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  • Cephalization — is considered an evolutionary trend,[1] whereby nervous tissue, over many generations, becomes concentrated toward one end of an organism. This process eventually produces a head region with sensory organs.[2] Cephalization is intrinsically… …   Wikipedia

  • Cephalization — Ceph a*li*za tion, n. Domination of the head in animal life as expressed in the physical structure; localization of important organs or parts in or near the head, in animal development. Dana. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cephalization — 1864, coined by U.S. zoologist James D. Dana (1813 1895) from Gk. kephale head on model of specialization, etc …   Etymology dictionary

  • cephalization — (Amer.) n. (Zoology) tendency in the animal kingdom of vital organs to be located in or near the head (also cephalisation) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • cephalization — [sef΄ə li zā′shən] n. [ CEPHAL(O) + IZATION] the tendency in the evolution of animal life for sensory organs, the nervous system, etc. to become centralized in or near the head …   English World dictionary

  • cephalization — /sef euh leuh zay sheuhn/, n. Zool. a tendency in the development of animals to localization of important organs or parts in or near the head. [1860 65; CEPHAL + IZATION] * * * ▪ biology       the differentiation of the anterior (front) end of an …   Universalium

  • cephalization — ˌsefələ̇ˈzāshən, ˌlīˈz noun ( s) Etymology: cephal + ize + ation 1. : specialization of the anterior part of the animal body resulting in localization and concentration of sensory and neural organs in an anterior head 2. : the tendency to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cephalization — noun Date: 1864 a tendency in the evolution of organisms to concentrate the sensory and neural organs in an anterior head …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cephalization — n. [Gr. kephale, head] The process by which the highest degree of specialization became localized in the anterior end, or in the head, in animal development …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • cephalization — noun An evolutionary trend in which the neural and sense organs become centralized at one end (the head) of an animal See Also: telencephalization …   Wiktionary

  • cephalization — 1. Evolutionary tendency for important functions of the nervous system to move forward in the brain. 2. Initiation and concentration of the growth tendency at the anterior end of the embryo. * * * ceph·a·li·za·tion or Brit ceph·a·li·sa·tion .sef… …   Medical dictionary

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