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  • 41 centre

    Англо-русский морской словарь > centre

  • 42 centre

    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) centre
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) centre
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) centre
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) centrer
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) se concentrer (sur)

    English-French dictionary > centre

  • 43 centre

    1. noun
    1) центр; средоточие; середина (чего-л.); in the centre посередине; at the centre of events в самой гуще событий; where's the shopping centre? где здесь торговый центр?; centre of attraction центр притяжения; центр внимания;
    centre of buoyancy
    а) naut. центр величины;
    б) центр подъемной силы аэростата; centre of gravity центр тяжести; centre of impact mil. средняя точка попадания; centre of a wheel ступица колеса
    2) tech. шаблон, угольник
    3) sport центральный игрок (нападающий, защитник и т. д.); центровой
    4) (attr.) центральный; centre boss ступица колеса
    core, heart, hub, middle, midst
    boundary, edge, perimeter
    2. verb
    1) помещать(ся) в центре; концентрировать(ся); сосредоточивать(ся) (in, on, at, round, about); to centre one's hopes on (или in) smb. возлагать все надежды на кого-л.; the interest centres in интерес сосредоточен на; the discussion centred round one point в центре обсуждения находился один пункт
    2) tech. центрировать; отмечать кернером
    * * *
    1 (n) зерновые хлеба; изделия из дробленого зерна; центр
    2 (v) концентрировать
    * * *
    * * *
    [cen·tre || 'sentə] n. центр, середина, средняя точка, средоточие; ось, стержень; центральный игрок; угольник, шаблон; кернер
    * * *
    * * *
    1. сущ.; тж. center 1) центр, середина чего-л.; центральная точка, ключевой момент (чего-л.) 2) учреждение 2. гл.; тж. center 1) помещать в центре 2) согласиться, прийти к соглашению 3) тех. центрировать, подгонять; отмечать кернером

    Новый англо-русский словарь > centre

  • 44 centre

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > centre

  • 45 centre

    középcsatár, centrum, közbülső, központ to centre: összpontosít, középre ad, középpontba állít
    * * *
    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.)
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.)
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.)
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.)
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > centre

  • 46 centre

    ['sɛntə(r)] 1. (US center) n
    (of circle, room, line) środek m; (of town, attention, power) centrum m; (of action, belief) podstawa f; (of arts, industry) ośrodek m, centrum nt
    2. vt
    weight umieszczać (umieścić perf) na środku; ( PHOT, TYP) centrować (wycentrować perf); ball dośrodkowywać (dośrodkować perf)
    * * *
    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) centrum
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) centrum
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) centrum, środek
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) ześrodkować
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) skupiać się

    English-Polish dictionary > centre

  • 47 centre

    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) miðja; miðbær
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) miðstöð
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) aðal-, megin-
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) setja/færa í miðju, leggja áherslu á
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) snúast um,

    English-Icelandic dictionary > centre

  • 48 centre

    I. 1. център (и пол.)
    1. средище, център (на дейност и пр.) -
    3. плънка (на бонбони и пр.)
    4. см. център-нападател
    5. нещо, коего буди интерес/привлича вниманието
    II. 1. поставям в центъра, центрирам
    2. съередоточавам (се), концентрирам (се) (in, on, at, roand)
    to CENTRE one's hopes on/in възлагам всичките си надежди на
    3. сп. пращам топката към центъра, центрирам
    4. отбелязвам центъра на, намирам се в центъра на
    5. тех. центрирам, центровам
    * * *
    {'sente} n 1. център (и пол.), 1. средище, център (на дейност (2) v 1. поставям в центъра, центрирам: 2. съередоточавам (
    * * *
    център; центровам; центрирам; средище; концентрирам;
    * * *
    1. i. център (и пол.) 2. ii. поставям в центъра, центрирам 3. to centre one's hopes on/in възлагам всичките си надежди на 4. нещо, коего буди интерес/привлича вниманието 5. отбелязвам центъра на, намирам се в центъра на 6. плънка (на бонбони и пр.) 7. см. център-нападател 8. сп. пращам топката към центъра, центрирам 9. средище, център (на дейност и пр.) - 10. съередоточавам (се), концентрирам (се) (in, on, at, roand) 11. тех. центрирам, центровам
    * * *
    centre[´sentə] I. n 1. център; \centre of gravity център на тежестта; 2. сп. центърнападател; 3. център, средище; 4. място, където се развива определена дейност; shopping \centre супермаркет; a \centre of interest център на внимание; to take ( hold) \centre stage в центъра на (общественото) внимание съм; II. v 1. поставям в центъра, центрирам; 2. съсредоточавам (се), концентрирам (се) (in, round); to \centre o.'s affections on отдавам цялата си любов на; 3. сп. изпращам топката към центъра, центрирам; 4. съм в центъра на; 5. отбелязвам центъра на; тех. центровам, центрирам.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > centre

  • 49 centre

    n. göbek, merkez, orta, ılımlı kimse, ılımlı politik görüş, odak, orta alan, orta alan oyuncusu, santra, kemer inşaat desteği, punta, sente, kubbe inşaat desteği
    * * *
    * * *
    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) merkez
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) merkez
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) ilgi merkezi/odağı
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) ortalamak, ortaya yerleştirmek
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) etrafında toplanmak/ yoğunlaşmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > centre

  • 50 centre

    • tyyssija
    • pooli
    • kaupungin keskusta
    • keskipaikka
    • keskusta
    • keskikaupunki
    • keskittyä
    • keskikohta
    • keskus
    • keskiosa
    • keskipiste (GB)
    • keskipiste
    • keskiö
    • keskushyökkääjä
    • keskuspaikka
    • keskittää
    • kohtio
    • napa
    • pesäpaikka
    medicine, veterinary
    • pesäke
    • sydän
    * * *
    'sentə 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) keskusta
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) keskus
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) keskipiste
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) sijoittaa keskelle, olla keskipisteessä
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) pyöriä jonkun ympärillä

    English-Finnish dictionary > centre

  • 51 centre

    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) centrs
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) centrs
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) centrs
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) koncentrēt; centrēt
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) koncentrēties
    * * *
    centrs; centra spēlētājs; koncentrēt; koncentrēties; centrēt; piespēlēt centram

    English-Latvian dictionary > centre

  • 52 centre

    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) centras, vidurys
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) centras
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) centras
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) padėti į vidurį, būti viduryje
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) suktis apie, koncentruotis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > centre

  • 53 centre

    n. centrum, mitten, mittpunkt, något som ligger i mitten (växla stavning för center)
    * * *
    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) centrum
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) center
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) medelpunkt, centrum
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) ställa (sätta) i mittpunkten, stå (sitta) i mittpunkten, centrera
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) kretsa kring

    English-Swedish dictionary > centre

  • 54 centre

    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) střed, centrum
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) středisko, centrum
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) těžiště
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) umístit, do centra, být v centru
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) soustředit (se) na
    * * *
    • středisko
    • střed
    • centrovat
    • centrum

    English-Czech dictionary > centre

  • 55 centre

    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) stred, centrum
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) stredisko
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) ťažisko
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) umiestniť do centra; byť stredom
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) sústrediť sa (na)
    * * *
    • ústredie
    • stred
    • stredisko
    • centrum

    English-Slovak dictionary > centre

  • 56 centre

    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) centru
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) centru
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) centru
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) a cen­tra
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) a se concentra (asupra)

    English-Romanian dictionary > centre

  • 57 centre

    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) κέντρο
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) κέντρο
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) επίκεντρο
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) κεντράρω
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) επικεντρώνομαι

    English-Greek dictionary > centre

  • 58 centre

    ['sentə] 1. noun
    1) (the middle point, or middle of anything; the point or area farthest from the edge: the centre of a circle; the city centre.) centro
    2) (a place having, or designed for, a particular activity, interest etc: a centre of industry; a shopping-centre; a sports-centre.) centro
    3) (the main point (of interest etc): the centre of attention.) centro
    2. verb
    1) (to place, or to be, at the centre.) centrar
    2) ((with on) to concentrate round: Her plans always centre on her child.) concentrar-se

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > centre

  • 59 centre

    [΄sentə] n կենտրոն, մեջտեղ. dead centre փխբ. մեռյալ կետ. անշարժ կենտրոն shopping/ administrative centre առևտրա կան/վար չական կենտրոն. centre of infection բժշկ. վարակի օջախ. centre forward մրզ. հարձակման կենտրոն. in the exact centre ճիշտ կենտրոնում. centre mark մրզ. կենտրոնական նշագծում. centre service line մրզ. սկզբնահարվածի կենտրոնական գիծ. centre strap մրզ. ցանցը պահող գոտի

    English-Armenian dictionary > centre

  • 60 centre

    n. centrum, midden, middelpunt
    , Amerikaans-Engels spelling center [ sentə] zelfstandig naamwoord 〈→ Sporttermen: RugbySporttermen: Rugby/〉
    middencentrum, middelpunt ook figuurlijk; spil, as; politiek centrumpartij; (zenuw)centrum; haard van storm, rebellie
    centruminstelling, bureau
    → centre three-quarter centre three-quarter/
         centre of gravity zwaartepunt
    middel- centraal
    1   centre field middenveld
         centre line middellijn
    1   centre (a)round als middelpunt hebben
         centre (up)on zich concentreren op

    English-Dutch dictionary > centre

См. также в других словарях:

  • centre — [ sɑ̃tr ] n. m. • 1275; lat. centrum, gr. kentron I ♦ 1 ♦ Point intérieur (d un cercle, d une sphère) équidistant de tous les points du cercle, de la sphère. Le centre d un disque. Le centre de la Terre. ♢ Centre de symétrie : point tel que tous… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • centre — cen‧tre [ˈsentə ǁ ər] , center noun [countable] 1. COMMERCE the place where most of the important things connected with a business or activity happen: • Bahrain has become a major international banking centre. centre of …   Financial and business terms

  • centre — CENTRE. s. m. Le milieu, le point du milieu d un cercle ou d une sphère. Le centre d un cercle. Tirer une ligne du centre à la circonférence, des lignes qui passent par le centre, qui aboutissent au centre. Le centre de la terre. Le centre d une… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • centre — s. m. Le milieu, le point du milieu de chaque chose. Le centre de la terre. le centre d un cercle. tirer une ligne du centre à la circonference. des lignes qui passent par le centre, qui aboutissent au centre. Il se prend aussi pour le lieu où… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Centre — Centre …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • centre — (US center) ► NOUN 1) a point in the middle of something that is equally distant from all of its sides, ends, or surfaces. 2) a place where a specified activity is concentrated. 3) a point from which something spreads or to which something is… …   English terms dictionary

  • Centre A — Centre A, the Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, is a non profit art gallery committed to the research, production, presentation and interpretation of contemporary Asian art. It is located at 2 West Hastings Street, in… …   Wikipedia

  • Centre — Centre, AL U.S. city in Alabama Population (2000): 3216 Housing Units (2000): 1515 Land area (2000): 10.968141 sq. miles (28.407354 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.105972 sq. miles (0.274466 sq. km) Total area (2000): 11.074113 sq. miles (28.681820… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Centre, AL — U.S. city in Alabama Population (2000): 3216 Housing Units (2000): 1515 Land area (2000): 10.968141 sq. miles (28.407354 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.105972 sq. miles (0.274466 sq. km) Total area (2000): 11.074113 sq. miles (28.681820 sq. km)… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • centre — cèntre m. centre; milieu. Estre a son centre : être à son affaire ; être dans son élément. voir element …   Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu

  • centre — cen tre, n. & v. See {Center}. [chiefly British] [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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