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См. также в других словарях:

  • Chronic endothelial injury hypothesis — The chronic endothelial injury hypothesis is one of two major mechanisms postulated to explain the underlying cause of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease (CHD), the other being the lipid hypothesis. Although an ongoing debate involving… …   Wikipedia

  • Duffy antigen system — Duffy blood group, chemokine receptor Identifiers Symbols DARC; CCBP1; CD234; Dfy; FY; GPD External IDs …   Wikipedia

  • CCR5 — Chemokine (C C motif) receptor 5 Rendering based on PDB 1ND8 …   Wikipedia

  • Osteopontin — Secreted phosphoprotein 1 Rendering based on PDB 3CXD …   Wikipedia

  • Osteostimulation — is a technique attempted for improving healing of bone injuries or defects. It has not however been found to be significantly effective in increasing bone healing.[1] It was believed to work through the active stimulation of osteoblast… …   Wikipedia

  • syndrome — The aggregate of symptoms and signs associated with any morbid process, and constituting together the picture of the disease. SEE ALSO: disease. [G. s., a running together, tumultuous concourse; (in med.) a concurrence of symptoms, fr. syn,… …   Medical dictionary

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