1 cement-lime mortar
- cement-lime mortar
- nцементно-известковая растворная смесь; цементно-известковый раствор
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > cement-lime mortar
2 cement-lime mortar
1) Техника: цементно-известковый строительный раствор2) Строительство: цементно-известковая растворная смесь, цементно-известковый раствор -
3 cement-lime mortar
цементно-известковая растворная смесь; цементно-известковый раствор -
4 cement-lime mortar
5 gypsum-lime mortar
air-setting mortar — раствор, схватывающийся на воздухе
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > gypsum-lime mortar
6 mortar
- mortar
- nстроительный раствор; строительная растворная смесь
- activated mortar
- air-blown mortar
- air entrained mortar
- antifreeze mortar
- asbestos cement mortar
- cement mortar
- cement-lime mortar
- clay mortar
- compo mortar
- dry pack mortar
- epoxy mortar
- fat mortar
- fiber reinforced mortar
- gauged mortar
- grouting mortar
- haired mortar
- hydraulic mortar
- lean mortar
- lime mortar
- masonry mortar
- nonstaining mortar
- plastic mortar
- polymer mortar
- polymer-impregnated mortar
- polymer-modified cement mortar
- pumped mortar
- ready-mixed mortar
- resin mortar
- sprayed mortar
- trowel-on mortar
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
7 mortar
1) строительный раствор; известковый раствор2) мертель3) ступка•- aluminosilicate mortar - asbestos cement mortar - bedding mortar - building mortar - cement mortar - clay mortar - clay-cement mortar - dried mortar - epoxy mortar - fireclay mortar - grouting mortar - gypsum mortar - hair mortar - heat-setting mortar - heavy mortar - hydraulic mortar - hydraulic setting mortar - lean mortar - masonry mortar - mason's mortar - neat-cement mortar - pneumatic mortar - pneumatically placed mortar - pumped mortar - retempered mortar - rich mortar - soil mortar - stiff mortar - straight cement mortar - thin mortarmortar from trass — пуццолановый ( трассовый) раствор
* * *строительный раствор; строительная растворная смесь- activated mortar
- air-blown mortar
- air entrained mortar
- antifreeze mortar
- asbestos cement mortar
- cement mortar
- cement-lime mortar
- clay mortar
- compo mortar
- dry pack mortar
- epoxy mortar
- fat mortar
- fiber reinforced mortar
- gauged mortar
- grouting mortar
- haired mortar
- hydraulic mortar
- lean mortar
- lime mortar
- masonry mortar
- nonstaining mortar
- plastic mortar
- polymer mortar
- polymer-impregnated mortar
- polymer-modified cement mortar
- pumped mortar
- ready-mixed mortar
- resin mortar
- sprayed mortar
- trowel-on mortar -
8 mortar
1) строительный раствор || скреплять раствором2) мертель3) ступка•-
aluminosilicate mortar
building mortar
cement mortar
clay mortar
clay-cement mortar
fat mortar
fireclay mortar
gaged mortar
ground fireclay mortar
grouting mortar
hydraulic mortar
lean mortar
lime mortar
masonry mortar
neat-cement mortar
plastic mortar
pneumatic mortar
pneumatically placed mortar
porcelain mortar
refractory mortar
retempered mortar
rich mortar
silica mortar
stiff mortar
straight cement mortar
thin mortar
waterproof mortar -
9 mortar
1. n ступка, ступа2. n воен. миномёт; мортира3. v воен. обстреливать миномётным огнём4. n известковый раствор; строительный раствор5. v скреплять известковым растворомСинонимический ряд:adhesive (noun) adhesive; cement; epoxy; epoxy resin; glue; grout; portland cement; rubber cement; white cement -
10 lime cement mortar
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > lime cement mortar
11 cement
1. n цемент2. n вяжущее, цементирующее вещество3. n узы; основаcustom was in the early days the cement of society — обычай — вот что в старину объединяло общество
4. n замазка5. a цементныйcement deposits — сцементированные породы, связанные породы
6. v скреплять цементом, цементироватьcement silo — силос для хранения цемента; цементный бункер
7. v скреплять неразрывными узами; устанавливать прочную связь8. v метал. цементировать, науглероживать9. v метал. цементироваться10. v метал. спец. спекать, связывать11. v метал. спец. склеиватьСинонимический ряд:1. adhesive (noun) adhesive; epoxy; epoxy resin; glue; grout; mortar; portland cement; rubber cement; white cement2. concrete (noun) concrete; pavement3. adhere (verb) adhere; bond; fuse; join; seal; secure4. stick (verb) connect; fasten; glue; mortar; paste; plaster; stick; tarАнтонимический ряд: -
12 lime and cement mortar
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lime and cement mortar
13 lime cement mortar
Строительство: известково-цементный раствор -
14 lime-cement mortar
Техника: известково-цементный раствор -
15 lime-cement mortar
строит. -
16 brickwork
кирпичная кладка;brickwork in cement mortar — кирпичная кладка на цементном растворе;
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and missile bases > brickwork
17 L&CM
lime and cement mortar - известково-цементный раствор -
18 plant
1) установка; оборудование2) агрегат; механизм; энергоблок3) завод, фабрика, мастерская5) озеленять, сажать•plant and machinery register — реестр машин и оборудования (напр. строительной компании)
plant for technical ceramics and verified ceramics — установка для производства технической керамики и металлокерамики
plant for the preparation and transport of mastic asphalt — установка для подготовки и транспортировки литого асфальта
- activated sludge plant - aggregate batching plant - air-conditioning plant - air-supply plant - arc welding plant - asphalt plant - asphalt-mixing plant - asphalt preparation plant - asphalt-recycling plant - assembling plant - atomic power plant - automated concrete-mixing plant - automatic plant - batch plant - batch concrete mixing plant - batching plant - batch-weighing plant - biological treatment plant - bitumastic macadam mixing plant - bitumen-melting plant - bitumen-pumping plant - boiler plant - brick plant - facing brick plant - roof tile plant - brick-making plant - builder's plant - calcining plant - cement plant - central boiler plant - central mixing plant - chlorination plant - clarification plant - clay-drying plant - clay souring plant - coal grinding plant - coating plant - combined milling and burning plant - combined photovolcanic-deolian electric plant - compressor plant - concrete-mixing plant - concreting plant - construction plant - contractor's plant - crushing plant - crushing and screening plant - curing plants for the concrete block and precast concrete part industry - cutting plant - degreasing plant - desalination plant - diesel-engine power plant - disinfection plant - district heating plant - drying plant - earth freezing plant - earth-moving plant - effluent treatment plant - electric power plant - expanded clay plant - filter plant - final-screening plant - finish coat stacking and dry mixing mortar plant - fixed plant - flash-calcining plant - floating pile-driving plant - flotation plant - fuel-burning power plant - garbage-disposal plant - gas-fired plant - gravel plant - grinding wheel plant - grit-removal plant - heating plant - high head plant - hoisting plant - hydroelectric power plant - industrial plant - iron removal plant - light plant - lime-slaking plant - lime softening plant - loading plant - low head hydroelectric plant - manganese removal plant - milling plant - mixing plant - mixing plant and pavers for hydraulically bound base courses - mobile compressor plant - mobile concrete mixing plant - mobile crushing plant - mobile rock crushing and screening plant - mortar-mixing plant - multiple-arc welding plant - municipal sewage treatment plant - nuclear power plant - orbital power plant - ozone plant - ozone-ventilating plant - piling plant - pilot plant - placing plant - plaster plant - pontoon pile driving plant - portable compressor plant for painting work - power plant - primary treatment plant - proportioning plant - pump plant - pumping plant - pumped storage plant - purification plant - quarry plant - ready-mix plant - refrigerating plant - reverse osmosis plant - sand washing plant - sanitary ware plant - porcelain plant - secondary treatment plant - sedimentation plant - semi-mobile plant - semi-portable plant - sewage disposal plant - sewage pumping plant - sewage purification plant - sewage treatment plant - sintering plant - soil-mixing plant - solar plant - spraying plant - standby plant - steam plant - step-up plant - stoneware plant - tertiary plant - thermal power plant - tidal plant - tile-making plant - timber drying plant - tower-type concrete-mixing plant - transformer welding plant - travel plant - travelling mixing plant - treating plant - treatment plant - utility plant - vacuum-cleaning plant - vibration-rolled concrete plant - wall and floor tiles plant - washing plant - waste water treatment plant - water power plant - water softening plant - water treatment plantplant for the production of concrete polymer construction elements — установка для изготовления элементов из полимерного бетона
* * *1. оборудование инженерных систем здания2. строительное оборудование (напр. землеройное, подъёмно-транспортное, для бетонных работ)3. установка; агрегат; энергоблок; технологическая установка [система] ( в инженерных системах зданий)4. электростанция5. завод, фабрика; мастерская- acetylene producing plant
- activated sludge plant
- aeration plant
- aeration-degassing plant
- aggregate batching plant
- aggregate preparation plant
- air conditioning plant
- air handling plant
- air supply plant
- all-dry cement plant
- all-wet cement plant
- augering plant
- automatic batching plant
- bank-filtered river water plant
- barge-mounted concrete plant
- batch plant
- batch mixing plant
- biological treatment plant
- block-making plant
- block plant
- boiler plant
- booster pumping plant
- builder's plant
- builder's small powered plant
- cement plant
- central plant
- central air conditioning plant
- central air-handling plant
- central boiler plant
- central heating plant
- central refrigerating plant
- chemical feed plant
- chlorination plant
- civil-engineering plant
- coating plant
- cold-storage plant
- compressor plant
- computerized plant
- concentrating plant
- concrete plant
- concrete production plant
- concrete spouting plant
- concreting plant
- construction plant
- contact stabilization plant
- continuous-mix plant
- conveying plant
- cooling plant
- crushing plant
- desalination plant
- desalting plant
- disposal plant
- diversion power plant
- drying plant
- dust arrestor plant
- dust extracting plant
- earth moving plant
- electric plant
- exhaust plant
- extended aeration plant
- filter plant
- filtration plant
- floating concrete plant
- floating pile-driving plant
- flotation plant
- freezing plant
- gas plant
- gas-distribution plant
- gas washing plant
- generating plant
- grading plant
- heat generation plant
- heating plant
- heating water converter plant
- high-pressure air conditioning plant
- hydro-electric plant
- incineration plant
- indoor power plant
- industrial plant
- initial screening and washing plant
- lime softening plant
- low-head power plant
- low-level mixing plant
- low-pressure air conditioning plant
- manufacturing plant
- mechanical plant
- mixing plant
- mix-in-travel plant
- municipal treatment plant
- open-air plant
- open-air water power plant
- ozone plant
- package plant
- petrochemical plant
- piling plant
- placing plant
- power plant
- precast concrete plant
- precast plant
- proportioning plant
- pumping plant
- purification plant
- pyrolysis plant
- ready mixed concrete plant
- refrigerating plant
- refuse incineration plant
- refuse processing plant
- reinforcement cutting and bending plant
- river-run power plant
- river power plant
- road-making plant
- roadstone aggregate plant
- roof top plant
- screening plant
- secondary treatment plant
- sedimentation plant
- semioutdoor-type power plant
- sewage dispersal plant
- site mechanical plant
- sludge digestion plant
- sludge treating plant
- small powered plant
- solar plant
- spouting plant
- steam plant
- steam-power plant
- step-up plant
- structural steel plant
- tertiary plant
- tidal power plant
- transporting plant
- treatment plant
- vacuum dewatering plant
- ventilation plant
- volumetric batch plant
- washing and screening plant
- waste-disposal plant
- waste-heat utilization plant
- water-catchment plant
- water conversion plant
- water purification plant
- water softening plant
- water treatment plant
- weight batch plant
- zeolite water softening plant -
19 ratio
1) отношение; соотношение2) коэффициент; пропорция3) фактор•- ratio of circumference to diameter - ratio of compression - ratio of damping - ratio of dimensions - ratio of expansion - ratio of gear - ratio of grade - ratio of refraction - ratio of reinforcement - ratio of slip - ratio of slope - ratio of transformation - ratio of transmission - air circulation ratio - air void ratio - amplifier ratio - area-border ratio - availability ratio - balanced steel ratio - bending moment ratio - braking ratio - cement-aggregate ratio - cement-space ratio - cement-water ratio - circulation ratio - compression ratio - concentration ratio - control ratio - cost-effectiveness ratio - critical void ratio - damping ratio - daylight ratio - daylight area ratio - depth-to-span ratio - depth-to-width ratio - design ratio - detrusion ratio - dilution ratio - economic ratio - economic ratio of reinforcement in concrete - elastic ratio - explosive ratio - fatigue ratio - feedback ratio - fineness ratio - free water-cement ratio - gear ratio - housing expense ratio - hydrostatic pressure ratio - inlet-outlet pressure ratio - land-to-building ratio - lime ratio - mixture ratio - modular ratio - mortar-voids ratio - output-input ratio - plant and equipment use ratio - plot ratio - Poisson's ratio - power-weight ratio - reduction ratio - reflection ratio - rise-to-span ratio - safety ratio - sag ratio - sand-coarse aggregate ratio - shrinkage ratio - slenderness ratio - span-depth ratio - special heat ratio - steel area ratio - strength-weight ratio - stress ratio - void cement ratio - voids ratio - volumetric ratio - water-binder ratio - water-cement ratio - window efficiency ratio - working reduction ratio - yield ratio* * *коэффициент- ratio of slope
- aggregate-cement ratio
- air circulation ratio
- air entrainment ratio
- air space ratio
- air void ratio
- appearance ratio
- area ratio
- aspect ratio
- authority ratio
- bending moment ratio
- cement-aggregate ratio
- cement/water ratio
- circulation ratio
- column slenderness ratio
- compression ratio
- conjugate ratio
- consolidation ratio
- correlation ratio
- critical void ratio
- cutoff ratio
- damping ratio
- day-light area ratio
- depth-to-span ratio
- dilution ratio
- drowning ratio
- economic ratio
- endurance ratio
- enthalpy-humidity difference ratio
- entrainment ratio
- fatigue ratio
- free area ratio
- free water-cement ratio
- gypsum-sand ratio
- heat-to-humidity ratio
- humidity ratio
- hydrostatic pressure ratio
- induction ratio
- inside clearance ratio
- land-to-building ratio
- livability space ratio
- mixing ratio
- modular ratio
- overconsolidation ratio
- parking ratio
- performance energy ratio
- plot ratio
- Poisson ratio
- radius to thickness ratio
- recirculation ratio
- recovery ratio
- recreation space ratio
- reinforcement ratio
- rib ratio
- sand/coarse aggregate ratio
- saturation ratio
- sensible heat ratio
- settlement ratio of pile group
- slenderness ratio
- slope ratio
- sludge loading ratio
- span-depth ratio
- specific heat ratio
- stiffness ratio
- storage ratio
- strength-density ratio
- strength-weight ratio
- submergence ratio
- swelling ratio
- thaw-consolidation ratio
- total water/cement ratio
- turndown ratio
- void/cement ratio
- voids ratio
- water/binder ratio
- water/cement ratio
- water cementitious ratio
- water-to-air ratio
- water-to-earth ratio
- width-thickness ratio
- worker-area ratio -
20 mixer
мешалка; бетономешалка- asphaltic concrete mixer - baffle-type mixer - barrel mixer - batch mixer - blade paddle mixer - burner mixer - cement mixer - circular pan mixer - clay mixer - colour mixer - column mixer - concrete mixer - continuous mixer - continuous concrete mixer - continuous mortar mixer - cube mixer - drum mixer - duplex mixer - efficiency of mixer - floor mixer - free-fall mixer - gate mixer - glue mixer - gravity mixer - grout mixer and placer - half-bag mixer - handy concrete mixer - hungry mixer - impeller mixer - inclined-axis mixer - intermittent working mixer - level mixer - lime mixer - machine mixer - metal mixer - mortar mixer - motor-truck concrete mixer - muller mixer - multiple-pin mixer - non-tilt mixer - open-pan mixer - open-top mixer - paddle mixer - pan mixer - pan-type mixer - paving mixer - plaster mixer - portable concrete mixer - propeller mixer - pug mixer - pug mill-type mixer - rake mixer - reversing mixer - revolving-drum concrete mixer - rotary-drum mixer - screw mixer - stirring-type mixer - tandem mixer - tilting-drum mixer - tipping-drum mixer - travelling mixer - trough mixer - truck mixer - tumbling mixer - two-shaft mixer - vacuum mixer - vertical mixer - vibration mixer - vortex mixer* * *смеситель; мешалка- all-hydraulic concrete mixer
- baby concrete mixer
- batcher mixer
- bowl mixer
- colloidal mixer
- concrete mixer
- continuous mixer
- counter-current mixer
- drum mixer
- high-discharge mixer
- horizontal mixer
- horizontal-axis mixer
- inclined-axis mixer
- mobile mixer
- nontilting mixer
- paddle mixer
- pan mixer
- pan-type mixer with rotating drum mixer
- pan mixer with rotating drum mixer
- pan-type mixer with rotating paddles
- pan mixer with rotating paddles
- sample mixer
- self-loading concrete mixer
- shower mixer
- single-shaft mixer
- tilting concrete mixer
- tilting mixer
- transit mixer
- transport mixer
- truck mixer
- tub mixer
- twin-shaft mixer
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Lime mortar — is a type of mortar. It was used in the construction of the vast majority of brick and stone buildings worldwide from ancient times until the widespread adoption of Portland cement in the late nineteenth century. It is still used today, for the… … Wikipedia
lime mortar — noun : a mortar made of lime, sand, water, and occasionally a small quantity of cement … Useful english dictionary
Lime plaster — is a mixture of calcium hydroxide and sand (or other inert [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filler (materials) filler materials] ). Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes the plaster to set by transforming the calcium hydroxide into calcium… … Wikipedia
Lime — Lime, n. [AS. l[=i]m; akin to D. lijm, G. leim, OHG. l[=i]m, Icel. l[=i]m, Sw. lim, Dan. liim, L. limus mud, linere to smear, and E. loam. [root]126. Cf. {Loam}, {Liniment}.] 1. Birdlime. [1913 Webster] Like the lime That foolish birds are caught … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lime burner — Lime Lime, n. [AS. l[=i]m; akin to D. lijm, G. leim, OHG. l[=i]m, Icel. l[=i]m, Sw. lim, Dan. liim, L. limus mud, linere to smear, and E. loam. [root]126. Cf. {Loam}, {Liniment}.] 1. Birdlime. [1913 Webster] Like the lime That foolish birds are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lime pit — Lime Lime, n. [AS. l[=i]m; akin to D. lijm, G. leim, OHG. l[=i]m, Icel. l[=i]m, Sw. lim, Dan. liim, L. limus mud, linere to smear, and E. loam. [root]126. Cf. {Loam}, {Liniment}.] 1. Birdlime. [1913 Webster] Like the lime That foolish birds are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lime rod — Lime Lime, n. [AS. l[=i]m; akin to D. lijm, G. leim, OHG. l[=i]m, Icel. l[=i]m, Sw. lim, Dan. liim, L. limus mud, linere to smear, and E. loam. [root]126. Cf. {Loam}, {Liniment}.] 1. Birdlime. [1913 Webster] Like the lime That foolish birds are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lime twig — Lime Lime, n. [AS. l[=i]m; akin to D. lijm, G. leim, OHG. l[=i]m, Icel. l[=i]m, Sw. lim, Dan. liim, L. limus mud, linere to smear, and E. loam. [root]126. Cf. {Loam}, {Liniment}.] 1. Birdlime. [1913 Webster] Like the lime That foolish birds are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mortar (masonry) — For other uses, see Mortar (disambiguation). Mortar holding weathered bricks Mortar is a workable paste used to bind construction blocks together and fill the gaps between them. The blocks may be stone, brick, cinder blocks, etc. Mortar becomes… … Wikipedia
cement — cementable, adj. cementer, n. cementless, adj. /si ment /, n. 1. any of various calcined mixtures of clay and limestone, usually mixed with water and sand, gravel, etc., to form concrete, that are used as a building material. 2. any of various… … Universalium
mortar — mortar1 /mawr teuhr/, n. 1. a receptacle of hard material, having a bowl shaped cavity in which substances are reduced to powder with a pestle. 2. any of various mechanical appliances in which substances are pounded or ground. 3. a cannon very… … Universalium