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  • 1 pit

    I 1. [pit] noun
    1) (a large hole in the ground: The campers dug a pit for their rubbish.) jáma
    2) (a place from which minerals are dug, especially a coal-mine: a chalk-pit; He works at/down the pit.) důl, šachta
    3) (a place beside a motor race track for repairing and refuelling racing cars: The leading car has gone into the pit(s).) depo, box
    2. verb
    ((with against) to set (a person or thing) against another in a fight, competition etc: He was pitted against a much stronger man.) postavit (proti)
    II 1. [pit] noun
    (the hard stone of a peach, cherry etc.) pecka
    2. verb
    (to remove the stone from (a peach, cherry etc).) odpeckovat
    * * *
    • postavit se proti
    • peklo
    • propast
    • šachta
    • ten nejhorší
    • past
    • jáma
    • jáma vykopaná
    • místo pod hledištěm
    • díra
    • důl
    • depo

    English-Czech dictionary > pit

См. также в других словарях:

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  • chalk — n. & v. n. 1 a white soft earthy limestone (calcium carbonate) formed from the skeletal remains of sea creatures. 2 a a similar substance (calcium sulphate), sometimes coloured, used for writing or drawing. b a piece of this (a box of chalks). 3… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Chalk — For other uses, see Chalk (disambiguation). Chalk Sedimentary Rock The Needles, situated on the Isle of Wight, are part of the extensive Southern England Chalk Formation. Composition …   Wikipedia

  • Chalk Formation — The Chalk Formations of Europe are thick deposits of chalk, a soft porous white limestone, deposited in a marine environment during the upper Cretaceous Period. They appear most prominently in England. The formations are divided into three parts …   Wikipedia

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