1 glass-ceramic enamel
Силикатное производство: стеклокерамическая эмаль -
2 enamel
1. эмаль (тонкое блестящее стекловидное покрытие, обычно цветное, получаемое высокотемпературной обработкой)2. лаковая эмаль, эмалевая краска (смесь пигментов и наполнителей, перетёртых с различными лаками с добавлением органического растворителя и сиккатива)3. глазурь (стекловидное покрытие на поверхности керамического изделия, придающее ему водонепроницаемость и блеск)4. эмалировать5. глазуроватьacid-proof enamel — кислотоупорная [кислотостойкая] эмаль
acid-resistant enamel — кислотостойкая [кислотоупорная] эмаль
acrylic enamel — акриловая эмаль
alkali-fastness enamel — щелочестойкая эмаль
alkali-resistant enamel — щелочестойкая эмаль
alkyd enamel — алкидная эмаль
alkyd-amine enamel — алкидно-аминовая эмаль
alkyd-melamine enamel — алкидно-меламиновая эмаль
alkyd-silicone enamel — алкидно-кремнийорганическая эмаль
aluminum enamel — алюминиевая эмаль
baking enamel — эмаль горячей сушки
benzine-resisting enamel — бензиностойкая эмаль
bitumen enamel — битумная эмаль
black enamel — чёрная эмаль
cellulose-nitrate enamel — нитроцеллюлозная эмаль, нитроэмаль
ceramic enamel — керамическая эмаль
chemical-resistant enamel — химически стойкая эмаль
chlorinated-rubber enamel — хлоркаучуковая эмаль
coating enamel — покровная эмаль
cold-resistant enamel — морозостойкая эмаль
color coat enamel — цветная покровная эмаль
composite vitreous enamel — композиционная стекловидная эмаль
copper-acrylic enamel — медно-акриловая эмаль
corrosion-resistant enamel — коррозионностойкая эмаль
decorative enamel — декоративная эмаль
electroluminescent enamel — электролюминесцентная эмаль
epoxy enamel — эпоксидная эмаль
ester-rosin enamel — эфироканифольная эмаль
ethyl-cellulose enamel — этилцеллюлозная эмаль
fletting enamel — шлифовальная эмаль
fused white porcelain enamel — плавленая белая фарфоровая эмаль
gasoline-resistant enamel — бензиностойкая эмаль
gloss enamel — глянцевая [блестящая] эмаль
glyptal enamel — глифталевая [алкидная] эмаль
glyptal-aluminum enamel — глифталево-алюминиевая эмаль
heat-resisting enamel — теплостойкая [термостойкая] эмаль
high-temperature resistant enamel — жаростойкая эмаль
inorganic enamel — неорганическая эмаль
light fastness enamel — светостойкая эмаль
low-temperature baking enamel — эмаль холодной сушки
modified cellulose-acetate enamel — модифицированная ацетилцеллюлозная эмаль
nitrocellulose enamel — нитроцеллюлозная эмаль, нитроэмаль
oil enamel — масляная эмаль
oil-modified glyptal enamel — глифталевая эмаль, модифицированная маслом
oil-proof enamel — маслостойкая эмаль
oil-resistant enamel — маслостойкая эмаль
oleoresinous enamel — эмаль на натуральном масле
opaque enamel — непрозрачная эмаль
organic enamel — эмаль из органических веществ
pentaphthalic enamel — пентафталевая эмаль
perchlorvinyl enamel — перхлорвиниловая эмаль
phenolic-oil enamel — фенольномасляная эмаль
phenol-melamine enamel — фенолмеламиновая эмаль
polyacrylic enamel — полиакриловая эмаль
polyamide enamel — полиамидная эмаль
polyester enamel — полиэфирная эмаль
polyurethane enamel — полиуретановая эмаль
porcelain enamel — фарфоровая эмаль
primer enamel — грунтовочная эмаль
pyroxyline-glyptal enamel — нитроглифталевая эмаль
refractory enamel — тугоплавкая [огнеупорная] эмаль
self-sealing enamel — самоуплотняющаяся эмаль
silicate enamel — силикатная эмаль
silicone enamel — кремнийорганическая [силиконовая] эмаль
siloxane enamel — силоксановая эмаль
stoving enamel — эмаль горячей сушки
thermal-resistant enamel — термостойкая [теплостойкая] эмаль
thermosetting enamel — термореактивная эмаль
titania-bearing enamel — эмаль с присадкой окиси титана
titanium enamel — титановая эмаль
translucent enamel — просвечивающая [полупрозрачная] эмаль
transparent enamel — прозрачная эмаль
urea-formaldehyde enamel — мочевино-формальдегидная [карбамидная] эмаль
vinyl enamel — виниловая эмаль
water-resistant enamel — водостойкая эмаль
weather-resistant enamel — атмосферостойкая эмаль
white enamel — белая эмаль
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials > enamel
3 ceramic-metal enamel
Силикатное производство: эмаль с металлическим наполнителем -
4 enamel a ceramic article
Макаров: глазуровать керамикуУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > enamel a ceramic article
5 furnace
1) печь2) топка, топочная камера5) термостат ( в хроматографии)•-
anode-drop furnace
Pulse furnace
acid furnace
acid open-hearth furnace
air furnace
air tempering furnace
Ajax furnace
all-basic furnace
all-electric furnace
all-radiant furnace
annealing furnace
annular furnace
arc furnace
ash fusion furnace
asphalt furnace
assay furnace
bakeout furnace
barrel-type furnace
basic furnace
basic open-hearth furnace
basic oxygen furnace
batch-type furnace
batch furnace
bath-type furnace
bath furnace
bell-type furnace
belt furnace
belt-charged blast furnace
belt-heating furnace
bifurcated furnace
biscuit furnace
black furnace
blackening furnace
blast furnace
bogie hearth furnace
bogie furnace
bogie-type furnace
boiler furnace
boosted furnace
bottom-electrode arc furnace
bottom-fired walking-beam furnace
box furnace
brick furnace
bung-type roof furnace
burnout furnace
calcining furnace
car furnace
carborundum furnace
carburizing furnace
catalyst furnace
catenary arch furnace
catenary furnace
cathode-ray furnace
cellulating furnace
ceramic furnace
chamber furnace
channel-gasification furnace
circular furnace
closed-top furnace
coal-fired furnace
coil-heating furnace
coiling furnace
cold top furnace
cold-charged furnace
combined direct flame-radiant tube furnace
compartment furnace
consumable electrode arc furnace
continuous annealing furnace
continuous furnace
continuous pack-and-pair heating furnace
continuous single-strand furnace
conveyortype furnace
conveyor furnace
copper blast furnace
copper-smelting furnace
coreless-type induction furnace
coreless induction furnace
core-type induction furnace
corner-fired furnace
cracking furnace
cross-fired furnace
crucible furnace
crucible melting furnace
crystal growing furnace
crystal-pulling furnace
cupelling furnace
cupel furnace
cupola furnace
cyaniding furnace
cyclone furnace
descaling furnace
devitrification furnace
diffusion furnace
direct resistance furnace
direct-arc conducting hearth furnace
direct-arc furnace
direct-fired furnace
direct-fired reducing furnace
divided furnace
double-bed furnace
double-crown furnace
double-end fired furnace
double-hearth furnace
down-draft furnace
downshot-type furnace
downward-fired furnace
drip furnace
dry-bottom furnace
dry furnace
EB furnace
electric furnace
electric pig-iron furnace
electric pit-type heating furnace
electric resistance furnace
electric steel furnace
electric-tube furnace
electrode-hearth arc furnace
electrolytic furnace
electron beam furnace
electroslag remelting furnace
enameling furnace
enamel furnace
end-fired furnace
epitaxial furnace
equalizing furnace
equiflux furnace
fagoted iron furnace
ferroalloy furnace
fired top and bottom furnace
firing furnace
fixed furnace
fixed open-hearth furnace
fixed roof-type furnace
flame furnace
flash furnace
flat glass furnace
flattening furnace
fluid-bed furnace
forging furnace
Fourcault tank furnace
frit furnace
front-door furnace
front-fired furnace
gantry-type furnace
garbage furnace
gas chamber furnace
gas furnace
gas-fired radiant tube furnace
gas-reforming furnace
glass furnace
glass-bending furnace
glass-foam furnace
glass-melting furnace
glazing furnace
gradient furnace
graphite rod melting furnace
hand-rabbled furnace
hardening furnace
hearth furnace
heating furnace
heat-treatment furnace
Heroult electric arc furnace
high-frequency furnace
high-frequency induction furnace
high-frequency steel furnace
high-temperature solar furnace
high-top pressure blast furnace
holding furnace
holding-melting furnace
hood-type annealing furnace
horizontal ring furnace
hot air furnace
ignition furnace
immersed electrode salt-bath furnace
immersion-burner furnace
immersion furnace
in-and-out furnace
independent-arc furnace
indirect resistance furnace
indirect-arc furnace
induction crucible furnace
induction low-frequency furnace
induction melting furnace
induction-arc furnace
induction furnace
induction-stirred furnace
ingot heating furnace
iron-and-steel furnaces
iron-melting furnace
LD furnace
lift-and-swing-aside roof furnace
lift-coil induction furnace
lift-off bell-type furnace
lift-off bell furnace
liquid-ball furnace
low-frequency furnace
low-shaft furnace
low-thermal mass furnace
Maerz-Boelens furnace
malleable annealing furnace
Martin furnace
matting furnace
mechanically rabbled furnace
melting furnace
mesh belt conveyor furnace
Miguet furnace
moving belt furnace
muffle furnace
multiple-bedded furnace
multistack annealing furnace
multistage furnace
nitriding furnace
nonferrous melting furnace
nonoxidizing annealing furnace
normalizing furnace
oil-fired furnace
one-zone furnace
open gas furnace
open-flame furnace
open-hearth furnace
open-hearth rolling furnace
open-top furnace
opposed-firing furnace
ore furnace
ore-smelting furnace
overburdened furnace
oxidation furnace
permeable-lining furnace
petroleum furnace
pipe furnace
pit-type furnace
pit furnace
plasmarc furnace
plate-glass furnace
plate furnace
porcelain-enamel furnace
positive pressure furnace
pot furnace
pot-and-muffle furnace
preheating furnace
pressure-fired furnace
printing furnace
producer furnace
protective gas furnace
pulverized-coal dry-ash furnace
pulverized-coal furnace
pulverized-coal slag-tap furnace
pusher-type furnace
pusher furnace
quartz-melting furnace
quartz furnace
quenching furnace
rabbling furnace
radiant tubular furnace
radiation furnace
reaction furnace
recirculation forced convection furnace
recirculation furnace
rectangular hood furnace
recuperative continuous furnace
recuperative furnace
refining furnace
reforming furnace
regenerative furnace
removable cover furnace
resistance arc furnace
resistance element salt-bath furnace
resistance furnace
resistance tube furnace
resistance-heated pot-type furnace
resistance-heating muffle furnace
resistor furnace
resistor melting furnace
reverberating furnace
ring furnace
roasting furnace
rocking arc furnace
rocking furnace
rocking resistor furnace
Rohn furnace
roller-hearth furnace
roof lance furnace
rotary hearth furnace
rotating-bath furnace
rotor furnace
runout-body furnace
salt furnace
sealed quench furnace
self-powered furnace
semirotary melting furnace
shaft furnace
shaft-coking furnace
sheet-glass furnace
sheet furnace
shelf furnace
short annealing furnace
side-charged furnace
side-port furnace
singeing furnace
single furnace
single pot furnace
single-cell furnace
single-stack annealing furnace
sintering furnace
sinter furnace
skull furnace
slag-drip furnace
slagging-bottom furnace
slag-tap furnace
sloping hearth furnace
smelting furnace
solar furnace
soldering furnace
Solvex cracking furnace
spark-gap converter furnace
stationary open-hearth furnace
steel-making furnace
steel furnace
strand-type furnace
stress-relieving furnace
submerged-arc furnace
supercharged furnace
sweat furnace
symmetric LD furnace
tandem furnace
tangentially fired furnace
tank furnace
three-cell furnace
three-phase ore-smelting furnace
three-storied furnace
through-type retort furnace
tile furnace
tilling furnace
tilting open-hearth furnace
tipping furnace
top hat annealing furnace
top-charge furnace
top-fired heating furnace
toughening furnace
tower-type furnace
traveling hearth furnace
triple-bell furnace
triple-fired furnace
tube furnace
twin furnace
underfeed furnace
upshot fired furnace
upshot furnace
vacuum furnace
vacuum-arc-refining furnace
vacuum-induction furnace
versatile bar furnace
vertical pull-through furnace
VIM furnace
walking beam furnace
warm-air furnace
water-cooled furnace
water-cooled infrared furnace
water-jacketed furnace
water-jacket furnace
water-walled furnace
wet-bottom furnace
wind furnace
zinc-distillation furnace
zone melting furnace -
6 paint
1) краска; окраска2) ( сухой) пигмент4) красить; окрашивать; раскрашивать•- acid-resistant paint - acoustic paint - aerosol spray-on paint - alkyd paint - aluminium paint - anticondensation paint - anticorrosive paint - antifouling paint - asbest-based paint - asbestos paint - bactericidal paint - bituminous paint - boiled oil paint - brick and concrete paint - brineproof paint - building paint - cement paint - cement-water paint - chameleon paint - coloured paint - commercial paint - concrete paint - construction paint - daylight luminous paint - decorative paint - disinfectant paint - distemper paint - emulsion paint - enamel paint - engineer's paint - epoxy paint - exterior house paint - fatty paint - finishing paint - fire-retardant paint - gloss paint - gouache paint - ground coat paint - heat indicating paint - heat resistant paint - heavy-bodied paint - hiding paint - house paint - indelible paint - indoor paint - insecticidal paint - latex paint - lead paint - luminous paint - masking paint - mineral paint - natural paint - neoprene paint - oil-base paint - opaque paint - outdoor paint - oven-baked polyester paint - paste paint - prepared paint - prime paint - priming paint - protection paint - quick-drying paint - quickly-drying paint - ready-mixed paint - red-lead paint - reflectorized paint - road paint - roadway paint - roof paint - sample paints - ship bottom paint - shop paint - sound-deadening paint - thermosensitive paint - traffic paint - varnish paint - vinyl paint - water paint - watercolour paint - waterglass paint - water-thinned paint - waterproof paint - weatherproof paint - white-lead paint - wood paintto formulate paint — составлять краску, подбирать колер
* * *краска, красящий состав- absorbent paintpaints mixed on the site — краски, приготовленные на стройплощадке
- acid-resistant paint
- acoustical paint
- acoustic paint
- aerosol paint
- alkali-resistant paint
- alkyd paint
- aluminum paint
- anechoic paint
- anticondensation paint
- anticorrosive paint
- antifouling paint
- antinoise paint
- antirust paint
- antislip paint
- asbest-base paint
- asphalt paint
- bactericidal paint
- bitumastic paint
- bitumen paint
- casein paint
- cement paint
- ceramic paint
- chlorinated rubber paint
- concrete paint
- emulsion paint
- enamel paint
- epoxy paint
- fast-to-light paint
- fatty paint
- fire-retardant paint
- flat paint
- floor paint
- fluorescent paint
- gloss paint
- glue water paint
- graphite paint
- gun-sprayed paint
- heat-resistant paint
- heavy-bodied paint
- latex emulsion paint
- linseed oil paint
- luminous paint
- marine paint
- metallic paint
- microporous paint
- neoprene paint
- oil paint
- paste paint
- phenolic paint
- quick-drying paint
- ready-mixed paint
- ready-mix paint
- red lead paint
- resin emulsion paint
- roof paint
- rubber-emulsion paint
- silicate paint
- size paint
- sound-absorbing paint
- traffic paint
- trim paint
- two-coat paint
- vinyl paint
- water base paint
- water paint
- water glass paint
- waterproof paint
- white paint
- white lead paint
- white lime paint
- wood paint
- zinc-rich paint -
7 insulation
1) изоляция•insulation against loss of heat — изоляция от теплопотерь, теплоизоляция;-
acoustic insulation
adsorbent insulation
air insulation
all-film impregnated insulation
arc-resistant insulation
asbestos insulation
asphalt impregnated mica insulation
banding insulation
basic insulation
batt insulation
beaded insulation
bead insulation
belt insulation
bitumen insulation
blanket insulation
block insulation
brick insulation
building insulation
built-up insulation
butyl rubber insulation
cable insulation
cable-core insulation
cambric insulation
capacitor insulation
car insulation
cast insulation
ceramic fiber insulation
ceramic insulation
class A insulation
class B insulation
class C insulation
class O insulation
coil insulation
commutator segment insulation
commutator shell insulation
composite insulation
compressed-SF6 insulation
connection insulation
cotton insulation
cross-linked polyethylene insulation
crown insulation
electrical insulation
electrodeposited mica insulation
enamel insulation
epoxy micaceous insulation
epoxy-air suspension insulation
ethylene propylene rubber insulation
external insulation
fiber insulation
fiber-glass insulation
fibrous insulation
fibrous-glass insulation
field insulation
field spool insulation
fill insulation
film insulation
fireclay insulation
fire-resistant insulation
fish-paper insulation
flexible insulation
fluoroplastic insulation
foam thermal insulation
foamed-in-place insulation
frame insulation
full insulation
fully impregnated insulation
gaseous insulation
glass backed mica paper insulation
glass fiber insulation
glass insulation
granular-fill insulation
groundwall insulation
ground insulation
gypsum insulation
hard paper insulation
heat insulation
heat-shrinkage insulation
hexafluorated sulfur insulation
high-temperature insulation
high-voltage insulation
hi-seal epoxy insulation
hot-face insulation
impregnated insulation
impregnated-paper insulation
indoor external insulation
internal insulation
interphase insulation
interturn insulation
laminar insulation
laminated bakelite insulation
lamination insulation
layer insulation
lightweight insulation
line insulation
liquid insulation
loose-fill insulation
loose insulation
low-voltage insulation
magnetic insulation
main insulation
mass-impregnated and drained insulation
mass-impregnated paper insulation
mica insulation
mica-resin groundwall insulation
mineral insulation
mineral wool insulation
minor insulation
molded insulation
multilayer insulation
noise insulation
nonself-restoring insulation
oil insulation
oil-barrier insulation
oil-paper insulation
organic insulation
outdoor external insulation
oxide insulation
paper insulation
paper-oil insulation
phase coil insulation
phase insulation
phase-to-earth insulation
phase-to-phase insulation
plastic insulation
pole insulation
polyethylene insulation
polypropylene film-liquid insulation
polyvinylchloride insulation
post-cured insulation
pour-in-place insulation
pressboard insulation
primary insulation
rail joint insulation
reduced insulation
refractory insulation
rigid insulation
rigid thermal insulation
roof insulation
rubber insulation
sandwich-type insulation
sectional insulation
self-restoring insulation
SF6 gas insulation
silicone elastomer insulation
silicone insulation
silk insulation
slot insulation
solid insulation
sound insulation
subhearth insulation
synthetic insulation
thermal insulation
thermoplastic insulation
thermosetting insulation
thinned insulation
total insulation
track insulation
turn-to-turn insulation
turn insulation
uniform insulation
up-shaft insulation
varnish insulation
varnished-cambric insulation
vibration insulation
vitreous insulation
waxed cotton insulation
winding insulation
wire insulation -
8 paint
- paint
- nкраска, красящий состав
paints mixed on the site — краски, приготовленные на стройплощадке
- absorbent paint
- acid-resistant paint
- acoustical paint
- acoustic paint
- aerosol paint
- alkali-resistant paint
- alkyd paint
- aluminum paint
- anechoic paint
- anticondensation paint
- anticorrosive paint
- antifouling paint
- antinoise paint
- antirust paint
- antislip paint
- asbest-base paint
- asphalt paint
- bactericidal paint
- bitumastic paint
- bitumen paint
- casein paint
- cement paint
- ceramic paint
- chlorinated rubber paint
- concrete paint
- emulsion paint
- enamel paint
- epoxy paint
- fast-to-light paint
- fatty paint
- fire-retardant paint
- flat paint
- floor paint
- fluorescent paint
- gloss paint
- glue water paint
- graphite paint
- gun-sprayed paint
- heat-resistant paint
- heavy-bodied paint
- latex emulsion paint
- linseed oil paint
- luminous paint
- marine paint
- metallic paint
- microporous paint
- neoprene paint
- oil paint
- paste paint
- phenolic paint
- quick-drying paint
- ready-mixed paint
- ready-mix paint
- red lead paint
- resin emulsion paint
- roof paint
- rubber-emulsion paint
- silicate paint
- size paint
- sound-absorbing paint
- traffic paint
- trim paint
- two-coat paint
- vinyl paint
- water base paint
- water paint
- water glass paint
- waterproof paint
- white paint
- white lead paint
- white lime paint
- wood paint
- zinc-rich paint
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
9 color
2) краска; красящее (окрашивающее) вещество, краситель || красить, окрашивать4) цветовая марка ( нефтепродукта)•to blend color — составлять колер;to match colors — 1. сравнивать цвета 2. подбирать краски-
achromatic colors
additive color
aniline color
basic color
basic print color
body color
caramel color
ceramic color
certified food color
chromatic colors
code color
complementary color
diluted color
earth color
emission color
enamel color
fast color
flesh color
full strength color
fully saturated color
initial color
keying color
key color
lake color
luster color
mineral color
minus color
natural color
nonphysical color
oil color
overglaze color
physical color
primary color
prime color
principal color
quick-set color
reference color
retouching color
secondary color
skin color
solid color
standard colors
tone color
true color of lubricating oil
underglaze color
vat color
vegetable color
water-glass color -
10 paint
1) краска || красить, окрашивать; раскрашивать2) (сухой) пигмент•to formulate paint — составлять краску; подбирать колер;to take paint — держать краску ( об окрашиваемой поверхности)-
acidproof paint
acid-seal paint
acoustic paint
anticorrosive paint
antifouling paint
antirusting paint
aqueous paint
asbestos paint
bactericidal paint
bituminous paint
brick and concrete paint
building paint
cement paint
ceramic paint
concrete paint
deicing paint
distemper paint
dull paint
emulsion paint
enamel paint
exterior paint
fatty paint
finishing paint
fire-retardant paint
flat paint
fluorescent paint
fungicidal paint
glaze paint
gloss paint
graphite paint
ground-coat paint
hard gloss paint
heat-indicating paint
heavy-bodied paint
hiding paint
house paint
indoor paint
intumescent paint
latex paint
lead paint
luminous paint
mildew-resistant paint
mirror paint
mold paint
motor paint
nondrip paint
oil-base paint
oil paint
oil-resistant paint
opaque paint
outdoor paint
overglaze paint
painter's paint
paste paint
prepared paint
prime paint
protection paint
quick-drying paint
quick-setting paint
ready-mixed paint
red lead paint
reflectorized paint
road-line paint
road paint
silicate paint
size paint
slow-setting paint
solvent paint
sound-absorbing paint
sound-deadening paint
synthetic paint
thermosensitive paint
traffic paint
underglaze paint
underwater paint
varnish paint
water glass paint
water paint
waterproof paint
white lead paint
wood paint -
11 pigment
пигмент, красящее вещество, краситель || окрашиватьto break pigment — разводить пигмент-
azo pigment
body pigment
cake pigment
ceramic pigment
colored pigment
color pigment
coloring pigment
dioxazine pigment
lake pigment
luster pigment
mineral pigment
natural pigment
nitro pigment
offset ink pigment
passivating pigment
pearl pigment
porcelain enamel pigment
vat pigment
white pigment -
12 powder
1) порошок; метал. мука || измельчать в порошок2) пыль || покрывать(ся) пылью3) порох; взрывчатое вещество, ВВ; динамит4) посыпать порошком, опудривать; метал. припыливать5) пудра•-
airborne lime powder
alloyed powder
alloy powder
anti-set-off powder
baby powder
black powder
blasting powder
bleaching powder
bone powder
bronze powder
brown powder
bulk powder
burnishing powder
ceramic powder
compact powder
cork powder
cover-coat powder
dentifrice powder
detergent powder
dry graded magnesite powder
dusting powder
emery powder
etching powder
face powder
flame spray powder
fluidized powder
fluxing powder
flux powder
granular powder
horn powder
ink powder
iron powder
liquid powder
loose powder
magnetic powder
molding powder
mortar powder
parting powder
peat powder
periodontal powder
plastic powder
porcelain-enamel powder
pressed powder
priming powder
rock powder
sachet powder
shampoo powder
sintered powder
smokeless powder
soap powder
solder powder
starch powder
stone powder
subsieve powder
superfine powder
talcum powder
tooth powder
topping powder
tripoli powder
ultrafine powder
welding powder
zinc powder -
13 slip
1) мех. сдвиг || сдвигать(ся)2) скольжение; проскальзывание || скользить; проскальзывать3) буксование, пробуксовка || буксовать, пробуксовывать4) оползень5) оползание || оползать7) закладная рейка ( в шве кладки)8) мн. ч. нефт. клинья, клиновой захват9) сил. шликер; суспензия10) бассейн ( между пирсами)12) травить ( канат или якорную цепь)13) возд. обтекание со скольжением || обтекать со скольжением14) боковой увод ( шины)15) длинная узкая полоска ( материала)•to slip a pole, to slip back one pole — отставать на один полюс, пропускать один полюс ( при синхронизации)-
absolute slip
angular slip
aqueous slip
backward slip
belt slip
building slip
cage slip
camber slip
casing slips
casing-head slips
casting slip
ceramic slip
clay slip
clock slip
clutch slip
covered slip
cycle slip
dog slips
drill collar slips
drill-pipe slips
earth-work slip
electrode slip
elevator slip
enameling slip
enamel slip
end slip of bars
endwise slip
fishing slip
forward slip
frame slip
friction slip
hinged slips
hold-down slip
interfacial slip
interlamellar slip
kinetic slip
land slip
line slip
motor slip
multiple slip
operating slip
overshot slip
parting slip
phase slip
power slips
rated slip
relative slip
riding slip
rotational slip
senhouse slip
tape slip
thread slip
tire slip
tubing slips
vitreous slip
wheel slip
zero slip -
14 wire
1) проволока || скреплять [связывать\] проволокой2) трос4) монтировать ( (электро) проводку или провода); прокладывать провода5) эл., вчт. шина6) проволочное соединение; проводное соединение || соединять [монтировать\] проволокой7) формировать (меж)соединения; выполнять разводку ( межсоединений)9) связь передавать по проводам•wire in coils — проволока в бухтах-
active wires
address wire
aerial contact wire
aerial wire
aluminum wire
aluminum-clad wire
alumoweld wire
ampere wires
anchor wire
annealed wire
antenna wire
armature binding wire
armoring wire
baling wire
barbed wire
bare wire
bead wire
bell wire
bethanized wire
bimetallic wire
binding wire
bit wire
black-drawn wire
black wire
bond wire
bonding wire
bracing wire
braided wire
brazing wire
bright wire
broken wire
bundle wires
busbar wire
carrying wire
catenary wire
ceramic wire
clad wire
clipped wire
coarse wire
coated wire
coils wire
cold-drawn wire
common wire
composite ground wire with optical fibers
composite wire
connecting wire
contact wire
control wire
copper wire
copper-clad wire
copper-coated wire
coppered wire
core wire
cotton-covered wire
cotton-enamel covered wire
covered wire
current-carrying wire
dead wire
dead-drawn wire
diamond impregnated wire
diamond wire
drawn wire
drop wire
dumet wire
duplex wire
earth wire
electrode wire
enameled wire
equipment wire
exploding wire
fastening wire
fiber-optic cored shield wire
field wire
filamentary wire
filler wire
finer wire
fishing wire
fixture wire
flameproof wire
flat wire
flexible shafting wire
flexible wire
flux-cored wire
fly wire
four-draft wire
fully galvanized wire
fuse wire
galvanized iron wire
galvanized wire
glazed wire
ground wire
guy wire
hard-drawn wire
heavy-gage wire
heavy wire
hookup wire
hot wire
idle wires
igniting wire
indented wire
inhibit wire
inlet wire
insulated ground wire
insulated wire
interconnecting wire
ionizer wire
iron-conduit wire
jumper wire
killed wire
knitting needle wire
lashing wire
latch guard wire
lead wire
lead-covered wire
lead-in wire
line wire
litzendraht wire
litz wire
live wire
magnet wire
magnetic wire
merchant wire
messenger wire
metallizing wire
metal-shielded wire
multifilament wire
nail wire
neutral wire
nichrome wire
nickeline wire
office wire
open wire
order wire
overhead wire
pan wire
paper-insulated wire
parallel wires
piano wire
pilot wire
plain wire
plow steel wire
plug wire
point wire
presser foot wire
prestressed concrete wire
printed wire
profiled wire
protective earth wire
pulling wire
radio wire
rectangular wire
reinforcing wire
relay wire
resistance wire
retrieving wire
return wire
rivet wire
rolled wire
rope wire
route wire
rubber-covered wire
screen wire
screened wire
screw wire
section wire
sheathed wire
shielded wire
shield wire
short-circuiting wire
signal wire
silicone wire
silk-covered wire
sky wire
slide wire
slow-burning wire
soft-down wire
solid wire
staple forming wire
static wire
stay wire
steel-aluminum wire
strain-sensitive wire
stranded wire
strand wire
stranded welding wire
stretching wire
superconducting wire
suspension wire
switch wire
tension wire
thermocouple wire
three-draft wire
tie wire
tinned wire
track-circuit wire
trapezoidal wire
trolley wire
tube wire
twin wire
twisted wire
uncoated wire
uninsulated wire
varnished wire
varnished-cambric wire
vent wire
welding wire
well measuring wire
wet-drawn wire
winding wire
woven wire
zinc-coated wire -
15 insulation
1) изоляция•- asbestos insulation
- beaded insulation
- cable insulation
- ceramic insulation
- cotton insulation
- dual-dielectric gate insulation
- electrical insulation
- enamel insulation
- fiber insulation
- fibrous insulation
- field insulation
- film insulation
- flexible insulation
- graded insulation
- impregnated insulation
- interturn insulation
- laminated insulation
- mica insulation
- mineral insulation
- multilayer insulation
- paper insulation
- plastic insulation
- sealing insulation
- silk insulation
- splice insulation
- surface insulation
- thermal insulation
- turn-to-turn insulation
- waxed cotton insulation -
16 insulation
1) изоляция•- asbestos insulation
- beaded insulation
- cable insulation
- ceramic insulation
- cotton insulation
- dual-dielectric gate insulation
- electrical insulation
- enamel insulation
- fiber insulation
- fibrous insulation
- field insulation
- film insulation
- flexible insulation
- graded insulation
- impregnated insulation
- interturn insulation
- laminated insulation
- mica insulation
- mineral insulation
- multilayer insulation
- paper insulation
- plastic insulation
- sealing insulation
- silk insulation
- splice insulation
- surface insulation
- thermal insulation
- turn-to-turn insulation
- waxed cotton insulationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > insulation
17 insulation
изоляция; изоляционный материал- asbestos insulation - batt insulation - blanket insulation - cellulose insulation with borates - cementitious foam insulation - ceramic insulation - cork insulation - enamel insulation - fill insulation - glass insulation - heat insulation - high-temperature insulation - low-temperature insulation - moderate-temperature insulation - oil insulation - sound insulation - synthetic insulation - thermal insulation - thermal insulation of building - varnish insulation* * *изоляция; изоляционный материал- acoustic insulation
- airborne sound insulation
- all-purpose insulation
- asbestos-fiber insulation
- blanket insulation
- blown insulation
- board insulation
- built-in insulation
- cavity wall insulation
- cryogenic insulation
- energy saver roof insulation
- external wall insulation
- fiberglass batt insulation
- fill insulation
- foamed-in-place insulation
- form insulation
- granular insulation
- granular-fill insulation
- heat insulation
- impact noise insulation
- loose-fill insulation
- magnesia insulation
- molded insulation
- multilayer insulation
- noise insulation
- packed heat insulation
- pipe insulation
- quilt insulation
- reflective insulation
- rigid insulation
- roof insulation
- sectional insulation
- site-foamed insulation
- sound insulation
- sprayed insulation
- thermal insulation
- urethane foam insulation
- vibration insulation
- weather-resistant heat insulation
- wood-fiber insulation -
18 arc plasma spraying
gold spraying — напыление < под золото>
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > arc plasma spraying
19 paint
1. краска2. окраска3. красить4. окрашиватьabrasion-resistant paint — износостойкая краска
acid-proof paint — кислотостойкая [кислотоупорная] краска
acid-resistant paint — кислотоупорная [кислотостойкая] краска
acid-seal paint — кислотостойкая [кислотоупорная] краска
acoustic paint — звукопоглощающая краска
acrylic paint — акриловая краска
acrylic-ester paint — акрилоэфирная краска
acrylic-nitrосеllulose paint — акрило-нитроцеллюлозная краска
alkali-metal-silicate paint — краска на силикате щелочных металлов
alkyd paint — алкидная краска
alkyd emulsion paint — алкидная эмульсионная краска
aluminum paint — алюминиевая краска
aluminum-acrylic paint — алюминиево-акриловая краска
aluminum oxide-base paint — краска на основе окиси алюминия
aluminum-pigmented acrylic paint — акриловая краска, пигментированная алюминием
aluminum-pigmented silicone- alkyd paint — силиконо-алкидная краска, пигментированная алюминием
aluminum-silicate paint — краска из силиката алюминия
anticorrosive paint — противокоррозионная краска
antifouling paint — необрастающая краска
antinoise paint — звукопоглощающая краска
antiradar paint — противорадиолокационная краска
antirusting paint — коррозионно-стойкая [стойкая к ржавлению] краска
asphalt paint — асфальтовая краска
bitumen paint — битумная краска
black paint — чёрная краска
ceramic paint — керамическая краска
chameleon-like paint — цветоизменяющая краска ( под действием тепла и света)
chemical resistant paint — химически стойкая краска
chemical resisting paint — химически стойкая краска
chlorinated rubber paint — хлоркаучуковая краска
chromium-oxide-base paint — краска на основе окиси хрома
conducting silver paint — проводящая серебряная краска
corrosion-inhibiting paint — противокоррозионная краска
corrosion-resistant paint — коррозионностойкая краска
distemper paint — клеевая краска
enamel paint — эмалевая краска, ( лаковая) эмаль
ероху paint — эпоксидная краска
filling paint — шпатлёвка
fire retardant paint — огнестойкая [пламезадерживающая] краска
flame retardant paint — пламезадерживающая [огнестойкая] краска
fluorescent paint — флуоресцентная [люминесцентная, светящаяся] краска
fluorocarbon paint — фторуглеродистая краска
formaldehyde-resin-base paint — краска на основе формальдегидной смолы
fungus-resistant paint — грибостойкая краска
glycerol-phthalate paint — глицерин-фталатная краска
graphite paint — графитовая краска
heat-indicating paint — термоиндикаторная краска
heat-reflecting paint — теплоотражающая краска
heat-resistant paint — теплостойкая краска
heat-resisting paint — теплостойкая краска
high-heat resistant paint — жаростойкая краска
high-temperature resistant paint — жаростойкая краска
high-temperature conductive paint — краска с высокой теплопроводностью
indicating temperature paint — термоиндикаторная краска
inorganic paint — неорганическая краска
insulating paint — изоляционная краска
laser-sensitive paint — краска, чувствительная к лазерному излучению
luminescent paint — люминесцентная [светящаяся] краска
marine paint — морская краска
metallic paint — металлическая краска
methyl-silicone paint — метилсиликоновая краска
mineral paint — минеральная краска
mold-resistant paint — грибостойкая краска
nitrocellulose paint — нитрокраска, нитролак
nonflammable paint — невоспламеняющаяся краска
oil paint — масляная краска
oilproof paint — маслостойкая краска
opaque paint — непрозрачная краска
organic paint — органическая краска
phosphorescent paint — фосфоресцирующая краска
photoconductive paint — фотопроводимая краска
pigmented paint — пигментированная краска
plastic-base paint — краска на основе пластмасс
polystyrene paint — полистирольная краска
polyurethane paint — полиуретановая краска
polyvinyl-acetate paint — поливинил-ацетатная краска
priming paint — 1) лакокрасочный грунт 2) грунтовочная краска
protective paint — защитная краска
refractory paint — огнеупорная краска
resin paint — краска на смолах
rust-resistant paint — коррозионно-стойкая [стойкая к ржавлению] краска
silicate paint — силикатная краска
silicone paint — кремнийорганическая краска
silicone-aluminum paint — силиконо-алюминиевая краска
silver paint — серебряная краска
sound-absorbing paint — звукопоглощающая краска
synthetic-resin paint — краска на синтетических смолах
teflon-filled urethane paint — уретановая краска с тефлоновым наполнителем
temperature-indicating paint — термоиндикаторная краска
thermoindicator paint — термоиндикаторная краска
temperature-sensitive paint — термочувствительная краска
thermal control paint — терморегулируемая краска
thermoprene paint — термопреновая краска
thermosensitive paint — термочувствительная краска
thixotropic paint — тиксотропная краска
thorium-dioxide paint — краска из двуокиси тория
titanium-dioxide paint — краска из двуокиси титана
trichlorethylene paint — трихлорэтиленовая краска
undercoating paint — грунтовочная краска [покрытие]
varnish paint — 1) лаковая краска 2) эмалевая краска
water-reducible paint — водоотталкивающая краска
water-repellant paint — водоотталкивающая краска
water-resistant paint — водостойкая краска
water-soluble paint — водорастворимая краска
water-thinnable paint — водорастворимая краска
weatherproof paint — атмосферостойкая краска
white paint — белая краска
zinc-chromate paint — хромато-цинковая краска
zinc-silicate paint — силикатно-цинковая краска
zirconium-dioxide-pigmented paint — краска, пигментированная двуокисью циркония
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials > paint
20 metal spraying
gold spraying — напыление < под золото>
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > metal spraying
См. также в других словарях:
Ceramic glaze — Composite body, painted, and glazed bottle. Dated 16th century. From Iran. New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. Glaze is a layer or coating of a vitreous substance which has been fired to fuse to a ceramic object to color, decorate, strengthen or … Wikipedia
Ceramic art — Etruscan: Diomedes and Polyxena, from the Etruscan amphora of the Pontic group, ca. 540–530 BC. From Vulci … Wikipedia
enamel — 1. noun /ˈɪ.næməl/ a) an opaque, glassy coating baked onto metal or ceramic objects b) a coating that dries to a hard, glossy finish 2. verb /ˈɪ.næməl/ … Wiktionary
Vitreous enamel — In a discussion of material science, enamel (or vitreous enamel or porcelain enamel in U.S. English) is the colorful result of fusing powdered glass to a substrate by firing, usually between 750 and 850 degrees Celsius. The powder melts and flows … Wikipedia
castable ceramic — a glass ceramic having a high compressive strength and hardness with translucency, and wear characteristics that approximate those of enamel; used in the casting of dental restorations … Medical dictionary
sanitary ware — enamel or ceramic plumbing fixtures (toilet bowls, lavatories, sinks) … English contemporary dictionary
Crown (dentistry) — Intervention ICD 9 CM 23.41 MeSH … Wikipedia
Dental restoration — Intervention ICD 9 CM 23.2 23.4 A dental restoration or dental filling is a dental restorative ma … Wikipedia
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
pottery — /pot euh ree/, n., pl. potteries. 1. ceramic ware, esp. earthenware and stoneware. 2. the art or business of a potter; ceramics. 3. a place where earthen pots or vessels are made. [1475 85; POTTER1 + Y3] * * * I One of the oldest and most… … Universalium
Cookware and bakeware — Pans redirects here. For other uses, see Pan. Cookware and bakeware are types of food preparation containers commonly found in the kitchen. Cookware comprises cooking vessels, such as saucepans and frying pans, intended for use on a stove or… … Wikipedia