1 celestial altitude
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > celestial altitude
2 celestial altitude
3 celestial altitude
1) Морской термин: высота светила2) Техника: высота небесного светила3) Макаров: высота небесного тела -
4 celestial altitude
высота небесного светила, высота небесного тела, высота светила -
5 celestial altitude
6 celestial altitude
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > celestial altitude
7 celestial altitude
8 celestial altitude
астрон. -
9 celestial altitude
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > celestial altitude
10 celestial altitude
English-russian astronautics dictionary > celestial altitude
11 celestial altitude recorder
Морской термин: астронавигационный прибор отсчёта истинной высоты светилУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > celestial altitude recorder
12 celestial altitude recorder
English-Russian marine dictionary > celestial altitude recorder
13 submarine celestial altitude recorder
1) Морской термин: выдвижной лодочный радиосекстан2) Техника: выдвижной радиосекстан подводной лодкиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > submarine celestial altitude recorder
14 submarine celestial altitude recorder
English-Russian marine dictionary > submarine celestial altitude recorder
15 altitude
высота; высота светила; угол места; разг. высотомер; высотныйfinal approach fix altitude — конечная высота определения места по радиомаякам при заходе на посадку
sacrifice altitude for airspeed — использовать запас высоты для разгона, терять высоту для достижения необходимой скорости
trade altitude for airspeed — использовать запас высоты для разгона, терять высоту для достижения необходимой скорости
16 celestial
17 altitude
1) альтитуда
2) высота
– absolute altitude
– altitude acclimatization
– altitude at apogee
– altitude chamber
– altitude characteristics
– altitude compensator
– altitude correction
– altitude curve
– altitude engine
– altitude error
– altitude hold
– altitude recorder
– altitude response
– altitude sensor
– altitude separation
– altitude sickness
– altitude theorem
– angle of altitude
– apparent altitude
– burnout altitude
– celestial altitude
– circummeridian altitude
– corrected altitude
– density altitude
– flight altitude
– indicated altitude
– instrument altitude
– meridian altitude
– parallel of altitude
– perigee altitude
– polar altitude
– pressure altitude
– temperature altitude
– true altitude
18 altitude
1) высота; авиац. абсолютная высота полета2) альтитуда, высотная координата• -
19 altitude
1) высота2) угол места3) угол возвышения; угол наклона•- celestial altitude
- coaltitude
- critical altitude
- flight altitude
- radar altitude
- radio altitude
- true altitude -
20 altitude
1) высота2) угол места3) угол возвышения; угол наклона•- celestial altitude
- coaltitude
- critical altitude
- flight altitude
- radar altitude
- radio altitude
- true altitudeThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > altitude
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
celestial altitude — The vertical angle between the celestial horizon of an observer and a line that joins a given celestial body with the center of the earth … Aviation dictionary
parallax in celestial altitude — The angle between the straight line from a celestial body to an observer, and the straight line from the celestial body to the center of the earth. This angle is assumed to be infinitely small except when observing the moon or satellites, as the… … Aviation dictionary
celestial azimuth — The angle measured clockwise (from north through east) from the plane of the vertical circle through the body. See celestial altitude … Aviation dictionary
Celestial navigation — Celestial navigation, also known as astronavigation, is a position fixing technique that was devised to help sailors cross the featureless oceans without having to rely on dead reckoning to enable them to strike land. Celestial navigation uses… … Wikipedia
Altitude — Al ti*tude, n. [L. altitudo, fr. altus high. Cf. {Altar}, {Haughty}, {Enhance}.] 1. Space extended upward; height; the perpendicular elevation of an object above its foundation, above the ground, or above a given level, or of one object above… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Celestial coordinate system — For other uses of Celestial , see Celestial (disambiguation). Orientation of Astronomical Coordinates Orientation of the galactic, ecliptic and equatorial coordinate systems, projected on the celestial sphere, showing the galactic equator (black) … Wikipedia
celestial navigation — navigation by means of observations made of the apparent position of heavenly bodies. Also called astronavigation, celo navigation. [1935 40] * * * use of the observed positions of celestial bodies to determine a navigator s position. At… … Universalium
Celestial pole — The north and south celestial poles and their relation to axis of rotation, plane of orbit and axial tilt … Wikipedia
altitude — i. The vertical distance of a level, a point, or an object considered as a point, measured from mean sea level (ICAO). In the case of aircraft in flight, it is normally expressed in flight levels or hundreds of feet. For example, an aircraft… … Aviation dictionary
celestial coordinates — Two coordinates on the surface of the celestial sphere used to determine the position of a celestial body. Two sets of celestial coordinates are in common use: the equinoctial system, in which the coordinates are a declination and an hour circle … Aviation dictionary
Celestial horizon — Horizon Ho*ri zon, n. [F., fr. L. horizon, fr. Gr. ? (sc. ?) the bounding line, horizon, fr. ? to bound, fr. ? boundary, limit.] 1. The line which bounds that part of the earth s surface visible to a spectator from a given point; the apparent… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English