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  • 1 траст с ведущей благотворительной целью

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > траст с ведущей благотворительной целью

  • 2 Wohltätigkeitsanstalt

    charitable establishment (institution);
    Wohltätigkeitsausschuss care committee, charity commission;
    Wohltätigkeitsbasar charity (bring-and-buy) bazaar, rummage (jumble, Br.) sale;
    Wohltätigkeitsbeitrag leisten to contribute to a work of charity;
    Wohltätigkeitseinrichtung charitable establishment, benevolent (charitable) institution;
    Wohltätigkeitsfonds charity (benevolent) fund, community chest (US, Canada);
    auf dem Wohltätigkeitsgebiet beispielhaft sein to subscribe liberally to charity;
    Wohltätigkeitskomitee distress committee;
    Wohltätigkeitskonzert benefit concert;
    Wohltätigkeitsorganisation charity (voluntary) organization;
    Wohltätigkeitsstiftung charitable trust;
    Wohltätigkeitstransfer einer Volkswirtschaft charity market;
    Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltung benefice (charity) performance, performance in aid of the poor, friendly lead (Br.), (Theater) benefit performance;
    Wohltätigkeitsverein charitable organization, fraternal (benefit, benevolent) society, benefit [association (club)] (Br.), Charity Organization Society (Br.), (staatlich anerkannt) approved society (Br.);
    Wohltätigkeitsverein auf Gegenseitigkeit mutual benefit association;
    Wohltätigkeitszweck charitable use;
    jem. wie üblich etw. für seine bevorzugten Wohltätigkeitszwecke zur Verfügung stellen to come down to s. one’s favo(u)rite charity.

    Business german-english dictionary > Wohltätigkeitsanstalt

  • 3 organización

    1 organization, hierarchy, array, structure.
    2 institution, entity, organism, foundation.
    3 organizing.
    * * *
    1 organization
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    * * *
    femenino organization

    una organización sindicala labor (AmE) o (BrE) trade union

    * * *
    femenino organization

    una organización sindicala labor (AmE) o (BrE) trade union

    * * *
    1 = establishment, organisation [organization, -USA], institution.

    Ex: Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.

    Ex: The author of a document is the person or organisation responsible for its creation.
    Ex: The distinction between 'societies' and 'institutions' lies at the heart of the code.
    * Comité de las Organizaciones = Committee of Agricultural Producer Organizations (COPA).
    * comportamiento de las organizaciones = organisational behaviour.
    * comunicación dentro de una organización = organisational communication.
    * conducta de las organizaciones = organisational behaviour.
    * OPEC, la [Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo] = OPEC [Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries].
    * organigrama de una organización = organisation chart.
    * organización afiliada = sister organisation.
    * organización agraria = agricultural organisation.
    * organización a la que pertenece = parent organisation.
    * organización benéfica = aid agency, aid organisation.
    * organización cívica = community organisation.
    * Organización Cultural, Científica y Educativa de las Naciones Unidas (UNESCO = UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization).
    * organización de voluntariado = voluntary body, voluntary agency, voluntary organisation.
    * organización empresarial = business organisation.
    * organización intergubernamental (OIG) = intergovernmental organisation (IGO).
    * organización internacional = international organisation.
    * Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) = International Labour Organisation (ILO).
    * Organización Internacional de Normalización = ISO.
    * organización mafiosa = crime syndicate.
    * organización miembro de una asociación = partner organisation.
    * Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) = World Health Organisation (WHO).
    * Organización Mundial para el Comercio = World Trade Organization (WTO).
    * Organización para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) = FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation).
    * Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
    * organización que actúa en representación de otras = umbrella organisation.
    * OTAN (Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte) = NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation).
    * una pieza más en la organización = a cog in the wheel, a cog in the machine.
    * uno más de tantos en la organización = a cog in the wheel, a cog in the machine.

    2 = logistics, map, mapping, organisational setting, organising [organizing, -USA], setup [set-up], organisation [organization, -USA], work organisation, staging, set-up, structuring, implementation.

    Ex: Donald P Hammer, Executive Secretary of LITA, and Dorothy Butler, the Division's Administrative Secretary, handled all of the administrative details, arrangements, and logistics.

    Ex: A detailed study of a co-citation map, its core documents' citation patterns and the related journal structures, is presented.
    Ex: Recently, proponents of co-citation cluster analysis have claimed that in principle their methodology makes possible the mapping of science using the data in the Science Citation Index.
    Ex: Many students, after working with cases, have testified to the help they received in developing a clearer concept of the dynamics of human relationships in organizational settings.
    Ex: No course on management would be complete without articulating the principles of management (i.e., planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling).
    Ex: 'You know,' she had said amiably, 'there might be a better job for you here once things get rolling with this new regional setup'.
    Ex: This article discusses the history of the organisation of readers' camps for students of secondary schools in Slovakia which dates back to 1979.
    Ex: Quality of Work Life (QWL) can be defined as 'the degree to which members of a work organisation are able to satisfy important personal needs through their experiences in the organisation'.
    Ex: The author describes the success of a library in staging a series of music concerts as a public relations exercise.
    Ex: Areas of particular concern are: equipment set-up and use; helping develop search strategies, logon/logoff procedures; and emergency assistance when things go wrong.
    Ex: There are also suggestions for rules for structuring corporate body names.
    Ex: This software is important to the further implementation of the record format, especially in developing countries.
    * conocimientos básicos de búsqueda, recuperación y organización de la informa = information literacy.
    * desorganización = disorganisation [disorganization, -USA].
    * metaorganización = meta-organisation.
    * modelo de organización = organisational scheme.
    * organización bibliográfica = bibliographic organisation.
    * organización bibliotecaria = library organisation.
    * organización del trabajo = workflow [work flow], working arrangement.
    * organización de materias = subject organisation.
    * organización horizontal = flat organisation, horizontal organisation.
    * organización interna = organisational structure.
    * organización laboral = job structuring.
    * reorganización = respacing.
    * una organización de = a pattern of.

    * * *
    1 (acción) organization
    2 (agrupación, institución) organization
    una organización ecologista an ecological organization
    una organización sindical a labor ( AmE) o ( BrE) trade union
    organización de bienestar social welfare organization
    Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
    World Intellectual Property Organization
    World Trade Organization
    * * *


    organización sustantivo femenino
    organización sustantivo femenino
    1 organization: la organización del concierto fue un desastre, the concert was disastrously organized
    2 (asociación) organization
    Organización No Gubernamental (ONG), Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
    ' organización' also found in these entries:
    - aparato
    - desactivar
    - endosar
    - entrar
    - escala
    - F.A.O.
    - lucro
    - mafiosa
    - mafioso
    - ONG
    - OTAN
    - OUA
    - sede
    - seno
    - terrorista
    - adhesión
    - articulación
    - barón
    - boda
    - caritativo
    - correr
    - cuadro
    - cúspide
    - depurar
    - disolución
    - disolver
    - emplear
    - entidad
    - funcionario
    - infiltrar
    - ingresar
    - ingreso
    - integrar
    - jerarquía
    - marina
    - miembro
    - obra
    - ONCE
    - ONU
    - permanencia
    - pertenencia
    - programación
    - radio
    - remodelación
    - remodelar
    - renovación
    - renovar
    - representar
    - charitable
    - charity
    - disband
    - entrance
    - Interpol
    - join
    - lead
    - motto
    - NATO
    - NGO
    - nonprofit
    - organization
    - outfit
    - patron
    - picketing
    - PLO
    - policy
    - reshape
    - service
    - set-up
    - shake up
    - show
    - start
    - superintendent
    - system
    - top-heavy
    - trust
    - umbrella organisation
    - voluntary organization
    - watchdog
    - credit
    - in-house
    - insider
    - second
    - syndicate
    - united
    * * *
    1. [orden] organization
    2. [organismo] organization;
    las organizaciones sindicales the trade o US labor unions
    organización de ayuda humanitaria humanitarian aid organization;
    organización benéfica charity, charitable organization;
    organización de consumidores consumer organization;
    Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development;
    Organización de Estados Americanos Organization of American States;
    Organización Internacional de Normalización International Standards Organization;
    Organización Internacional del Trabajo International Labour Organization;
    Organización para la Liberación de Palestina Palestine Liberation Organization;
    Organización Mundial del Comercio World Trade Organization;
    Organización Mundial de la Salud World Health Organization;
    Organización de las Naciones Unidas United Nations Organization;
    organización no gubernamental non-governmental organization;
    Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries;
    Organización para la Seguridad y Cooperación en Europa Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe;
    Organización para la Unidad Africana Organization of African Unity;
    Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    * * *
    f organization
    * * *
    organización nf, pl - ciones : organization
    * * *
    organización n organization

    Spanish-English dictionary > organización

  • 4 McKay, Hugh Victor

    b. c. 1866 Drummartin, Victoria, Australia
    d. 21 May 1926 Australia
    Australian inventor and manufacturer of harvesting and other agricultural equipment.
    A farmer's son, at the age of 17 McKay developed modifications to the existing stripper harvester and created a machine that would not only strip the seed from standing corn, but was able to produce a threshed, winnowed and clean sample in one operation. The prototype was produced in 1884 and worked well on the two acres of wheat that had been set aside on the family farm. By arrangement with a Melbourne plough maker, five machines were made and sold for the 1885 season. In 1886 the McKay Harvester Company was formed, with offices at Ballarat, from which the machines, built by various companies, were sold. The business expanded quickly, selling sixty machines in 1888, and eventually rising to the production of nearly 2,000 harvesters in 1905. The name "Sunshine" was given to the harvester, and the "Sun" prefix was to appear on all other implements produced by the company as it diversified its production interests. In 1902 severe drought reduced machinery sales and left 2,000 harvesters unsold. McKay was forced to look to export markets to dispose of his surplus machines. By 1914 a total of 10,000 machines were being exported annually. During the First World War McKay was appointed to the Business Board of the Defence Department. Increases in the scale of production resulted in the company moving to Melbourne, where it was close to the port of entry of raw materials and was able to export the finished article more readily. In 1909 McKay produced one of the first gas-engined harvesters, but its cost prevented it from being more than an experimental prototype. By this time McKay was the largest agricultural machinery manufacturer in the Southern hemisphere, producing a wide range of implements, including binders. In 1916 McKay hired Headlie Taylor, who had developed a machine capable of harvesting fallen crops. The jointly developed machine was a major success, coming as it did in what would otherwise have been a disastrous Australian harvest. Further developments included the "Sun Auto-header" in 1923, the first of the harvesting machines to adopt the "T" configuration to be seen on modern harvesters. The Australian market was expanding fast and a keen rivalry developed between McKay and Massey Harris. Confronted by the tariff regulations with which the Australian Government had protected its indigenous machinery industry since 1906, Massey Harris sold all its Australian assets to the H.V. McKay company in 1930. Twenty-three years later Massey Ferguson acquired the old Sunshine works and was still operating from there in the 1990s.
    Despite a long-running history of wage disputes with his workforce, McKay established a retiring fund as well as a self-help fund for distressed cases. Before his death he created a charitable trust and requested that some funds should be made available for the "aerial experiments" which were to lead to the establishment of the Flying Doctor Service.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Further Reading
    Graeme Quick and Wesley Buchele, 1978, The Grain Harvesters, American Society of Agricultural Engineers (devotes a chapter to the unique development of harvesting machinery which took place in Australia).

    Biographical history of technology > McKay, Hugh Victor

См. также в других словарях:

  • charitable lead trust — see trust Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. charitable lead trust …   Law dictionary

  • Charitable Lead Trust — A trust designed to reduce beneficiaries taxable income by first donating a portion of the trust s income to charities and then, after a specified period of time, transferring the remainder of the trust to the beneficiaries. The whole idea of a… …   Investment dictionary

  • charitable remainder trust — see trust Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. charitable remainder trust …   Law dictionary

  • charitable remainder trust — An irrevocable trust that pays income to a designated person or persons until the grantor s death, when the income is passed on to a designated charity. A charitable lead trust by contrast allows the charity to receive income during the grantor s …   Financial and business terms

  • trust — n 1 a: a fiduciary relationship in which one party holds legal title to another s property for the benefit of a party who holds equitable title to the property b: an entity resulting from the establishment of such a relationship see also… …   Law dictionary

  • charitable trust — see trust Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. charitable trust n …   Law dictionary

  • Charitable trust — Wills, trusts and estates …   Wikipedia

  • Charitable trusts in English law — The High Court of Justice, which along with the Charity Commission has jurisdiction over disputes in charitable trusts. Charitable trusts in English law are a form of express trust dedicated to charitable goals. There are a variety of advantages… …   Wikipedia

  • United States trust law — Introduction Most law regulating the creation and administration of trusts in the United States is now statutory at the state level. In August 2004, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws created the first attempt to… …   Wikipedia

  • Development trust — Development Trusts are organisations which operate in the United Kingdom that are: community based, owned and led engaged in the economic, environmental and social regeneration of a defined area or community independent but seek to work in… …   Wikipedia

  • National Literacy Trust — The National Literacy Trust is an independent charity (registered No. 1116260) based in London, England, that promotes literacy. It was founded by Sir Simon Hornby, former chairman of the major national retail chain, WHSmith PLC. Its current… …   Wikipedia

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