1 chamber cone
Военный термин: конический скат (патронника), конический скат патронника -
2 chamber cone
3 chamber
камера; камера сгорания; камера; патронникgimbaled thrust chamber — камера ракетного двигателя в кардановом подвесе, ориентируемая камера ракетного двигателя
pivoting thrust chamber — поворотная [шарнирно установленная] камера ракетного двигателя
4 double-cone thrust chamber
Космонавтика: двухконусная камераУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > double-cone thrust chamber
5 double-cone thrust chamber
двухконусная камера ракетного двигателя (с сужающейся камерой сгорания, переходящей в расширяющееся сопло)Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > double-cone thrust chamber
6 triple-cone thrust chamber
камера ( ракетного двигателя) в виде трёх сопрягающихся усечённых конусовEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > triple-cone thrust chamber
7 double-cone thrust chamber
English-russian astronautics dictionary > double-cone thrust chamber
8 triple-cone thrust chamber
форма камеры сгорания и выхлопного сопла, образованная тремя усеченными конусамиEnglish-russian astronautics dictionary > triple-cone thrust chamber
9 pressure
давление; сжатие; прессование; герметичныйboundary layer induced pressure — давление, обусловленное пограничным слоем
computer unit output pressure — давление на выходе решающего гидроусилителя (автомата загрузки бустерного управления)
dump the pressure to return — стравливать [перепускать] давление в отводящую магистраль
forward (control) stick pressure — усилие (на ручке) в направлении «от себя», давящее [толкающее] усилие (на ручке)
partial pressure suit capstan pressure — давление в натяжных пневмокамерах высотного компенсирующего костюма
relax forward pressure on the stick — уменьшать усилие на ручке в направлении «от себя»: отпускать ручку назад
relieve the back pressure on the stick — уменьшать усилие на ручке в направлении «на себя»; отпускать ручку вперёд
saturated vapor pressure — упругость насыщающего пара; давление насыщенного пара
10 test
испытание, проба, исследование, см. тж. testing, trials; испытывать, пробовать; исследоватьacceptable environmental range test — испытание для определения диапазона допустимых изменений условий окружающей среды
jolt and jumble test — разг. испытание на удар и вибрацию
partial climb flight tests — лётные испытания «на зубцы»
single engine stall tests — испытания на срыв [сваливание] с одним работающим двигателем
supercharged CFR engine test — оценка детонационной стойкости (авиационных бензинов) на одноцилиндровой установке CFR
water(-flow, -impingement) test — холодная проливка (ракетного двигателя)
— air test— bed test— hot test— jet test -
11 charge
заряд; капсюльный состав; пороховая шашка; загрузка; зарядка; заправка; атака; требование; поручение, задание; приказ; заряжать; заправлять; бросаться в атаку; требовать; приказывать; наводить ( оружие)tandem-cavity (arrangement) shaped charge — кумулятивный заряд с последовательно расположенными выемками
— booster explosive charge— full service charge— hollow cone charge— linear explosive charge -
12 ICC
1) Компьютерная техника: Innd Control Command, The International Chamber Of Commerce2) Медицина: invasive cervical cancer3) Американизм: I Create Crises, Increased Cost Of Compliance, Isthmian Canal Commission5) Военный термин: IMlNT Coordination Cell, Independent Color Control, Information Coordination Central, Initial Connectivity Capability, Intelligence Command Center, Intelligence Continuity Cell, Interim Control Commission, image converter camera, individual camouflage cover, infantry combat command, information control console, information coordination center, initial contingency capability, instrument control center, integrated communications center, integrated communications control, intercept control coordinator, intermediate cryptoanalysis course, inventory control center, Intelligence Coordination Center (Coast Guard)6) Техника: International Communications Corporation, chief interior communications electrician, ignition control compound, in-circuit check, inadequate core cooling, information collection coordinator, instrumentation checkout complex, intercomputer channel, intercomputer communications7) Шутливое выражение: I Can't Control9) Юридический термин: Inmate Custody Classification10) Экономика: International Chember of Commerce11) Страхование: Institute Cargo Clauses, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, Оговорки Института лондонских страховщиков о страховании грузов (Institute Cargo Clauses)12) Бактериология: International Congress of Chemotherapy13) Биржевой термин: Inter Company Comparisons14) Грубое выражение: International Cocksucking Champions15) Дипломатический термин: International Computation Centre16) Полиграфия: International Colour Consortium17) Телекоммуникации: Interexchange Carrier Charge, Interstate Commerce Commission18) Сокращение: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Information Co-ordination Centre, Information Co-ordination Control, Initial CAOC Capability, Initial Connectivity Capability project (USA), Integrated Command and Control (system), Integrated Communications Centre, Integrated Composites Centre, International Computation Center, International Control Commission, International Coordinating Committee for the Presentation of Science and Development of Out-of-School Scientific Activities, МУС (Международный уголовный суд)19) Университет: Inter Class Competition, International Culture Club, Intra Class Correlation20) Физиология: Intensive coronary care21) Шахматы: Internet Chess Club22) Электроника: Intensified Ccd Camera, Item Characteristic Curve23) Вычислительная техника: Intelligent Communications Control, International Color Consortium, image compression co- processor, International Conference on Communications (Conference), Internode Communication Channel (SMP, Scalis), Interrupt Controller Communications (bus, PC), International Color Committee (organization, DTP), integrated circuit card24) Нефть: Комиссия по регулированию торговли между штатами (в юрисдикции которой находятся магистральные трубопроводы США), Межштатная коммерческая комиссия, координирующая вопросы транспорта нефти (США, Interstate Commerce Commission)25) Офтальмология: Международный конгресс-центр (International Convention Centre)26) Иммунология: immunocompetent cell, infectious cell center27) Космонавтика: Interagency Coordination Committee (Russia)28) Банковское дело: Международная торговая палата (International Chamber of Commerce)29) Биотехнология: immunocytochemistry30) Транспорт: Intelligent Cruise Control31) Пищевая промышленность: Ice Cream Cone32) Фирменный знак: Independent Consultants Cooperative, Internet Commerce Corporation33) Экология: International Association for Cereal Chemistry34) СМИ: Information Communication Centre35) Бурение: Государственная коммерческая комиссия, координирующая вопросы транспорта нефти (Interstate Commerce Commission; США)36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: форма регистрации отключения37) Нефтегазовая техника Комиссия по регулированию торговли между штатами (в юрисдикции которой находятся магистральные трубопроводы США, Interstate Commerce Commission)38) Образование: Independent Critical And Creative, Interagency Coordinating Council, International Certificate Of Competency39) Инвестиции: International Chamber of Commerce40) Сетевые технологии: Inter Client Communications, International Code Council41) Солнечная энергия: регулируемая кристаллизация на поверхности раздела42) Автоматика: information coding classification43) Ядерная физика: Internal Conversion Coefficients44) Телефония: Intra-cluster communications45) Сахалин Р: Installation Control Centre46) Химическое оружие: inter-crystalline corrosion, intercrystalline corrosion47) Международное право: International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights48) Расширение файла: Kodak ICC printer file - Bitmap graphics, International Computation Center (Rome)49) Нефть и газ: input compensation code50) Карачаганак: Incident Command Centre (HSE)51) МИД: International Criminal Court52) Яхтенный спорт: Международный диплом на право судовождения (International Certificate of Competence)53) Общественная организация: International Christian Concern54) Чат: I Can't Conform, I Can't Cope, In Character Comment55) Правительство: Inter County Connector -
13 Icc
1) Компьютерная техника: Innd Control Command, The International Chamber Of Commerce2) Медицина: invasive cervical cancer3) Американизм: I Create Crises, Increased Cost Of Compliance, Isthmian Canal Commission5) Военный термин: IMlNT Coordination Cell, Independent Color Control, Information Coordination Central, Initial Connectivity Capability, Intelligence Command Center, Intelligence Continuity Cell, Interim Control Commission, image converter camera, individual camouflage cover, infantry combat command, information control console, information coordination center, initial contingency capability, instrument control center, integrated communications center, integrated communications control, intercept control coordinator, intermediate cryptoanalysis course, inventory control center, Intelligence Coordination Center (Coast Guard)6) Техника: International Communications Corporation, chief interior communications electrician, ignition control compound, in-circuit check, inadequate core cooling, information collection coordinator, instrumentation checkout complex, intercomputer channel, intercomputer communications7) Шутливое выражение: I Can't Control9) Юридический термин: Inmate Custody Classification10) Экономика: International Chember of Commerce11) Страхование: Institute Cargo Clauses, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, Оговорки Института лондонских страховщиков о страховании грузов (Institute Cargo Clauses)12) Бактериология: International Congress of Chemotherapy13) Биржевой термин: Inter Company Comparisons14) Грубое выражение: International Cocksucking Champions15) Дипломатический термин: International Computation Centre16) Полиграфия: International Colour Consortium17) Телекоммуникации: Interexchange Carrier Charge, Interstate Commerce Commission18) Сокращение: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Information Co-ordination Centre, Information Co-ordination Control, Initial CAOC Capability, Initial Connectivity Capability project (USA), Integrated Command and Control (system), Integrated Communications Centre, Integrated Composites Centre, International Computation Center, International Control Commission, International Coordinating Committee for the Presentation of Science and Development of Out-of-School Scientific Activities, МУС (Международный уголовный суд)19) Университет: Inter Class Competition, International Culture Club, Intra Class Correlation20) Физиология: Intensive coronary care21) Шахматы: Internet Chess Club22) Электроника: Intensified Ccd Camera, Item Characteristic Curve23) Вычислительная техника: Intelligent Communications Control, International Color Consortium, image compression co- processor, International Conference on Communications (Conference), Internode Communication Channel (SMP, Scalis), Interrupt Controller Communications (bus, PC), International Color Committee (organization, DTP), integrated circuit card24) Нефть: Комиссия по регулированию торговли между штатами (в юрисдикции которой находятся магистральные трубопроводы США), Межштатная коммерческая комиссия, координирующая вопросы транспорта нефти (США, Interstate Commerce Commission)25) Офтальмология: Международный конгресс-центр (International Convention Centre)26) Иммунология: immunocompetent cell, infectious cell center27) Космонавтика: Interagency Coordination Committee (Russia)28) Банковское дело: Международная торговая палата (International Chamber of Commerce)29) Биотехнология: immunocytochemistry30) Транспорт: Intelligent Cruise Control31) Пищевая промышленность: Ice Cream Cone32) Фирменный знак: Independent Consultants Cooperative, Internet Commerce Corporation33) Экология: International Association for Cereal Chemistry34) СМИ: Information Communication Centre35) Бурение: Государственная коммерческая комиссия, координирующая вопросы транспорта нефти (Interstate Commerce Commission; США)36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: форма регистрации отключения37) Нефтегазовая техника Комиссия по регулированию торговли между штатами (в юрисдикции которой находятся магистральные трубопроводы США, Interstate Commerce Commission)38) Образование: Independent Critical And Creative, Interagency Coordinating Council, International Certificate Of Competency39) Инвестиции: International Chamber of Commerce40) Сетевые технологии: Inter Client Communications, International Code Council41) Солнечная энергия: регулируемая кристаллизация на поверхности раздела42) Автоматика: information coding classification43) Ядерная физика: Internal Conversion Coefficients44) Телефония: Intra-cluster communications45) Сахалин Р: Installation Control Centre46) Химическое оружие: inter-crystalline corrosion, intercrystalline corrosion47) Международное право: International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights48) Расширение файла: Kodak ICC printer file - Bitmap graphics, International Computation Center (Rome)49) Нефть и газ: input compensation code50) Карачаганак: Incident Command Centre (HSE)51) МИД: International Criminal Court52) Яхтенный спорт: Международный диплом на право судовождения (International Certificate of Competence)53) Общественная организация: International Christian Concern54) Чат: I Can't Conform, I Can't Cope, In Character Comment55) Правительство: Inter County Connector -
14 nozzle
1) сопло2) насадок; насадка; наконечник; патрубок; мундштук3) форсунка4) жиклёр5) горловина ( конвертера)6) метал. разливочный стакан7) текст. фильера•-
accelerating nozzle
acceleration nozzle
adjustable nozzle
afterburner nozzle
air nozzle
air-blast nozzle
annular nozzle
asymmetric jet nozzle
atomizing nozzle
axisymmetric nozzle
Becker nozzle
blower nozzle
blowoff nozzle
bottom nozzle
bottom-blowing nozzle
burner nozzle
calibrated nonswirl nozzle
calibrated nozzle
capsule nozzle
chemical laser nozzle
combined jet nozzle
combining nozzle
cone nozzle
conical supersonic jet nozzle
constant-geometry jet nozzle
convergent nozzle
converging-diverging nozzle
curtain nozzle
delay nozzle
delivery nozzle
direct injection nozzle
discharge nozzle
divergent nozzle
drawing nozzle
dribble-free nozzle
drilling bit jet nozzle
drill bit jet nozzle
dual-expander nozzle
duplex fuel nozzle
eccentric spray nozzle
ejector jet nozzle
exhaust nozzle
exit nozzle
expansion nozzle
extended nozzle
extrusion nozzle
feed nozzle
filling nozzle
fixed nozzle
flat jet nozzle
flat-seat nozzle
floor nozzle
flow nozzle
fog nozzle
fuel injection nozzle
fuel-gas nozzle
gas nozzle
gas-discharge nozzle
grain nozzle
hand fire nozzle
hand-jetting nozzle
hole type nozzle
hollow cone nozzle
impact-molding nozzle
injection nozzle
inlet nozzle
insulated nozzle
jet nozzle
Kort nozzle
ladle sliding nozzle
ladle-outlet nozzle
Laval nozzle
lift nozzle
metering nozzle
MHP nozzle
mixing nozzle
mud nozzle
multiple spray nozzle
multiple-hole-plug nozzle
multitube jet nozzle
needle-regulating nozzle
nonswirl nozzle
notched jet nozzle
nozzle of magnesite thimble-type
nozzle of sprinkler
outlet nozzle
oxygen nozzle
pencil-type nozzle
pintle nozzle
plasma nozzle
plug jet nozzle
pneumatic atomizing nozzle
pouring nozzle
precombustion chamber nozzle
primary nozzle
propeller nozzle
roller lubrication nozzle
rounded inlet nozzle
sausage filler nozzle
scarfed nozzle
self-focusing nozzle
shaped jet nozzle
shutoff nozzle
single-jet nozzle
skewed jet nozzle
sound suppression jet nozzle
spinning nozzle
spray nozzle
square-edged inlet nozzle
stabilizing nozzle
steam nozzle
steering nozzle
stopper nozzle
suction nozzle
tank sprinkling nozzle
throttle-controlled nozzle
top nozzle
trainable Kort nozzle
tundish nozzle
two-position nozzle
variable exhaust jet nozzle
variable-area nozzle
vectorable jet nozzle
Venturi throat nozzle
washout nozzle
water nozzle -
15 crusher
1) плющилка
2) дисмембратор
3) дробилка
4) корпус дробилки
5) крешер
6) крэшер
7) рудодробилка
8) фалевка
– baffle crusher
– blade crusher
– cane crusher
– cone crusher
– cone-type crusher
– crusher chamber
– crusher gauge
– disk crusher
– fertilizer crusher
– fine crusher
– hammer crusher
– impact crusher
– primary crusher
– roll crusher
– roll-hammer crusher
– roll-jaw crusher
– roller crusher
– rotary crusher
– secondary crusher
16 drill
1) сверло
2) бурить
3) буровой
4) высверливать
5) высевающий
6) дрель
7) забуривать
8) забурник
9) иссверливать
10) набуравливать
11) набурить
12) наверчивать
13) насверливать
14) разбуривать
15) разбурить
16) упражнение
17) коронка
– air-feed drill
– auger drill
– blunt drill
– bow drill
– breast drill
– cable drill
– carbide-insert drill
– carbide-tip drill
– center drill
– chisel drill
– chuck drill
– core drill
– countersink drill
– cross drill
– crown drill
– deep-hole drill
– detachable drill
– diamond drill
– drag drill
– drill a borehole
– drill bit
– drill bit workshop
– drill bow
– drill box
– drill chamber
– drill dust
– drill log
– drill pick
– drill pipe
– drill point
– drill run-off
– drill shaft
– drill steel
– drill string
– drill team
– electric drill
– feed drill
– flat drill
– full-hole drill
– grind drill
– gun drill
– half-round drill
– hand drill
– hand-held drill
– one-piece drill
– percussion drill
– percussive drill
– pilot drill
– rock drill
– rotary drill
– rotative drill
– shot drill
– star drill
– tap drill
– tapping drill
– telescopic drill
– track-mounted drill
– trepanning drill
– twist drill
– web thinning of drill
– withdraw drill
– wood drill
17 angle
угол; уголок (металлический профиль); угольник; фаза (колебаний)- angle at vertex - angle attachment - angle bar - angle bead - angle bearer - angle brace - angle bracket - angle bulldozer - angle cleat - angle clip - angle collision - angle crane - angle crush - angle cutter - angle dozer - angle diameter - angle drive - angle encoder - angle gate valve - angle gauge - angle indicator - angle joint - angle lever - angle meter - angle nutrunner - angle of action - angle of advance - angle of alteration - angle of approach - angle of arrival - angle of backing-off - angle of bending - angle of boom - angle of camber - angle of chamber - angle of connecting rod - angle of contact - angle of convergence - angle of cord - angle of countersink - angle of curvature - angle of departure - angle of descent - angle of dig - angle of friction - angle of gradient - angle of harrow - angle of helix - angle of incidence - angle of internal friction - angle of lead - angle of lag - angle of load - angle of lock - angle of obliquity - angle of obliquity of front wheels - angle of pitch - angle of pressure - angle of recess - angle of retarded closing - angle of rotation - angle of shafts - angle of slide - angle of slope - angle of spiral - angle of steering column - angle of taper - angle of thread - angle of torque - angle of torsion - angle of twist - angle parking - angle splice - angle valve - angle wrench - alternate angles - apex angle - of a cone - automatic advance angle - back angle - banking angle - base angle - base helix angle - bucket digging angle - cam angle - camber angle - central angle - chamfer angle - clearance angle - combined angle - complementary angle - conjugate angle - contiguous angle - corresponding angle - crank angle - critical angle - curvilinear angle - decrement angle - dedendum angle - discharge angle - dozer blade angle - draft angle - dropping angle - dumping angle - dwell angle - external angle - fishing angle - fixer advance angle - flex angle - frame toe-in angle - frame toe-out angle - front angle - generating angle - gliding angle - gradient angle - grip-hold angle - helix angle - hole angle - horizontal plane angle measuring error - idler tilt angle - ignition dwell angle - interference angle - lead angle - lifting angle - limit angle - lock angle - locking angle - nip angle - obtuse angle - operating angle - overlap angle - phase angle - pitch angle - pitch cone angle - pivot angle - pivot stud angle - plane angle - power angle - preset digging angle - pressure angle - push angle - rake angle - reclining seat angle - runner blade angle - reentering angle - ripper tilt angle - rocking angle - roll angle - rotation angle - screen angle - shearing angle - sieve angle - slip angle - spiral angle - steering angle - straight angle - striking angle - supplementary angle - taper angle - thread angle - timing angle - trihedral angle - truck swivel angle - valve face angle - viewing angle - wheel alignment angle - wheel leaning angle - wheel turning angle -
18 base
база; основание; фундамент; цоколь; точка опоры; подставка; штатив; подошва; плита; пьедестал; поддон; базовый компонент (топлива); II основывать; закладывать; опираться; II неблагородный; простой; окисляющийся (о металле)- base area - base bearing - base box - base cable channel - base car - base case system - base chamber - base circle - base circle diameter - base cone - base control unit - base course - base course gravel - base current change - base cylinder - base depot - base diameter - base edge - base elbow - base error - base explosion - base extension - base frame - base gasoline - base gravel - base helix - base hole - base jaw - base jaw assembly - base junction - base lacquer - base layer - base lead angle - base line - base load operation - base material - base metal - base-metal cracking - base mixture - base mount - base mounting - base normal spacewidth - base of column - base of cone - base of cylinder - base of filter - base of footing - base of rail - base of rim - base of thread - base of tooth - base oil - base pavement - base pin - base pitch - base pitch error - base plate - base pressure - base power - base quality - base radius - base rate - base region - base repair - base ring - base speed - base spiral angle - base standard - base surface - base tangent - base tangent length - base tee - base time - base tooth thickness - base voltage - base weight - cylinder base - engine base - insulating base - lubricant base - pantograph base - rest base - rigid wheel base - rim base - rocker oscillating base - sliding base - thread base - through base - trolley base - wheel base -
19 brake
тормоз; тормозное устройство; с.х. тяжёлая борона; II тормозить; притормаживать; разбивать комья (бороной); месить; мять- brake actuating piston - brake anchor plate - brake anchorage - brake application time - brake band clevis - brake band lining - brake bell crank - brake bleed nipple spanner - brake bleeder tank - brake bleeder tube - brake cable - brake caliper - brake caliper lever - brake cam - brake camshaft - brake camshaft lever - brake chamber - brake chatter - brake cheek - brake clevis - brake clip - brake compressor - brake conduit - brake cone - brake control - brake controller - brake controls - brake coupling - brake cross lever - brake cylinder - brake cylinder lever - brake cylinder piston - brake cylinder piston cup - brake cylinder pressure - brake cylinder release valve - brake diagram - brake disk - brake disk pack - brake drag - brake drum - brake drum anvil - brake drum dust cover - brake drum fin - brake drum lathe - brake-drum liner - brake dynamometer - brake equalizer - brake expander - brake fade - brake fluid - brake fluid header tank - brake fluid reservoir - brake fluid warning light - brake force - brake force limiter - brake fuel consumption - brake gear - brake governor - brake hand lever - brake handle - brake hard - brake head - brake hop - brake hood - brake horsepower - brake horsepower efficiency - brake horsepower-hour - brake hose - brake hose clip - brake housing - brake hub - brake hydraulic valve - brake intermediate shaft - brake latch - brake latch rod - brake latch spoon - brake latch spring - brake lever - brake lever pawl - brake lever quadrant - brake lever sector - brake lever segment - brake lights - brake line - brake lining - brake linkage - brake load - brake lug - brake master cylinder - brake mean effective pressure - brake motor - brake operating cam - brake operating lever - brake operating spindle - brake pad - brake pawl - brake pedal - brake pedal arm - brake pedal shaft - brake pipe - brake piston - brake power - brake pressure - brake pull-rod - brake pulley - brake push rod - brake ratchet - brake release - brake release spring - brake reliner - brake reservoir - brake resistance - brake rigging - brake ring - brake rod - brake rod yoke - brake scotch - brake shaft - brake shoe - brake shoe adjusting cam - brake shoe anchor bolt - brake shoe carrier - brake shoe expander - brake shoe facing - brake shoe fulcrum pin - brake shoe grinder - brake shoe hinge pin - brake shoe lining - brake shoe return spring - brake slack - brake specific fuel consumption - brake spring - brake spring pliers - brake squeak - brake support - brake surface - brake test - brake tester - brake thermal efficiency - brake thrust ring - brake thrust screw - brake toggle - brake torque - brake tube flaring tool set - brake up - brake value - brake valve - brake with two leading shoes - release the brake - air-brake failure - air-brake hose - air-over-hydraulic brake - baking brake plate - cable-operated brake - cable-operated hand brake - cam brake - cam-actuated brake - cam-operated brake - Carpenter brake - centrifugal brake - chain brake - cheek brake - clasp brake - clip brake - clutch brake - coaster brake - combined compressed-air and hydraulic brake - compressed-air brake - cone brake - contracting band brake - crane brake - dead-weight brake - differential brake - differential steering brake - disc brake - double-block brake - drum brake - duo-servo brake - dynamometer brake - eddy-current brake - effective brake - electric brake - electromagnetic brake - electromagnetic brake with clamping jaws - electropneumatic brake - emergency brake - emergency contracting brake - engine brake - exhaust brake - expanding brake - expanding band brake - expanding inside brake - expanding wedge brake - expansion brake - external brake - external block brake - external cheek brake - external contracting brake - externally acting brake - fan brake - fluid brake - foot brake - four-wheel brakes - friction brake - front-wheel brake - grip brake - gripper brake - half servo brake - hand brake - hand lever brake - hoist brake - hoisting gear brake - hub brake - hydraulic brake - hydraulic brake with vacuum power - hydraulic foot brake - inboard brake - inner brake - inside brake - internal brake - internal block brake - internal-expanding brake - internal wheel brake - internally acting brake - key-operated brake - knee brake - Kunze-Knorr brake - lever brake - lift brake - link brake - liquid brake - load-pressure brake - load reaction brake - lowering brake - magnetic brake - Maley brake - master clutch brake - mechanical brake - multiple-disc brake - needle brake - oil brake - outer brake - outer band brake - outside-mounted brake - overrunning trailer brake - parking brake - pedal brake - plate brake - pneumatic brake - power brake - progressive brake - Prony brake - quick-action air brake - regenerative brake - rim brake - rope brake - safety brake - screw brake - segmented rotor brake - self-acting brake - self-actuating brake - self-energizing brake - service brake - servo brake - servo and power brake - servo-assisted brake - shoe brake - single-block brake - skate brake - slipper brake - solenoid brake - speed brake - steering brake - steering-clutch brake - stopping brake - strap brake - thrust brake - toggle brake - track brake - transmission brake - triple servo brake - tyre brake - unbalanced brake - vacuum brake - vacuum power brake - V-block brake - water brake - water-cooled brake - wedge brake - wedge-operated brake - weight brake - Westinghouse brake - wheel brake - wing brake -
20 spray
брызги; разбрызгивание; струя; жиклёр для разбрызгивания; распылитель; форсунка; пульверизатор; факел распыла; туман (водяной, масляный); аэрозоль, распылённая жидкость; аэрограф; II разбрызгивать; пульверизовать; распылять- spray air cooler - spray angle - spray angle test - spray application - spray arrester - spray asbestos - spray bar - spray boom - spray can - spray carburetor - spray cleaning - spray column - spray cooler - spray cooling - spray cooling system - spray curtain - spray deposit - spray diffuser - spray discharge - spray drying - spray etcher - spray freezing - spray gate - spray glazing - spray glazing robot - spray gun - spray gun process - spray injector - spray lubrication - spray lubrication system - spray mist - spray painting - spray painting plant - spray painting robot - spray penetration - spray plaster - spray resistance - spray test - spray tip - spray treatment - spray tube - spray-type washer - spray valve - spray wash - spray washer - spray washing - spray wire - spray zone - fog spray - mist spray - salt spray - water spray
См. также в других словарях:
Cone cell — Neuron: Cone Cell Normalized responsivity spectra of human cone cells, S, M, and L types NeuroLex ID … Wikipedia
Cone of Silence — For the British aviation drama film, see Cone of Silence (1960 film). The Cone of Silence is one of many recurring joke devices from Get Smart, an American comedy television series of the 1960s about an inept spy. Invented by Professor Cone , the … Wikipedia
cone crusher — /ˈkoʊn krʌʃə/ (say kohn krushuh) noun a machine for reducing the size of materials by means of a truncated cone revolving on its vertical axis within an outer chamber, the annular space between the outer chamber and cone being tapered; gyratory… …
Expansion chamber — An Expansion chamber is an exhaust system used on a two stroke cycle engine to enhance its power output by improving its volumetric efficiency. It makes use of the energy left in the burnt exhaust exiting the cylinder to aid the filling of the… … Wikipedia
Nose cone — For the Transformers character, see Nosecone (Transformers). A nose cone that contained one of the Voyager spacecraft, mounted on top of a Titan III/Centaur launch vehicle … Wikipedia
Anechoic chamber — An anechoic chamber An anechoic chamber (an echoic meaning non echoing or echo free) is a room designed to stop reflections of either sound or electromagnetic waves. They are also insulated from exterior sources of noise. The combination of both… … Wikipedia
Edward T. Cone — Edward Toner Cone (May 4, 1917 October 23, 2004) was an American music theorist and composer.Cone studied composition under Roger Sessions at Princeton University, receiving his bachelor s in 1939 and his master s in 1942. Beginning in 1947 he… … Wikipedia
Spencer Cone Jones — Infobox State Senator honorific prefix = name = Spencer Cone Jones honorific suffix = state senate = Maryland district = Montgomery County term start = 1901 term end = 1905 preceded = succeeded = Spencer Cone Jones (July 3, 1836 ndash; April 1,… … Wikipedia
forcing cone — noun : the portion of the boring of a shotgun in which the chamber diameter decreases to bore diameter and which in section is a truncated cone … Useful english dictionary
Delta L problem — The delta L problem (ΔL problem) is a condition that occurs regarding certain firearms chambers and their practical incompatibility with ammunition made for the corresponding chambering. The ΔL refers to a Commission Internationale Permanente… … Wikipedia
Components of jet engines — Diagram of a typical gas turbine jet engine. Air is compressed by the fan blades as it enters the engine, and it is mixed and burned with fuel in the combustion section. The hot exhaust gases provide forward thrust and turn the turbines which… … Wikipedia