, a vocal ensemble Chorus effect, the perception of similar sounds from multiple sources as a single, richer sound; signal processors design to simulate the effect Refrain or chorus of a song, pre… …   Wikipedia

  • Chorus — コーラス Номер Chorus за сентябрь 2010 года. Специализация: манга …   Википедия

  • Chorus — (v. grch. choros ‚Reigentanz‘, ‚Chor der Tänzer u. Sänger‘) steht für: Chor (Musik), ein Gesangs Chor Ein gemeinsames Lied Chorus (Jazz), eine Strophe in der Jazz und Blues Musik Refrain in der Pop Musik, insbesondere den Broadway Songs Chorus… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Chorus — Cho rus, n.; pl. {Choruses}. [L., a dance in a ring, a dance accompanied with song; a chorus, a band of dancers and singers. Gr. ?. See {Choir}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Antiq.) A band of singers and dancers. [1913 Webster] The Grecian tragedy was at… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chorus — CHÓRUS, chorusuri, s.n. (Jaz) Improvizaţie solistică legată de o temă principală. ♦ Improvizaţie colectivă, care urmează după improvizaţiile soliştilor. [pr.: co ] – Din fr., engl. chorus. Trimis de valeriu, 03.03.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  CHORUS s.n …   Dicționar Român

  • chorus — 1560s, from L. chorus a dance in a circle, the persons singing and dancing, the chorus of a tragedy, from Gk. khoros band of dancers or singers, dance, dancing ground, perhaps from PIE *gher to grasp, enclose, if the original sense of the Greek… …   Etymology dictionary

  • chorus — [kôr′əs] n. [L, a dance, band of dancers or singers < Gr choros] 1. in ancient Greek drama, and drama like it, a company of performers whose singing, dancing, and narration provide explanation and elaboration of the main action 2. in… …   English World dictionary

  • chorus — [n1] group of singers carolers, choir, chorale, choristers, ensemble, glee club, singing group, vocalists, voices; concept 294 chorus [n2] refrain bob, burden, chorale, main section, melody, motif, music, recurrent verse, response, ritornelle,… …   New thesaurus

  • Chorus — Cho rus, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Chorused}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Chorusing}.] To sing in chorus; to exclaim simultaneously. W. D. Howells. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chorus — CHORUS. Mot emprunté du Latin, qui n est d usage qu en cette phrase, Faire chorus, en parlant De plusieurs personnes qui chantent ensemble à table, et ordinairement le verre à la main …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

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