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chips are down

См. также в других словарях:

  • chips are down — 1) the time when one faces the greatest obstacles When the chips were down he went to his father for advice and received his encouragement. 2) at the most important or dangerous time, when the winner and loser of a bet or a game will be decided… …   Idioms and examples

  • chips are down —    This expression refers to people s behavior in a difficult or dangerous situation when action must be taken.     It s when the chips are down that Jack is at his best …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • chips are down — See when the chips are down …   English idioms

  • when the chips are down — At a moment of crisis or critically important time • • • Main Entry: ↑chip * * * when the chips are down spoken phrase used for saying what happens when a situation becomes difficult or reaches an important point When the chips are down, you… …   Useful english dictionary

  • when the chips are down — {adv. cl.}, {informal} When the winner and loser of a bet or a game are decided; at the most important or dangerous time. * /Tom hit a home run in the last inning of the game when the chips were down./ * /When the chips were down, the two… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • when the chips are down — {adv. cl.}, {informal} When the winner and loser of a bet or a game are decided; at the most important or dangerous time. * /Tom hit a home run in the last inning of the game when the chips were down./ * /When the chips were down, the two… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • when the chips are down — when you are in a difficult or dangerous situation, especially one which tests whether you can trust people or which shows people s true opinions. When the chips are down, you need people around you that you can depend on. When the chips were… …   New idioms dictionary

  • when the chips are down — 1) the time when one faces the greatest obstacles When the chips were down he went to his father for advice and received his encouragement. 2) at the most important or dangerous time, when the winner and loser of a bet or a game will be decided… …   Idioms and examples

  • when the chips are down — when the right decision must be made, when you must win    When the chips are down when we are losing we play better. We need to be challenged …   English idioms

  • when the chips are down — spoken used for saying what happens when a situation becomes difficult or reaches an important point When the chips are down, you won t get any help from her …   English dictionary

  • when the chips are down — ► when the chips are down informal when a very serious situation arises. Main Entry: ↑chip …   English terms dictionary

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