1 center control
2 center control
1) Механика: устройство управления многоцелевым станком2) Автоматика: УЧПУ многоцелевым станком -
3 center control
4 center control
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > center control
5 center control module
Автоматика: управляюще-вычислительный центр (напр. завода, цеха) -
6 center control module
управляюще-вычислительный центр (напр. завода, цеха)English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > center control module
7 open center (control system)
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > open center (control system)
8 signal center control post
Военный термин: пункт управления узлом связиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > signal center control post
9 web center control
Общая лексика: контроль положения середины (бумажного) полотна -
10 signal center control post
English-Russian military dictionary > signal center control post
11 center
центр; пункт; пост; узел; середина; научпо-иселсдовагсльскпй центр, НИЦ; выводить на середину; арт. корректировать; центрировать;air C3 center — центр руководства, управления и связи ВВС
general supply (commodity) center — центр [пункт] снабжения предметами общего предназначения
hard launch (operations) control center — ркт. центр [пункт] управления пуском, защищенный от (поражающих факторов) ЯВ
launch (operations) control center — ркт. пункт управления стартового комплекса [пуском ракет]
tactical fighter weapons (employment development) center — центр разработки способов боевого применения оружия истребителей ТА
— all-sources intelligence center— C center— combat control center— educational center— logistical operations center— logistics services center— operational center— secured communications center— skill development center -
12 center
центр; середина; pl. расстояние между центрами [осями]; центрировать; ставить в нейтральное положениеair combat operations center — Бр. центр управления боевыми действиями авиации
air command operations center — Бр. центр управления боевыми действиями авиации
air defense direction center — РЛС [пункт] наведения средств ПВО
air proving ground center — центр испытаний авиационной техники; испытательный центр ВВС
airborne battlefield command and control center — воздушный командный пункт управления боевыми действиями тактической авиации
Arnold Engineering Development center — исследовательский инженерный центр ВВС им. Арнольда
center of the glide slope (beam) — ось [равносигнальная зона] глиссадного луча
control and reporting center — центр управления [наведения] и оповещения
integrated mission control center — объединённый центр управления полётами; координационно-вычислительный центр обеспечения полётов КЛА
missile (fire) control center — центральный ракетный пост (подводной лодки); центральный пост управления пуском ракет
propellant center of gravity — ркт. центр тяжести (заправленного) топлива
Royal Air Force Training center — Бр. учебный центр ВВС
tactical air direction center — центр наведения самолётов тактической авиации; центр наведения авиации поддержки
13 center
14 center
1) центр; середина || центрировать; устанавливать в среднем положении || центральный; средний2) центровое отверстие || центровать, зацентровывать3) многоцелевой станок, обрабатывающий центр4) вычислительный центр; центр подготовки УП, центр автоматизированной подготовки УП6) кернер7) центр, станочный центр8) сердцевина, ядро; средняя часть; средний слой ( многослойного материала)•- 5-face machining centeron center — установленный по оси, установленный по центру
- AC and ATC machining center
- AC center
- acceleration center
- adaptive control machining center
- antifriction center
- area control center
- arm center
- assembly center
- automatic control operation center
- automatic switching center
- AWT machining center
- back center
- ball bearing center
- bar-chucking and shaft-turning center
- bar-machining center
- bench centers
- blanking center
- bore/mill center
- branch information center
- bridge-type machining center
- CAD center
- cage center
- cage window center
- cantilever measuring center
- case center
- cell-configuration machining center
- center of acceleration
- center of action
- center of cross force
- center of curvature
- center of gravity
- center of lateral pressure
- center of lateral resistance
- center of lift
- center of mass
- center of oscillation
- center of pressure
- center of protected type
- center of resistance
- center of roll
- center of rotation
- center of system of parallel forces
- center of thrust
- chucking center
- circular part processing center
- CNC fabrication center
- CNC machining center
- CNC measuring center
- CNC micromachining center
- CNC plate-fabrication center
- CNC turning center
- combination grinding/machining center
- command center
- computation center
- computer center
- computer gage center
- computer graphics center
- computer numerically controlled machining center
- computer-aided design center
- computer-assisted instruction center
- computing center
- cone center
- control center
- coordinate inspection center
- cutting center
- data acquisition and processing center
- data center
- data distribution center
- data gathering center
- data processing center
- dead center
- decision center
- departmental STI center
- departmental test center
- departmental testing center
- direct numerically controlled machining center
- dispersion center
- DNC center
- DNC machining center
- DNC-controlled machining center
- documentation center
- double turning center
- drill and tapping center
- drill/mill center
- drilling and milling center
- drilling and tapping center
- drilling center
- drive center
- electrical discharge machining center
- elevating center
- end driver center
- extensible centers
- fabrication center
- fault-finding center
- five-face machining center
- five-side machining center
- fixed center
- fixed-column machining center
- flame-cutting center
- flexible inspection center
- flexible machining center
- flexible milling machine center
- flexible turning center
- flexural center
- floating center
- floor-type machining center
- foot stock center
- gantry-loaded turning center
- gear center
- gear cutting center
- gear inspection center
- gear measuring center
- grasping center
- grinder work center
- grinding center
- half center
- head center
- head-changing machining center
- headstock center
- high-precision machining center
- high-speed machining center
- high-technology machining center
- hollow center
- honeycomb center
- horizontal axis machining center
- horizontal machining center
- horizontal-spindle machining center
- hydraulic center
- impurity center
- index center
- information analysis center
- information center
- inner race spherical center
- instantaneous acceleration center
- instantaneous center of rotation
- instantaneous center
- instantaneous velocity center
- integrated data processing center
- integrated metrology center
- integrated production center
- internal center
- jig boring center
- jig-borer-class center
- knee-type machining center
- laser center
- laser cutting center
- laser extended machining center
- laser machining center
- laser/punch center
- laser-beam center
- lathe center
- lift center
- live center
- load center
- low-speed/heavy duty machining center
- machine center
- machining center
- magnetic center
- mass center
- measuring center
- micromachining center
- mill/turn center
- mill/turning center
- mill-drive turning center
- milling and drilling center
- milling center
- milling machine center
- milling/drilling center
- milling, turning and boring center
- milling-turning center
- moment center
- movable centers
- moving-column machining center
- moving-column/fixed table center
- multifunction machining center
- multipallet machining center
- multipurpose machining center
- NC milling machine center
- NC turning center
- nondimensioned circle center
- operator-controlled machining center
- operator-programmed center
- outer race spherical center
- pallet changer machining center
- part-processing center
- parts-programming center
- pipe center
- plasma-arc burning center
- plate center
- plate-processing center
- point-to-point machining center
- pool-fed machining center
- positioning center
- pot center
- precision machining center
- precision turning center
- processing center
- production machining center
- production turning center
- profiling center
- programming center
- punching and folding center
- punching and nibbing center
- quality control center
- quill-type machining center
- ram-type machining center
- random nucleation centers
- regional information center
- reinforced center
- revolving center
- revolving dead center
- robot center
- robot/machining center
- robotic center
- robotic inspection center
- robotic welding center
- rotary transfer machining center
- rotating center
- running center
- saw/centering center
- sawing center
- serrated drive center
- shaft-and-chucking turning center
- shaft-measuring center
- sharpening center
- sheet metal machining center
- sine centers
- single-column vertical machining center
- single-machining center
- single-pallet machining center
- slant turn mill center
- slideway grinding center
- slotted center
- slotting/shaping/machining center
- small manufacturing center
- small-envelope machining center
- small-part turning center
- software machining center
- spring loaded center
- state test center
- state testing center
- stationary center
- steel/titanium machining center
- strain center
- subspindle turning center
- subspindle-equipped turning center
- super-accurate machining center
- support center
- suspension center
- Swiss-style turning center
- table-type machining center
- tail center
- tailstock center
- tap-drive machining center
- tapping center
- test center
- thermal machining center
- thrust center
- tool management center
- tool preset center
- tool storage center
- tool-setting center
- tooth bearing center
- track centers
- transfer center
- transfer-line-ready machining center
- traveling column machining center
- traveling-type machining center
- triangular center
- turbine blade machining center
- turn-broach center
- turning center
- turning/boring center
- turning/boring/milling center
- turning/milling/grinding center
- turning-and-chucking center
- turning-and-machining center
- turn-mill center
- turret-type machining center
- twin opposed spindle turning center
- twin-head turning center
- unmanned machining center
- unmanned manufacturing center
- VBM machining center
- versatile production center
- vertical machining center
- vertical spindle machining center
- vertical turning center
- vertical turret machining center
- vertical/horizontal machining center
- vertical-axis machining center
- welding center
- work center
- working center
- zero-rpm centerEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > center
15 center
1) центра) центральная точка; средняя точка; серединав) вчт центр группыд) источник (воз)действия, силы или эффектаж) фтт ядро (напр. дислокации); сердцевиназ) центральное учреждение; главное учреждение; центральный офиси) тлф вчт узел; узловая станция2) центрировать(ся); располагать(ся) в центре; находиться в центре3) определять центр; помечать центр•- center of circle
- center of corrosion - center of force
- center of gravity
- center of curvature
- center of inertia
- center of inversion
- center of luminescence
- center of mass
- center of phosphorescence
- center of pressure
- center of quenching
- center of similitude
- center of symmetry
- center of twist
- acceptor center
- acceptor impurity center
- active center
- adjustment training center
- administrative center
- air communication center
- air traffic control center
- area communication center
- array phase center - automatic switch center
- autoswitching center
- band center
- broadcast center
- broadcasting center
- call center
- charge center
- circuit switching center
- color center
- communication center
- computer center
- control center
- crisis center
- data center
- data processing center
- dead center
- deep space communication center
- deflection center
- dislocation center
- distribution center
- donor center
- donor impurity center
- effective acoustic center
- electrical center
- electron-trapping center
- F-center
- face center
- filter center
- flexural center
- flight information center - geometrical center - halaxy center
- hole-trapping center
- impurity center
- information center
- information processing center
- instantaneous rotation center - ion-exchange center
- junction center - leading center
- location center
- long-distance switching center
- magnetic reversal center
- message center
- message switching center
- mission control center
- mobile services switching center
- mode center
- multiple-energy level impurity center
- nerve center
- network information center - network production center
- network production television center
- nonbleaching F-center
- nonradiative-recombination center
- nucleating center
- nucleation center
- operation center - phase center
- photosensitivity center
- preparation center
- production center
- production television center
- program production center
- program production television center
- quenching center
- radiation-induced trapping center
- radiative-recombination center
- rate center
- ray center
- recombination center
- reference center
- regional program production center
- regional program production television center
- relay center
- rotation center
- sample center
- satellite data transmission center
- scattering center
- self-activated center
- service center
- single-energy level impurity center
- software support center
- step source center
- supporting communication center
- surface-trap center
- surface-trapping center
- switching center
- switching control center
- technical assistance center
- telecommunication center
- television center
- television operating center
- toll center
- tracking center
- transmission center
- trap center
- trapping center
- vision center
- visual center
- zone center -
16 center
1) центра) центральная точка; средняя точка; серединав) вчт. центр группыд) источник (воз)действия, силы или эффектаж) фтт. ядро (напр. дислокации); сердцевиназ) центральное учреждение; главное учреждение; центральный офиси) тлф.; вчт. узел; узловая станция2) центрировать(ся); располагать(ся) в центре; находиться в центре3) определять центр; помечать центр•- acceptor impurity center
- active center
- adjustment training center
- administrative center
- air communication center
- air traffic control center
- area communication center
- array phase center
- authentication center
- automatic message switching center
- automatic switch center
- autoswitching center
- band center
- broadcast center
- broadcasting center
- call center
- center of bending
- center of circle
- center of corrosion
- center of curvature
- center of equilibrium
- center of force
- center of gravity
- center of inertia
- center of inversion
- center of luminescence
- center of mass
- center of phosphorescence
- center of pressure
- center of quenching
- center of similitude
- center of symmetry
- center of twist
- charge center
- circuit switching center
- color center
- communication center
- computer center
- control center
- crisis center
- data center
- data processing center
- dead center
- deep space communication center
- deflection center
- dislocation center
- distribution center
- donor center
- donor impurity center
- effective acoustic center
- electrical center
- electron-trapping center
- F center
- face center
- filter center
- flexural center
- flight information center
- gateway mobile services switching center
- generation-recombination center
- geometrical center
- ground control center
- group center
- halaxy center
- hole-trapping center
- impurity center
- information center
- information processing center
- instantaneous rotation center
- international switching center
- Internet center
- ion-exchange center
- junction center
- key distribution center
- LD switching center
- leading center
- location center
- long-distance switching center
- magnetic reversal center
- message center
- message switching center
- mission control center
- mobile services switching center
- mode center
- multiple-energy level impurity center
- nerve center
- network information center
- network management center
- network operation center
- network production center
- network production television center
- nonbleaching F center
- nonradiative-recombination center
- nucleating center
- nucleation center
- operation center
- operations and maintenance center
- optical center
- phase center
- photosensitivity center
- preparation center
- production center
- production television center
- program production center
- program production television center
- quenching center
- radiation-induced trapping center
- radiative-recombination center
- rate center
- ray center
- recombination center
- reference center
- regional program production center
- regional program production television center
- relay center
- rotation center
- sample center
- satellite data transmission center
- scattering center
- self-activated center
- service center
- single-energy level impurity center
- software support center
- step source center
- supporting communication center
- surface-trap center
- surface-trapping center
- switching center
- switching control center
- technical assistance center
- telecommunication center
- television center
- television operating center
- toll center
- tracking center
- transmission center
- trap center
- trapping center
- vision center
- visual center
- zone centerThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > center
17 center
1) центр, середина || помещать(ся) в центре2) машиностр. центровое отверстие3) центрировать5) мн. ч. строит. кружала6) сердцевина7) ядро8) мн. ч. межцентровое расстояние9) центр(альное учреждение); узел•out of center — вне центра;to mount off center — устанавливать со смещением от центра или с эксцентриситетом;to mount on center — устанавливать по центру;-
acceptor center
administrative support center
aerodynamic center
air communication center
air traffic control center
aircrew training center
all-digital center
arch centers
area communication center
area control center
array phase center
ATC machining center
auxiliary signal center
back center
band center
broadcast center
cage window center
card center
catalytic center
center of action
center of area
center of attack
center of beacon
center of buoyancy
center of curvature
center of displacement
center of equilibrium
center of figure
center of flotation
center of force
center of gravity
center of gyration
center of inertia center
center of oscillation
center of percussion
center of pressure
center of projection
center of rotation
center of similitude
center of symmetry
center of twist
center of vibration
center of vision
center of volume
central tracking center
channel switching center
charge center
civic center
collecting center
color center
color-triad center
communications center
communication center
computation center
computer center
computing center
control center
copy center
corrosion center
data processing center
dead center
defect center
deflection center
development center
dislocation center
distant space radio center
distribution center
donor center
dubbing center
electric center
exterior center
fan center
field fleet center
flexural center
flight information center
flood forecasting center
grain-handling center
grain center
grinding center
headstock center
ice forecasting center
impurity center
ingot center
inner dead center
inner race spherical center
instantaneous center of rotation
instantaneous center
intermediate switching center
junction center
laser machining center
latent-image center
liquid petroleum gas packaging center
load center
lower center
machining center
mechanical center
medical center
message-switching center
moment center
motion-picture service center
multipfatform space center
network production center
network center
nucleating center
operator-controlled machining center
outer dead center
outer race spherical center
phase center
plywood center
power center
precision turning center
preparation center
production television center
program production center
programming center
radiator center
recombination center
reduction center
reduction sensitization centers
regional production center
relay center
rescue center
rescue coordination center
rivet center
roll center
sanitation center
satellite information center
service center
shear center
sheet-metal machining center
signal center
single machining center
single-platform space center
small manufacturing center
solidification center
strain center
studio center
supporting communication center
surface development center
switching center
tailstock center
tail center
telescopic centers
television broadcasting center
television center
thermal center
tilt center
toll center
tool management center
tool storage center
top dead center
track center
traffic control center
transmission center
trapping center
truck centers
turning center
turning/milling center
underground center
unmanned machining center
versatile production center
video tape replay center
visual center
VTR center
wheel center
word processing center
work center -
18 center
1) центр2) пункт; узел3) пост•- alarm center
- amplitude center
- annex feeding center
- area communication center
- areal control center
- areal message switching center
- areal telegraph center
- authentication center
- automatic message switching center
- automatic switching center
- band center
- batch switching center
- broadcasting center
- channel switching center
- circuit switching center
- coastal communication center
- color center
- communication center
- communications center
- computerized feed center
- computerized feeding center
- connecting center
- control center
- data collection center
- data transmission center
- data-computing center
- deflection center
- digital communication center
- distribution center
- district message switching center
- district videotex center
- district-to-district communication center
- electrical center
- electronic data-processing center
- execution center
- feeder-distribution center
- group-switching center
- industrial-communication center
- industrial-engineering communication center
- information center
- intermediate center
- international sound program center
- international switching center
- international television center
- international videotex center
- junction center
- key distribution center
- local videotex center
- long-distance switching center
- main communication center
- main feed center
- main feeding center
- managing center center
- message center
- message-switching center
- mine radio center
- mobile communication center
- national videotex center
- net monitoring center
- network communication center
- n-grade communication center
- personal message center
- primary center
- provincial telegraph center
- receiving center
- regional center
- relay center
- remote center
- road control center
- satellite communication center
- scattering center
- secondary center
- sectional center
- serviced amplificating center
- signal center
- space group monitoring center
- spacecraft startup center
- station-by-station radio center
- switching center
- system control center
- system monitoring center
- tandem center
- toll center
- toll-switching center
- transmitting center
- wiring center
- zero center
- zone centerEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > center
19 center
1) центр
2) зацентрировать
3) зацентровать
4) комбинат
5) кружало
6) межцентровый
7) оптический
8) центровой
9) центровочный
10) очаг
11) керн
12) сердечник
13) центральный
– acceleration center
– acceptor center
– aerodynamic center
– center chord
– center differential
– center drill
– center gauge
– center hole
– center lathe
– center line
– center mall
– center of action
– center of beacon
– center of buoyancy
– center of curvature
– center of equilibrium
– center of force
– center of gravity
– center of group
– center of inversion
– center of lens
– center of mass
– center of motion
– center of movement
– center of oscillation
– center of percussion
– center of pressure
– center of projection
– center of rotation
– center of sample
– center of similitude
– center of suspension
– center of symmetry
– center of twist
– center point
– center punch
– center section
– center stitching
– center tap
– color center
– communications center
– computing center
– condensation center
– control center
– crystallization center
– dead center
– disk center
– donor center
– driving center
– elastic center
– face center
– filter center
– flexural center
– floating center
– guiding center
– headstock center
– impurity center
– instant center
– intermediate center
– lift center
– lower center
– luminescence center
– luminescent center
– machining center
– mount on center
– nucleating center
– nucleus of center
– optical center
– prick off center
– projection center
– radical center
– rail center
– receiving center
– recombination center
– reverse center
– roll center
– scattering center
– seismic center
– separation center
– service center
– strain center
– switching center
– tailstock center
– television center
– toll center
– top dead center
– trapping center
– vacant center
– without center
auxiliary communications center — <commun.> узел связи вспомогательный
buoyancy and center of gravity — <naut.> вывеска
center of gravity range — <phys.> диапазон центровок
20 center
1) центр || центрировать2) центр, узел•
См. также в других словарях:
Control center solutions — This article is about Command Control installations. For other uses Command and Control Infrastructure, see Control center solutions (disambiguation). Control Center Solution is a generic term for different flavors of technical arrangement within … Wikipedia
Control of respiration — Control of ventilation refers to the physiological mechanisms involved in the control of physiologic ventilation. Gas exchange primarily controls the rate of respiration. The most important function of breathing is gas exchange (of oxygen and… … Wikipedia
Control chart — One of the Seven Basic Tools of Quality First described by Walter A. Shewhart … Wikipedia
Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology at AIT — Center of Excellence at AIT CoEN @ AIT Motto There is no sky to limit us at the bottom Type Center of Excellence Endowment … Wikipedia
Center — or centre (see American and British English spelling differences) may refer to: cience*Center (algebra), uses of center in algebra *Center of gravity (military) *Center (group theory), in abstract algebra, the subgroup consisting of those… … Wikipedia
Center Parcs — [The spelling Center Parcs , the official name, is incorrect in every language. In British English, spelling rules prescribe Centre Parks , in American English Center Parks (see spelling differences), and in French Centre Parcs .] is a European… … Wikipedia
Center for Science in the Public Interest — Abbreviation CSPI Formation 1971 Type Non profit … Wikipedia
Control Arms Campaign — Control Arms is a campaign jointly run by Amnesty International, IANSA and Oxfam International. The campaign focuses on the international trade in arms, arguing that the lack of controls on the arms trade is fuelling armed conflict, poverty and… … Wikipedia
Center console (boat) — Center console (British English: centre console) is a type of single decked open hull boat where the console of the boat is in the center of the boat. There is a cabin on some models; these cabins are usually located in the bow and hold small… … Wikipedia
Control.ini — это файл конфигурации, который содержит данные настроек элементов Панели управления в ОС Microsoft Windows. Файл находится в каталоге C:Windows, а соответствующие элементы Панели управления – в каталоге C:Windowssystem32 (2000/XP) или… … Википедия
Center Axis Relock — (CAR) is a shooting system primarily intended for close quarters battle. Invented by Paul Castle, it uses some of the human body s natural psychology and physiology reactions to stressful encounters.The CAR system features a bladed stance (the… … Wikipedia