1 charge/burden/mixture
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > charge/burden/mixture
2 charge/burden/mixture makeup
состав шихты; составление шихтыАнгло-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > charge/burden/mixture makeup
3 charge
1. n1) обязанности; ответственность; руководство (чем-л.)2) юр. обвинение3) pl расходы, затраты, издержки4) плата; сбор•to arraign smb on a charge of smth — привлекать кого-л. к суду по обвинению в чем-л.
to arrest smb on charge of conspiracy to murder — арестовывать кого-л. по обвинению в заговоре с целью убийства
to be in charge of smth — быть ответственным за что-л., отвечать за что-л.; руководить чем-л.
to bring a charge against smb — выдвигать обвинение против кого-л.; предъявлять обвинение кому-л.
to concoct / to cook up a charge — стряпать / фабриковать обвинение
to dismiss a charge — отвергать / отклонять обвинение
to drop a charge against smb — снимать обвинение с кого-л.
to fabricate a charge — стряпать / фабриковать обвинение
to face charges — подвергнуться обвинениям (в совершении чего-л.)
to file a charge against smb — выдвигать обвинение против кого-л.; предъявлять обвинение кому-л.
to jail smb on trumped-up charges — приговаривать кого-л. к тюремному заключению на основании сфабрикованных обвинений
to lay / to level / to make a charge against smb — выдвигать обвинение против кого-л.; предъявлять обвинение кому-л.
to plead guilty / not guilty to a charge of smth — признавать / не признавать себя виновным в чем-л.
to press charges against smb — предъявлять обвинения кому-л.
to prove a charge — доказывать / подтверждать обвинение
to put one's man in charge of smth — ставить своего человека во главе чего-л.
to rebuff a charge — отвергать / отклонять обвинение
to reject a charge — отвергать / отклонять обвинение
to release smb without charge — освобождать кого-л. из-под стражи без предъявления обвинения
to repudiate a charge — отвергать / отклонять обвинение
to substantiate a charge — доказывать / подтверждать обвинение
to support charges with statements from witnesses — подкреплять обвинения свидетельскими показаниями
to take charge — вступить в руководство, возглавить
- annual repayment chargesto throw out a charge — отвергать / отклонять обвинение
- bank charges
- banking charges
- baseless charge
- burden charges
- capital charge
- charge carries a ten year sentence
- charges facing smb
- charges of conspiracy against the state
- charges of corruption
- charges of incitement
- charges of obstructing the authorities
- charges of racketeering
- charges of sabotage
- conspiracy charge
- criminal charge
- disciplinary charge
- drug-sale charge
- drug-smuggling charge
- drunk driving charge
- espionage charge
- fabricated charge
- faked charge
- faked-up charge
- fixed charges
- fraud charge
- groundless charge
- he is in charge of personnel
- incurred charges
- insurance charges
- interest charges
- involuntary manslaughter charge
- loan charges
- manufactured charge
- marketing charges
- morals charge
- murder charge
- official charges
- on treason charge - port charges
- racketeering charge
- terrorist charge
- transport charges
- treason charge
- trumped-up charge
- unproven charge
- unwarranted charge
- user charge
- wanted on charge of smth 2. v1) поручать, вменять в обязанность; возлагать ответственность2) предписывать, приказывать; предлагать ( подчиненному)3) юр. обвинять; выдвигать обвинение, предъявлять обвинение•to charge smb in connection with smth — предъявлять кому-л. обвинение в связи с чем-л.
4 charge
charge [∫aʀʒ]1. feminine nound. ( = obligation financière) charges expenses ; [de locataire] maintenance charges ; [d'employeur] contributionsf. ( = attaque) chargeh. [d'explosifs, électrique] chargei. (locutions)• être à la charge de qn [frais, réparations] to be payable by sb ; [personne] to be dependent upon sb► en charge• être en charge de [+ dossier, problème, département] to be in charge of• prise en charge (par un taxi) ( = prix) minimum fare ; (par la Sécurité sociale) reimbursement of medical expenses2. compounds* * *ʃaʀʒ
1) ( fardeau) lit, fig burden, load; ( cargaison) ( de véhicule) load; ( de navire) cargo, freight; Nautisme ( fait de charger) loadingprendre quelqu'un en charge — [taxi] to take somebody as a passenger ou fare
prise en charge — ( dans un taxi) minimum fare
2) Architecture, Construction, Bâtiment load3) ( responsabilité) responsibilityavoir la charge de quelqu'un/quelque chose — to be responsible for somebody/something
prendre en charge — [tuteur] to take charge of [enfant]; [services sociaux] to take [somebody] into care [enfant]; [sécurité sociale] to accept financial responsibility for [malade]; to take care of [frais, dépenses]
prise en charge — ( par la sécurité sociale) agreement to bear medical costs
la prise en charge des réfugiés/dépenses sera assurée par... — the refugees/expenses will be taken care of ou looked after by...
4) Administration ( fonction) office5) ( preuve) evidence7) Électrotechnique, Physique chargecharge positive/négative — positive/negative charge
8) ( contenu)
charges nom féminin pluriel gén expenses, costs; (de locataire, copropriétaire) service charge (sg)les charges de l'État — government expenditure [U]
Phrasal Verbs:••* * *ʃaʀʒ1. nf1) (= fardeau, capacité de transport) load2) (explosive) charge3) ÉLECTRICITÉ, ÉLECTRONIQUE charge4) MILITAIRE charge5) DROIT charge6) (= rôle, mission) responsibilityavoir des enfants à charge — to have dependent children, to have children to support
Elle a trois enfants à charge. — She has three dependent children., She has three children to support.
à la charge de (= dépendant de) — dependent on, supported by, (= aux frais de) chargeable to, payable by
Les frais de transport sont à votre charge. — Transport is payable by you.
j'accepte, à charge de revanche — I accept, provided I can do the same for you one day, I accept, provided I can do the same for you in return one day
prendre en charge [groupe, mission] — to take charge of, [dépenses] to take care of
prendre en charge des passagers [véhicule, chauffeur] — to take on passengers
la prise en charge de qch MÉDECINE (= traitement) — the management of sth, (financiers) agreement to pay medical costs of sth
7) (= lourde responsabilité) burden2. charges nfpl[loyer] service charges* * *charge nfA1 ( fardeau) lit, fig burden, load; ( cargaison) ( de véhicule) load; ( de navire) cargo, freight; Naut ( fait de charger) loading; le mulet peinait sous la charge the mule labouredGB under its load; sept enfants, quelle lourde charge! seven children, what a burden!; prendre qn en charge [taxi] to take sb as a passenger ou fare; prise en charge ( dans un taxi) minimum fare;3 ( responsabilité) responsibility; avoir la charge de qn/qch to be responsible for sb/sth; avoir qn à charge to be responsible for sb; avoir trois enfants à charge to have three dependent children; il a la charge de faire, il a pour charge de faire he's responsible for doing; c'est à vous que revient la charge de le mettre au courant it's up to you ou it's your duty to let him know; il s'est bien acquitté de sa charge he carried out his task well; prendre en charge [tuteur] to take charge of [enfant]; [services sociaux] to take [sb] into care [enfant]; [sécurité sociale] to accept financial responsibility for [malade]; to take care of [frais, dépenses]; les enfants sont entièrement pris en charge all the expenses for the children will be paid for; prise en charge ( par la sécurité sociale) agreement to bear medical costs; prise en charge à 100% agreement to bear full medical costs; prise en charge (de personnes, frais) undertaking to accept responsibility; la prise en charge des réfugiés/dépenses sera assurée par… the refugees/expenses will be taken care of ou looked after by…; se prendre en charge to take care of oneself; être à la charge de qn [frais] to be payable by sb; [personne] to be dependent upon sb; mes neveux sont à ma charge I support my nephews, I have my nephews to support; ces frais sont à la charge du client these expenses are payable by the customer, the customer is liable for these expenses; à charge pour lui de faire but it's up to him to do; avoir charge d'âmes Relig to have the cure of souls; ⇒ revanche;4 Admin ( fonction) office; charge élective elective office; occuper de hautes charges to hold high office; charge de notaire notary's office;5 ( preuve) evidence; il n'y a aucune charge contre lui there's no evidence against him;7 Électrotech, Phys charge; charge positive/négative positive/negative charge; être en charge to be charging up; mettre en charge to put [sth] on charge [batterie, accumulateur]; conducteur en charge live conductor;9 ( caricature) caricature; ce rôle demande à être joué en charge this role needs to be overacted.B charges nfpl gén expenses, costs; (de locataire, copropriétaire) service charge (sg); les charges de l'État government expenditure ¢; charges directes direct costs; charges d'exploitation running costs ou expenses.charge d'amorçage Mil primer; charge creuse Mil hollow charge; charge de famille Fisc dependent; charge inerte Mil inert filling; charge limite maximum load; charge nucléaire nuclear warhead; charge de rupture Constr breaking stress; charge de travail workload; charge utile Transp payload; charges fiscales tax expenses; charges locatives maintenance costs (payable by a tenant); charges patronales employer's social security contributions; charges sociales welfare costs.retourner or revenir à la charge to try again.[ʃarʒ] nom féminincharge utile capacity load, payload3. [responsabilité] responsibilityà qui revient la charge de le faire? who has ou carries the responsibility for doing it?toutes les réparations sont à sa charge he will pay for the repair work, all the repair work will be done at his costà charge pour toi d'apporter le vin you'll be responsible for bringing ou it'll be up to you to bring the wineprendre en charge: nous prenons tous les frais médicaux en charge we pay for ou take care of all medical expensesles frais d'hébergement sont pris en charge par l'entreprise accommodation is paid for by the companyà ton âge, tu dois te prendre en charge at your age, you should take responsibility for yourself ou you should be able to look after yourselfa. [généralement] to be responsible for supporting somebodyprendre des frais/un orphelin à sa charge to take on the expenditure/an orphan4. ADMINISTRATION [fonction] office6. ÉLECTRICITÉcharge négative/positive negative/positive charge7. PSYCHOLOGIEcharge affective ou émotionnelle emotional charge9. [satire] caricatureretourner ou revenir à la chargeje t'ai déjà dit non, ne reviens pas à la charge! I've already said no, don't keep on at me!————————charges nom féminin pluriel[frais] costsà charge de locution prépositionnellej'accepte, à charge de revanche I accept, provided you'll let me do the same for youHouseholders and tenants in blocks of flats are required to pay charges, a monthly sum for the general upkeep of the building. In estate agencies, rent is expressed either including this sum ( charges comprises or cc) or excluding it ( hors charges or charges en sus). Sometimes, the charges include heating costs. -
5 chargé
charge [∫aʀʒ]1. feminine nound. ( = obligation financière) charges expenses ; [de locataire] maintenance charges ; [d'employeur] contributionsf. ( = attaque) chargeh. [d'explosifs, électrique] chargei. (locutions)• être à la charge de qn [frais, réparations] to be payable by sb ; [personne] to be dependent upon sb► en charge• être en charge de [+ dossier, problème, département] to be in charge of• prise en charge (par un taxi) ( = prix) minimum fare ; (par la Sécurité sociale) reimbursement of medical expenses2. compounds* * *ʃaʀʒ
1) ( fardeau) lit, fig burden, load; ( cargaison) ( de véhicule) load; ( de navire) cargo, freight; Nautisme ( fait de charger) loadingprendre quelqu'un en charge — [taxi] to take somebody as a passenger ou fare
prise en charge — ( dans un taxi) minimum fare
2) Architecture, Construction, Bâtiment load3) ( responsabilité) responsibilityavoir la charge de quelqu'un/quelque chose — to be responsible for somebody/something
prendre en charge — [tuteur] to take charge of [enfant]; [services sociaux] to take [somebody] into care [enfant]; [sécurité sociale] to accept financial responsibility for [malade]; to take care of [frais, dépenses]
prise en charge — ( par la sécurité sociale) agreement to bear medical costs
la prise en charge des réfugiés/dépenses sera assurée par... — the refugees/expenses will be taken care of ou looked after by...
4) Administration ( fonction) office5) ( preuve) evidence7) Électrotechnique, Physique chargecharge positive/négative — positive/negative charge
8) ( contenu)
charges nom féminin pluriel gén expenses, costs; (de locataire, copropriétaire) service charge (sg)les charges de l'État — government expenditure [U]
Phrasal Verbs:••* * *ʃaʀʒ1. nf1) (= fardeau, capacité de transport) load2) (explosive) charge3) ÉLECTRICITÉ, ÉLECTRONIQUE charge4) MILITAIRE charge5) DROIT charge6) (= rôle, mission) responsibilityavoir des enfants à charge — to have dependent children, to have children to support
Elle a trois enfants à charge. — She has three dependent children., She has three children to support.
à la charge de (= dépendant de) — dependent on, supported by, (= aux frais de) chargeable to, payable by
Les frais de transport sont à votre charge. — Transport is payable by you.
j'accepte, à charge de revanche — I accept, provided I can do the same for you one day, I accept, provided I can do the same for you in return one day
prendre en charge [groupe, mission] — to take charge of, [dépenses] to take care of
prendre en charge des passagers [véhicule, chauffeur] — to take on passengers
la prise en charge de qch MÉDECINE (= traitement) — the management of sth, (financiers) agreement to pay medical costs of sth
7) (= lourde responsabilité) burden2. charges nfpl[loyer] service charges* * *charge nfA1 ( fardeau) lit, fig burden, load; ( cargaison) ( de véhicule) load; ( de navire) cargo, freight; Naut ( fait de charger) loading; le mulet peinait sous la charge the mule labouredGB under its load; sept enfants, quelle lourde charge! seven children, what a burden!; prendre qn en charge [taxi] to take sb as a passenger ou fare; prise en charge ( dans un taxi) minimum fare;3 ( responsabilité) responsibility; avoir la charge de qn/qch to be responsible for sb/sth; avoir qn à charge to be responsible for sb; avoir trois enfants à charge to have three dependent children; il a la charge de faire, il a pour charge de faire he's responsible for doing; c'est à vous que revient la charge de le mettre au courant it's up to you ou it's your duty to let him know; il s'est bien acquitté de sa charge he carried out his task well; prendre en charge [tuteur] to take charge of [enfant]; [services sociaux] to take [sb] into care [enfant]; [sécurité sociale] to accept financial responsibility for [malade]; to take care of [frais, dépenses]; les enfants sont entièrement pris en charge all the expenses for the children will be paid for; prise en charge ( par la sécurité sociale) agreement to bear medical costs; prise en charge à 100% agreement to bear full medical costs; prise en charge (de personnes, frais) undertaking to accept responsibility; la prise en charge des réfugiés/dépenses sera assurée par… the refugees/expenses will be taken care of ou looked after by…; se prendre en charge to take care of oneself; être à la charge de qn [frais] to be payable by sb; [personne] to be dependent upon sb; mes neveux sont à ma charge I support my nephews, I have my nephews to support; ces frais sont à la charge du client these expenses are payable by the customer, the customer is liable for these expenses; à charge pour lui de faire but it's up to him to do; avoir charge d'âmes Relig to have the cure of souls; ⇒ revanche;4 Admin ( fonction) office; charge élective elective office; occuper de hautes charges to hold high office; charge de notaire notary's office;5 ( preuve) evidence; il n'y a aucune charge contre lui there's no evidence against him;7 Électrotech, Phys charge; charge positive/négative positive/negative charge; être en charge to be charging up; mettre en charge to put [sth] on charge [batterie, accumulateur]; conducteur en charge live conductor;9 ( caricature) caricature; ce rôle demande à être joué en charge this role needs to be overacted.B charges nfpl gén expenses, costs; (de locataire, copropriétaire) service charge (sg); les charges de l'État government expenditure ¢; charges directes direct costs; charges d'exploitation running costs ou expenses.charge d'amorçage Mil primer; charge creuse Mil hollow charge; charge de famille Fisc dependent; charge inerte Mil inert filling; charge limite maximum load; charge nucléaire nuclear warhead; charge de rupture Constr breaking stress; charge de travail workload; charge utile Transp payload; charges fiscales tax expenses; charges locatives maintenance costs (payable by a tenant); charges patronales employer's social security contributions; charges sociales welfare costs.retourner or revenir à la charge to try again.2. [alourdi] intricatetissu/motif trop chargé overelaborate material/pattern3. (figuré)4. MÉDECINEchargé nom masculin[responsable]chargé de cours ≃ part-time lecturerchargé de mission ≃ (official) representativeIn French universities, chargés de cours supervise courses, though they do not hold full-time positions. -
6 burden
burden ['bɜ:dən]1 noun∎ to be a burden to sb être un fardeau pour qn;∎ his guilt was a heavy burden to bear sa culpabilité était un lourd fardeau;∎ to increase/to relieve the tax burden augmenter/alléger le fardeau ou le poids des impôts;∎ Law the burden of proof la charge de la preuve;∎ Law the burden of proof rests with him c'est à lui qu'il incombe d'apporter des preuves∎ a ship of 500 tons burden un navire qui jauge 500 tonneaux(d) British Music (chorus, refrain) refrain m; figurative (theme, central idea) fond m, substance f;∎ what is the main burden of her argument? quel est le point essentiel de son argument?(a) (weigh down) charger;∎ to be burdened with sth être chargé de qch;∎ figurative to burden sb with taxes accabler qn d'impôts∎ I don't want to burden you with my problems je ne veux pas vous ennuyer avec mes problèmes;∎ she was burdened with guilt elle était rongée par un sentiment de culpabilité -
7 burden
burden [ˈbɜ:dn]1. noun• to be a burden to... être un fardeau pour...• we decided not to burden him with the news nous avons décidé de ne pas l'accabler avec cette nouvelle* * *['bɜːdn] 1.1) ( responsibility) fardeau m ( to somebody pour quelqu'un)the burden of guilt/responsibility — le poids de la culpabilité/responsabilité
2. 3.the burden of proof — Law la charge de la preuve
8 burden
A n1 ( responsibility) fardeau m (to sb pour qn) ; the burden of guilt/responsibility le poids de la culpabilité/responsabilité ; the burden of taxation la pression fiscale ; the Third World's debt burden le poids de la dette du Tiers-Monde ; to ease the burden on sb alléger le fardeau qui pèse sur qn ; this law imposes an extra burden on mothers cette loi constitue un fardeau supplémentaire pour les mères ; the burden of proof Jur la charge de la preuve ;4 Mus refrain m ;5 Naut jauge f.1 fig accabler (with de) ;2 lit surcharger (with de).1 fig accablé (with de) ;2 lit surchargé (with de). -
9 charge
A n1 ( fee) frais mpl ; delivery/handling charge frais de livraison/manutention ; electricity/telephone charges prix mpl d'électricité/du téléphone ; additional charge supplément m ; small ou token charge participation f ; there's a charge of £2 for postage il y a 2 livres de frais de port ; there's no charge for installation l'installation est gratuite ; free of charge gratuitement ; at no extra charge sans supplément ;2 Jur inculpation f ; murder/robbery charge inculpation d'assassinat/de vol ; to be arrested on a charge of sth être arrêté sous l'inculpation de qch ; criminal charges poursuites fpl criminelles ; to bring charges porter plainte ; to prefer ou press charges against sth engager des poursuites contre qch ; to drop the charges abandonner les poursuites ; all charges against him have been dropped on a abandonné toutes les poursuites lancées contre lui ; to put sb on a charge for theft Mil accuser qn de vol ;3 ( accusation) accusation f (of de) ; this leaves you open to charges of cela laisse la porte ouverte aux accusations de [nepotism, cynicism] ;5 Comm ( credit account) is it cash or charge? vous payez en liquide ou je le mets sur votre compte? ;6 ( control) to be in charge gen être responsable ; Mil commander ; the person in charge le/la responsable ; the officer in charge of the enquiry l'officier responsable de l'enquête ; to be in charge of doing être responsable de faire ; to put sb in charge of sth confier la charge de qch à qn [company, plane, project] ; confier qch à qn [transport, training] ; to take charge of assumer la charge de ; to have charge of être chargé de ; the pupils in my charge les élèves à ma charge ; to take charge prendre les choses en main ; I've left Paul in charge c'est Paul qui sera responsable ;7 ( person in one's care) ( child) enfant m dont on s'occupe ; ( pupil) élève mf ; ( patient) malade mf ;8 ( explosive) charge f ;10 ( burden) fardeau m (on pour) ;11 Relig cure f.B vtr1 Comm, Fin faire payer [customer] ; prélever [commission] ; percevoir [interest] (on sur) ; to charge sb for sth faire payer qch à qn [postage, call] ; we charge postage to the customer nous facturons les frais d'envois au client ; how much do you charge? vous prenez combien? ; I charge £20 an hour je prends 20 livres de l'heure ; my agent charges 10% commission mon agent prélève 10% de commission ; interest is charged at 2% a month l'intérêt perçu sera de 2% par mois ; labour is charged at £25 per hour il faut compter 25 livres de l'heure pour la main-d'œuvre ; what do you charge for doing…? combien faut-il compter pour faire…? ; to charge sb extra faire payer un supplément à qn ; I charge double at weekends le week-end je fais payer le double ;2 ( pay on account) to charge sth to mettre qch sur [account] ; I charge everything je mets tout sur mon compte ;3 Jur [police] inculper [suspect] ; to charge sb with inculper qn de [crime] ; to charge sb with doing inculper qn pour avoir fait ;4 ( accuse) accuser (with de) ; to charge sb with doing accuser qn de faire ;7 sout ( order) to charge sb to do ordonner à qn de faire ; to charge sb with doing charger qn de faire.C vi1 ( demand payment) to charge for faire payer [delivery, admission] ; I don't charge for that je ne fais pas payer ça ;2 ( rush at) to charge at [troops] charger [enemy, gates] ; [bull] foncer sur [person] ; charge! à l'attaque! ;3 ( run) se précipiter (into dans ; out of de) ; to charge across ou through traverser [qch] à toute vitesse [room, garden] ; to charge up/down monter/descendre [qch] à toute vitesse [stairs, road]. -
10 charge
charge [tʃɑ:dʒ]frais ⇒ 1 (a) inculpation ⇒ 1 (b) accusation ⇒ 1 (c) responsabilité ⇒ 1 (d) charge ⇒ 1 (e), 1 (g), 1 (h) faire payer ⇒ 2 (a) accuser ⇒ 2 (c) inculper ⇒ 2 (d) charger ⇒ 2 (e), 2 (g)-(i), 3 (b), 3 (c)1 noun∎ administrative charges frais mpl de dossier;∎ postal/telephone charges frais mpl postaux/téléphoniques;∎ there's a charge of one pound for use of the locker il faut payer une livre pour utiliser la consigne automatique;∎ is there any extra charge for a single room? est-ce qu'il faut payer un supplément pour une chambre à un lit?;∎ what's the charge for delivery? la livraison coûte combien?;∎ there's no charge for children c'est gratuit pour les enfants;∎ it's free of charge c'est gratuit;∎ there's a small admission charge to the museum il y a un petit droit d'entrée au musée;∎ American will that be cash or charge? vous payez comptant ou vous le portez à votre compte?(b) Law (accusation) chef m d'accusation, inculpation f; (judge's address to the jury) réquisitoire m;∎ he was arrested on a charge of conspiracy il a été arrêté sous l'inculpation d'association criminelle;∎ you are under arrest - on what charge? vous êtes en état d'arrestation - pour quel motif?;∎ to bring or file charges against sb porter plainte ou déposer une plainte contre qn;∎ a charge of drunk driving was brought against the driver le conducteur a été mis en examen pour conduite en état d'ivresse;∎ the judge threw out the charge le juge a retiré l'inculpation;∎ she was acquitted on both charges elle a été acquittée des deux chefs d'inculpation;∎ some of the charges may be dropped certains des chefs d'accusation pourraient être retirés;∎ he pleaded guilty to the charge of robbery il a plaidé coupable à l'accusation de vol;∎ they will have to answer or face charges of fraud ils auront à répondre à l'accusation d'escroquerie;∎ she's laying herself open to charges of favouritism on risque de l'accuser de favoritisme(c) (allegation) accusation f;∎ the government rejected charges that it was mismanaging the economy le gouvernement a rejeté l'accusation selon laquelle il gérait mal l'économie;∎ charges of torture have been brought or made against the regime des accusations de torture ont été portées contre le régime(d) (command, control)∎ who's (the person) in charge here? qui est le responsable ici?;∎ she's in charge of public relations elle s'occupe des relations publiques;∎ can I leave you in charge of the shop? puis-je vous laisser la responsabilité du magasin?;∎ she was in charge of consumer protection elle était responsable de la protection des consommateurs;∎ I was put in charge of the investigation on m'a confié la responsabilité de l'enquête;∎ he was put in charge of 100 men on a mis 100 hommes sous sa responsabilité;∎ to take charge of sth prendre en charge qch, prendre ou assumer la direction de qch;∎ she took charge of organizing the festival elle a pris en charge l'organisation du festival;∎ he took charge of his nephew il a pris son neveu en charge;∎ he had a dozen salesmen under his charge il avait une douzaine de vendeurs sous sa responsabilité∎ to be a charge on sb être une charge pour qn;∎ she refused to be a charge on her family/the State elle refusa d'être une charge pour sa famille/d'être à la charge de l'État∎ the governess instructed her two charges in French and Italian la gouvernante apprit le français et l'italien à ses deux élèves;∎ the nanny is out for a walk with her charges la nourrice est partie se promener avec les enfants qu'elle garde ou dont elle a la charge(g) (duty, mission) charge f;∎ he was given the charge of preparing the defence on l'a chargé de préparer la défense;∎ Law the judge's charge to the jury les recommandations du juge au jury∎ soldiers made several charges against the demonstrators les soldats ont chargé les manifestants à plusieurs reprises∎ the battery needs a charge la batterie a besoin d'être chargée;∎ I left it on charge all night je l'ai laissé charger toute la nuit;∎ American familiar figurative to get a charge out of sth/doing sth (thrill) s'éclater ou prendre son pied avec qch/en faisant qch∎ the doctor charged her $90 for a visit le médecin lui a fait payer ou lui a pris 90 dollars pour une consultation;∎ how much would you charge to take us to the airport? combien prendriez-vous pour nous emmener à l'aéroport?;∎ they didn't charge us for the coffee ils ne nous ont pas fait payer les cafés;∎ you will be charged for postage les frais postaux seront à votre charge∎ charge the bill to my account mettez le montant de la facture sur mon compte;∎ I charged all my expenses to the company j'ai mis tous mes frais sur le compte de la société;∎ American can I charge this jacket? (with a credit card) puis-je payer cette veste avec ma carte (de crédit)?;∎ American charge it mettez-le sur mon compte∎ to charge that sb has done sth accuser qn d'avoir fait qch;∎ the Opposition spokesman charged that the Employment Secretary had falsified the figures le porte-parole de l'opposition a accusé le ministre du Travail ou de l'Emploi d'avoir falsifié les chiffres;∎ he charged his partner with having stolen thousands of pounds from the firm il a accusé son associé d'avoir volé des milliers de livres à l'entreprise∎ I'm charging you with the murder of X je vous inculpe du meurtre de X;∎ he was charged with assaulting a policeman il a été inculpé de voies de fait sur un agent de police∎ the police charged the crowd les forces de l'ordre ont chargé la foule;∎ the troops charged the building les troupes donnèrent l'assaut au bâtiment∎ I was charged with guarding the prisoner je fus chargé de la surveillance du prisonnier;∎ I charge you to find the stolen documents je vous confie la tâche de retrouver les documents dérobés;∎ she was charged with the task of interviewing applicants on lui confia la tâche d'interroger les candidats;∎ Law the judge charged the jury le juge a fait ses recommandations au jury(g) Electricity charger∎ to charge sb's glass remplir le verre de qn(a) (demand in payment) demander, prendre;∎ how much do you charge? combien demandez-vous ou prenez-vous?;∎ do you charge for delivery? est-ce que vous faites payer la livraison?;∎ he doesn't charge il ne demande ou prend rien∎ the rhino suddenly charged tout d'un coup le rhinocéros a chargé;∎ the crowd charged across the square la foule s'est ruée à travers la place;∎ suddenly two policemen charged into the room tout d'un coup deux policiers ont fait irruption dans la pièce;∎ she charged into/out of her office elle entra dans son/sortit de son bureau au pas de charge∎ charge! à l'assaut!(d) Electricity se charger ou recharger;∎ this battery won't charge cette batterie ne veut pas se charger ou rechargerBritish charge hand sous-chef m d'équipe;British charge nurse infirmier(ère) m,f en chef;British Law charge sheet procès-verbal m (établi par la police avant le passage d'un prévenu devant un tribunal)∎ we were obliged to charge off the whole operation il a fallu imputer l'intégralité du coût de l'opération à l'exercice∎ to charge sth up to sb's account mettre qch sur le compte de qn;∎ could you charge it up? pourriez-vous le mettre sur mon compte?;∎ she charged everything up to her account elle a mis tous les frais sur son compte(b) Electricity charger, recharger(battery) se (re)chargerⓘ THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE Ce célèbre poème de lord Tennyson fut inspiré par un épisode de la guerre de Crimée, en 1854: une poignée de soldats britanniques se sacrifièrent pour sauver le port de Balaklava (tenu par les Anglais, les Français et les Turcs) d'une attaque par les Russes. -
11 burden
= charge -
12 burden
1. n ноша; тяжесть; груз2. n мор. грузоподъёмность; регистровый тоннаж3. n вес партии материала4. n физ. вторичная нагрузка5. n бремя6. n горн. наносы, покрывающие породы7. n горн. отношение пустой породы к полезному ископаемому8. v нагружать9. v обременять, отягощать10. n тема; суть, основная мысль11. n припев, рефрен12. n уст. аккомпанементСинонимический ряд:1. accountability (noun) accountability; blame; liability; responsibility2. encumbrance (noun) affliction; cross; difficulty; encumbrance; grievance; hardship; impediment; ordeal; trial3. essence (noun) central idea; concern; core; effect; epitome; essence; gist; point4. load (noun) cargo; charge; clog; cumber; deadweight; duty; freight; haul; impost; lading; load; millstone; onus; payload; task; tax; weight5. refrain (noun) chorus; refrain6. substance (noun) amount; body; crux; drift; import; kernel; matter; meat; nub; nubbin; pith; purport; sense; short; strength; substance; sum and substance; sum total; thrust; upshot7. tax (noun) millstone; onus; tax; weight8. charge (verb) charge; clog; cumber; lade; load; lumber; saddle; task; tax; weigh; weight9. encumber (verb) encumber; exercise; freight; hamper; handicap; hinder; impede; lay; overload; strain; weigh down10. oppress (verb) afflict; oppress; trouble; vex; worryАнтонимический ряд:acceleration; airiness; alleviation; assuagement; consolation; disburden; ease; expedition; facility; free; liberation; lightness; mitigation -
13 charge
взимать имя существительное:лицо, состоящее на попечении (charge)глагол:взваливать (charge, load, saddle)записывать в долг (charge, score) -
14 chargé
Временный имя существительное:лицо, состоящее на попечении (charge)глагол:взваливать (charge, load, saddle)записывать в долг (charge, score) -
15 charge
1. n нагрузка, загрузка2. n зарядstatic charge — электростатический заряд; статический заряд
3. n сигарета с марихуаной4. n приятное волнение, возбуждение; наслаждение, удовольствие5. n запись о выдаче книг, абонементная записьto take in charge — арестовать, взять под стражу
6. n геральд. фигура7. n тех. шихта8. n метал. колоша9. n тех. горючая смесь10. n горн. заряд шпура11. v нагружать, загружать12. v обременять13. v насыщать; наполнять; пропитывать, пронизывать14. v наполнять15. v заряжать16. v поручать, вверять; вменять в обязанность; возлагать ответственностьtook charge of — взял ответственность; брал ответственность
17. v предписывать, приказывать; требовать; предлагатьthe watchmen were charged to remain at their posts — караульным было приказано оставаться на своих постах
18. v юр. обвинять; выдвигать или предъявлять обвинениеthe crimes charged against them — преступления, в которых они обвинялись
19. v вменять в вину; возлагать ответственность; приписывать20. v назначать, запрашивать цену, плату; взиматьcharge these goods to me — запишите эту покупку на мой счёт; счёт за покупку пришлите мне
21. v воен. атаковать22. v нападать, атаковать, набрасываться; напирать, наседать23. v газироватьзаписывать выдачу книг, делать абонементную запись
24. v наводить, нацеливать25. v юр. напутствовать присяжных заседателей26. v геральд. изображать на щитеСинонимический ряд:1. accusation (noun) accusation; allegation; complaint; crimination; denouncement; denunciation; imputation; incrimination; indictment; reproach2. assault (noun) assault; attack; encounter; invasion; onset; onslaught; outbreak; rush3. cost (noun) amount; assessment; cost; encumbrance; expense; fee; liability; price; price tag; rate; tab; tariff; toll4. duty (noun) commission; commitment; committal; devoir; duty; employment; imperative; must; need; obligation; office; ought; part; responsibility5. fee (noun) exaction; fee; toll6. instruction (noun) admonition; behest; bidding; command; commandment; dictate; direction; directive; exhortation; injunction; instruction; mandate; order; requirement; word7. load (noun) burden; cargo; deadweight; freight; load; millstone; onus; payload; task; tax; weight8. oversight (noun) care; conduct; control; custody; guardianship; handling; intendance; keeping; management; oversight; running; superintendence; superintendency; supervision; surveillance; trust9. ward (noun) dependant; dependent; subject; ward10. accuse (verb) accuse; arraign; blame; censure; cite; criminate; denounce; denunciate; impeach; incriminate; inculpate; indict11. appoint (verb) appoint; authorize; commission; delegate12. ascribe (verb) accredit; ascribe; assign; attribute; credit; impute; lay; refer13. attack (verb) assail; assault; attack; dash; invade; lunge; set on; storm14. bind (verb) bind; commit; obligate; pledge15. burden (verb) arm; burden; choke; clog; cram; cumber; encumber; fill; freight; heap; lade; load; lumber; pack; pile; saddle; task; tax; weigh; weigh down; weight16. command (verb) bid; command; demand; dictate; direct; enjoin; exhort; instruct; order; require; tell; warn17. permeate (verb) compenetrate; impenetrate; impregnate; interfuse; interpenetrate; penetrate; percolate; permeate; pervade; saturate; suffuse; transfuse18. rush (verb) boil; bolt; chase; fling; lash; race; rush; shoot; tear19. sell for (verb) assess; debit; exact; figure; impose; levy; price; sell for20. trust (verb) entrust; trustАнтонимический ряд:acquittal; exonerate; retreat; withdraw -
16 burden
бремя имя существительное:накладные расходы (overheads, overhead, overhead costs, overhead expenses, overhead charges, burden)глагол: -
17 charge
1. verb1) (to ask as the price (for something): They charge 50 cents for a pint of milk, but they don't charge for delivery.) cobrar2) (to make a note of (a sum of money) as being owed: Charge the bill to my account.) poner en la cuenta3) ((with with) to accuse (of something illegal): He was charged with theft.) acusar4) (to attack by moving quickly (towards): We charged (towards) the enemy on horseback.) cargar contra, embestir, arremeter5) (to rush: The children charged down the hill.) irrumpir6) (to make or become filled with electricity: Please charge my car battery.) cargar7) (to make (a person) responsible for (a task etc): He was charged with seeing that everything went well.) cargar
2. noun1) (a price or fee: What is the charge for a telephone call?) precio2) (something with which a person is accused: He faces three charges of murder.) acusación3) (an attack made by moving quickly: the charge of the Light Brigade.) carga4) (the electricity in something: a positive or negative charge.) carga5) (someone one takes care of: These children are my charges.) cargo (a cargo de), cuidado6) (a quantity of gunpowder: Put the charge in place and light the fuse.) carga•- charger- in charge of
- in someone's charge
- take charge
charge1 n1. cobro / precio2. acusación / cargo3. ataque / cargato be in charge mandar / ser el encargadocharge2 vb1. cobrar2. acusar3. embestir4. irrumpir / entrar corriendopeople charged into the store looking for bargains la gente irrumpió en la tienda en busca de gangastr[ʧɑːʤ]2 (responsibility) cargo■ my husband has charge of the children at weekends mi marido se hace cargo de los niños los fines de semana■ who is in charge? ¿quién es la persona encargada?3 SMALLLAW/SMALL cargo, acusación nombre femenino4 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL (attack) carga5 (explosive) carga explosiva6 SMALLELECTRICITY/SMALL carga1 (ask as a price - customer, amount) cobrar; (record as debit) cargar■ they charged me £20 for a haircut me cobraron £20 por un corte de pelo■ how much do you charge? ¿cuánto cobras?2 SMALLLAW/SMALL acusar ( with, de)3 SMALLELECTRICITY/SMALL cargar4 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL cargar contra, atacar1 (ask in payment) cobrar2 SMALLELECTRICITY/SMALL cargar3 (soldiers, police, etc) cargar (at, contra), arremeter (at, contra), atacar; (animal) arremeter (at, contra), embestir■ charge! ¡al ataque!, ¡a la carga!4 (rush) irrumpir\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be in charge of estar al cargo deto bring a charge against somebody formular una acusación contra alguiento charge somebody to do something ordenar a alguien que haga algoto drop charges retirar la acusación, retirar los cargosto take charge of something hacerse cargo de algoadmission charge / entry charge entradacharge account cuenta de créditocharge card tarjeta de pagocharge hand encargado,-acharge nurse enfermero,-a jefecharge sheet atestado policial1) : cargarto charge the batteries: cargar las pilas2) entrust: encomendar, encargar3) command: ordenar, mandar4) accuse: acusarcharged with robbery: acusado de robo5) : cargar a una cuenta, comprar a créditocharge vi1) : cargar (contra el enemigo)charge!: ¡a la carga!2) : cobrarthey charge too much: cobran demasiadocharge n1) : carga f (eléctrica)2) burden: carga f, peso m3) responsibility: cargo m, responsabilidad fto take charge of: hacerse cargo de4) accusation: cargo m, acusación f5) cost: costo m, cargo m, precio m6) attack: carga f, ataque mn.• munición s.f.n.• acusación s.f.• adeudo s.m.• capítulo s.m.• carga s.f.• cargo s.m.• cometido s.m.• embestida s.f.• encargo s.m.• encomienda s.f.• exhorto s.m.• gasto s.m.• gravamen s.m.• precio s.m.v.• acometer v.• acusar v.• adeudar v.• cargar v.• cobrar v.• embestir v.• encargar v.tʃɑːrdʒ, tʃɑːdʒ
1) c ( Law) cargo m, acusación fto bring o press charges against somebody — formular or presentar cargos contra alguien
to drop charges — retirar la acusación or los cargos
there is no charge for the service — no se cobra por el servicio, el servicio es gratis
free of o without charge — gratuitamente, gratis, sin cargo
3)a) c (command, commission) orden f, instrucción fb) ( responsibility)who is in charge? — ¿quién es el/la responsable?
to be in charge of something/somebody — tener* algo/a alguien a su (or mi etc) cargo
in the charge of somebody in somebody's charge a cargo de alguien; to take charge of somebody/something/-ing: she took charge of the situation se hizo cargo de la situación; Sarah took charge of the guests/of buying the food — Sarah se encargó de los invitados/de comprar la comida
c) c ( somebody entrusted)4) c u (Elec, Phys) carga f5) c ( of explosive) carga f6) ca) ( attack) carga fb) ( in US football) ofensiva f ( en la que se gana mucho terreno)
1) ( accuse)to charge somebody WITH something/-ING — acusar a alguien de algo/+ inf
2) ( ask payment) cobrarthey charged him $15 for a haircut — le cobraron 15 dólares por el corte de pelo
3) ( obtain on credit)she never carries cash, she just charges everything — (AmE) nunca lleva dinero, lo compra todo con tarjeta (de crédito)/lo carga todo a su cuenta
to charge something TO somebody — cargar* algo a la cuenta de alguien
4)a) ( entrust) (frml)to charge somebody WITH something/-ING — encomendarle* a alguien algo/que (+ subj)
b) ( command) (liter)to charge somebody to + INF — ordenarle a alguien + inf or que (+ subj)
c) ( allege) (AmE) aducir*6) ( Elec) \<\<battery\>\> cargar*
via)to charge (AT something/somebody) — ( Mil) cargar* (contra algo/alguien); \<\<animal\>\> arremeter or embestir* (contra algo/alguien)
charge! — al ataque!, a la carga!
b) ( rush) (colloq) (+ adv compl)[tʃɑːdʒ]1. NOUN1) (=accusation) (Jur) cargo m, acusación f ; (fig) acusación fthe charges were dropped — retiraron los cargos or la acusación
what is the charge? — ¿de qué se me acusa?
to lay o.s. open to the charge of... — exponerse a que le acusen de...
to bring a charge against sb — formular or presentar cargos contra algn•
he will appear in court on a charge of murder or murder charge — comparecerá ante el tribunal acusado de asesinatopress 2., 9)he was arrested on a charge of murder or murder charge — lo detuvieron bajo acusación de asesinato
2) (Mil)(Telec) charges tarifa fsing•
to put sb on a charge — arrestar a algncharge for admission — precio m de entrada
is there a charge? — ¿hay que pagar (algo)?
is there a charge for delivery? — ¿se paga el envío?
no charge for admission — entrada gratis, entrada gratuita
free of charge — gratis•
to make a charge for (doing) sth — cobrar por (hacer) algoprescription 2., reverse 3., 3), service 3.•
for a small charge, we can supply... — por una pequeña cantidad, podemos proporcionarle...4) (US) (=charge account)•
cash or charge? — ¿al contado o a crédito?5) (=responsibility)•
to have charge of sb/sth — hacerse cargo de algn/algoin charge•
the patients under her charge — los pacientes a su cargothe person in charge — el/la encargado(-a)
who is in charge here? — ¿quién es el encargado aquí?
in charge oflook, I'm in charge here! — ¡oye, aquí mando yo!
to be in charge of — [+ department, operation] estar al frente or al cargo de
to put sb in charge of [+ department, operation] poner a algn al frente or al cargo de; [+ ship, plane] poner a algn al mando de to take charge (of firm, project) hacerse cargo (of de)it is illegal for anyone under 16 to be left in charge of young children — es ilegal dejar a niños pequeños a cargo or al cuidado de alguien menor de 16 años
will you take charge of the situation while I'm away? — ¿te puedes hacer cargo de la situación mientras no esté yo?
6) (=person)7) (electrical) carga fto get a charge out of sth —
I got a big charge out of working with the Philharmonic Orchestra — disfruté muchísimo trabajando con la Orquesta Filarmónica
8) (=explosive) carga f10) (=financial burden) carga f•
to be a charge on... — ser una carga para...11) (Heraldry) blasón m2. TRANSITIVE VERB1) (Jur) (also fig) (=accuse) acusar ( with de)to find sb guilty/not guilty as charged — declarar a algn culpable/inocente de los delitos que se le imputan
he charged the minister with lying about the economy — acusó al ministro de mentir acerca de la economía
to charge that — (US) alegar que
2) (=ask for) [+ price] cobrarwhat did they charge you for it? — ¿cuánto te cobraron?
what are they charging for the work? — ¿cuánto cobran or piden por el trabajo?
to charge 3% commission — cobrar un 3% de comisión
3) (=record as debt)to charge sth (up) to sb, charge sth (up) to sb's account — cargar algo en la cuenta de algn
4) (=attack) [person, army] cargar contra, atacar; [bull etc] embestir5) (Elec) (also: charge up) [+ battery] cargar6) (=order)to charge sb to do sth — ordenar a algn hacer or que haga algo
I am charged with the task of modernizing the company — me han encargado la tarea de modernizar la empresa
7) (US) (in library)to charge a book — [reader] rellenar la ficha del préstamo; [librarian] registrar un libro como prestado
3. INTRANSITIVE VERB1) (=ask for a fee) cobrarthey'll mend it but they'll charge! — lo arreglarán, pero ¡te va a salir caro!
2) (=attack) [person, army] atacar; [bull] embestircharge! — ¡a la carga!
3) (Elec) (also: charge up) [battery] cargarseleave the battery to charge (up) for a couple of hours — deja que la batería se cargue durante un par de horas
4.COMPOUNDScharge account N — (US) cuenta f de crédito
charge card N — (Brit) (Comm) tarjeta f (de) cliente; (US) (=credit card) tarjeta f de crédito
charge nurse N — (Brit) enfermero(-a) m / f jefe
* * *[tʃɑːrdʒ, tʃɑːdʒ]
1) c ( Law) cargo m, acusación fto bring o press charges against somebody — formular or presentar cargos contra alguien
to drop charges — retirar la acusación or los cargos
there is no charge for the service — no se cobra por el servicio, el servicio es gratis
free of o without charge — gratuitamente, gratis, sin cargo
3)a) c (command, commission) orden f, instrucción fb) ( responsibility)who is in charge? — ¿quién es el/la responsable?
to be in charge of something/somebody — tener* algo/a alguien a su (or mi etc) cargo
in the charge of somebody in somebody's charge a cargo de alguien; to take charge of somebody/something/-ing: she took charge of the situation se hizo cargo de la situación; Sarah took charge of the guests/of buying the food — Sarah se encargó de los invitados/de comprar la comida
c) c ( somebody entrusted)4) c u (Elec, Phys) carga f5) c ( of explosive) carga f6) ca) ( attack) carga fb) ( in US football) ofensiva f ( en la que se gana mucho terreno)
1) ( accuse)to charge somebody WITH something/-ING — acusar a alguien de algo/+ inf
2) ( ask payment) cobrarthey charged him $15 for a haircut — le cobraron 15 dólares por el corte de pelo
3) ( obtain on credit)she never carries cash, she just charges everything — (AmE) nunca lleva dinero, lo compra todo con tarjeta (de crédito)/lo carga todo a su cuenta
to charge something TO somebody — cargar* algo a la cuenta de alguien
4)a) ( entrust) (frml)to charge somebody WITH something/-ING — encomendarle* a alguien algo/que (+ subj)
b) ( command) (liter)to charge somebody to + INF — ordenarle a alguien + inf or que (+ subj)
c) ( allege) (AmE) aducir*6) ( Elec) \<\<battery\>\> cargar*
via)to charge (AT something/somebody) — ( Mil) cargar* (contra algo/alguien); \<\<animal\>\> arremeter or embestir* (contra algo/alguien)
charge! — al ataque!, a la carga!
b) ( rush) (colloq) (+ adv compl) -
18 charge
1. noun1) (price) Preis, der; (payable to telephone company, bank, authorities, etc., for services) Gebühr, diethe patients in or under her charge — die ihr anvertrauten Patienten
the officer/teacher in charge — der Dienst habende Offizier/der verantwortliche Lehrer
be in charge of something — für etwas die Verantwortung haben; (be the leader) etwas leiten
put somebody in charge of something — jemanden mit der Verantwortung für etwas betrauen
take charge of something — (become responsible for) etwas übernehmen
bring a charge of something against somebody — jemanden wegen etwas beschuldigen/verklagen
4) (allegation) Beschuldigung, die6) (of explosives etc.) Ladung, die7) (of electricity) Ladung, die2. transitive verbput the battery on charge — die Batterie an das Ladegerät anschließen
1) (demand payment of or from)charge somebody something, charge something to somebody — jemandem etwas berechnen
charge somebody £1 for something — jemandem ein Pfund für etwas berechnen
charge something [up] to somebody's account — jemandes Konto mit etwas belasten
4) (load) laden [Gewehr]5) (Electr.) laden; [auf]laden [Batterie]charged with emotion — (fig.) voller Gefühl
6) (rush at) angreifen3. intransitive verbcharge somebody to do something — jemandem befehlen, etwas zu tun
1) (attack) angreifencharge! — Angriff!; Attacke!
charge at somebody/something — jemanden/etwas angreifen
he charged into a wall — (fig.) er krachte gegen eine Mauer
2) (coll.): (hurry) sausen* * *1. verb1) (to ask as the price (for something): They charge 50 cents for a pint of milk, but they don't charge for delivery.) berechnen5) (to rush: The children charged down the hill.) stürmen6) (to make or become filled with electricity: Please charge my car battery.) laden7) (to make (a person) responsible for (a task etc): He was charged with seeing that everything went well.) laden2. noun1) (a price or fee: What is the charge for a telephone call?) der Preis2) (something with which a person is accused: He faces three charges of murder.) die Anklage3) (an attack made by moving quickly: the charge of the Light Brigade.) der Sturm4) (the electricity in something: a positive or negative charge.) die Ladung5) (someone one takes care of: These children are my charges.) der Schützling6) (a quantity of gunpowder: Put the charge in place and light the fuse.) die Sprengladung•- academic.ru/12108/charger">charger- in charge of
- in someone's charge
- take charge* * *[tʃɑ:ʤ, AM tʃɑ:rʤ]I. nis there a \charge for children or do they go free? kosten Kinder [auch] etwas oder sind sie frei?what's the \charge [for it/this]? was [o wie viel] kostet es/das?what's the \charge for transfering the money? was [o wie viel] kostet es, das Geld zu überweisen?admission \charge Eintritt m, Eintrittsgeld ntthere is an admission \charge of £5 der Eintritt kostet 5 Pfundat no \charge kostenlos, kostenfreifor an extra \charge gegen Aufpreisfree of \charge kostenlos, gebührenfreifor a small \charge gegen eine geringe Gebühr\charges forward ECON, FIN Gebühr bezahlt Empfänger2. LAW (accusation) Anklage f (of wegen + gen); ( fig) Vorwurf m (of + gen), Beschuldigung f (of wegen + gen); (counts)there were \charges from within the party that... in der Partei wurden Vorwürfe laut, dass...this left her open to the \charge of positive support for the criminals dadurch kam der Verdacht auf, dass sie die Gewalttäter unterstütze\charge sheet polizeiliches Anklageblattto be/be put on a \charge of shoplifting wegen Ladendiebstahls angeklagt sein/werdento answer \charges sich akk [wegen eines Vorwurfs] verantworten; (in court also) sich akk vor Gericht verantwortenhe has to answer \charges for acting against the electoral law er muss sich wegen des Vorwurfs verantworten, gegen das Wahlgesetz verstoßen zu habento have to answer \charges for murder/tax evasion sich akk wegen Mordes/des Vorwurfs der Steuerhinterziehung verantworten müssento be arrested on a \charge of sth wegen Verdachts auf etw akk festgenommen werdenhe was arrested on a \charge of murder er wurde wegen Mordverdachts festgenommento bring \charges against sb Anklage gegen jdn erhebento face \charges [of sth] [wegen einer S. gen] unter Anklage stehen, sich akk [wegen einer S. gen] vor Gericht verantworten müssenshe will be appearing in court next month where she will face criminal \charges sie muss kommenden Monat vor Gericht [erscheinen], wo sie sich in einem Strafprozess verantworten mussto press \charges against sb gegen jdn Anzeige erstattenthe children under [or in] her \charge die Kinder in ihrer Obhut, die ihr anvertrauten Kinder; (when childminding) die Kinder, die sie betreutto place sb in sb's \charge jdn in jds Obhut gebento be in \charge die Verantwortung tragen [o haben]who's in \charge here? wer ist hier zuständig?she's in \charge of the department sie leitet die Abteilungshe's in \charge here hier hat sie das Sagenyou're in \charge until I get back Sie haben bis zu meiner Rückkehr die Verantwortungto have/take [sole] \charge of sb/sth (take responsibility) für jdn/etw die [alleinige] Verantwortung tragen/übernehmen; (care) sich akk um jdn kümmernthey need a nanny to have [or take] sole \charge of the children while they are at work sie brauchen ein Kindermädchen, das, während sie bei der Arbeit sind, die Kinder betreutto leave sb in \charge of sth jdm für etw akk die Verantwortung übertragen\charge on land [or over property] Grundschuld ffixed \charge Fixbelastung ffloating \charge variable Belastungto be a \charge on sb jdm zur Last fallen6. FINClass F \charge Steuergruppe Fthe battery has a full \charge die Batterie ist voll [aufgeladen]to be on \charge aufgeladen werdento leave/put sth on \charge BRIT etw aufladenthe emotional \charge of the piano piece made me cry das emotionsgeladene Klavierstück brachte mich zum Weinento sound the \charge zum Angriff blasenII. vi1. (for goods, services)to \charge for admission Eintritt verlangen2. ELEC laden, [sich] aufladen3. (attack) [vorwärts]stürmen, angreifen\charge! (battle cry) vorwärts!4. (move quickly) stürmenwe \charged at the enemy wir näherten uns dem Feindthe children \charged down the stairs die Kinder stürmten die Treppe hinunterto \charge up the staircase die Treppe hinaufstürmento \charge [or come charging] into a room in ein Zimmer stürmenIII. vt1. (for goods, services)▪ to \charge sth etw berechnenhow much do you \charge for a wash and cut? was [o wie viel] kostet bei Ihnen Waschen und Schneiden?to \charge sth to sb's account etw auf jds Rechnung setzento \charge commission Provision verlangen▪ to \charge sth to sb, to \charge sb [with] sth jdm etw berechnen [o in Rechnung stellen]to \charge the packing to the customer [or the customer with the packing] dem Kunden die Verpackungskosten in Rechnung stellenthe school didn't \charge me for the certificate die Schule hat mir nichts [o kein Geld] für das Zertifikat berechnetwe were not \charged [for it] wir mussten nichts [dafür] bezahlento \charge sb with murder jdn des Mordes anklagenhe has been \charged with murder/theft er ist des Mordes/wegen Diebstahls angeklagtto \charge sb with doing sth jdn beschuldigen etw getan zu habenshe has been \charged with murdering her husband sie wird beschuldigt ihren Ehemann ermordet zu habenthe report \charged her with using the company's money for her own purposes sie wurde in dem Bericht beschuldigt, Firmengelder für eigene Zwecke missbraucht zu haben▪ to \charge sth etw als Sicherheit für einen Kredit belasten4. ELEC▪ to \charge sth etw aufladenemotionally \charged [or \charged with emotions] emotionsgeladena highly \charged atmosphere eine hochgradig geladene Atmosphärethe room was \charged with hatred Hass erfüllte den Raumto \charge a glass ein Glas füllenplease \charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom! lasst uns unsere Gläser füllen und auf die Braut und den Bräutigam anstoßen!to \charge a gun ein Gewehr laden9. (make an assertion)▪ to \charge that... behaupten, dass...▪ to \charge sb to do [or with doing] sth jdn [damit] beauftragen [o betrauen], etw zu tun* * *[tʃAːdZ]1. n1) (JUR: accusation) Anklage f (of wegen)to bring a charge against sb — gegen jdn Anklage erheben, jdn unter Anklage stellen
what is the charge? —
to put a soldier on a charge — über einen Soldaten eine Disziplinarstrafe verhängen, einen Soldaten verknacken
you're on a charge, Smith! — das gibt eine Disziplinarstrafe, Smith!
3) (= fee) Gebühr fto make a charge (of £5) for sth — (£ 5 für) etw berechnen or in Rechnung stellen
his charges are quite reasonable — seine Preise sind ganz vernünftig
free of charge — kostenlos, gratis
5) (= position of responsibility) Verantwortung f (of für)to be in charge — verantwortlich sein, die Verantwortung haben
who is in charge here? —
look, I'm in charge here — hören Sie mal zu, hier bestimme ich!
to be in charge of sth — für etw die Verantwortung haben; of department etw leiten
to put sb in charge of sth — jdm die Verantwortung für etw übertragen; of department jdm die Leitung von etw übertragen
while in charge of a motor vehicle (form) — am Steuer eines Kraftfahrzeuges
the man in charge — der Verantwortliche, die verantwortliche Person
7)(= financial burden)
to be a charge on sb — jdm zur Last fallen2. vtto charge sb with doing sth — jdm vorwerfen, etw getan zu haben
to find sb guilty/not guilty as charged — jdn im Sinne der Anklage für schuldig/nicht schuldig befinden
2) (= attack) stürmen; troops angreifen; (bull etc) losgehen auf (+acc); (SPORT) goalkeeper, player angehen3) (= ask in payment) berechnenI won't charge you for that — das kostet Sie nichts, ich berechne Ihnen nichts dafür
4) (= record as debt) in Rechnung stellencharge it to the company — stellen Sie das der Firma in Rechnung, das geht auf die Firma (inf)
please charge all these purchases to my account — bitte setzen Sie diese Einkäufe auf meine Rechnung
6) (form= command)
to charge sb to do sth — jdn beauftragen or anweisen (form), etw zu tun7) (form= give as responsibility)
to charge sb with sth — jdn mit etw beauftragen3. vi2) (inf: rush) rennenhe charged into the room/upstairs — er stürmte ins Zimmer/die Treppe hoch
* * *charge [tʃɑː(r)dʒ]A v/t1. beladen, (auch fig sein Gedächtnis etc) belasten2. a) TECH beschicken3. ein Gewehr etc laden:the atmosphere was charged with excitement die Atmosphäre war spannungsgeladen4. ELEK eine Batterie etc (auf)ladenwith mit)charge sb with a task jemanden mit einer Aufgabe betrauen;charge sb to be careful jemandem einschärfen, vorsichtig zu sein8. belehren, jemandem Weisungen geben:charge the jury JUR den Geschworenen Rechtsbelehrung erteilen9. (with) jemandem (etwas) zur Last legen oder vorwerfen oder anlasten, auch JUR jemanden (einer Sache) beschuldigen oder anklagen oder bezichtigen:he has been charged gegen ihn ist Anklage erhoben worden;he has been charged with murder er steht unter Mordanklage;charge sb with being negligent jemandem vorwerfen, nachlässig (gewesen) zu sein;guilty as charged schuldig im Sinne der Anklagecharge an amount to sb’s account jemandes Konto mit einem Betrag belastenb) besonders US etwas mit Kreditkarte kaufen11. berechnen, verlangen ( beide:for für):charge sb for sth jemandem etwas berechnen;how much do you charge for it? wie viel berechnen oder verlangen Sie dafür?, was kostet das bei Ihnen?;he charged me 3 dollars for it er berechnete mir 3 Dollar dafür, er berechnete es mir mit 3 Dollar;12. a) MIL angreifen, allg auch losgehen auf (akk)b) MIL stürmenB v/i1. ELEK sich aufladen2. stürmen:charge at sb auf jemanden losgehenC s1. besonders fig Last f, Belastung f, Bürde f2. Fracht(ladung) f3. TECHa) Beschickung(sgut) f(n), METALL Charge f, Gicht fb) Ladung f (einer Schusswaffe, Batterie etc), (Pulver-, Spreng-, Schrot- etc) Ladung f:4. fig Explosivkraft f, Dynamik f:5. (finanzielle) Belastung oder Last:charge on an estate Grundstücksbelastung, Grundschuld fbe a charge on sth etwas beanspruchen7. a) Preis m, Kosten plb) Forderung f, in Rechnung gestellter Betragc) Gebühr fd) auch pl Unkosten pl, Spesen pl:charge for admission Eintrittspreis;at sb’s charge auf jemandes Kosten;free of charge kostenlos, gratis;what is the charge? was kostet es?;there is no charge es kostet nichtsbe on a charge of murder unter Mordanklage stehen;there are no charges against him es liegt nichts gegen ihn vor;a) (gegen jemanden) Anzeige erstatten,b) (gegen jemanden) Anklage erheben;a) gegen jemanden wegen einer Sache Anzeige erstatten,b) gegen jemanden wegen einer Sache Anklage erheben;a) die Anzeige zurückziehen,b) die Anklage fallen lassen;press charges Anzeige erstatten;return to the charge fig auf das alte Thema zurückkommen10. MILa) Angriff mb) Sturm m11. MIL Signal n zum Angriff:sound the charge zum Angriff blasen12. Verantwortung f:a) Aufsicht f, Leitung fb) Obhut f, Verwahrung f:the person in charge die verantwortliche Person, der oder die Verantwortliche;who is in charge around here? wer ist hier der Chef?;be in charge of verantwortlich sein für, die Aufsicht oder den Befehl führen über (akk), leiten, befehligen (akk);be in charge of a case einen Fall bearbeiten;have charge of in Obhut oder Verwahrung haben, betreuen;13. Br (polizeilicher) Gewahrsam:give sb in charge jemanden der Polizei übergebenb) jemandem anvertraute Sachec) REL Gemeinde(glied) f(n) (eines Seelsorgers), Schäflein n oder pl umg15. Befehl m, Anweisung f16. JUR Rechtsbelehrung f (an die Geschworenen)chg. abk1. change* * *1. noun1) (price) Preis, der; (payable to telephone company, bank, authorities, etc., for services) Gebühr, diethe patients in or under her charge — die ihr anvertrauten Patienten
the officer/teacher in charge — der Dienst habende Offizier/der verantwortliche Lehrer
be in charge of something — für etwas die Verantwortung haben; (be the leader) etwas leiten
take charge of something — (become responsible for) etwas übernehmen
bring a charge of something against somebody — jemanden wegen etwas beschuldigen/verklagen
4) (allegation) Beschuldigung, die6) (of explosives etc.) Ladung, die7) (of electricity) Ladung, die2. transitive verbcharge somebody something, charge something to somebody — jemandem etwas berechnen
charge somebody £1 for something — jemandem ein Pfund für etwas berechnen
charge something [up] to somebody's account — jemandes Konto mit etwas belasten
3) (formal): (entrust)4) (load) laden [Gewehr]5) (Electr.) laden; [auf]laden [Batterie]charged with emotion — (fig.) voller Gefühl
6) (rush at) angreifen3. intransitive verbcharge somebody to do something — jemandem befehlen, etwas zu tun
1) (attack) angreifencharge! — Angriff!; Attacke!
charge at somebody/something — jemanden/etwas angreifen
he charged into a wall — (fig.) er krachte gegen eine Mauer
2) (coll.): (hurry) sausen* * *(accusation) n.Anklage -n f. n.Amt ¨-er n.Angriff -e m.Aufladung f.Füllung -en f.Ladung -en f.Preis -e m.beladen v.belasten v.berechnen v.füllen v.laden v.(§ p.,pp.: lud, geladen) -
19 charge
1) плата; сбор; тариф; начисление; расход || требовать оплату; взыскивать2) цена || назначать цену; требовать цену3) долговое обязательство; дебет || записывать на дебет, дебетовать; относить на счёт (напр. покупателя)4) pl издержки; затраты5) обязанность; ответственность6) обвинение7) начислять издержки -
20 burden charge
См. также в других словарях:
charge (burden) materials — Смотри шихтовые материалы … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
charge — 1 n 1 a: something required: obligation b: personal management or supervision put the child in his charge c: a person or thing placed under the care of another 2: an authoritative instr … Law dictionary
burden — bur·den n 1: something that is a duty, obligation, or responsibility the prosecution has the burden of proving every element of the offense the statute imposes undue burden s burden of pleading the necessary elements 2 … Law dictionary
burden — n *load, cargo, freight, lading burden vb Burden, encumber, cumber, weigh, weight, load, lade, tax, charge, saddle are comparable when they mean to lay a heavy load upon or to lie like a heavy load upon a person or thing. Burden implies the… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Burden — Bur den (b[^u] d n), n. [Written also burthen.] [OE. burden, burthen, birthen, birden, AS. byr[eth]en; akin to Icel. byr[eth]i, Dan. byrde, Sw. b[ o]rda, G. b[ u]rde, OHG. burdi, Goth. ba[ u]r[thorn]ei, fr. the root of E. bear, AS. beran, Goth.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Burden of proof — Burden Bur den (b[^u] d n), n. [Written also burthen.] [OE. burden, burthen, birthen, birden, AS. byr[eth]en; akin to Icel. byr[eth]i, Dan. byrde, Sw. b[ o]rda, G. b[ u]rde, OHG. burdi, Goth. ba[ u]r[thorn]ei, fr. the root of E. bear, AS. beran,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
charge — [chärj] vt. charged, charging [ME chargen < OFr chargier< VL carricare, to load a wagon, cart < L carrus, wagon, CAR1] 1. Obs. to put a load on or in 2. to load or fill to capacity or with the usual amount of required material 3. to load … English World dictionary
charge — [n1] accusation allegation, beef*, complaint, gripe, imputation, indictment, plaint, stink*; concepts 44,317 Ant. exculpation, exoneration, freeing charge [n2] attack assault, blitz, blitzkrieg, invasion, mugging, onset, onslaught, outbreak, push … New thesaurus
Charge — Charge, n. [F. charge, fr. charger to load. See {Charge}, v. t., and cf. {Cargo}, {Caricature}.] 1. A load or burder laid upon a person or thing. [1913 Webster] 2. A person or thing commited or intrusted to the care, custody, or management of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Charge and discharge — Charge Charge, n. [F. charge, fr. charger to load. See {Charge}, v. t., and cf. {Cargo}, {Caricature}.] 1. A load or burder laid upon a person or thing. [1913 Webster] 2. A person or thing commited or intrusted to the care, custody, or management … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Charge sheet — Charge Charge, n. [F. charge, fr. charger to load. See {Charge}, v. t., and cf. {Cargo}, {Caricature}.] 1. A load or burder laid upon a person or thing. [1913 Webster] 2. A person or thing commited or intrusted to the care, custody, or management … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English