1 center out
2 center out
phrvt AmE infmlMy kid complains that his teacher always centers him out — Мой ребенок жалуется на то, что учитель всегда к нему придирается
3 facing from the center out
Автоматика: обточка торца от центра к периферииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > facing from the center out
4 Icon Center Out
The terms and expressions program 3DS Max. English-Russian dictionary > Icon Center Out
5 center
1) центр, сосредоточение || сосредоточивать, концентрировать2) центр; бюро; учреждение -
6 out
7 center
- center
- n1. центр (города, круга и т. п.); пункт; здание, дом
2. кружало
3. центрировать
- center of coordinates
- center of curvature
- center of force
- center of gravity
- center of gravity of a section
- center of gyration
- center of inertia
- center of mass
- center of moments
- center of percussion
- center of pressure
- center of projection
- center of rotation
- center of symmetry
- center of track
- center of twist
- center of vision
- agro-industrial center
- arch center
- art center
- city leisure center
- civic center
- closed mall center
- commercial center
- community center
- composite mall center
- crane centers
- distribution center
- elastic center
- first-aid center
- flexural center
- health center
- industrial center
- instantaneous center of rotation
- learning resources center
- mercantile center
- moment center
- multiuse center
- neighborhood shopping center
- neighborhood center
- one-stop out-of-town center
- open mall center
- perspective center
- rail centers
- reception center
- recreational center
- repair center
- sash center
- shear center
- shopping center
- slewing center
- social center
- sports center
- sports and leisure center
- study center
- test center
- town center
- track centers
- welfare center
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
8 out-of-center
- out-of-center
- nплохо центрированный, с эксцентриситетом
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
9 center
центр; пункт; пост; узел; середина; научпо-иселсдовагсльскпй центр, НИЦ; выводить на середину; арт. корректировать; центрировать;air C3 center — центр руководства, управления и связи ВВС
general supply (commodity) center — центр [пункт] снабжения предметами общего предназначения
hard launch (operations) control center — ркт. центр [пункт] управления пуском, защищенный от (поражающих факторов) ЯВ
launch (operations) control center — ркт. пункт управления стартового комплекса [пуском ракет]
tactical fighter weapons (employment development) center — центр разработки способов боевого применения оружия истребителей ТА
— all-sources intelligence center— C center— combat control center— educational center— logistical operations center— logistics services center— operational center— secured communications center— skill development center -
10 center
1) центр, середина || помещать(ся) в центре2) машиностр. центровое отверстие3) центрировать5) мн. ч. строит. кружала6) сердцевина7) ядро8) мн. ч. межцентровое расстояние9) центр(альное учреждение); узел•out of center — вне центра;to mount off center — устанавливать со смещением от центра или с эксцентриситетом;to mount on center — устанавливать по центру;-
acceptor center
administrative support center
aerodynamic center
air communication center
air traffic control center
aircrew training center
all-digital center
arch centers
area communication center
area control center
array phase center
ATC machining center
auxiliary signal center
back center
band center
broadcast center
cage window center
card center
catalytic center
center of action
center of area
center of attack
center of beacon
center of buoyancy
center of curvature
center of displacement
center of equilibrium
center of figure
center of flotation
center of force
center of gravity
center of gyration
center of inertia center
center of oscillation
center of percussion
center of pressure
center of projection
center of rotation
center of similitude
center of symmetry
center of twist
center of vibration
center of vision
center of volume
central tracking center
channel switching center
charge center
civic center
collecting center
color center
color-triad center
communications center
communication center
computation center
computer center
computing center
control center
copy center
corrosion center
data processing center
dead center
defect center
deflection center
development center
dislocation center
distant space radio center
distribution center
donor center
dubbing center
electric center
exterior center
fan center
field fleet center
flexural center
flight information center
flood forecasting center
grain-handling center
grain center
grinding center
headstock center
ice forecasting center
impurity center
ingot center
inner dead center
inner race spherical center
instantaneous center of rotation
instantaneous center
intermediate switching center
junction center
laser machining center
latent-image center
liquid petroleum gas packaging center
load center
lower center
machining center
mechanical center
medical center
message-switching center
moment center
motion-picture service center
multipfatform space center
network production center
network center
nucleating center
operator-controlled machining center
outer dead center
outer race spherical center
phase center
plywood center
power center
precision turning center
preparation center
production television center
program production center
programming center
radiator center
recombination center
reduction center
reduction sensitization centers
regional production center
relay center
rescue center
rescue coordination center
rivet center
roll center
sanitation center
satellite information center
service center
shear center
sheet-metal machining center
signal center
single machining center
single-platform space center
small manufacturing center
solidification center
strain center
studio center
supporting communication center
surface development center
switching center
tailstock center
tail center
telescopic centers
television broadcasting center
television center
thermal center
tilt center
toll center
tool management center
tool storage center
top dead center
track center
traffic control center
transmission center
trapping center
truck centers
turning center
turning/milling center
underground center
unmanned machining center
versatile production center
video tape replay center
visual center
VTR center
wheel center
word processing center
work center -
11 center
= centre* * *1. центр (города, круга и т. п.); пункт; здание, дом2. кружало3. центрировать- center of coordinates
- center of curvature
- center of force
- center of gravity
- center of gravity of a section
- center of gyration
- center of inertia
- center of mass
- center of moments
- center of percussion
- center of pressure
- center of projection
- center of rotation
- center of symmetry
- center of track
- center of twist
- center of vision
- agro-industrial center
- arch center
- art center
- city leisure center
- civic center
- closed mall center
- commercial center
- community center
- composite mall center
- crane centers
- distribution center
- elastic center
- first-aid center
- flexural center
- health center
- industrial center
- instantaneous center of rotation
- learning resources center
- mercantile center
- moment center
- multiuse center
- neighborhood shopping center
- neighborhood center
- one-stop out-of-town center
- open mall center
- perspective center
- rail centers
- reception center
- recreational center
- repair center
- sash center
- shear center
- shopping center
- slewing center
- social center
- sports center
- sports and leisure center
- study center
- test center
- town center
- track centers
- welfare center -
12 center
1. центр; пункт; здание, дом2. кружало3. центрировать4. центр моментов5. моментная точка, точка Риттераone-stop out-of-town center — торговый центр, расположенный на внегородской автомобильной дороге
town center — городской центр, центральная часть города
13 out of play
положение вне игры
Нарушение в хоккее с шайбой, которое происходит, когда оба конька нападающего игрока пересекают синюю линию на стороне противника до того, как шайба входит в зону атаки. Положение «вне игры» назначается также, когда хоккеист передает шайбу из своей зоны защиты партнеру по команде через центральную линию, что является пасом через две линии. Положение «вне игры» — одно из самых распространенных нарушений в хоккее, в результате которого происходит вбрасывание.
вне игры
Ситуация в игре в кёрлинг, когда камень больше не находится в игровой зоне площадки.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]EN
Violation which occurs in the ice hockey game when both skates of an attacking player cross the opponent's blue line before the puck is passed or carried into the attacking zone. It is also called when a player passes the puck from his defending zone to a teammate across the red center line which is two-line pass. Offside is one of the most common calls made in a hockey game and results in a face-off.
out of play
Situation in a curling game when a stone is no longer in the playing area.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > out of play
14 out-of-town
a находящийся или проживающий за городом, вне городской чертыout-of-town shopping center — торговый центр, расположенный за пределами города
15 out-of-center
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > out-of-center
16 out-of-center
17 out of center
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > out of center
18 out of center
1) Техника: вне центра2) Нефть: эксцентричный3) Оружейное производство: смещённый от центра, эксцентрический -
19 out of center with (...)
Железнодорожный термин: смещённый по отношению к (...)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > out of center with (...)
20 out-of-center
Строительство: плохо центрированный; с эксцентриситетом
См. также в других словарях:
Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology at AIT — Center of Excellence at AIT CoEN @ AIT Motto There is no sky to limit us at the bottom Type Center of Excellence Endowment … Wikipedia
Center on Halsted — is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community center in Chicago, Illinois.The Center on Halsted was designed as a space which through its programming would attend to the cultural, emotional, social, educational and recreational… … Wikipedia
Out & Equal — Workplace Advocates Founder(s) Selisse Berry Founded 1998 Location … Wikipedia
Out-of-Door Academy — Location Sarasota, Florida, United States Info … Wikipedia
Center for Science and Culture — Formation 1994 Type Part of the Discovery Institute Legal st … Wikipedia
center — n Center, middle, midst, core, hub, focus, nucleus, heart are comparable when meaning the point, spot, or portion of a thing which is comparable to a point around which a circle is described. Center approximates more or less closely its strict… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Out of the Loop (I Am the World Trade Center album) — Out of the Loop Studio album by I Am the World Trade Center Released July 17, 2001 Genre Indietronica/Synthpop Length … Wikipedia
Center Stage (theater) — Center Stage is the state theater of Maryland and Baltimore s largest professional producing theater. Center Stage was founded in 1963 as a regional playhouse.Center Stage houses two performing spaces, the 541 seat Pearlstone and the smaller Head … Wikipedia
Out of Doors (Bartók) — Out of Doors is a set of five piano solo pieces, Sz. 81, BB 89, written by Béla Bartók in 1926. Out of Doors (Hungarian: Szabadban, German: Im Freien, French: En Plein Air) is among the very few instrumental compositions by Bartók with… … Wikipedia
Out of Our Minds (song) — Out of Our Minds Single by MAdM from the album Out of Our Minds B side … Wikipedia
Out of Revolution — Book cover for Out of Revolution … Wikipedia