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См. также в других словарях:

  • chem — chem·a·ku·an; chem·a·kum; chem·e·hue·vi; chem·i·at·ric; chem·i·cal·i·za·tion; chem·i·cal·ize; chem·i·cal·ly; chem·i·graph; chem·i·sette; chem·ism; chem·i·sorb; chem·i·sorp·tion; chem·ist; chem·is·try; chem·my; chem·nitz; chem·osmosis;… …   English syllables

  • Chem — may refer to: Chemistry In Ancient Egyptian usage: Khem (also spelt Chem), the Egyptian word for black Min (god), in the past erroneously named Khem CHEM may refer to : A metabolic panel: for instance, CHEM 7, which is the basic metabolic… …   Wikipedia

  • chem- — Chem , vor Konsonanten auch chemi , Chemi , chemo , Chemo [Chmie]: Bestimmungswort von Zus., die sich auf chemische Sachverhalte beziehen …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Chem- — Chem , vor Konsonanten auch chemi , Chemi , chemo , Chemo [Chmie]: Bestimmungswort von Zus., die sich auf chemische Sachverhalte beziehen …   Universal-Lexikon

  • chem... — chem..., Chem... [ç...] vgl. ↑chemo..., Chemo …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • chem|ur|gy — «KEHM ur jee», noun. a branch of chemistry that deals with the use of farm and forest products, such as casein and cornstalks, for purposes other than food and clothing: »Finding new uses for the soybean has been one of the achievements of the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Chem — Chem, ägypt. Gottheit, s. Min …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Chem. — Chem., bei Tiernamen Abkürzung für Johann Hieronymus Chemnitz (s.d.) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • chem — abbrev. 1. chemical(s) 2. chemist 3. chemistry * * * …   Universalium

  • chem. — chem. (chemical) adj. pertaining to chemistry, used in a chemical process, produced by a chemical process …   English contemporary dictionary

  • chem- — chem. aff. var. of chemo before a vowel: chemosmosis[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

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