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  • 1 pass

    1. verb
    1) (to move towards and then beyond (something, by going past, through, by, over etc): I pass the shops on my way to work; The procession passed along the corridor.) míjet, projít
    2) (to move, give etc from one person, state etc to another: They passed the photographs around; The tradition is passed (on/down) from father to son.) přecházet
    3) (to go or be beyond: This passes my understanding.) přesahovat
    4) ((of vehicles etc on a road) to overtake: The sports car passed me at a dangerous bend in the road.) předjet
    5) (to spend (time): They passed several weeks in the country.) strávit
    6) ((of an official group, government etc) to accept or approve: The government has passed a resolution.) schválit
    7) (to give or announce (a judgement or sentence): The magistrate passed judgement on the prisoner.) vynést
    8) (to end or go away: His sickness soon passed.) minout
    9) (to (judge to) be successful in (an examination etc): I passed my driving test.) složit
    2. noun
    1) (a narrow path between mountains: a mountain pass.) průsmyk, soutěska
    2) (a ticket or card allowing a person to do something, eg to travel free or to get in to a building: You must show your pass before entering.) propustka
    3) (a successful result in an examination, especially when below a distinction, honours etc: There were ten passes and no fails.) složení zkoušky
    4) ((in ball games) a throw, kick, hit etc of the ball from one player to another: The centre-forward made a pass towards the goal.) dlouhá přihrávka
    - passing
    - passer-by
    - password
    - in passing
    - let something pass
    - let pass
    - pass as/for
    - pass away
    - pass the buck
    - pass by
    - pass off
    - pass something or someone off as
    - pass off as
    - pass on
    - pass out
    - pass over
    - pass up
    * * *
    • udělat např. zkoušku
    • vstupenka
    • plynout
    • podat
    • podání
    • podávat
    • projít
    • průkazka
    • minout
    • míjet

    English-Czech dictionary > pass

  • 2 circle

    ['sə:kl] 1. noun
    1) (a figure (O) bounded by one line, every point on which is equally distant from the centre.) kruh, kružnice
    2) (something in the form of a circle: She was surrounded by a circle of admirers.) kruh
    3) (a group of people: a circle of close friends; wealthy circles.) kroužek, skupina
    4) (a balcony in a theatre etc: We sat in the circle at the opera.) balkon (v hledišti)
    2. verb
    1) (to move in a circle round something: The chickens circled round the farmer who was bringing their food.) kroužit (kolem), obklopovat
    2) (to draw a circle round: Please circle the word you think is wrong.) zakroužkovat
    * * *
    • kruh
    • kružnice
    • kroužit
    • balkon

    English-Czech dictionary > circle

  • 3 cross

    [kros] I adjective
    (angry: I get very cross when I lose something.) podrážděný, rozmrzelý
    II 1. plural - crosses; noun
    1) (a symbol formed by two lines placed across each other, eg + or x.) kříž
    2) (two wooden beams placed thus (+), on which Christ was nailed.) kříž
    3) (the symbol of the Christian religion.) kříž
    4) (a lasting cause of suffering etc: Your rheumatism is a cross you will have to bear.) kříž, obtíž
    5) (the result of breeding two varieties of animal or plant: This dog is a cross between an alsatian and a labrador.) kříženec
    6) (a monument in the shape of a cross.) kříž
    7) (any of several types of medal given for bravery etc: the Victoria Cross.) kříž
    2. verb
    1) (to go from one side to the other: Let's cross (the street); This road crosses the swamp.) přejít; protínat (se)
    2) ((negative uncross) to place (two things) across each other: He sat down and crossed his legs.) zkřížit
    3) (to go or be placed across (each other): The roads cross in the centre of town.) křížit se
    4) (to meet and pass: Our letters must have crossed in the post.) křížit se
    5) (to put a line across: Cross your `t's'.) přeškrtnout
    6) (to make (a cheque or postal order) payable only through a bank by drawing two parallel lines across it.) překřížit
    7) (to breed (something) from two different varieties: I've crossed two varieties of rose.) (z)křížit
    8) (to go against the wishes of: If you cross me, you'll regret it!) odporovat
    - crossing
    - crossbow
    - cross-breed
    - cross-bred
    - crosscheck
    3. noun
    (the act of crosschecking.) přezkoumání, křížová kontrola
    - cross-country skiing
    - cross-examine
    - cross-examination
    - cross-eyed
    - cross-fire
    - at cross-purposes
    - cross-refer
    - cross-reference
    - crossroads
    - cross-section
    - crossword puzzle
    - crossword
    - cross one's fingers
    - cross out
    * * *
    • přetínat
    • přestoupit
    • přejíždět
    • přejet
    • přejít
    • přestupovat
    • kříž

    English-Czech dictionary > cross

  • 4 extreme

    [ik'stri:m] 1. adjective
    1) (very great, especially much more than usual: extreme pleasure; He is in extreme pain.) nejvyšší, úplný, naprostý
    2) (very far or furthest in any direction, especially out from the centre: the extreme south-western tip of England; Politically, he belongs to the extreme left.) nejzazší; krajní
    3) (very violent or strong; not ordinary or usual: He holds extreme views on education.) extremistický
    2. noun
    1) (something as far, or as different, as possible from something else: the extremes of sadness and joy.) krajnost
    2) (the greatest degree of any state, especially if unpleasant: The extremes of heat in the desert make life uncomfortable.) nejvyšší stupeň
    - extremism
    - extremist
    - extremity
    - in the extreme
    - to extremes
    * * *
    • hraniční
    • extrémní
    • krajní
    • nehoráznost

    English-Czech dictionary > extreme

  • 5 fringe

    [frin‹] 1. noun
    1) (a border of loose threads on a carpet, shawl etc: Her red shawl has a black fringe.) třásně
    2) (hair cut to hang over the forehead: You should have your fringe cut before it covers your eyes.) ofina
    3) (the outer area; the edge; the part farthest from the main part or centre of something: on the fringe of the city.) okraj
    2. verb
    (to make or be a border around: Trees fringed the pond.) lemovat
    * * *
    • třásně
    • třepení
    • okraj

    English-Czech dictionary > fringe

  • 6 green

    [ɡri:n] 1. adjective
    1) (of the colour of growing grass or the leaves of most plants: a green hat.) zelený
    2) (not ripe: green bananas.) zelený, nezralý
    3) (without experience: Only someone as green as you would believe a story like that.) nezkušený
    4) (looking as if one is about to be sick; very pale: He was green with envy (= very jealous).) zelený
    2. noun
    1) (the colour of grass or the leaves of plants: the green of the trees in summer.) zelená (barva), zeleň
    2) (something (eg paint) green in colour: I've used up all my green.) zelená (barva)
    3) (an area of grass: a village green.) trávník
    4) (an area of grass on a golf course with a small hole in the centre.) trávník
    5) (concerned with the protection of the environment: green issues; a green political party.) zelený, environmentální, ekologický
    - greens
    - greenfly
    - greengage
    - greengrocer
    - greenhouse
    - greenhouse effect
    - the green light
    * * *
    • trávník
    • zelená
    • zelený
    • zeleň

    English-Czech dictionary > green

  • 7 Leaf

    plural - leaves; noun
    1) (a part of a plant growing from the side of a stem, usually green, flat and thin, but of various shapes depending on the plant: Many trees lose their leaves in autumn.) list
    2) (something thin like a leaf, especially the page of a book: Several leaves had been torn out of the book.) list
    3) (an extra part of a table, either attached to one side with a hinge or added to the centre when the two ends are apart.) sklápěcí deska
    - leafy
    - turn over a new leaf
    * * *
    • Leaf
    • list rostliny

    English-Czech dictionary > Leaf

  • 8 leaf

    plural - leaves; noun
    1) (a part of a plant growing from the side of a stem, usually green, flat and thin, but of various shapes depending on the plant: Many trees lose their leaves in autumn.) list
    2) (something thin like a leaf, especially the page of a book: Several leaves had been torn out of the book.) list
    3) (an extra part of a table, either attached to one side with a hinge or added to the centre when the two ends are apart.) sklápěcí deska
    - leafy
    - turn over a new leaf
    * * *
    • list
    • lupen

    English-Czech dictionary > leaf

  • 9 outer

    adjective (outside; far from (the centre of) something: outer space.) vnější, krajní
    * * *
    • vnější

    English-Czech dictionary > outer

  • 10 seat

    [si:t] 1. noun
    1) (something for sitting on: Are there enough seats for everyone?) sedadlo
    2) (the part of a chair etc on which the body sits: This chair-seat is broken.) sedátko
    3) ((the part of a garment covering) the buttocks: I've got a sore seat after all that horse riding; a hole in the seat of his trousers.) zadek
    4) (a place in which a person has a right to sit: two seats for the play; a seat in Parliament; a seat on the board of the company.) sedadlo; křeslo
    5) (a place that is the centre of some activity etc: Universities are seats of learning.) sídlo
    2. verb
    1) (to cause to sit down: I seated him in the armchair.) posadit
    2) (to have seats for: Our table seats eight.) být pro... osob
    - - seater
    - seating
    - seat belt
    - take a seat
    * * *
    • sídlo
    • sedadlo
    • křeslo
    • místo

    English-Czech dictionary > seat

См. также в других словарях:

  • centre something around something — ˈcentre around/on/round/upon sb/sth | ˈcentre sth around/on/round/upon sb/sth derived to be or make sb/sth become the person or thing around which most activity, etc. takes place • State occasions always centred around the king. • Discussions… …   Useful english dictionary

  • centre something on something — ˈcentre around/on/round/upon sb/sth | ˈcentre sth around/on/round/upon sb/sth derived to be or make sb/sth become the person or thing around which most activity, etc. takes place • State occasions always centred around the king. • Discussions… …   Useful english dictionary

  • centre something round something — ˈcentre around/on/round/upon sb/sth | ˈcentre sth around/on/round/upon sb/sth derived to be or make sb/sth become the person or thing around which most activity, etc. takes place • State occasions always centred around the king. • Discussions… …   Useful english dictionary

  • centre something upon something — ˈcentre around/on/round/upon sb/sth | ˈcentre sth around/on/round/upon sb/sth derived to be or make sb/sth become the person or thing around which most activity, etc. takes place • State occasions always centred around the king. • Discussions… …   Useful english dictionary

  • centre something around somebody — ˈcentre around/on/round/upon sb/sth | ˈcentre sth around/on/round/upon sb/sth derived to be or make sb/sth become the person or thing around which most activity, etc. takes place • State occasions always centred around the king. • Discussions… …   Useful english dictionary

  • centre something on somebody — ˈcentre around/on/round/upon sb/sth | ˈcentre sth around/on/round/upon sb/sth derived to be or make sb/sth become the person or thing around which most activity, etc. takes place • State occasions always centred around the king. • Discussions… …   Useful english dictionary

  • centre something round somebody — ˈcentre around/on/round/upon sb/sth | ˈcentre sth around/on/round/upon sb/sth derived to be or make sb/sth become the person or thing around which most activity, etc. takes place • State occasions always centred around the king. • Discussions… …   Useful english dictionary

  • centre something upon somebody — ˈcentre around/on/round/upon sb/sth | ˈcentre sth around/on/round/upon sb/sth derived to be or make sb/sth become the person or thing around which most activity, etc. takes place • State occasions always centred around the king. • Discussions… …   Useful english dictionary

  • centre something in … — ˈcentre sth in… derived usually passive to make somewhere the place where an activity or event takes place • Most of the fighting was centred in the north of the capital. Main entry: ↑centrederived …   Useful english dictionary

  • centre — [[t]se̱ntə(r)[/t]] ♦ centres, centring, centred (in AM, use center) 1) N COUNT: usu with supp, oft in names after n A centre is a building where people have meetings, take part in a particular activity, or get help of some kind. We went to a… …   English dictionary

  • centre around — phrasal verb centre around or centre round or centre on or centre upon [transitive] Word forms centre around : present tense I/you/we/they centre around he/she/it centres around present participle centring around past tense centred around past… …   English dictionary

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