1 character cell
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > character cell
2 character cell
растровая ячейка, заполняемая одним символом. Воображаемый прямоугольник, границы которого определяют размер, ориентацию и взаимное расположение индивидуальных символов на экране. Например, в видеостандарте EGA знакоместо имело размер 8 х 14 пикселов.Syn:см. тж. descentАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > character cell
3 character cell
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > character cell
4 character cell
1) Техника: символьная ячейка2) Вычислительная техника: знакоместо -
5 character cell
вчт ячейка символа, матрица символа -
6 character cell
вчт. ячейка символа, матрица символаThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > character cell
7 character cell
знакоместо, знакопозиция ( местоположение символа)English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > character cell
8 character cell
ячейка символаEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > character cell
9 character cell
10 character cell width
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > character cell width
11 cell width
= character cell widthесли строка отображается без выравнивания, то ширина знакоместа для данного глифа (glyph) совпадает с его шагом (advance width)Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > cell width
12 cell
1) элемент2) ячейка3) гальванический элемент (первичный элемент, аккумулятор или топливный элемент)5) вчт ячейка (данных), пакет фиксированной длины ( в режиме асинхронной передачи данных)6) тлф сота7) клетка•- absorbing cell
- acid cell
- acid fuel cell
- acoustooptic deflection cell
- active cell
- air cell
- alkaline cell
- alcaline dry cell
- alcaline-manganese cell
- alkaline storage cell
- anchor cell
- application-specific integrated circuit cell
- aqueous-electrolyte fuel cell
- array cell
- ASIC cell
- asymmetrical cell
- azimuth cell
- back-wall photovoltaic cell
- bag-type cell
- barrier-layer photoelectric cell
- barrier photovoltaic cell
- base-centered cell
- base-centered Bravais cell
- basic cell
- Becquerel cell
- Becquerel photovoltaic cell
- Bernard cell
- bias cell
- bichromate cell
- bimorph cell
- binary cell
- biochemical fuel cell
- bipolar cell
- bit cell
- bistable cell
- blank cell
- blocking-layer cell
- body-centered cell
- body-centered Bravais cell
- boundary scan cell
- Bragg cell
- Bravais cell
- Bravais unit cell
- Brillouin cell
- B/S cell
- bubble cell
- bubble-lattice cell
- Bunsen cell
- cadmium normal cell
- cadmium selenide photoconductive cell
- cadmium-silver oxide cell
- cadmium telluride solar cell
- cad-telluride solar cell
- calomel half-cell
- canal fuel cell
- carbon cell
- carbon-zinc cell
- cartridge cell
- cationic membrane cell
- cesium plasma cell
- character cell
- chargeable cell
- charge-storage cell
- charge-transfer cell
- chromic acid cell
- Clark cell
- closed-circuit cell
- color cell
- color Bravais cell
- color unit cell
- concentration cell
- concentric fuel cell
- conductivity cell
- copper-oxide photovoltaic cell
- copper-zinc cell
- counter cell
- counter electromotive cell
- counting cell
- Crowe cell
- current cell
- cryogenic memory cell
- crystal cell
- crystallographic cell
- Daniell cell
- DDC cell
- decomposition cell
- delay cell
- dichromate cell
- diffraction cell
- direct fuel cell
- direct-oxidation fuel cell
- displacement cell
- divalent silver oxide cell
- Doppler-resolution cell
- double-fluid cell
- dry cell
- dry-charged cell
- dry-tape cell
- dual-dielectric charge-storage cell
- dye cell
- E-cell
- edge-centered cell
- edge-centered Bravais cell
- Edison cell
- EL cell
- electric cell
- electrode concentration cell
- electroluminescence cell
- electrolytic cell
- electrooptic liquid-crystal cell
- element cell
- emergency cells
- emission cell
- end cells
- end-centered cell
- end-centered Bravais cell
- face-centered cell
- face-centered Bravais cell
- Faraday cell
- ferrimagnetic cell
- ferrite cell
- ferroelectric cell
- ferromagnetic cell
- force cell
- front-wall photovoltaic cell
- fuel cell
- fuel-gas cell
- function cell
- functional logic cell
- fused-electrolyte cell
- galvanic cell
- ganglion cell
- gas cell
- gas-filled cell
- glass half-cell
- Golay cell
- Golay pneumatic cell
- gravity cell
- Grenet cell
- grid-bias cell - hexagonal cell
- high-temperature fuel cell
- hot cell
- hydroelectric cell
- hydrogen-air cell
- hydrogen-oxygen cell
- hypercube cell
- hysteretic memory cell
- indirect-oxidation cell
- ion-exchange cell
- ion-exchange membrane cell
- iterative master cells
- jumbo cell
- Kerr cell
- L-cell
- Lalande cell
- lattice cell
- lead cell
- lead-acid cell
- lead-calcium cell
- lead-dioxide primary cell
- lead sulfide cell
- leaf cell
- Leclanche cell
- light-sensitive cell
- Li-ion cell
- Li-pol cell
- liquid-crystal cell
- liquid-crystal display cell
- liquid diffraction cell
- liquid-gas cell
- liquid-liquid cell
- liquid-metal fuel cell
- lithium cell
- lithium-ion cell
- lithium-iron sulfide secondary cell
- lithium-pol cell
- lithium-polymer cell
- lithium-silver chromate cell
- lithium-water cell
- load cell
- logic cell
- low-temperature fuel cell
- macro cell
- magnesium cell
- magnesium-cuprous chloride cell
- magnesium-silver chloride cell
- magnesium-water cell
- magnetic cell
- magnetic tunnel junction memory cell
- magnetic unit cell
- manganese-magnesium cell
- master cell
- memory cell
- mercury cell
- metal-air storage cell
- metal fuel cell
- metal-based fuel cell
- metallic rectifier cell
- metal-oxide-semiconductor cell
- metal-semiconductor barrier cell
- microphoto cell
- molten-carbonate fuel cell
- molten-electrolyte fuel cell
- MOS cell
- multijunction solar cell
- Na/S cell
- nerve cell
- nickel-cadmium cell
- nickel-iron cell
- nickel metal-hydride cell
- NiMH cell
- n-on-p solar cell
- nonprimitive Bravais cell
- nonprimitive unit cell
- nonregenerative fuel cell
- nuclear cell
- organic-semiconductor solar cell
- oxygen concentration cell
- oxygen-hydrogen cell
- Penning cell
- photochemical cell
- photoconducting cell
- photoconductive cell
- photoelectric cell
- photoelectrolytic cell
- photoemissive cell
- photogalvanic cell
- photovoltaic cell
- photronic cell
- piezoelectric cell
- pilot cell
- planar solar cell
- Plante cell
- plasma cell
- Pockels cell
- polycrystalline-film photoconducting cell
- p-on-n solar cell
- postsynaptic cell
- pressure cell
- presynaptic cell
- primary cell
- primary fuel cell
- primitive cell
- primitive unit cell
- processing cell
- promethium cell
- protected cell
- Purkinje cell
- quinhydrone electrode half-cell
- radar cell
- Raman cell
- range-resolution cell
- rapid single flux quantum cell
- rectifier photoelectric cell
- rectifying cell
- regenerative fuel cell
- reserve cell
- resolution cell
- resolving cell
- resonance cell
- rhombohedral cell
- robotic work cell
- RSFQ cell
- Ruben cell
- rubidium gas cell
- sal-ammonia cell
- SAM cell
- saturated standard cell
- Schottky-barrier solar cell
- sealed cell
- secondary cell
- selenium cell
- silicon rectifying cell
- silicon solar cell
- silver-hydrogen cell
- silver-oxide cell
- silver-zinc primary cell
- single-bit storage cell
- slot cell
- solar cell
- solid-electrolyte fuel cell
- standard cell
- standard Daniell cell
- Stark cell
- storage cell
- synchronous active-memory machine cell
- thallofide cell
- thermal cell
- thermoelectric solar cell
- thin-film solar cell
- TR cell
- transition cell
- transmit-receive cell
- tube fuel cell
- ultrasonic modulation cell
- ultrasonic refraction cell
- ultrasonic storage cell
- unit cell
- unsaturated standard cell
- vertical junction solar cell
- vertical memory cell
- voltaic cell
- Weston cell
- Weston standard cell
- wet cell
- Wigner-Seitz cell
- zinc-air fuel cell
- zinc-chlorine cell
- zinc-copper oxide cell
- zinc-iron cell
- zinc-mercury oxide cell
- zinc-silver chloride primary cell
- zinc-silver oxide cell -
13 cell
1) элемент2) ячейка3) гальванический элемент (первичный элемент, аккумулятор или топливный элемент)5) вчт. ячейка (данных), пакет фиксированной длины ( в режиме асинхронной передачи данных)6) тлф. сот7) клетка•- absorbing cell
- acid cell
- acid fuel cell
- acoustooptic deflection cell
- active cell
- air cell
- alcaline dry cell
- alcaline-manganese cell
- alkaline cell
- alkaline storage cell
- anchor cell
- application-specific integrated circuit cell
- aqueous-electrolyte fuel cell
- array cell
- ASIC cell
- asymmetrical cell
- azimuth cell
- B/S cell
- back-wall photovoltaic cell
- bag-type cell
- barrier photovoltaic cell
- barrier-layer photoelectric cell
- base-centered Bravais cell
- base-centered cell
- basic cell
- Becquerel cell
- Becquerel photovoltaic cell
- Bernard cell
- bias cell
- bichromate cell
- bimorph cell
- binary cell
- biochemical fuel cell
- bipolar cell
- bistable cell
- bit cell
- blank cell
- blocking-layer cell
- body-centered Bravais cell
- body-centered cell
- boundary scan cell
- Bragg cell
- Bravais cell
- Bravais unit cell
- Brillouin cell
- bubble cell
- bubble-lattice cell
- Bunsen cell
- cadmium normal cell
- cadmium selenide photoconductive cell
- cadmium telluride solar cell
- cadmium-silver oxide cell
- cad-telluride solar cell - carbon cell
- carbon-zinc cell
- cartridge cell
- cationic membrane cell
- cesium plasma cell
- character cell
- chargeable cell
- charge-storage cell
- charge-transfer cell
- chromic acid cell
- Clark cell
- closed-circuit cell
- color Bravais cell
- color cell
- color unit cell
- concentration cell
- concentric fuel cell
- conductivity cell
- copper-oxide photovoltaic cell
- copper-zinc cell
- counter cell
- counterelectromotive cell
- counting cell
- Crowe cell
- cryogenic memory cell
- crystal cell
- crystallographic cell
- current cell
- Daniell cell
- DDC cell
- decomposition cell
- delay cell
- dichromate cell
- diffraction cell
- direct fuel cell
- direct-oxidation fuel cell
- displacement cell
- divalent silver oxide cell
- Doppler-resolution cell
- double-fluid cell
- dry cell
- dry-charged cell
- dry-tape cell
- dual-dielectric charge-storage cell
- dye cell
- E cell
- edge-centered Bravais cell
- edge-centered cell
- Edison cell
- EL cell
- electric cell
- electrode concentration cell
- electroluminescence cell
- electrolytic cell
- electrooptic liquid-crystal cell
- element cell
- emergency cells
- emission cell
- end cells
- end-centered Bravais cell
- end-centered cell
- face-centered Bravais cell
- face-centered cell
- Faraday cell
- ferrimagnetic cell
- ferrite cell
- ferroelectric cell
- ferromagnetic cell
- force cell
- front-wall photovoltaic cell
- fuel cell
- fuel-gas cell
- function cell
- functional logic cell
- fused-electrolyte cell
- galvanic cell
- ganglion cell
- gas cell
- gas-filled cell - Golay pneumatic cell
- gravity cell
- Grenet cell
- grid-bias cell - hexagonal cell
- high-temperature fuel cell
- hot cell
- hydroelectric cell
- hydrogen-air cell
- hydrogen-oxygen cell
- hypercube cell
- hysteretic memory cell
- indirect-oxidation cell
- ion-exchange cell
- ion-exchange membrane cell
- iterative master cells
- jumbo cell
- Kerr cell
- Lalande cell
- lattice cell
- L-cell
- lead cell
- lead sulfide cell
- lead-acid cell
- lead-calcium cell
- lead-dioxide primary cell
- leaf cell
- Leclanche cell
- light-sensitive cell
- Li-ion cell
- Li-pol cell
- liquid diffraction cell
- liquid-crystal cell
- liquid-crystal display cell
- liquid-gas cell
- liquid-liquid cell
- liquid-metal fuel cell
- lithium cell
- lithium-ion cell
- lithium-iron sulfide secondary cell
- lithium-pol cell
- lithium-polymer cell
- lithium-silver chromate cell
- lithium-water cell
- load cell
- logic cell
- low-temperature fuel cell
- macro cell
- magnesium cell
- magnesium-cuprous chloride cell
- magnesium-silver chloride cell
- magnesium-water cell
- magnetic cell
- magnetic tunnel junction memory cell
- magnetic unit cell
- manganese-magnesium cell
- master cell
- memory cell
- mercury cell
- metal fuel cell
- metal-air storage cell
- metal-based fuel cell
- metallic rectifier cell
- metal-oxide-semiconductor cell
- metal-semiconductor barrier cell
- microphoto cell
- molten-carbonate fuel cell
- molten-electrolyte fuel cell
- MOS cell
- multijunction solar cell
- Na/S cell
- nerve cell
- nickel metal-hydride cell
- nickel-cadmium cell
- nickel-iron cell
- NiMH cell
- n-on-p solar cell
- nonprimitive Bravais cell
- nonprimitive unit cell
- nonregenerative fuel cell
- nuclear cell
- organic-semiconductor solar cell
- oxygen concentration cell
- oxygen-hydrogen cell
- Penning cell
- photochemical cell
- photoconducting cell
- photoconductive cell
- photoelectric cell
- photoelectrolytic cell
- photoemissive cell
- photogalvanic cell
- photovoltaic cell
- photronic cell
- piezoelectric cell
- pilot cell
- planar solar cell
- Plante cell
- plasma cell
- Pockels cell
- polycrystalline-film photoconducting cell
- p-on-n solar cell
- postsynaptic cell
- pressure cell
- presynaptic cell
- primary cell
- primary fuel cell
- primitive cell
- primitive unit cell
- processing cell
- promethium cell
- protected cell
- Purkinje cell - Raman cell
- range-resolution cell
- rapid single flux quantum cell
- rectifier photoelectric cell
- rectifying cell
- regenerative fuel cell
- reserve cell
- resolution cell
- resolving cell
- resonance cell
- rhombohedral cell
- robotic work cell
- RSFQ cell
- Ruben cell
- rubidium gas cell
- sal-ammonia cell
- SAM cell
- saturated standard cell
- Schottky-barrier solar cell
- sealed cell
- secondary cell
- selenium cell
- silicon rectifying cell
- silicon solar cell
- silver-hydrogen cell
- silver-oxide cell
- silver-zinc primary cell
- single-bit storage cell
- slot cell
- solar cell
- solid-electrolyte fuel cell
- standard cell
- standard Daniell cell
- Stark cell
- storage cell
- synchronous active-memory machine cell
- thallofide cell
- thermal cell
- thermoelectric solar cell
- thin-film solar cell
- TR cell
- transition cell
- transmit-receive cell
- tube fuel cell
- ultrasonic modulation cell
- ultrasonic refraction cell
- ultrasonic storage cell
- unit cell
- unsaturated standard cell
- vertical junction solar cell
- vertical memory cell
- voltaic cell
- Weston cell
- Weston standard cell
- wet cell
- Wigner-Seitz cell
- zinc-air fuel cell
- zinc-chlorine cell
- zinc-copper oxide cell
- zinc-iron cell
- zinc-mercury oxide cell
- zinc-silver chloride primary cell
- zinc-silver oxide cellThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > cell
14 character
= CHR; = char Iбуква, литера, иероглиф1) элемент шрифта или кодовой таблицы, представляющий букву, цифру, знак препинания или другой символ, который может быть введён с клавиатуры, напечатан на принтере или выведен на экрансм. тж. ASCII, character attribute, character code, character density, character device, character encoding, character expression, character frequency, character generator, character graphics, character height, character image, character key, character map, character mode, character orientation, control character, EBCDIC, Han character, hand-printed character, letter, national characters, Unicode2) символ, знаксм. тж. alphanumeric character, character constant, character pointer, character recognition, character set, data type, integer, symbol, word3) знак, символв компьютерной и телекоммуникационной терминологии - единица информации, приблизительно соответствующая графеме или графемоподобному элементу, либо символ алфавита или слоговой азбуки письменной формы естественного языка. Примеры - буква, литера, иероглиф, цифра или знак препинания, все символы ASCII и расширенного ASCII, включая пробелы и управляющие знаки. В символьном ПО любые элементы, в том числе графические, появляющиеся на экране, считаются символами. А в графических приложениях этот термин обычно обозначает буквы, цифры и знаки препинаниясм. тж. character cell4) почерксм. тж. handwriting recognition5) характер; личность6) образ, герой; тип; роль, персонаж, действующее лицо (в литературе, в компьютерных играх)7) качество, свойство; характерная особенность, отличительный признак; рекомендация, характеристика8) символьный, текстовый9) характерныйАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > character
15 character box
2) см. character cellАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > character box
16 character location
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > character location
17 знакоместо
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > знакоместо
18 ascent
= character ascentподъём, возвышениерасстояние от базовой линии ( base line) строки текста до верхней линии знакоместа (с учётом надстрочных элементов)Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > ascent
19 advance width
шаг между соседними символами, или глифами [в печатной строке текста]; шаг глифовАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > advance width
20 descent
1) падение, спуск2) (см. тж. character descent) - спуск, понижениерасстояние между базовой линией ( base line) и нижней линией знакоместа (с учётом подстрочных элементов)3) убывание, уменьшение; снижениеАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > descent
См. также в других словарях:
character cell — noun The imaginary rectangle that delineates the boundaries of a text character … Wiktionary
Cell — Cell(s) may refer to:In science: * Cell (biology), the basic organizational unit of all living organisms * Cell (journal), a scientific journal * Cell (geometry), a three dimensional element that is part of a higher dimensional object. * Storm… … Wikipedia
Cell (novel) — Cell … Wikipedia
Cell Broadcast — (CB) messaging is a mobile technology feature defined by the ETSI’s GSM committee and is part of the GSM standard. It is also known as Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (SMS CB).Cell Broadcast is designed for simultaneous delivery of messages… … Wikipedia
cell — cell1 cell like, adj. /sel/, n. 1. a small room, as in a convent or prison. 2. any of various small compartments or bounded areas forming part of a whole. 3. a small group acting as a unit within a larger organization: a local cell of the… … Universalium
Cell (comics) — Superherobox| caption= comic color=background:#ff8080 character name=Cell real name=unrevealed species=Human Mutant publisher=Marvel Comics debut= Morlocks #1 (June 2002) creators=Geoff Johns and Shawn Martinbrough alliance… … Wikipedia
Cell phone novel — A cell phone novel, or mobile phone novel (Japanese: 携帯小説 keitai shousetsu; traditional Chinese: 手機小說 pinyin: shŏujī xiǎoshuō), is a literary work originally written on a cellular phone via text messaging. This type of literature originated in… … Wikipedia
Control character — In computing and telecommunication, a control character or non printing character is a code point (a number) in a character set, that does not in itself represent a written symbol. It is in band signaling in the context of character encoding. All … Wikipedia
List of Splinter Cell characters — The following is a list of characters found throughout the Splinter Cell series of video games and novels. Contents 1 Major characters 1.1 Lieutenant Commander Samuel Sam Fisher, USN (Ret.) 1.2 Colonel Irving Lambert, USA (KIA) … Wikipedia
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (video game) — Tom Clancy s Splinter Cell North American cover art Developer(s) Ubisoft Montreal (Xbox, Microsoft Windows, Game Boy Advance Macintosh) Ubisoft Shanghai (PlayStation 2 Nintendo GameCube) Gameloft … Wikipedia
.hack//Cell — … Wikipedia