1 centre of equilibrium
Строительство: центр равновесия -
2 centre of equilibrium
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > centre of equilibrium
3 centre of equilibrium
4 centre
= center1) центр (города, круга); пункт, место2) остриё3) мн. ч. кружала4) середина; сердцевина5) шаблон, угольник6) помещать(ся) в центре; устанавливать между центрами7) центрировать; отмечать кернером, кернить•- centre of curvature - centre of equilibrium - centre of gyration - centre of mass - centre of movement - centre of origin - centre of oscillation - centre of percussion - centre of pressure - centre of rotation - centre of similarity - centre of symmetry - centre of track - centre of vibration - aerodynamic centre - aerodynamical centre - arch centre - arm centre - axle centre - back centre - back dead centre - barrel centre - bell centre - bench centres - between centres - bottom dead centre - business centre - case centre - civic centre - commercial centre - computation centre - computer centre - control centre - coordination centre - crane centres - cultural centre - data-processing centre - dead centre - differential indexing centre - elevating centre - engineering centre - exhibition centre - false centre - female centre - fixed centre - flexural centre - fork centre - forward dead centre - half centre - homothetic centre - ignition centre - industrial centre - information centre - inner dead centre - instantaneous centre - instantaneous centre of acceleration - instantaneous centre of rotation - instantaneous centre of velocity - internal centre - kitchen recycling centre - lathe centre - live centre - miller centre - moment centre - on centre - optical centre - out of centre - outer dead centre - pivot centre - planer centres - plate centre - research centre - running centre - scientific and technical centre - shifting centre - shopping centre - spide centrer - spoke centre - square centre - tail centre - technical-maintenance centre - technological centre - telescopic centres - three-point contact centre - toll centre - top dead centre - trade centre - training centre - triple indexing centre - twist centre - wheel centre -
5 equilibrium condensation
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > equilibrium condensation
6 method
1) метод; способ; средство2) система; порядок3) технология4) методика•- method of applying liquid lubrication - method of calculation - method of column analogy - method of comparison - method of connecting - method of determining bending moments by fixed points - method of directions - method of elastic arch - method of elastic weights - method of electric needles - method of exchange of members - method of firing - method of fixed points - method of images - method of initial parameters - method of joints - method of least squares - method of least work - method of limit equilibrium - method of minimum strain energy - method of moments - method of movement - method of operation - method of payment - method of planning - method of production - method of redundant reactions - method of rotations - method of sections - method of separate joint displacement - method of slopes - method of stowage - method of strain measurement method - method of substitute redundant members - method of successive approximations - method of successive corrections - method of training - method of transportation - method of working - method of zero moment points - methods of network planning and control - ad hoc method - advertising method - aero-projection method - air-permeability method - airslide method - approximation method - arbitrary proportions method - area moment method - artificial islands method - ball method of testing - bench method - bidding methods - brush method of treatment timber - building methods - caisson method - cantilever method of design - cassette method of production of thin-slab structures - central mixing method - centre drift method - centrifuge method - centroidal method of design - change-in-stress method - chemical injection method - closed building method - column analogy method of design - compressed-air method of tunnelling - concrete testing method - cone method - construction works quality control method - core-drill method - correlation method - cut-and-cover method - cut-and-try method - cylinder method - deflection method - design methods - development method - dip method - dipping method of treatment timber - effective method - electrolytic method - emulsified-asphalt penetration method - energy method - equal load increments method - equal strain method - error method - fabrication method - fixing method - float and chains method - flow-line conveyer method - force method - graphical method - heading method of tunnelling - hot-air heating standpipe method - hot penetration method - hydraulic fill method - impact method - kinematic method - lacquer film method - land-assembly methods - lift-slab method - limit equilibrium method - limit stage design method - line production method - loading method - magnaflux method - mechanical method by pumps - membrane method of waterproofing - mixed-in-place method - mock-up methods of design - modular ratio method - moire fringe method - moment area method - moment-distribution method - moment-of-inertia method of designing - mud-jack method - mulch method - near end moment distribution method - neutral-points method - non-destructive testing methods - normal method - packing methods - patented method of construction - penetration method - percussive pneumatic method of riveting - photo-elastic method of stress-determination - photo-elasticity method - pilot method - pilot tunnel method - pin-and-string method - pipe-bridge method - plastic method of design - plastic theory method - polarized light method - portal method of design - pounding method of curing concrete - production line method of construction - qualitative methods - quantitative methods - relaxation method - ring-and-ball method - rolled-on method - safe method of heat insulation - safety methods - sampling method - sand-bearing method of testing clay pipes - sand-island method - scheduling method - seismic method of prospecting - simultaneous construction method - slope deflection method - spatial self-fixation erection method - statistical analysis method - stovepipe pipe-laying method - strain-energy method - successive construction method - surface-coating method of waterproofing - synthetic method of restoration - thixotropic liquid method - tilt-up method - top-heading method - transfiguration method - trial-load method - turnover method - ultimate-strength method - ultrasonic pulse velocity method - void method of proportioning - volume method of concrete mix design - volumetric method - water-jet method of pile-driving - weight method - well-point method of excavation - work method - working stress method of design* * *метод, способ; система; порядок; методика; технология- method of analysis
- method of application
- method of attack
- method of bearing and distances
- method of bipolar coordinates
- method of calculation
- method of design
- method of detail survey
- method of elastic weights
- method of electric needles
- method of expansion into series
- method of fixed points
- method of intersection
- method of joint isolation
- method of least work
- methods of manufacture
- method of minimum strain energy
- method of moment distribution
- method of radiation
- method of redistribution of pressure
- method of sections
- method of steam jet
- methods of structural analysis
- method of successive approximations
- methods of testing
- method of water needles
- accepted method of building
- accepted method of house construction
- accurate method of analysis
- adhesive nail-on method
- admittance method
- advanced methods of concreting
- advance slope method
- aggregate exposure method
- air permeability method
- alternate methods
- American method
- analytical method of determining reactions
- API method of pile design
- approximate method
- approximation method
- area method
- area-moment method
- assembly methods
- Austrian method
- autogenous curing method
- balanced cantilever method
- Belgian method
- Benoto method
- bentonite method
- Billner method
- "bin" method
- boiling water method
- boom placement concreting method
- bricklaying methods
- building method
- building block module method
- cable method of rock stressing
- calculation method
- cantilever method
- Chicago method
- circular-arc method
- Coast-Survey method
- collapse method of structural design
- combined finite strip-finite element method
- compaction methods of clays
- conjugate beam method
- consistency measurement method
- construction methods
- construction and erection methods
- contiguous pile method
- continuous-flight augers method
- continuous-sample method of advance
- convergence method
- critical method
- critical path method
- Cross moment distribution method
- Cross method
- cross-section method
- current design methods
- cut-and-cover method
- dampproofing methods
- displacement method
- displacement method of advance
- dual-rail method
- dummy unit-load method
- dust-spot method
- Dutch cone method
- earth pressure balanced tunneling method
- elastic center method
- elastic weights method
- electric analogy method
- electric resisting method
- energy method
- equal friction method of duct sizing
- equal friction method
- equivalent load method
- erection method
- fast track construction methods
- fatigue test method
- finite difference method
- finite element method
- finite strip method
- flight auger method
- flotation caisson method
- flue loss method
- folded plate method of analysis
- force method
- free cantilever method of construction
- general method of analysis
- Glotzl hydraulic cell method
- Gow method
- Hardy Cross method
- housing appraisal method
- in-duct method
- industrialized methods of construction
- iterative method
- jack method
- jacking method
- lacquer curtain coating method
- laser beam method
- leap-frog method
- limit equilibrium method
- limit state method
- listening methods
- load factor design method
- mandrel method
- mathematical method of design
- matrix method of structural analysis
- maturity method
- measuring method
- mixed-mode method
- mix-in-place method
- modern building methods
- modular ratio method
- moiré fringe method
- moment-balance method
- nondestructive methods of tests
- normal method of quality control
- null method
- numerical method
- one-rail method
- optical square method
- permissible stress method
- phototheodolite method
- plastic methods of structural analysis
- plate count method
- precast concrete manufacturing methods
- pressuremeter method
- proven construction methods
- p-y method of pile design
- rapid test method
- ratio method of balancing
- rebound hammer method
- reference point method
- relaxation method
- reproducible methods
- resistivity method
- resonant-frequency method
- reverberant field method
- Rockwell method of hardness testing
- safe method
- safe working methods
- secant interlocking pile method
- secant pile method
- seismic method of surveying
- seismic reflection method
- seismic refraction method
- semiprobabilistic design method
- shear transfer method
- shock response method of pile testing
- sliding-wedge method
- slope deflection method
- solar radiation method
- sonic method
- special method of quality control
- standard test method
- static regain method of duct sizing
- static regain method
- statistical design method
- step-by-step method
- strength design method
- strength evaluation method
- successive approximations method
- suspended cantilever method
- swamp shooting method
- Tagg method
- tangent modulus method
- test methods
- Theis method
- thixotropic liquid method
- three-point method
- tilt-up method
- time-saving method of construction
- TNO method of analysis
- TNO method of pile testing
- transit and stadia method
- tremie method
- truss analogy method
- turn-of-nut method
- ultrasonic pulse velocity method
- vacuum concrete method of bridge construction
- valveless pulse-jet method
- vane shear method
- velocity reduction method of duct sizing
- velocity reduction method
- vibratory method
- Vickers method of hardness testing
- volume method of measuring aggregates
- warm water method
- water fog spray method
- western bricklaying method
- western method
- working-stress design method -
1) Общая лексика: Ассамблея Европейского экономического сообщества2) Компьютерная техника: Electronic Engine Control3) Авиация: электронный регулятор режимов работы двигателя4) Военный термин: East European Countries, Elements of Expense Code, Enhanced Explosives Charge, Enlisted Evaluation Center5) Техника: Electrical and Electronics Commission, Erosion Experimental Station, end-of-equilibrium cycle, engine electronic control6) Шутливое выражение: Either European Community7) Химия: Environmental Education Center, Equilibrium Equivalent Concentration, Evaporation Emission Control8) Железнодорожный термин: East Erie Commercial Railroad9) Экономика: ЕЭС, ЕврАзЭС (Eurasian Economic Community, хотя на официальном сайте дается EurAsEC см. http://www.evrazes.com/en/about), Общий рынок (1957 г.)10) Автомобильный термин: electronic engine control - электронное управление двигателем, electronic engine control (Ford)11) Сокращение: Electronic Engine Controls, European Economic Community Now European Union (EU), European Economic Council, Extended Exit Cone, High explosive, general-purpose, Extended Error Correction12) Шахматы: Emile's Evolutionary Chess13) Вычислительная техника: Комитет по электронной аппаратуре14) Нефть: european economic commission15) Банковское дело: Европейское экономическое сообщество (European Economic Community)16) Воздухоплавание: European Experimental Centre17) Фирменный знак: East Erie Commercial18) Деловая лексика: Европейское экономическое сообщество (ЕЭС, European Economic Community)19) Образование: Early Elementary Classroom20) Инвестиции: European Economic Community21) Сетевые технологии: Electronic Equipment Committee22) AMEX. Environmental Elements Corporation -
8 distribution
nounраспределение nabsolute distribution абсолютное/безусловное распределениеasymptotically uniform distribution асимптотически равномерное распределениеbimodal distribution бимодальное/дву вершинное распределениеcanonical distribution каноническое распределение, распределение Гиббсаcomposition of distributions композиция f распределенийcompound Poisson distribution обобщенное/сложное распределение Пуассонаconvergence in distribution сходимость f по распределениюconvergence of distributions сходимость f распределенийcumulative distribution function функция f распределенияdistribution density плотность f распределенияdistribution function функция f распределенияdistribution law закон m распределенияdispersion of а distribution разброс m распределенияdomain of attraction of a stable distribution область f притяжения устойчивого распределенияexponential family of distributions экспоненциальное семейство распределенийGaussian distribution гауссовское/нормальное распределениеgeneralized hy-pergeometric distribution обобщенное гипергеометрическое распределениеgeneralized hypergeometric series distribution обобщенное распределение гипергеометрического рядаhypergeometric series distribution распределение гипергеометрического рядаindex of а distribution индекс m распределенияlognor-mal distribution логарифмически нормальное (ло-гнормальное) распределениеmarginal distribution маргинальное/частное распределениеmixture of distributions смесь f распределенийmode of а distribution мода f / вершина f распределенияmultimodal distribution мно-говершинное/мультимодальное распределениеnegative hypergeometric distribution отрицательное гипергеометрическое распределениеnegative multinomial distribution отрицательное полиномиальное распределениеnet of distributions сеть f распределенийone-sided infinitely divisible distribution одностороннее безгранично делимое распределениеprobability distribution вероятностное распределение, распределение вероятностейrelatively weak compact family of distributions слабо относительно компактное семейство распределенийRenyi distribution function функция f распределения Реньиsample distribution выборочное /эмпирическое распределениеSimpson distribution распределение Симпсона, треугольное распределениеskewness of а distribution асимметрия f распределенияstrictly unimodal distribution сильно одновершинное/унимодальное распределениеtail of а distribution хвост m распределенияunimodal distribution унимодальное/одновершинное распределениеweak distribution слабое распределение, цилиндрическая вероятностьАнглийский-русский словарь по теории вероятностей, статистике и комбинаторике > distribution
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Chemically Engineered Lemur2) Авиация: component evolution list3) Медицина: contrast-enhancing lesion4) Военный термин: Central European line, combined events list, contractor experience list5) Техника: carbon equilibrium loop, chrome-free lignosulfanate6) Автомобильный термин: check engine light7) Металлургия: Carbon Equivalent Liquids8) Сокращение: Centre d'Essais des Landes (France), Collins English Library, Cryogenics Engineering Laboratory, celestial, Celtic (Other)9) Нефть: лигносульфонат, не содержащий хрома (chrome-free lignosulfanate)10) Холодильная техника: Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory11) Химическое оружие: Chemical Evaluation Laboratory12) Расширение файла: Picture (3DS), Animation (Autodesk Animator - 3D Studio) -
10 Cel
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Chemically Engineered Lemur2) Авиация: component evolution list3) Медицина: contrast-enhancing lesion4) Военный термин: Central European line, combined events list, contractor experience list5) Техника: carbon equilibrium loop, chrome-free lignosulfanate6) Автомобильный термин: check engine light7) Металлургия: Carbon Equivalent Liquids8) Сокращение: Centre d'Essais des Landes (France), Collins English Library, Cryogenics Engineering Laboratory, celestial, Celtic (Other)9) Нефть: лигносульфонат, не содержащий хрома (chrome-free lignosulfanate)10) Холодильная техника: Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory11) Химическое оружие: Chemical Evaluation Laboratory12) Расширение файла: Picture (3DS), Animation (Autodesk Animator - 3D Studio) -
11 ICE
1) Общая лексика: iridocorneal endothelial syndrome, Иммиграционно-таможенная полиция США, иридокорнеальный эндотелиальный синдром2) Компьютерная техника: Information Concealment Engine, Information Controls Equipment, Intelligence Comprehension And Execution, Intelligent Concept Extraction, Internal Consistency Evaluation3) Медицина: ischemic cardiac event (ишемическая патология сердца), ischemic cardiovascular event (ишемическая сердечно-сосудистая патология), intracardiac echocardiography4) Американизм: Immigration Controls Everything5) Военный термин: Interface Control Element, Inventory Control Effectiveness, improved cost estimate, increased combat effectiveness, independent cost estimate, index of combat effectiveness, initial combat employment, intelligence and counterespionage, interconnect equipment, internal combustion engine, СОВИ (imagery exploitation system), система сбора и обработки видовой информации6) Техника: incircuit emulation, instrument checkout equipment, instrument/communications equipment, integrated cooling for electronics, internal-combustion engine, Institute of Civil Engineers (UK)7) Химия: Initial Change Equilibrium8) Юридический термин: Investigating Curious Evidence, Involve Citizens Early, Isolate The Criminal Element, Служба по принудительному обеспечению следования таможенных и иммиграционных правили (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)9) Экономика: Межконтинентальная биржа (Intercontinental Exchange)10) Автомобильный термин: In-Car Entertainment( автомобильная мультимедийная система))11) Биржевой термин: Intercontinental Exchange12) Телекоммуникации: Information Content Exchange, Integrated Communications Environment13) Сокращение: Improved Combat Efficiency, Independent Collection Equipment, Individual Compass Error, Information and Content Exchange (network protocol), Innovative Control Effectors, Instant Camouflage Envelope, Institution of Civil Engineers, Integral Contrast Enhacnement, Integration with Controlled Error, Interference Cancelling Equipment, Internal Communications Exchange, International Cultural Exchange, Information Centre on Education, Information and Content Exchange, двигатель внутреннего сгорания (Internal Combustion Engine), In Case of Emergency14) Университет: Instructional Computing Environment15) Вычислительная техника: In-Circuit Emulator, in-circuit emulation, Image Correction Enhancement (Minolta, Nikon, Scanner), International Cometary Explorer (Space), Information and Content Exchange (protocol, XML), аппаратура контроля ввода, внутрисхемная эмуляция, встроенный эмулятор16) Транспорт: In Car Entertainment, Integrated Cab Electronics, Междугородный экспресс (InterCityExpress)17) Фирменный знак: Insane Creators Enterprise, Iron Crown Enterprises18) Экология: International Center for the Environment19) СМИ: International Corpus Of English20) Деловая лексика: Income Cost Exercise, Informed Customer's Edge, Internet Centric Excellence, Internet Connectivity Enterprise21) Образование: Instructor Certification Examination, Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education22) Сетевые технологии: input checking equipment23) Полимеры: Institution of Chemical Engineers24) Макаров: international cometary explorer, isolated-core excitation25) Безопасность: Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics, Intrusion Countermeasure Enhancement26) Интернет: Interface Code Error27) Расширение файла: Archive (Cracked LHA, old Lha), In-Circuit Emulator (Intel), Integrated Computing Environment (Langley Research), Archive format (Cracked LHA (old LHA)28) Молекулярная биология: Interleukin-1 Beta-Converting Enzyme29) Должность: Independent Cosmetology Educators, Integrated Chemical Engineering, Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics, Inventory Control Expert30) Программное обеспечение: Integrated Correction And Enhancement, Integration Centric Engineering -
12 Ice
1) Общая лексика: iridocorneal endothelial syndrome, Иммиграционно-таможенная полиция США, иридокорнеальный эндотелиальный синдром2) Компьютерная техника: Information Concealment Engine, Information Controls Equipment, Intelligence Comprehension And Execution, Intelligent Concept Extraction, Internal Consistency Evaluation3) Медицина: ischemic cardiac event (ишемическая патология сердца), ischemic cardiovascular event (ишемическая сердечно-сосудистая патология), intracardiac echocardiography4) Американизм: Immigration Controls Everything5) Военный термин: Interface Control Element, Inventory Control Effectiveness, improved cost estimate, increased combat effectiveness, independent cost estimate, index of combat effectiveness, initial combat employment, intelligence and counterespionage, interconnect equipment, internal combustion engine, СОВИ (imagery exploitation system), система сбора и обработки видовой информации6) Техника: incircuit emulation, instrument checkout equipment, instrument/communications equipment, integrated cooling for electronics, internal-combustion engine, Institute of Civil Engineers (UK)7) Химия: Initial Change Equilibrium8) Юридический термин: Investigating Curious Evidence, Involve Citizens Early, Isolate The Criminal Element, Служба по принудительному обеспечению следования таможенных и иммиграционных правили (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)9) Экономика: Межконтинентальная биржа (Intercontinental Exchange)10) Автомобильный термин: In-Car Entertainment( автомобильная мультимедийная система))11) Биржевой термин: Intercontinental Exchange12) Телекоммуникации: Information Content Exchange, Integrated Communications Environment13) Сокращение: Improved Combat Efficiency, Independent Collection Equipment, Individual Compass Error, Information and Content Exchange (network protocol), Innovative Control Effectors, Instant Camouflage Envelope, Institution of Civil Engineers, Integral Contrast Enhacnement, Integration with Controlled Error, Interference Cancelling Equipment, Internal Communications Exchange, International Cultural Exchange, Information Centre on Education, Information and Content Exchange, двигатель внутреннего сгорания (Internal Combustion Engine), In Case of Emergency14) Университет: Instructional Computing Environment15) Вычислительная техника: In-Circuit Emulator, in-circuit emulation, Image Correction Enhancement (Minolta, Nikon, Scanner), International Cometary Explorer (Space), Information and Content Exchange (protocol, XML), аппаратура контроля ввода, внутрисхемная эмуляция, встроенный эмулятор16) Транспорт: In Car Entertainment, Integrated Cab Electronics, Междугородный экспресс (InterCityExpress)17) Фирменный знак: Insane Creators Enterprise, Iron Crown Enterprises18) Экология: International Center for the Environment19) СМИ: International Corpus Of English20) Деловая лексика: Income Cost Exercise, Informed Customer's Edge, Internet Centric Excellence, Internet Connectivity Enterprise21) Образование: Instructor Certification Examination, Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education22) Сетевые технологии: input checking equipment23) Полимеры: Institution of Chemical Engineers24) Макаров: international cometary explorer, isolated-core excitation25) Безопасность: Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics, Intrusion Countermeasure Enhancement26) Интернет: Interface Code Error27) Расширение файла: Archive (Cracked LHA, old Lha), In-Circuit Emulator (Intel), Integrated Computing Environment (Langley Research), Archive format (Cracked LHA (old LHA)28) Молекулярная биология: Interleukin-1 Beta-Converting Enzyme29) Должность: Independent Cosmetology Educators, Integrated Chemical Engineering, Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics, Inventory Control Expert30) Программное обеспечение: Integrated Correction And Enhancement, Integration Centric Engineering -
13 cel
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Chemically Engineered Lemur2) Авиация: component evolution list3) Медицина: contrast-enhancing lesion4) Военный термин: Central European line, combined events list, contractor experience list5) Техника: carbon equilibrium loop, chrome-free lignosulfanate6) Автомобильный термин: check engine light7) Металлургия: Carbon Equivalent Liquids8) Сокращение: Centre d'Essais des Landes (France), Collins English Library, Cryogenics Engineering Laboratory, celestial, Celtic (Other)9) Нефть: лигносульфонат, не содержащий хрома (chrome-free lignosulfanate)10) Холодильная техника: Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory11) Химическое оружие: Chemical Evaluation Laboratory12) Расширение файла: Picture (3DS), Animation (Autodesk Animator - 3D Studio) -
14 ice
1) Общая лексика: iridocorneal endothelial syndrome, Иммиграционно-таможенная полиция США, иридокорнеальный эндотелиальный синдром2) Компьютерная техника: Information Concealment Engine, Information Controls Equipment, Intelligence Comprehension And Execution, Intelligent Concept Extraction, Internal Consistency Evaluation3) Медицина: ischemic cardiac event (ишемическая патология сердца), ischemic cardiovascular event (ишемическая сердечно-сосудистая патология), intracardiac echocardiography4) Американизм: Immigration Controls Everything5) Военный термин: Interface Control Element, Inventory Control Effectiveness, improved cost estimate, increased combat effectiveness, independent cost estimate, index of combat effectiveness, initial combat employment, intelligence and counterespionage, interconnect equipment, internal combustion engine, СОВИ (imagery exploitation system), система сбора и обработки видовой информации6) Техника: incircuit emulation, instrument checkout equipment, instrument/communications equipment, integrated cooling for electronics, internal-combustion engine, Institute of Civil Engineers (UK)7) Химия: Initial Change Equilibrium8) Юридический термин: Investigating Curious Evidence, Involve Citizens Early, Isolate The Criminal Element, Служба по принудительному обеспечению следования таможенных и иммиграционных правили (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)9) Экономика: Межконтинентальная биржа (Intercontinental Exchange)10) Автомобильный термин: In-Car Entertainment( автомобильная мультимедийная система))11) Биржевой термин: Intercontinental Exchange12) Телекоммуникации: Information Content Exchange, Integrated Communications Environment13) Сокращение: Improved Combat Efficiency, Independent Collection Equipment, Individual Compass Error, Information and Content Exchange (network protocol), Innovative Control Effectors, Instant Camouflage Envelope, Institution of Civil Engineers, Integral Contrast Enhacnement, Integration with Controlled Error, Interference Cancelling Equipment, Internal Communications Exchange, International Cultural Exchange, Information Centre on Education, Information and Content Exchange, двигатель внутреннего сгорания (Internal Combustion Engine), In Case of Emergency14) Университет: Instructional Computing Environment15) Вычислительная техника: In-Circuit Emulator, in-circuit emulation, Image Correction Enhancement (Minolta, Nikon, Scanner), International Cometary Explorer (Space), Information and Content Exchange (protocol, XML), аппаратура контроля ввода, внутрисхемная эмуляция, встроенный эмулятор16) Транспорт: In Car Entertainment, Integrated Cab Electronics, Междугородный экспресс (InterCityExpress)17) Фирменный знак: Insane Creators Enterprise, Iron Crown Enterprises18) Экология: International Center for the Environment19) СМИ: International Corpus Of English20) Деловая лексика: Income Cost Exercise, Informed Customer's Edge, Internet Centric Excellence, Internet Connectivity Enterprise21) Образование: Instructor Certification Examination, Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education22) Сетевые технологии: input checking equipment23) Полимеры: Institution of Chemical Engineers24) Макаров: international cometary explorer, isolated-core excitation25) Безопасность: Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics, Intrusion Countermeasure Enhancement26) Интернет: Interface Code Error27) Расширение файла: Archive (Cracked LHA, old Lha), In-Circuit Emulator (Intel), Integrated Computing Environment (Langley Research), Archive format (Cracked LHA (old LHA)28) Молекулярная биология: Interleukin-1 Beta-Converting Enzyme29) Должность: Independent Cosmetology Educators, Integrated Chemical Engineering, Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics, Inventory Control Expert30) Программное обеспечение: Integrated Correction And Enhancement, Integration Centric Engineering -
15 position
1) место, местоположение2) положение; состояние•- at-rest position - blade lower position - centre position - deflected position - design position - extended position - extreme position - final position - floating into position - horizontal position - initial position - neutral position - open position - specified position - starting position - transport position - upper-limit position - vertical position - working position - zero position* * *положение; местонахождение; форма; позиция; место || располагать, размещать; устанавливать- position of rest
- position of the reinforcement
- angled-nose in parking position
- angled-nose out parking position
- deflected position
- discharge position
- equilibrium position
- extended position of outrigger beams
- final position
- final position in the structure
- horizontal position
- load position
- nose in parking position
- nose out parking position
- operational position
- parallel parking position
- permanent position
- racking position
- safety position
- specified position
- straight position
- temporary storing position
- vertical position
- working position
- worst possible position of loads -
16 position
положение; расположение; место; местоположение; позиция; состояние; II устанавливать положение; помещать; размещать; определять- position of load - backward position - closed position - cut-off position - dead centre position - end position - equilibrium position - mid position - off position - on position - operating position - plot a position - reference position - retard position - running position - service position - sloping position - starting position - stop position - working position - zero position -
17 interior
1. n внутренность; внутренняя сторона, часть; пространство внутриinterior decor — внутреннее оформление, внутренняя отделка
2. n внутренний вид помещения, интерьер3. n внутренняя часть, внутренние, глубинные районы4. n воен. глубокий тыл5. n внутренние дела; внутренняя жизнь6. n книжн. внутренний мир, внутренняя сущность7. a внутренний, расположенный в глубине страны; удалённый от моряinterior city — город, расположенный в глубине страны
8. a внутренний, касающийся внутренних дел государства9. a внутренний, личный, частныйСинонимический ряд:1. inside (adj.) central; gut; indoor; inner; inside; internal; intestine; intimate; intrinsic; inward; toward the interior; upriver; visceral; viscerous2. area (noun) area; compass; expanse3. inner part (noun) center; centre; core; heart; indoors; inner part; marrow; nucleus; pith4. inside (noun) inside; inward; inwards; withinАнтонимический ряд:exterior; external; outside -
18 position
1. положение; позиция; расположение; место(положение); угол отклонения < органа управления>/ устанавливать в определенное положение, позиционировать; размещать; помещатьabeam positionaerodynamic control positionaft center of gravity positionaft-most positionaileron positionangle positionangular positionangular position of the wing centralazimuth positioncanard positioncenter-of-gravity positionCG positionCG vertical positioncollective control positioncontrol-surface positioncrew positionscruise positionequilibrium positionextend positionextended positionextreme centre of gravity positionfinal positionfiring positionflap positionflap down positionflapped positionforward wing sweep positionforward-leaning positionfull-down positionfull-up positionfully retracted positionfully swept-back positionhigh-incidence positionhigh-lift positionhigh-wing positionkill positionlateral stick positionlethal firing positionlift-dump positionlinear positionlongitudinal control positionlow-angle-off firing positionlow-wing positionmaneuver positionminimum drag positionnegative incidence positionneutral positionnozzle positionoblique positionoversweep positionpitch positionpronated positionrefueling positionretract positionretracted positionroll positionroll stick positionschedule positionsealed positionshock positionsitting positionsix o'clock positionskewed positionslat open positionslotted positionsnap-through positionsnapped-in positionstanding positionstick positionSTO positionstraight ahead positionsweep positionswept positionswept-forward positionthrottle positiontrailing-edge up positiontrim positionwheel positionwing positionwing sweep positionwing-down position
См. также в других словарях:
centre of gravity — noun that point of a body (or system of bodies) from which it could be suspended or on which it could be supported and be in equilibrium in any position in a uniform gravitational field …
Computable general equilibrium — (CGE) models are a class of economic models that use actual economic data to estimate how an economy might react to changes in policy, technology or other external factors. CGE models are also referred to as AGE (applied general equilibrium)… … Wikipedia
Primate Equilibrium Platform — A Primate Equilibrium Platform (PEP) is a device used to train chimpanzees and other primates in maneuvers similar to those of a flight simulator. The chimpanzees are conditioned, with a series of electric shocks, to keep the rolling platform… … Wikipedia
Assombrissement centre-bord — Image du soleil. L assombrissement centre bord est l effet de diminution apparente de l intensité lumineuse sur les bords du disque du soleil. En astronomie, l assombrissement centre bord est l effet de diminution apparente de l intensité… … Wikipédia en Français
off-centre — /ɒf ˈsɛntə/ (say of sentuh) adjective 1. having a point of rotation or equilibrium diverging from the exact centre. 2. out of balance or alignment. 3. (of a person) eccentric or slightly unbalanced mentally …
mechanics — /meuh kan iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of physics that deals with the action of forces on bodies and with motion, comprised of kinetics, statics, and kinematics. 2. (used with a sing. v.) the theoretical and practical application … Universalium
History of Physics — History of Physics † Catholic Encyclopedia ► History of Physics The subject will be treated under the following heads: I. A Glance at Ancient Physics; II. Science and Early Christian Scholars; III. A Glance at Arabian Physics; IV.… … Catholic encyclopedia
nervous system — Anat., Zool. 1. the system of nerves and nerve centers in an animal or human, including the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia. 2. a particular part of this system. Cf. autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, peripheral nervous… … Universalium
cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… … Universalium
reaction mechanism — Introduction in chemical reactions (chemical reaction), the detailed processes by which chemical substances are transformed into other substances. The reactions themselves may involve the interactions of atoms (atom), molecules (molecule),… … Universalium
steel — steellike, adj. /steel/, n. 1. any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying … Universalium