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  • 1 celebration

    noun birthday celebrations.) oslava, slávnosť
    * * *
    • oslava

    English-Slovak dictionary > celebration

  • 2 merrymaking

    noun (cheerful celebration: all the merrymaking at Christmas.) veselá oslava

    English-Slovak dictionary > merrymaking

  • 3 Mass

    I 1. [mæs] noun
    1) (a large lump or quantity, gathered together: a mass of concrete/people.) masa
    2) (a large quantity: I've masses of work / things to do.) kopa
    3) (the bulk, principal part or main body: The mass of people are in favour of peace.) väčšina
    4) ((a) measure of the quantity of matter in an object: The mass of the rock is 500 kilos.) hmotnosť
    2. verb
    (to bring or come together in large numbers or quantities: The troops massed for an attack.) sústrediť sa
    3. adjective
    (of large quantities or numbers: mass murder; a mass meeting.) masový
    - mass-produce
    - mass-production
    - the mass media
    II [mæs] noun
    1) ((a) celebration, especially in the Roman Catholic church, of Christ's last meal (Last Supper) with his disciples: What time do you go to Mass?) omša
    2) (a setting to music of some of the words used in this service.) omša
    * * *
    • omša
    • omšový

    English-Slovak dictionary > Mass

  • 4 mass

    I 1. [mæs] noun
    1) (a large lump or quantity, gathered together: a mass of concrete/people.) masa
    2) (a large quantity: I've masses of work / things to do.) kopa
    3) (the bulk, principal part or main body: The mass of people are in favour of peace.) väčšina
    4) ((a) measure of the quantity of matter in an object: The mass of the rock is 500 kilos.) hmotnosť
    2. verb
    (to bring or come together in large numbers or quantities: The troops massed for an attack.) sústrediť sa
    3. adjective
    (of large quantities or numbers: mass murder; a mass meeting.) masový
    - mass-produce
    - mass-production
    - the mass media
    II [mæs] noun
    1) ((a) celebration, especially in the Roman Catholic church, of Christ's last meal (Last Supper) with his disciples: What time do you go to Mass?) omša
    2) (a setting to music of some of the words used in this service.) omša
    * * *
    • zhromaždovat (sa)
    • zhromaždit (sa)
    • sústredit (sa)
    • hmota
    • hmotnost
    • hromada
    • hrba
    • hromadný
    • hromadit
    • masy
    • masa
    • masový
    • masovost
    • nahromadit (sa)
    • množstvo

    English-Slovak dictionary > mass

  • 5 altar

    1) (in some Christian churches the table on which the bread and wine are consecrated during the celebration of communion: The bride and groom stood before the priest at the altar.) oltár
    2) (a table etc on which offerings are made to a god.) oltár
    * * *
    • oltár

    English-Slovak dictionary > altar

  • 6 festival

    1) (an occasion of public celebration: In Italy, each village holds a festival once a year.) sviatok
    2) (a season of musical, theatrical etc performances: Every three years the city holds a drama festival; ( also adjective) a festival programme.) festival; festivalový
    * * *
    • slávnost
    • sviatok
    • festival

    English-Slovak dictionary > festival

  • 7 festivity

    - plural festivities - noun (a celebration: Come and join in the festivities.) slávnosť
    * * *
    • veselie
    • slávnostná nálada
    • slávnost

    English-Slovak dictionary > festivity

  • 8 jubilee

    (a celebration of a special anniversary (especially the 25th, 50th or 60th) of some event, eg the succession of a king or queen: The king celebrated his golden jubilee (= fiftieth anniversary of his succession) last year.) jubileum
    * * *
    • výrocie
    • slávnostný
    • slávnosti
    • slávnost
    • flambovaný
    • jasanie
    • jasot
    • jubilejný
    • jubileum
    • oslava
    • oslavy
    • pätdesiatiny
    • pätdesiate výrocie
    • milostivé leto

    English-Slovak dictionary > jubilee

  • 9 parade

    [pə'reid] 1. noun
    1) (a line of people, vehicles etc moving forward in order often as a celebration of some event: a circus parade.) prehliadka
    2) (an arrangement of soldiers in a particular order: The troops are on parade.) nástup
    2. verb
    1) (to march in a line moving forward in order: They paraded through the town.) defilovať
    2) (to arrange soldiers in order: The colonel paraded his soldiers.) dať nastúpiť
    3) (to show or display in an obvious way: She paraded her new clothes in front of her friends.) predvádzať
    * * *
    • sprievod
    • prehliadka

    English-Slovak dictionary > parade

  • 10 party

    plural - parties; noun
    1) (a meeting of guests for entertainment, celebration etc: a birthday party; She's giving/having a party tonight; ( also adjective) a party dress.) večierok, oslava; spoločenský
    2) (a group of people with a particular purpose: a party of tourists.) skupina
    3) (a group of people with the same ideas and purposes, especially political: a political party.) strana
    * * *
    • strana(politická)

    English-Slovak dictionary > party

  • 11 triumph

    1. noun
    1) (a great victory or success: The battle ended in a triumph for the Romans.) triumf
    2) (a state of happiness, celebration, pride etc after a success: They went home in triumph.) triumf
    2. verb
    (to win a victory: The Romans triumphed (over their enemies).) triumfovať
    - triumphant
    - triumphantly
    * * *
    • triumf
    • triumfovat
    • jasot
    • jasat
    • radost
    • plesat

    English-Slovak dictionary > triumph

  • 12 confetti

    (small pieces of coloured paper thrown in celebration at weddings etc.) konfety

    English-Slovak dictionary > confetti

  • 13 fiesta

    1) (a (religious) holiday, especially in Roman Catholic countries.) sviatok
    2) (a festival or celebration.) slávnosť

    English-Slovak dictionary > fiesta

  • 14 orgy

    plural - orgies; noun
    (a wild party or celebration: a drunken orgy.) orgie

    English-Slovak dictionary > orgy

См. также в других словарях:

  • celebration — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, great, noisy ▪ little, quiet, small ▪ family ▪ joyous …   Collocations dictionary

  • celebration — 1520s, honoring of a day or season by appropriate festivities, from L. celebrationem (nom. celebratio) numerous attendance (especially upon a festival celebration), noun of action from pp. stem of celebrare (see CELEBRATE (Cf. celebrate)).… …   Etymology dictionary

  • celebration — celebrate ► VERB 1) mark (a significant occasion) with an enjoyable activity. 2) engage in festivities to mark a significant occasion. 3) honour or praise publicly. 4) perform (a religious ceremony), in particular officiate at (the Eucharist).… …   English terms dictionary

  • celebration — noun 1) the celebration of his 50th birthday Syn: commemoration, observance, marking, keeping 2) a cause for celebration Syn: merrymaking, jollification, revelry, revels, festivities; informal partying 3) …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • celebration — noun 1) the celebration of his 50th birthday Syn: commemoration, observance, marking, keeping 2) a birthday celebration for the twins Syn: party, gathering, festivities, festival, féte, carnival, gala …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • celebration — noun 1. a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event (Freq. 5) • Syn: ↑jubilation • Derivationally related forms: ↑jubilate (for: ↑jubilation), ↑celebrate …   Useful english dictionary

  • celebration — noun see celebrate …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • celebration — noun a) The formal performance of a solemn rite, such as Christian sacrament b) The observance of a holiday or feast day, as by solemnities See Also: celebrant, celebrat, celebrator …   Wiktionary

  • celebration */*/ — UK [ˌseləˈbreɪʃ(ə)n] / US noun Word forms celebration : singular celebration plural celebrations 1) a) [countable] a party or special event at which you celebrate something such as a birthday or a religious holiday The whole family came for our… …   English dictionary

  • celebration — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Commemoration Nouns 1. celebration, solemnization, jubilee, commemoration; ovation, paean (See approbation); triumph, jubilation; rite. See rejoicing, ostentation, amusement. 2. (sign of celebration)… …   English dictionary for students

  • celebration — cel|e|bra|tion [ ,selə breıʃn ] noun ** 1. ) count a party or special event at which you celebrate something such as a birthday or a religious holiday: The whole family showed up for our anniversary celebration. The town s centennial celebrations …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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