1 старшая медсестра
2 медсестра
1. trained nurseмедсестра, ведущая архив — bank nurse
2. nurseСинонимический ряд:медицинская сестра (сущ.) медицинская сестра; милосердная сестра; сестра; сестра милосердия -
3 старший
1. bossстарший рабочий; десятник; артельщик — gang boss
2. chief3. eldest4. high-orderцифра старшего разряда; старший разряд — high-order digit
5. oldest6. ranking7. seniors8. superiors9. yardmaster10. elder; older; senior; eldest; oldest; higher; highest; foreman; first11. major12. senior13. superiorСинонимический ряд:взрослый (прил.) большой; взрослыйАнтонимический ряд: -
4 старшая медсестра
1) General subject: matron2) Medicine: head nurse3) Military: state registered nurse (СВ)4) Makarov: chief nurse -
5 главная медсестра
Logistics: principal chief nurse -
6 главная медсестра
7 старший
прл1) более старый older; о брате, сестре и т. п. elderста́ршее поколе́ние — the older generation
ста́рший брат — sb's elder brother
Джон Смит-ста́рший — John Smith the elder/AE Senior, сокр Sr., Snr.
он на два го́да ста́рше жены́ — he's two years older than his wife
2) самый старый the oldest; в семье the eldestса́мый ста́рший студе́нт в гру́ппе — the oldest student of/in the group
ста́рший из всех бра́тьев — the eldest brother
3) по должности, званию senior; главный chief, head attrста́ршие офице́ры — senior officers
ста́рший инспе́ктор — chief inspector
ста́ршая медсестра́ — head nurse, sister
ста́ршие кла́ссы шко́лы — senior classes, upper school sg, AE high school sg
4) в знач сущ м человек во главе чего-л chief, head, man in charge; по званию, рангу senior, superiorприве́тствовать ста́рших по зва́нию — to salute one's superiors
5) в знач сущ м взрослый adult, grown-up (person)ста́ршие в семье́ — the/ one's elders
уважа́ть ста́рших — to have respect for/to respect one's seniors
См. также в других словарях:
Nurse Corps (United States Army) — Army Nurse Corps (U.S. Army) The Army Nurse Corps branch insignia Active 1901 – present day Country United States … Wikipedia
Nurse anesthetist — A nurse anesthetist is a nurse who specializes in the administration of anesthesia. In the United States, a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) who has acquired graduate level education… … Wikipedia
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Nurse 3D — Concept art Directed by Doug Aarniokoski Produced by Marc Bienstock … Wikipedia
Chief of Naval Operations — Incumbent: ADM Jonathan W. Greenert since: September 23, 2011 … Wikipedia
Chief of Chaplains of the United States Navy — Incumbent: RADM Mark L. Tidd since: August 27, 2010 First … Wikipedia
Chief of Chaplains of the United States Army — Incumbent: MG Donald L. Rutherford Since: July 22, 2011 First … Wikipedia
Chief Bromden — is a fictional character in Ken Kesey s 1962 novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest , which was later made into a play and into a film, both sharing the same title as the novel. In the former two, he is the narrator of the story. He was portrayed… … Wikipedia
Nurse Ratched — Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratched in the 1975 film. Nurse Mildred Ratched is the primary antagonist from Ken Kesey s 1962 novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, as well as the 1975 film. A cold, sociopathic tyrant, Nurse Ratched has become the… … Wikipedia
nurse — I UK [nɜː(r)s] / US [nɜrs] noun [countable] Word forms nurse : singular nurse plural nurses *** 1) a) someone who is trained to look after ill or injured people, usually in a hospital b) someone who performs basic health checks and gives… … English dictionary
Chief of Staff of the United States Army — Not to be confused with United States Secretary of the Army. Chief of Staff of the Army Incumbent: GEN Raymond T. Odierno Since: September 7, 2011 … Wikipedia