1 chlorine compound
2 chlorine compound
Экология: соединение хлора -
3 chlorine compound
4 active chlorine compound
Химия: соединение с активным хлоромУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > active chlorine compound
5 active chlorine compound
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > active chlorine compound
6 compound
1) смесь, состав3) составной; сложный4) хим. соединять, смешивать5) юр. приходить к копромиссному соглашению•- antirust compound - asphalt-coating compound - bituminous compound - bonding compound - caulking compound - chemical compound - chlorine compound - chloroorganic compound - curing compound - dressing compound - filling compound - finishing compound - fluorine compound - glazing compound - joint-sealing compound - organic compound - organochlorine compound - pipe-joint compound - potting compound - sealing compound - waterproofing compound* * *1. смесь, состав, композиция2. (химическое) соединение3. заливочная масса, компаунд4. смешивать, приготовлять смеси- all-purpose compound
- aluminum compounds
- antirust compound
- asphalt adhesive compound
- asphalt coating compound
- bitumen/rubber insulating compound
- cable sealing compound
- cable compound
- carbon compounds
- caulking compound
- chlorine compounds
- colloidal compound
- cure-and-seal compound
- curing compound
- dressing compound
- duct sealing compound
- epoxy cure-seal-harden compound
- fast setting patching compound
- filling compound
- finishing compound
- impregnation compound
- inorganic compounds
- insulating compound
- iron compounds
- jointing compound
- latex compound
- lead compounds
- liquid membrane curing compound
- membrane forming compound
- nitrogen compounds
- organic compounds
- organometallic compounds
- organosilicone compounds
- patching compound
- pickling compound
- pigmented compound
- pipe jointing compound
- plastic jointing compound
- polymeric compounds
- polysulphide-based sealing compound
- ready-mixed joint compound
- sealant compound
- silicon compounds
- two-part sealing compound
- waterproofing compound
- waterproof compound
- wax curing compound -
7 compound
- compound
- n1. смесь, состав, композиция
2. (химическое) соединение
3. заливочная масса, компаунд
4. смешивать, приготовлять смеси
- all-purpose compound
- aluminum compounds
- antirust compound
- asphalt adhesive compound
- asphalt coating compound
- bitumen/rubber insulating compound
- cable sealing compound
- cable compound
- carbon compounds
- caulking compound
- chlorine compounds
- colloidal compound
- cure-and-seal compound
- curing compound
- dressing compound
- duct sealing compound
- epoxy cure-seal-harden compound
- fast setting patching compound
- filling compound
- finishing compound
- impregnation compound
- inorganic compounds
- insulating compound
- iron compounds
- jointing compound
- latex compound
- lead compounds
- liquid membrane curing compound
- membrane forming compound
- nitrogen compounds
- organic compounds
- organometallic compounds
- organosilicone compounds
- patching compound
- pickling compound
- pigmented compound
- pipe jointing compound
- plastic jointing compound
- polymeric compounds
- polysulphide-based sealing compound
- ready-mixed joint compound
- sealant compound
- silicon compounds
- two-part sealing compound
- waterproofing compound
- waterproof compound
- wax curing compound
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
8 compound
состав; компаунд; разг. комбинированный вертолёт; сложный, составной; комбинированный; компаундированныйepoxy microball filled compound — заливочный состав, наполненный эпоксидными микрошариками
vertical 8 compound of two "s" — вертикальная восьмёрка из двух «s»
9 compound of chlorine
Химия: соединение хлора -
10 compound of chlorine
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > compound of chlorine
11 chlorine-fluorine compound
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > chlorine-fluorine compound
12 T
1) Общая лексика: T-образный, hum. сокр. Thymine, имеющий форму буквы T, (постановления и) условия (договора, контракта) (terms and conditions), Тл (тесла в системе СИ)3) Биология: temporal, termination, terminator, threonine, thymidine, toe, trace, transition5) Морской термин: Tropical Seawater (морская вода в тропиках (отметка на борту судна))6) Медицина: Tuberculosis8) Ботаника: Tallgrass9) Спорт: Timeout, Troll, в группировке, поворот в группировке10) Военный термин: Tenacity, Torture, Troops, tactical, tank, tanker, target, telegraphy, telephone, teletype, terminal, territory, theater, top secret, torpedo, traffic, trainer, transit, transmitter, transport, trench, troop, truce11) Техника: oscillation period, radioactive half-life, target angle, telecommunication, telegrapher, telemetering, tera, test equipment, testing, thread, toggle, total cation exchange capacity, transitional, transmitting, transponder, transport number, triple, true direction, volume13) Химия: Thymine14) Строительство: Т-образный элемент15) Математика: обратная сторона монеты (tail), сумма (total), ten (десяток)16) Религия: Temptation17) Страхование: Draft, Free board mark which indicates the load line in tropical zones, Natural period oscillatory ship motion, Ton (s)18) Ветеринария: Tamer19) Кино: Teen20) Металлургия: absolute temperature21) Оптика: tera-, tesla, transmission22) Телекоммуникации: Telecom, Tip, волноводное разветвление, T reference point (ISDN)23) Сокращение: Sulphur & Chlorine Compound (Chemical warfare agent), Tango (phonetic alphabet), Tera (trillion), Texas, Thursday, Time zone 97.5 W - 112.5 W (GMT +7), Timer, Top Secret, Tracer, Traveler, Tuesday, tape, technical, temperature, temporary, tension, tera- (million million), tesla (magnetic flux), test, testament, thermometer, toilet, total, training, transactional analysis, transferrable account, transportation, triangle, trichlorethylene, tritium, true, territorial, transfer, transferred24) Физиология: Tired25) Сленг: сигарета с марихуаной, спиртное, чай26) Вычислительная техника: transformer, trigger27) Нефть: GRN temperature, gamma ray, neutron log, interfacial tension, period, tee, temperature log, tensile strength, top of formation, trillion, соединение впритык, тавровое соединение, тройник28) Генетика: символ, обозначающий транслокацию (в скобках указывают номера участвующих в ней хромосом - например, T(5;16)), треонин29) Картография: telegraph31) Машиностроение: Т-образная деталь32) Бурение: Т-образная труба, тавровая балка, тавровая сталь33) Полимеры: temperature, tentative, test, thickness, time, top, torque, torr, triple bond, troy, tube, tubing34) Автоматика: tool, tooth, деталь T-образной формы35) Контроль качества: technological, test (value)36) Авиационная медицина: tracking37) Макаров: T-образное разветвление волноводов, T-образное соединение, волноводный тройник38) Расширение файла: Tads source, Tester symbol table (ReaGeniX code generator), Unformatted manual page (Roff/nroff/troff/groff), Tape Archive without compression (tar)39) МИД: execution time40) Электротехника: turn41) Имена и фамилии: Tarzan42) Майкрософт: для подростков44) NYSE. A T & T Corporation -
13 t
1) Общая лексика: T-образный, hum. сокр. Thymine, имеющий форму буквы T, (постановления и) условия (договора, контракта) (terms and conditions), Тл (тесла в системе СИ)3) Биология: temporal, termination, terminator, threonine, thymidine, toe, trace, transition5) Морской термин: Tropical Seawater (морская вода в тропиках (отметка на борту судна))6) Медицина: Tuberculosis8) Ботаника: Tallgrass9) Спорт: Timeout, Troll, в группировке, поворот в группировке10) Военный термин: Tenacity, Torture, Troops, tactical, tank, tanker, target, telegraphy, telephone, teletype, terminal, territory, theater, top secret, torpedo, traffic, trainer, transit, transmitter, transport, trench, troop, truce11) Техника: oscillation period, radioactive half-life, target angle, telecommunication, telegrapher, telemetering, tera, test equipment, testing, thread, toggle, total cation exchange capacity, transitional, transmitting, transponder, transport number, triple, true direction, volume13) Химия: Thymine14) Строительство: Т-образный элемент15) Математика: обратная сторона монеты (tail), сумма (total), ten (десяток)16) Религия: Temptation17) Страхование: Draft, Free board mark which indicates the load line in tropical zones, Natural period oscillatory ship motion, Ton (s)18) Ветеринария: Tamer19) Кино: Teen20) Металлургия: absolute temperature21) Оптика: tera-, tesla, transmission22) Телекоммуникации: Telecom, Tip, волноводное разветвление, T reference point (ISDN)23) Сокращение: Sulphur & Chlorine Compound (Chemical warfare agent), Tango (phonetic alphabet), Tera (trillion), Texas, Thursday, Time zone 97.5 W - 112.5 W (GMT +7), Timer, Top Secret, Tracer, Traveler, Tuesday, tape, technical, temperature, temporary, tension, tera- (million million), tesla (magnetic flux), test, testament, thermometer, toilet, total, training, transactional analysis, transferrable account, transportation, triangle, trichlorethylene, tritium, true, territorial, transfer, transferred24) Физиология: Tired25) Сленг: сигарета с марихуаной, спиртное, чай26) Вычислительная техника: transformer, trigger27) Нефть: GRN temperature, gamma ray, neutron log, interfacial tension, period, tee, temperature log, tensile strength, top of formation, trillion, соединение впритык, тавровое соединение, тройник28) Генетика: символ, обозначающий транслокацию (в скобках указывают номера участвующих в ней хромосом - например, T(5;16)), треонин29) Картография: telegraph30) Транспорт: Toll, Trainer Aircraft Designation31) Машиностроение: Т-образная деталь32) Бурение: Т-образная труба, тавровая балка, тавровая сталь33) Полимеры: temperature, tentative, test, thickness, time, top, torque, torr, triple bond, troy, tube, tubing34) Автоматика: tool, tooth, деталь T-образной формы35) Контроль качества: technological, test (value)36) Авиационная медицина: tracking38) Расширение файла: Tads source, Tester symbol table (ReaGeniX code generator), Unformatted manual page (Roff/nroff/troff/groff), Tape Archive without compression (tar)39) МИД: execution time40) Электротехника: turn41) Имена и фамилии: Tarzan42) Майкрософт: для подростков44) NYSE. A T & T Corporation -
14 CI
1) Компьютерная техника: Case Insensitive, Context Independent, Contextualized Information, Control Interval, Cybernetic Intelligence2) Авиация: conversion instruction, cost improvement, course indicator3) Медицина: Confidence Interval (доверительный интервал), contraindications (противопоказания), constraint-induced4) Американизм: Critical Infrastructure5) Спорт: Crowd Involvement6) Военный термин: Checking In, Connected Intelligence, Coordinating Installation, Current Intelligence, capability inspection, center of impact, chief inspector, chief instructor, chief of information, civilian internee, classification of inventory, classified information, combat intelligence, combat interviews, combat-ineffective, command information, command inspection, compilation of information, computer indicator, concealed installation, configuration item, controlled item, corps instructions, counterinsurgency, counterintelligence, criminal investigation, criminal investigator, critical item7) Техника: carrier-to-interference ratio, chemical injection, circuit interruption, combat information, communications and instrumentation, communications information, comparison indicator, compression-ignition, configuration interaction, configuration-independent, containment integrity, containment isolation, control & instrumentation, crystal impedance8) Химия: Composite Index9) Математика: Constant Interpolation, доверительный интервал (confidence interval)10) Железнодорожный термин: Cambria and Indiana Railroad Company11) Юридический термин: Confidential Intermediary, Criminal Intent12) Экономика: (continuous improvements) непрерывные улучшения13) Бухгалтерия: Compound Interest14) Статистика: (confidence interval) ДИ (доверительный интервал)15) Автомобильный термин: центральный впрыск16) Биржевой термин: Coupon Income, Cumulative Interest17) Металлургия: corrugated iron18) Политика: Chile19) Телекоммуникации: Computer Interconnect, Customer Installation20) Сокращение: Carnegie Institute, Channel Islands, Chile (NATO country code), Civilian Internees (USA), Combat Identification, Commonwealth Institute, Communist International, Compression Ignition, Consumers Institute, Control Indicator, Counter-Intelligence, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Clearing Index, Colour Index, Contour Interval, Cubic Inches, Cumulative Index, Current-Awareness Information, cardiac index21) Университет: Cordage Institute22) Физика: Constant Intensity, Convective Instability23) Физиология: Cerebral Infarction, Cochlear Implant, Contra Indications24) Электроника: Component Instance, Copper Insert25) Вычислительная техника: Coded Information, Congestion Indicator, card input, chain index, common interface, component interface, computer interface, copy-inhibit, Configuration Item (CM), Component Interface (DMI), Check In (RCS), индекс цепочки, интерфейс компонентов, интерфейс компьютера26) Нефть: cone interference, correlation index, crystallization index, контурный интервал (contour interval)27) Кардиология: coupling interval (предэкстрасистолический интервал), cardiac index (сердечный индекс)28) Иммунология: Cardio Interactive29) Биохимия: Cardial Index, Colloidal Iron30) Космонавтика: Conservation International31) Геофизика: интервал между изолиниями, сечение32) Транспорт: Complex Interchange, Constant Injection, Corrosion Inhibitor, Custom Indicator33) Фирменный знак: Cinch, Creative Innovations34) СМИ: Correspondence Information35) Деловая лексика: Check In, Competitive Intelligence, Corporate Identity37) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: cutting injection38) Менеджмент: ( Corporate Identity) фирменный/корпоративный стиль39) Образование: Curriculum And Instruction40) Сетевые технологии: Congestion Indication41) Полимеры: color index, confidence interval42) Контроль качества: непрерывные улучшения (continuous improvement)43) Сахалин Ю: inhibitor44) Кабельные производство: chlorine45) Химическое оружие: Chemical ionization46) Макаров: конфигурационное взаимодействие47) Расширение файла: Call Indicator48) SAP.тех. центральная инстанция49) Нефть и газ: continuous improvement, (Corrosion Ingibitor) Ингибитор коррозии50) Электротехника: characteristic impedance, circuit interrupter, current interruption51) Общественная организация: Cadence International, Childcare International, Compassion International52) Должность: Certified Instructor, Claims Investigator, Co Investigator, Communications And Information, Component Inspector53) NYSE. Cigna Corporation54) Федеральное бюро расследований: Cincinnati Field Office, Communist Index, Confidential Informant55) Международная торговля: Commercial Import -
15 Ci
1) Компьютерная техника: Case Insensitive, Context Independent, Contextualized Information, Control Interval, Cybernetic Intelligence2) Авиация: conversion instruction, cost improvement, course indicator3) Медицина: Confidence Interval (доверительный интервал), contraindications (противопоказания), constraint-induced4) Американизм: Critical Infrastructure5) Спорт: Crowd Involvement6) Военный термин: Checking In, Connected Intelligence, Coordinating Installation, Current Intelligence, capability inspection, center of impact, chief inspector, chief instructor, chief of information, civilian internee, classification of inventory, classified information, combat intelligence, combat interviews, combat-ineffective, command information, command inspection, compilation of information, computer indicator, concealed installation, configuration item, controlled item, corps instructions, counterinsurgency, counterintelligence, criminal investigation, criminal investigator, critical item7) Техника: carrier-to-interference ratio, chemical injection, circuit interruption, combat information, communications and instrumentation, communications information, comparison indicator, compression-ignition, configuration interaction, configuration-independent, containment integrity, containment isolation, control & instrumentation, crystal impedance8) Химия: Composite Index9) Математика: Constant Interpolation, доверительный интервал (confidence interval)10) Железнодорожный термин: Cambria and Indiana Railroad Company11) Юридический термин: Confidential Intermediary, Criminal Intent12) Экономика: (continuous improvements) непрерывные улучшения13) Бухгалтерия: Compound Interest14) Статистика: (confidence interval) ДИ (доверительный интервал)15) Автомобильный термин: центральный впрыск16) Биржевой термин: Coupon Income, Cumulative Interest17) Металлургия: corrugated iron18) Политика: Chile19) Телекоммуникации: Computer Interconnect, Customer Installation20) Сокращение: Carnegie Institute, Channel Islands, Chile (NATO country code), Civilian Internees (USA), Combat Identification, Commonwealth Institute, Communist International, Compression Ignition, Consumers Institute, Control Indicator, Counter-Intelligence, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Clearing Index, Colour Index, Contour Interval, Cubic Inches, Cumulative Index, Current-Awareness Information, cardiac index21) Университет: Cordage Institute22) Физика: Constant Intensity, Convective Instability23) Физиология: Cerebral Infarction, Cochlear Implant, Contra Indications24) Электроника: Component Instance, Copper Insert25) Вычислительная техника: Coded Information, Congestion Indicator, card input, chain index, common interface, component interface, computer interface, copy-inhibit, Configuration Item (CM), Component Interface (DMI), Check In (RCS), индекс цепочки, интерфейс компонентов, интерфейс компьютера26) Нефть: cone interference, correlation index, crystallization index, контурный интервал (contour interval)27) Кардиология: coupling interval (предэкстрасистолический интервал), cardiac index (сердечный индекс)28) Иммунология: Cardio Interactive29) Биохимия: Cardial Index, Colloidal Iron30) Космонавтика: Conservation International31) Геофизика: интервал между изолиниями, сечение32) Транспорт: Complex Interchange, Constant Injection, Corrosion Inhibitor, Custom Indicator33) Фирменный знак: Cinch, Creative Innovations34) СМИ: Correspondence Information35) Деловая лексика: Check In, Competitive Intelligence, Corporate Identity37) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: cutting injection38) Менеджмент: ( Corporate Identity) фирменный/корпоративный стиль39) Образование: Curriculum And Instruction40) Сетевые технологии: Congestion Indication41) Полимеры: color index, confidence interval42) Контроль качества: непрерывные улучшения (continuous improvement)43) Сахалин Ю: inhibitor44) Кабельные производство: chlorine45) Химическое оружие: Chemical ionization46) Макаров: конфигурационное взаимодействие47) Расширение файла: Call Indicator48) SAP.тех. центральная инстанция49) Нефть и газ: continuous improvement, (Corrosion Ingibitor) Ингибитор коррозии50) Электротехника: characteristic impedance, circuit interrupter, current interruption51) Общественная организация: Cadence International, Childcare International, Compassion International52) Должность: Certified Instructor, Claims Investigator, Co Investigator, Communications And Information, Component Inspector53) NYSE. Cigna Corporation54) Федеральное бюро расследований: Cincinnati Field Office, Communist Index, Confidential Informant55) Международная торговля: Commercial Import -
16 ci
1) Компьютерная техника: Case Insensitive, Context Independent, Contextualized Information, Control Interval, Cybernetic Intelligence2) Авиация: conversion instruction, cost improvement, course indicator3) Медицина: Confidence Interval (доверительный интервал), contraindications (противопоказания), constraint-induced4) Американизм: Critical Infrastructure5) Спорт: Crowd Involvement6) Военный термин: Checking In, Connected Intelligence, Coordinating Installation, Current Intelligence, capability inspection, center of impact, chief inspector, chief instructor, chief of information, civilian internee, classification of inventory, classified information, combat intelligence, combat interviews, combat-ineffective, command information, command inspection, compilation of information, computer indicator, concealed installation, configuration item, controlled item, corps instructions, counterinsurgency, counterintelligence, criminal investigation, criminal investigator, critical item7) Техника: carrier-to-interference ratio, chemical injection, circuit interruption, combat information, communications and instrumentation, communications information, comparison indicator, compression-ignition, configuration interaction, configuration-independent, containment integrity, containment isolation, control & instrumentation, crystal impedance8) Химия: Composite Index9) Математика: Constant Interpolation, доверительный интервал (confidence interval)10) Железнодорожный термин: Cambria and Indiana Railroad Company11) Юридический термин: Confidential Intermediary, Criminal Intent12) Экономика: (continuous improvements) непрерывные улучшения13) Бухгалтерия: Compound Interest14) Статистика: (confidence interval) ДИ (доверительный интервал)15) Автомобильный термин: центральный впрыск16) Биржевой термин: Coupon Income, Cumulative Interest17) Металлургия: corrugated iron18) Политика: Chile19) Телекоммуникации: Computer Interconnect, Customer Installation20) Сокращение: Carnegie Institute, Channel Islands, Chile (NATO country code), Civilian Internees (USA), Combat Identification, Commonwealth Institute, Communist International, Compression Ignition, Consumers Institute, Control Indicator, Counter-Intelligence, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Clearing Index, Colour Index, Contour Interval, Cubic Inches, Cumulative Index, Current-Awareness Information, cardiac index21) Университет: Cordage Institute22) Физика: Constant Intensity, Convective Instability23) Физиология: Cerebral Infarction, Cochlear Implant, Contra Indications24) Электроника: Component Instance, Copper Insert25) Вычислительная техника: Coded Information, Congestion Indicator, card input, chain index, common interface, component interface, computer interface, copy-inhibit, Configuration Item (CM), Component Interface (DMI), Check In (RCS), индекс цепочки, интерфейс компонентов, интерфейс компьютера26) Нефть: cone interference, correlation index, crystallization index, контурный интервал (contour interval)27) Кардиология: coupling interval (предэкстрасистолический интервал), cardiac index (сердечный индекс)28) Иммунология: Cardio Interactive29) Биохимия: Cardial Index, Colloidal Iron30) Космонавтика: Conservation International31) Геофизика: интервал между изолиниями, сечение32) Транспорт: Complex Interchange, Constant Injection, Corrosion Inhibitor, Custom Indicator33) Фирменный знак: Cinch, Creative Innovations34) СМИ: Correspondence Information35) Деловая лексика: Check In, Competitive Intelligence, Corporate Identity37) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: cutting injection38) Менеджмент: ( Corporate Identity) фирменный/корпоративный стиль39) Образование: Curriculum And Instruction40) Сетевые технологии: Congestion Indication41) Полимеры: color index, confidence interval42) Контроль качества: непрерывные улучшения (continuous improvement)43) Сахалин Ю: inhibitor44) Кабельные производство: chlorine45) Химическое оружие: Chemical ionization46) Макаров: конфигурационное взаимодействие47) Расширение файла: Call Indicator48) SAP.тех. центральная инстанция49) Нефть и газ: continuous improvement, (Corrosion Ingibitor) Ингибитор коррозии50) Электротехника: characteristic impedance, circuit interrupter, current interruption51) Общественная организация: Cadence International, Childcare International, Compassion International52) Должность: Certified Instructor, Claims Investigator, Co Investigator, Communications And Information, Component Inspector53) NYSE. Cigna Corporation54) Федеральное бюро расследований: Cincinnati Field Office, Communist Index, Confidential Informant55) Международная торговля: Commercial Import -
17 unit
1) ( организационная) единица, подразделение2) блок; узел; комплект4) агрегат; установка; элемент ( конструкции); секция5) удельный, индивидуальный, единичный•- unit of force - unit of heat - unit of illumination - unit of measure - unit of performance - unit of product - unit of string - unit of structure - unit of volume - activated carbon unit - activated sludge unit - active residential solar heating unit - administrative unit - aerator-clarifier unit - air-conditioning unit - air-cooling unit - air-filtration unit - air-mixing unit - block unit - British thermal unit - building unit - caloric unit - chemical dosing unit - chlorine feeding unit - cladding unit - compressor unit - concrete box units - concrete masonry unit - concrete mix-spraying unit - concreting unit - control unit - cost unit - decoding unit - dimensioning and cutting-to-length unit - double-glass unit - dwelling unit - electric welding unit - feeding unit - filler spraying unit - filter unit - fire-control unit - floor unit - friction unit - gang-moulding unit - gas welding unit - glass unit - green unit - heat unit - heat and pumping unit - hollow unit - housing unit - housing residential unit - insulating glass unit - Jackson turbidity unit - load-applying unit - load-carrying unit - loading unit - lock unit - lubricating and filling unit - lubricating pump unit - masonry unit - memory unit - milling unit - mixing unit - mobile unit - moulding unit - multiservice unit - nephelometric turbidity unit - painting unit - paint spraying unit - pile driving unit - plastering unit - plumbing unit - power unit - power-supply unit - process unit - prototype unit - pumping unit - putty-spraying unit - reinforcing bar heating unit - remote control unit - residential unit - resistance unit - roof extract unit - rope-scraper unit - rustic unit - sample unit - sampling unit - self-contained air-conditioning unit - self-contained prestressed unit - sewage treatment unit - sodium-cation exchange unit - solids-contact unit - spare unit - structural unit - supply unit - terminal unit - test unit - thermal unit - thin-shell precast units - tie-laying unit - tracer unit - training unit - tuning unit - turbidity unit - urban unit - vacuum unit - vibratory table unit - vibropressing unit - wallpaper trimming unit - waste-disposal unit - welding unit* * *1. единица || единичный; удельный2. единичный вектор3. агрегат, установка4. сборочная единица; узел; блок; элемент ( конструкции); комплект; секция ( подводного тоннеля)- unit of area
- unit of length
- accommodation unit
- activated sludge unit
- aerated concrete floor unit
- aerator-clarifier unit
- air conditioning unit
- air cooling unit
- air curtain unit
- air handling unit
- air mixing unit
- air-operated grease unit
- air supply unit
- air-to-air heat recovery unit
- aluminum deck unit
- audible alarm unit
- basement dwelling unit
- boiler unit
- bridge unit
- British thermal unit
- building unit
- cladding unit
- compound units
- compressor unit
- concrete building unit
- concrete core unit
- concrete injection unit
- condensing unit
- cooling unit
- cooling and heating unit
- crawler power unit
- decentralized air heating unit
- disposal unit
- diversion unit
- door unit
- door and frame packaged unit
- drainage fixture unit
- drying unit
- dwelling unit
- factory precast unit
- fan unit
- fan-assisted warm air unit
- fan coil unit
- filter unit
- fixture unit
- floor building unit
- floor unit
- folding bed unit
- four-wheeled power unit
- free delivery-type air conditioning unit
- free delivery-type unit
- gas control unit
- girder-deck unit
- glass building unit
- glass unit
- heating unit
- heat reclaim unit
- high pressure terminal unit
- indirect fan-assisted warm air heating unit
- induction unit
- industrially produced modular unit
- insulating glass unit
- intensive cure unit
- interlocking concrete units
- inverted U-shaped concrete unit
- kitchen building block unit
- latch unit
- living unit
- low pressure induction unit
- masonry unit
- mass-produced structural units
- modular unit
- modular masonry unit
- molded concrete unit
- multicast gang unit
- multizone unit
- neighborhood unit
- nonconforming unit
- packaged unit
- parallel wire unit
- passenger car unit
- plumbing unit
- post-tension unit
- power unit
- precast unit
- precast prestressed concrete unit
- prefabricated unit
- prefab unit
- prefabricated bathroom unit
- pressurization unit
- pump unit
- refrigerating unit
- reheat unit
- reheat induction unit
- residential unit
- roof extract unit
- roof top unit
- room unit
- sealed condensing unit
- sealed double glazed unit
- secondary unit
- self-contained cooling unit
- single duct unit
- sink unit
- solid masonry unit
- solids-control unit
- stabilizing unit attached to loader
- standby unit
- steel plate unit
- straightening unit
- structural unit
- supply fixture unit
- terminal unit
- three-bedroomed dwelling unit
- three-bedroom dwelling unit
- tile trim units
- turbidity unit
- two-wheeled power unit
- unitized unit
- unitized bathroom and lavatory block unit
- unitized kitchen unit
- urban unit
- warm air heating unit
- waste-disposal unit
- water correction unit
- water meter unit
- WC-and-bathroom unit
- window unit
- window and frame packaged unit
- zone terminal unit -
18 halogenated pollutant
галогенизированное загрязняющее вещество
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
halogenated pollutant
An organic compound bonded with one of the five halogen elements (astatine, bromine, chlorine, fluorine, and iodine). Several of these compounds contribute to reductions in the concentration of ozone in the stratosphere. (Source: OER / ERG)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > halogenated pollutant
19 chloride
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
A compound which is derived from hydrochloric acid and contains the chlorine atom in the -1 oxidation state. (Source: MGH)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > chloride
См. также в других словарях:
Chlorine trifluoride — Systematic name … Wikipedia
Chlorine perchlorate — IUPAC name Chlorine perchlorate Systematic name Chloro … Wikipedia
Chlorine monofluoride — Chlorine monofluoride … Wikipedia
Chlorine azide — Other names Chlorine nitride; Nitrogen chloride Ident … Wikipedia
Chlorine pentafluoride — Identifiers CAS number … Wikipedia
Chlorine nitrate — Chlorine nitrate … Wikipedia
Chlorine — Chlo rine, n. [Gr. ? pale green, greenish yellow. So named from its color. See {Yellow}.] (Chem.) One of the elementary substances, commonly isolated as a greenish yellow gas, two and one half times as heavy as air, of an intensely disagreeable… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chlorine family — Chlorine Chlo rine, n. [Gr. ? pale green, greenish yellow. So named from its color. See {Yellow}.] (Chem.) One of the elementary substances, commonly isolated as a greenish yellow gas, two and one half times as heavy as air, of an intensely… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chlorine — This article is about the chemical element. For the bleach, see Sodium hypochlorite. For the upcoming film, see Chlorine (film). sulfur ← chlorine → argon F ↑ Cl ↓ Br … Wikipedia
Chlorine dioxide — ClO2 redirects here. For the oxoanion with the formula ClO− 2, see chlorite. For the oxycation with the formula ClO2+, see Chloryl. Chlorine dioxide … Wikipedia
chlorine — chlorinous, adj. /klawr een, in, klohr /, n. a halogen element, a heavy, greenish yellow, incombustible, water soluble, poisonous gas that is highly irritating to the respiratory organs, obtained chiefly by electrolysis of sodium chloride brine:… … Universalium