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  • 1 cheer

    • osoittaa suosiota
    • hyvä-huuto
    • hyvähuuto
    • iloisuus
    • innostaa
    • iloita
    • hei-huuto
    • hauskuttaa
    • hurrata
    • hurraa-huuto
    • hurraahuuto
    • eläköönhuuto
    • eläköön-huuto
    • eläköön
    • ajanviete
    • kestitys
    • lohduttaa
    • mukavuus
    • suosiohuuto
    • suosionhuuto
    • piristää
    * * *
     iə 1. noun
    1) (a shout of approval, encouragement or welcome: Three cheers for the Queen!) eläköön-huuto
    2) (mood: Be of good cheer.) tuuli
    2. verb
    (to give a shout of approval etc (to): The crowd cheered the new champion.) hurrata
    - cheerfully
    - cheerfulness
    - cheerless
    - cheers!
    - cheery
    - cheerily
    - cheeriness
    - cheer up

    English-Finnish dictionary > cheer

  • 2 cheer up

    • rohkaista
    • ilahduttaa
    • ilostuttaa
    • viihdyttää
    • virkistää
    • virkistyä
    • elvyttää
    • reipastua
    • reipastuttaa
    • piristyä
    • piristää
    * * *
    (to make or become (more cheerful): He cheered up when he saw her; The flowers will cheer her up.) piristää, piristyä

    English-Finnish dictionary > cheer up

  • 3 cheer on

    • innostaa
    • yllyttää

    English-Finnish dictionary > cheer on

  • 4 cheer!

    • eläköön!

    English-Finnish dictionary > cheer!

  • 5 cheer group

    • huutosakki
    • huutokuoro

    English-Finnish dictionary > cheer group

  • 6 of good cheer

    • rohkealla
    • iloisella mielellä

    English-Finnish dictionary > of good cheer

  • 7 buck up

    • rohkeutta
    • rohkaista
    • virkistää
    • kiirehdi
    • piristää
    * * *
    1) (to hurry: You'd better buck up if you want to catch the bus.) pitää kiirettä
    2) (to cheer up: She bucked up when she heard the news.) piristyä

    English-Finnish dictionary > buck up

  • 8 half-hearted

    • innoton
    • epäröivä
    • vaisu
    • puolinainen
    • penseä
    • laimea
    * * *
    adjective (not eager; done without enthusiasm: a half-hearted cheer/attempt.) puolinainen

    English-Finnish dictionary > half-hearted

  • 9 hearten

    • rohkaista
    • innostaa
    * * *
    verb (to encourage or cheer up: We were greatly heartened by the good news.) rohkaista

    English-Finnish dictionary > hearten

  • 10 hearty

    • runsas
    • tukeva
    • hyvä
    • hyväntuulinen
    • hyväntahtoinen
    • hyvänsuopa
    • hyväsydäminen
    • innostunut
    • herttainen
    • hellä
    • vilpitön
    • elinvoimainen
    • vahva
    • rakastettava
    • terve
    • lempeä
    • harras
    • pehmeä
    • sydämellinen
    • kultainen
    • lämmin
    * * *
    1) (very friendly: a hearty welcome.) sydämellinen
    2) (enthusiastic: a hearty cheer.) innostunut
    3) (very cheerful; too cheerful: a hearty person/laugh.) hilpeä
    4) ((of meals) large: He ate a hearty breakfast.) tukeva
    5) ((of a person's appetite) large.) hyvä

    English-Finnish dictionary > hearty

  • 11 with one accord

    • yksimielisesti
    * * *
    ((everybody) in agreement: With one accord they stood up to cheer him.) yksimielisesti

    English-Finnish dictionary > with one accord

См. также в других словарях:

  • cheer — cheer·er; cheer·ful; cheer·ful·ize; cheer·ful·ly; cheer·ful·ness; cheer·i·ly; cheer·i·ness; cheer·ing·ly; cheer·io; cheer·less; cheer·less·ly; cheer·less·ness; cheer; en·cheer; ma·cheer; cheer·ly; un·cheer·ful·ness; …   English syllables

  • Cheer — (ch[=e]r), n. [OE. chere face, welcome, cheer, OF. chiere, F. ch[ e]re, fr. LL. cara face, Gr. ka ra head; akin to Skr. [,c]iras, L. cerebrum brain, G. hirn, and E. cranium.] 1. The face; the countenance or its expression. [Obs.] Sweat of thy… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cheer on — ˌcheer ˈon [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they cheer on he/she/it cheers on present participle cheering on past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • cheer up — {v.} 1. To feel happy; stop being sad or discouraged; become hopeful, joyous, or glad. * /Jones was sad at losing the business, but he cheered up at the sight of his daughter./ * /Cheer up! The worst is over./ 2. To make cheerful or happy. * /The …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • cheer up — {v.} 1. To feel happy; stop being sad or discouraged; become hopeful, joyous, or glad. * /Jones was sad at losing the business, but he cheered up at the sight of his daughter./ * /Cheer up! The worst is over./ 2. To make cheerful or happy. * /The …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Cheer Up! — Cheer Up Studio album by Reel Big Fish Released June 25, 2002 …   Wikipedia

  • cheer — [n1] happiness animation, buoyancy, cheerfulness, cheeriness, comfort, delight, encouragement, exuberance, gaiety, geniality, gladness, glee, good cheer, hilarity, hopefulness, jauntiness, jocundity, joy, joyousness, lightheartedness, liveliness …   New thesaurus

  • cheer´i|ly — cheer|y «CHIHR ee», adjective, cheer|i|er, cheer|i|est. cheerful; pleasant; bright; gay: »a cheery smile. Sunshine and the singi …   Useful english dictionary

  • cheer|y — «CHIHR ee», adjective, cheer|i|er, cheer|i|est. cheerful; pleasant; bright; gay: »a cheery smile. Sunshine and the singi …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cheer — Cheer, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Cheered} (ch[=e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {cheering}.] 1. To cause to rejoice; to gladden; to make cheerful; often with up. Cowpe. [1913 Webster] 2. To infuse life, courage, animation, or hope, into; to inspirit; to solace… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cheer — Cheer, v. i. 1. To grow cheerful; to become gladsome or joyous; usually with up. [1913 Webster] At sight of thee my gloomy soul cheers up. A. Philips. [1913 Webster] 2. To be in any state or temper of mind. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] How cheer st thou …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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