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  • 61 character

    n. karakter, natuur; figuur; teken; (in computers) teken; het digitaal aanduiden van een letter of ander teken; karakter beschrijving
    [ kæriktə]
    (ken/merk)tekenkenmerk, (karakter)trek
    tekensymbool, letter, cijfer
    persoontype, individu ook pejoratief
    personagerol, figuur
    2   Chinese characters Chinese karakters
    3   a suspicious character een louche figuur
         he is quite a character hij is me d'r eentje
    4   a character in a play een rol in een toneelstuk
    karakteraard, natuur
    schrifthandschrift, (druk)letters
    1   that's in character with his style dat past bij zijn stijl
         out of character niet typisch; ongepast
    1   a man of character een moedig/dapper man

    English-Dutch dictionary > character

  • 62 character

    /'kæriktə/ * danh từ - tính nết, tính cách; cá tính - đặc tính, đặc điểm; nét đặc sắc =work that locks character+ tác phẩm không có gì đặc sắc - chí khí, nghị lực =a man of character+ người có chí khí - nhân vật =the characters in a novel+ những nhân vật trong một quyển tiểu thuyết =a public character+ nhân vật nổi tiếng - người lập dị =character actor+ diễn viên chuyên đóng vai lập dị - tên tuổi, danh tiếng, tiếng =to have an excellent character for honesty+ nổi tiếng về chân thật - giấy chứng nhận (về năng lực, đạo đức...) =a good character+ giấy chứng nhận tốt - chữ; nét chữ (của ai) =books in chinese character+ sách chữ Trung quốc !in (out of) character - hợp (không hợp) với tính chất của diễn viên (vai kịch); hợp (không hợp) với đặc tính của ai

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > character

  • 63 character

    charakter m; (in novel, film) postać f; ( eccentric) oryginał m, dziwak(-aczka) m(f); ( letter) znak m
    * * *
    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) charakter
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) osobowość, charakter
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) reputacja
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) postać
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) dziwak
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) znak
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) cecha
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation

    English-Polish dictionary > character

  • 64 character

    характеристика; характерная особенность; аттестация; личные качества; характер; знак; символ; буква; условное обозначение; состав

    English-Russian military dictionary > character

  • 65 character

    ['kærɪktə] 1. n
    1) хара́ктер

    a man of character — люди́на з (си́льним) хара́ктером

    a man of no character — слабохара́ктерна люди́на

    2) репута́ція

    to gain the character of a miser — заслужи́ти репута́цію скупія́

    3) письмо́ва рекоменда́ція, характери́стика
    4) бу́ква; ци́фра, ієро́гліф
    5) роль; фігу́ра, по́стать, осо́ба

    characters of a play — дійові́ осо́би п'є́си

    a public character — грома́дський дія́ч

    a bad character — те́мна осо́ба

    6) розм. оригіна́льна (ексцентри́чна) люди́на
    7) власти́вість, озна́ка

    innate characters біол. — спадко́ві озна́ки

    8) літ. о́браз, геро́й, тип
    9) attr. характе́рний

    character actor — акто́р на характе́рних ро́лях

    2. v
    1) засві́дчувати; відзнача́ти
    2) заст. характеризува́ти

    English-Ukrainian transcription dictionary > character

  • 66 character

    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) skapgerð, lunderni
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) skapfesta
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) mannorð
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) persóna
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) furðufugl, sérkennilegur
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) letur(gerð)
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) (persónu-/skapgerðar)einkenni
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation

    English-Icelandic dictionary > character

  • 67 character

    sajátság, személyiség, jelleg, személy, betű
    * * *
    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) jelleg
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) jellem
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) hírnév
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) alak, személy
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) személyiség, figura
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) betű, karakter
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) ismertetőjel
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation

    English-Hungarian dictionary > character

  • 68 character

    I n
    1) характер; вдача; сильний характер; чесність; моральна стійкість
    2) характер; якість; природа; склад; штиб
    3) ( офіційний) статус; положення; ранг, звання, сан
    4) характерна риса; відмітна ознака, властивість; бioл. ознака
    6) письмова рекомендація; характеристика; атестація
    7) фігура, особистість
    8) дивак, оригінал
    9) лiт. герой, персонаж; тип; образ, діюча особа; роль ( у п'єсі)
    10) літера; буква; цифра; друкований знак; ієрогліф, ідеограма; шрифт; графіка, письмо
    11) знак ( астрономічний); умовна позначка; символ ( у мові комп'ютера)

    character graphics — символьна графіка, псевдографіка

    character mode — текстовий /символьний/ режим

    12) розпізнавальний знак; клеймо, марка, тавро
    13) шифр, код; тайнопис
    II a; мист. III v
    1) характеризувати; давати характеристику, оцінку (кому-небудь, чому-небудь)
    2) icт. описувати; зображувати
    3) icт. надписувати; вирізати напис; гравірувати

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > character

  • 69 character

    n. harf, harf türü, el yazısı; karakter, kişilik, huy, tabiat, ahlâk, özellik, nitelik; karakteristik yapı; şan, işaret, isim, sıfat; bonservis; kahraman
    * * *
    * * *
    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) kişilik, karakter
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) üstün bir özellik, takdir edilecek bir özellik
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) ün, şöhret, nam
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) karakter
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) ilginç kişi
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) harf, karakter
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) özellik, hususiyet
    - characterize, characterise
    - characterization, characterisation

    English-Turkish dictionary > character

  • 70 character

    • olemus
    • ominaisuudet
    • ominaisuus
    • romaanihenkilö
    • roolihahmo
    • rohtua
    • todistus
    • ihmisluonne
    • tuntomerkki
    • työtodistus
    • tunnusmerkki
    • tunnus
    • henkilökuva
    • henkilötyyppi
    • henkilöhahmo
    • henkilö
    • aakkonen
    • karakterisoida
    • karaktääri
    • kirjainmerkki
    • kirjain
    printing (graphic) industry
    • kirjoitusmerkki
    • leima
    • hahmo
    • merkki
    • perusolemus
    • peruspiirteet
    • persoonallisuus
    • maine
    • laatu
    • luonnonlaatu
    • luonne
    • luonteenlaatu
    * * *
    'kærəktə 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) luonne
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) luonteenlujuus
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) maine
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) henkilö(hahmo)
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) tyyppi
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) kirjain(merkki)
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) ominaispiirre
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation

    English-Finnish dictionary > character

  • 71 character

    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) raksturs
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) raksturīgas iezīmes; personība
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) reputācija
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) tēls; personāžs
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) tips
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) burts; rakstu zīme
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) raksturīga pazīme
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation
    * * *
    raksturs; raksturīga pazīme; personība, persona; tips; tēls, raksturs; raksturojums, rekomendācija; reputācija; rakstu zīme, burts; simbols, zīme; simbols; rakstura

    English-Latvian dictionary > character

  • 72 character

    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) charakteris
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) asmenybė, charakteris
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) reputacija
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) personažas, veikėjas
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) tipas
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) rašmuo
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) bruožas
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > character

  • 73 character

    n. karaktär, läggning; figur, personlighet; bokstav el. symbol; digital återgivning av en bokstav el. en symbol (data); personlighetsbeskrivning, beskrivning av egenskaper och benägenheter
    * * *
    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) karaktär, natur, beskaffenhet
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) [] karaktär
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) anseende, rykte
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) rollfigur, diktad person
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) personlighet, lustig typ (kurre)
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) typ, tecken
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) kännetecken, karaktärsdrag
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation

    English-Swedish dictionary > character

  • 74 character

    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) povaha, charakter
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) charakter
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) pověst
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) postava (ve hře)
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) podivín; číslo
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) písmeno, znak
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) vlastnost, charakteristický rys
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation
    * * *
    • znak
    • písmeno
    • postava
    • literární postava
    • charakter

    English-Czech dictionary > character

  • 75 character

    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) povaha
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) charakter
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) povesť
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) postava
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) zvláštny človek
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) písmeno, znak
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) charakteristická črta
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation
    * * *
    • základný
    • znak
    • znacka
    • rys
    • symbol
    • charakter
    • písmeno
    • povaha
    • postava (v hre)

    English-Slovak dictionary > character

  • 76 character

    1. офіційна якість; становище; статус
    2. фігура, особистість
    3. характерна особливість, якість
    - residual character додатковий/ залишковий характер; диспозитивний характер
    - to speak in the character of smbd. виступати у якості когось

    English-Ukrainian diplomatic dictionary > character

  • 77 character

    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) fire; gen
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) caracter
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) reputaţie
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) per­­sonaj
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) personaj
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) caracter; literă
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) caracte­ristică
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation

    English-Romanian dictionary > character

  • 78 character

    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) χαρακτήρας
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) χαρακτήρας
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) υπόληψη
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) πρόσωπο έργου
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) τύπος
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) χαρακτήρας (γράμμα)
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) χαρακτηριστικό
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation

    English-Greek dictionary > character

  • 79 character

    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) caractère; genre
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) caractère
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) réputation
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) personnage
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) numéro
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) caractère
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) caractéristique
    - characterize - characterise - characterization - characterisation

    English-French dictionary > character

  • 80 character

    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) caráter
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) caráter
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) reputação
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) personagem
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!) figura
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) caráter, tipo
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) característica
    - characterize - characterise - characterization - characterisation

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > character

См. также в других словарях:

  • Character — • A consideration of the term as it is used in psychology and ethics Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Character     Character     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Character — Char ac*ter, n. [L., an instrument for marking, character, Gr. ?, fr. ? to make sharp, to cut into furrows, to engrave: cf. F. caract[ e]re.] [1913 Webster] 1. A distinctive mark; a letter, figure, or symbol. [1913 Webster] It were much to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Character — Character(s) may refer to: Contents 1 Art and entertainment 2 Mathematics, science and technology 3 Symbols 4 Other …   Wikipedia

  • Character — Студий …   Википедия

  • character — Fowler (1926) argued that character should not be used (1) as an alternative to forming abstract nouns in ness, ity, etc., e.g. • Every housing site has its own unique character Country Life, 1972 [instead of uniqueness or…is unique], and (2) in… …   Modern English usage

  • character — [kar′ək tər, kar′iktər] n. [ME carecter < OFr caractère < L character, an engraving instrument < Gr charaktēr < charassein, to engrave < charax, pointed stake] 1. a distinctive mark 2. a) any letter, figure, or symbol used in… …   English World dictionary

  • character — [n1] individuality appearance, aspect, attribute, badge, bent, caliber, cast, complex, complexion, constitution, crasis, disposition, emotions, estimation, ethos, frame, frame of mind, genius, grain, habit, humor, kind, makeup, mettle, mood,… …   New thesaurus

  • character — I (an individual) noun being, body, figure, human, human being, man, mortal, party, person, personage, personality, self determined being, somebody, someone II (personal quality) noun animus, aspects, attribute, bent, characteristic mood,… …   Law dictionary

  • Character — (engl.: „Charakter“ oder „Schriftzeichen“) steht für: Char (Datentyp), einen Datentyp in der Informationstechnologie Character (Album), ein Album der Metalband Dark Tranquillity Character indelebilis, untilgbares Merkmal, Begriff aus der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • character — (n.) early 14c., from O.Fr. caractere (13c., Mod.Fr. caractère), from L. character, from Gk. kharakter engraved mark, also symbol or imprint on the soul, from kharassein to engrave, from kharax pointed stake, from PIE root *gher to scrape,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • character — n 1 Character, symbol, sign, mark are comparable in the specific sense of an arbitrary or conventional device that is used in writing and in printing, but is neither a word nor a phrase nor a picture. Character suggests the distinctive form or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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