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с английского на исландский


  • 41 DRAUGR

    (-s, -ar), m. the dead inhabitant of a cairn, ghost, spirit.
    * * *
    m. [Lat. truncus is perhaps akin]:
    I. a dry log; Edda (Gl.); this sense, however, only occurs in old poets, in compds such as el-draugr, ben-d., hirði-d., her-d., óðal-d., jó-d., gervi-d., in poetical circumlocutions of a man, cp. Edda 68, 85.
    II. metaph. in prose (as it is now used), a ghost, spirit, esp. the dead inhabitant of a cairn was called draugr, Ld. 326, Fms. iii. 200, Bs. i. 256, Stj. 492, 1 Sam. xxviii. 15, Róm. 186, 217, Orkn. 210 (in a verse), Fas. (Hervar. S.) i. 436–438, Hkv. 2. 49, fsl. (Harð. S.) ii. 47 (in a verse); it also occurs in the verse on the Runic stone in Schonen, quoted and explained in Rafn Antiq. Orient. 178, but it is uncertain whether it is here used in the first or second sense.
    β. a sluggard, a drone who walks about as a ghost; draugs-ligr, adj.; drauga-skapr, m.; draugast, að, to walk about like a ghost.
    γ. metric., vide draughentr above.
    COMPDS: draugadrottinn, draugafé, draugagangr, draugasögur.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > DRAUGR

  • 42 DRYNJA

    * * *
    drundi, pres. dryn, to roar. This root word is common to Goth., Scandin., Fris., and Dutch; for Ulf. drunjus = φθόγγος, Róm. x. 18, is a sufficient proof; in Swed. we have dröna, and drön neut.; Dan. dröne and drön; Dutch dreunen; North. E. to drone, as a cow; Fris. dröne; the mod. High Germ. dröhnen was, in the 17th century, borrowed from Low Germ. In old Icel. no instance happens to be on record, except dryn-rann in Gsp. 23, Fas. i. 480; in mod. usage it is freq. enough, and the absence in old writers seems to be accidental; draugr dimmr og magr, drundi í björgum undir, Snót 226, a ditty by Stefan Olafsson; drynja and dynja are different in sense, drynja denotes roaring, dynja crushing; þá heyrði hilmir hátt við kletta drafnar drynja dunur þungar, of the roaring surf, Od. (poët.) v. 401.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > DRYNJA

  • 43 dubla

    (að), v. to gamble.
    * * *
    dufla, að, [dubla = a coin, Du Cange], to gamble, Gþl. 521; dublari, a, m. a gambler, Róm. 161.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > dubla

  • 44 dugandi-

    or dugandis-, as a prefix to nouns, denoting doughty; d. maðr (dugand-maðr, Fms. viii. 104), a doughty man, Dipl. i. 3, Orkn. 456, Rd. 260, Róm. 137.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > dugandi-

  • 45

    n. quaking bog, quagmire.
    * * *
    n. a bog, Sturl. iii. 50, Gþl. 393, Róm. 259.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók >

  • 46 dæmi

    * * *
    n., usually in pl., [dómr.]
    1. an example, case; hörð dæmi, a hard fate, Hkv. 2. 2; úlfa d., the case ( doings) of wolves, Hðm. 30; kvenna d., womanish example, behaving like a woman, Þorst. St. 52; at mér verði vargsins d., Band. (MS.) 35: in plur., forn dæmi ok siðu foreldra sinna (cp. the Germ. weisthümer, alterthümer), old tales and customs of their forefathers, Fagrsk. ch. 219; þessi dæmi (i. e. verses) öll eru kveðin um þenna atburð, Mork. 114; þó hafa mörg dæmi orðið í forneskju, many things have happened in olden times, Ó. H. 73 (margs d., Fms. iv. 172, less correctly), cp. dæmi-saga; spekingr at viti ok at öllu fróðr, lögum ok dæmum (old lore, tales), mannfræði ok ættfræði, Fms. vii. 102; Ari prestr hinn Fróði, er mörg d. spakleg hefir saman töld, Bs. i. 145, cp. also Barl. 47, 73, 112; hence fá-dæmi, an unexampled, portentous thing; eins dæmi, in the proverb, eins dæmin eru vest, viz. a singular, unexampled fate is the worst: used even of pictures, a story represented by drawing, Pm. 122: gramm. a citation, proof, nú skal láta heyra dæmin, now let us hear the proofs, Edda 49; þessi dæmi ( those references) ok nóg önnur, Anecd. 6, 15, 18, 21; draga dæmi af bókum, Sks. 468.
    β. example, generally; djarfari en d. eru til, Fms. iv. 311; vita dæmi til e-s, Róm. 234; umfram d., or dæmum, unexampled, portentous, Stj. 143, Fms. i. 214, viii. 52; svá sem til dæmis at taka, to take an example. Mar. 40, Bs. ii. 116; hence the mod. adverb, til dæmis (commonly written short t.d. = e. g.), for example; sem d. finnask, Fagrsk. ch. 9, Barl. 50; meir en til dæma, beyond example, Stj. 87, 167, 179.
    γ. example for imitation (eptir-dæmi, example); eptir dæmum Kristinna manna, Fms. v. 319; eptir þínum dæmum, Niðrst. 4; d. dæmi af e-u, to take example by it, Greg. 134.
    2. judgment, only in compds as, sjálf-dæmi, rétt-dæmi, justice, etc.
    COMPDS: dæmafátt, dæmafróðr, dæmalauss, dæmamaðr.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > dæmi

  • 47 eggja

    * * *
    (að), v. to incite, egg one on to do a thing (e. e-n e-s or til e-s or á e-t); e. e-n fram, to urge one on;
    refl., láta at eggjast, to yield to another’s egging on; e. upp á e-n, to pick a quarrel with one, provoke one; recipr. to egg one another on (eggjuðust nú fast hvarirtveggju).
    * * *
    að, to egg on, incite, goad, with acc. of the person, gen. of the thing; (e. e-n e-s), er þá eggjaði hins vesta verks, Nj. 213; allmjök muntu eggjaðr hafa verit þessa verks, Fs. 8; e. lið, a milit. term, to encourage, cheer troops just before battle, Fms. v. 73: proverb, illt er at e. óbilgjarnan, ‘tis not good to egg on an overbearing man, Grett. 91; e. e-n á e-t, to egg one on to do a thing, Nj. 21, Pass. 22. 9: absol., er þat gráta á annari stundu er eggja á annari, Þorst. St. 52.
    2. reflex., láta at eggjask, to yield to another’s egging on; eigi mun konungr láta at eggjask um öll níðingsverk þín, Eg. 415; Haraldr konungr lét at eggjask, Fms. xi. 23; eggjask upp á e-n, to thrust oneself upon one, provoke one, Róm. 120: recipr. to egg one another on in a battle, eggjuðusk nú fast hvárirtveggju, Nj. 245.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > eggja

  • 48 eiki-súla

    u, f. an oaken column, Róm. 148.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > eiki-súla

  • 49 EK

    I) pers. pron. I;
    in poetry and old prose a pronominal k is suffixed to the verb, emk = em ek, vask = vas ek; sák = sá ek; mundak = munda ek; even if preceded by ek: ek sék, ek sitk; a preceding g becomes by assimilation k, hykk = hygg ek; the pronominal k is inserted between the suffixed negative, -a or -at, and the verb, sáka = sá ek-a, I saw not; veitka = veit ek-a, I know not.
    II) from aka.
    * * *
    pers. pron., mod. eg, proncd. ég or jeg; eg occurs as early as in MSS. of the 15th century, Arna-Magn. 556 A; jak, Fms. x. 287, cp. the mod. Swed. form and the mod. Icel. jeg; old poets make it rhyme with ek, as, Halldórr ok ek | höfum engi þrek, Korm. 154 (in a verse), cp. Ld. 108: [Ulf. ïk, but ek on the Golden horn and on the stone in Tune; A. S. ic; Engl. I; Germ. ich; old Swed. jak, mod. jag; Dan. jeg; cp. Lat. ego, Gr. ἐγώ]:—I, Nj. 10, 30, 132, etc.
    2. in poetry and old prose a pronominal ‘k or ‘g is suffixed to the verb; em’k búinn annan í at nefna, Grág. i. 103; ek em’k, 623. 56, Blas. 41, Mork. 89, 94, 99, 104, Vþm. 8, Ls. 14, Ad. 1, Post. 645. 33; jók’k, ‘I eked’ ( added), Íb. (pref.); vas’k þar fjórtán vetr, ch. 9; þá er ek var’k á bænum, Blas. 40, Hm. 12; ek bað’k, Post. 645. 54; ek kom’k, Skm. 18; ek sit’k, Mork. 168; ek finn’k, 141; ek nam’k, 73; sá’k, 75; ek sé’k ( video), 103, 168, Fms. xi. 110; mun’k-at ek, Mork. 50; svá ek vind’k, Hm. 156; ok rít’k á þessa lund, Skálda (Thorodd) 166; sjá’k ( sim), Mork. 183: g before k becomes by assimilation k, e. g. hyk’k = hygg’k, Skm. 5: the pronominal k is inserted between the suffixed negative and the verb, ek skal’k-a, hef’k-a, mon’k-a, sa’k-a, ma’k-a, veit’k-a, or skal’k-a ek, hef’k-a ek, etc.: even a double k after a diphthong, siá’kk ( sim), Mork. 89, 134, but chiefly in poetry with the suffixed negative, e. g. ek sé’kk-a: this form is obsolete, whereas the suffixed g (or k) in bisyllables or after a vowel is more freq.; svá at ek fæ’k eigi leyzt mik, Edda 20; er ek vilda’g helzt, Fms. xi. 146; eigi munda’k trúa, Edda 32; ef ek lifi ok mega’k ráða, 34; þá hafða’k bundit með gresjarni, id.; sem önga frægð muna’k af hljóta, 20; sýnda’k bæði þeim ok Sæmundi, Íb. (pref.); þá er ek var heima heyrða’k sagt, Edda 81; er ek aeva kenni’g, Hm. 164; draums ætli’g þér, Hdl. 7; þorða’g, Ad. 1; ræka’g, mætta’g, Stor. 8; sky’t ek ok ræ’k (ræ’g, v. l.), Fms. vi. 170 (in a verse); líkara at ek vitja’g hingat þessa heita, Eg. 319; næða’k (or næða’g), if I could reach, Eb. 70 (in a verse); at ek nemni þá menn alla ok beiði’g, Grág. ii. 317; vilja’k, I will, Ht. 1; þvíat ek ætla’g, Ó. H. 59; ok náða’k svá öllu ríki þeirra, 74; þvíat ek trúi’k yðr bezt, 88; ek setta’k, Mork. 62; flytta’k, 94; geri’k, heyrða’k, 36; mæli’g, 39; ek vetti’g, 175; tefli’g, 186; setta’g, lagða’g, id.; vilda’g, 193; vide Lex. Poët. and the word ‘-at’ [p. 2]: sometimes a double pronoun occurs, g and k, mátti’g-a’k, Og. 32; bjargi’g-a’k, Hm. 153; stöðvi’g-a’k, 151; hversu ek má’k, Fms. vi. 102; vide Lex. Poët. and Frump. 228 sqq.
    B. DAT. AND ACC. are from a different root:—dat. mér, [Ulf. mis; Germ. mir; lost in Dan.], Nj. 10, etc. etc.; acc. mik, mod. mig, which form occurs even in MSS. at the beginning of the 14th century, e. g. Hauks-bók: mek occurs now and then in MSS., e. g. O. H. L., N. G. L., Sks. B, else it is rare and obsolete, Al. 42, Ó. H. 107, [Ulf. mik; A. S. mec; Engl. me; Germ. mich; Dan. mig.] As the word is so common, we shall only mention the use of mik which is special to the Scandinavian tongue, viz. its use as a verbal suffix. The ancients had a double form for the reflexive; for 1st pers. -mk, i. e. mik suffixed to the plur. of the verb; for the 3rd pers. -sk, i. e. sik suffixed to sing. and plur. alike; thus, ek (vér) þykkjumk, I (we) seem to myself ( ourselves); but hann þykkisk, he seems to himself; þeir þykkjask, they seem to themselves: the -mk was later changed into -mz, or - mst of editions and mod. use; but this is a grammatical decay, as if both - mst and -st (þykjumst and þykist) arose from the same reflex. sik.
    1. the subject may be another person or thing (plur. or sing.) and the personal pronoun mik suffixed as object to the verb, a kind of middle voice found in very old poems, and where it occurs freq. it is a test of antiquity; in prose it is quite obsolete: jötna vegir stóðum’k yfir ok undir, the ways of giants (i. e. precipices) stood above and beneath me, Hm. 106; er lögðum’k arm yfir, the lass who laid her arms round me, 108; mögr hétum’k fögru, my son promised me fair, Egil; hilmir buðum’k löð (acc.), the king gave me leave, i. e. bade me, sing, Höfuðl. 2; úlfs bagi gáfum’k íþrótt, the wolf’s foe ( Odin) gave me the art ( poetry), Stor. 23; Ragnarr gáfum’k reiðar mána, R. gave me the shield, Bragi; þat erum’k sýnt, it is shewn to me, id.; stöndum’k ilmr fyrir yndi, the lass blights my joy, Kormak; hugr tjáðum’k, courage helped me, Egil; snertum’k harmr við hjarta, grief touches me to the heart, Landn.; stöndum’k til hjarta hjörr, the sword pierces me to the heart, Fm. i; feldr brennum’k, my cloak catches fire, Gm. 1; draum dreymðum’k, I dreamed a dream; grimt várum’k hlið, the gap ( breach) was terrible to me, Stor. 6; hálf ván féllum’k, half my hope failed me, Gráfeldar-drápa; heiðnir rekkar hnekðum’k, the heathen men turned me out, Sighvat; dísir hvöttum’k at, the ‘dísir’ hooted us, Hðm. 29; gumi görðum’k at vigi, the man made us fight, id.; lyst várum’k, it list me, Am. 74: very common is erum’k, ‘tis to me (us); erum’k van, I (we) have to expect; mjök erum’k tregt tungu at hræra, ‘tis hard for me to move the tongue, i. e. the tongue cleaves to my mouth, Stor. 1, 17, Ad. 16.
    2. sometimes oneself is the subject, freq. in prose and poetry, either in deponent verbs or as reflex. or recipr.; at vit skilim’k sáttir, Ó. H. 119; at vér komim’k, that we shall come, 85; finnum’k hér þá, 108; ef vér finnum’k, 111; ek skildum’k við Ólaf konung, 126; ef ek komum’k í braut, 140; sigrom’k, if I gain the victory, 206; æðrom’k, 214; ef ek öndum’k, if I die, Eg. 127; ek berum’k, I bear myself, Grág. ii. 57, Mork. passim; ek þykkjum’k, þóttum’k, ráðum’k, látum’k, setjum’k, bjóðum’k, skildum’k, kveljum’k, etc., = ek þykisk, þóttisk, ræðsk, lætsk, setsk, býðsk, skildisk, kvelsk, etc.: even at the present day the forms eg þykjumst, þóttumst are often used in writing; in other words the suffix - mst (-mk) is almost obsolete.
    β. the obsolete interjection er mik = I am; vel er mik, well is me (= ‘bless me!’), O. H. L. 71; æ er mik, ah me! 64; kendr er mik, I am known, 66: with a reflex. notion, hvat er mik at því, what is that to me? Skv. 1. 28; er mik þat undir frétt þeirri, that is my reason for asking, Grág. i. 19:—this ‘er mik’ is clearly the remains of the old erum’k.
    C. DUAL AND PLUR. also from a different root:
    1. dual vit, mod. við, a Norse form mit also occurs, Al. 170, 171, [cp. mi, Ivar Aasen]:—we two; gen. and dat. from a different root, okkar and okkr, [cp. Goth. ïggqis; A. S. inc and incer; O. H. G. inch and inchar; Ivar Aasen dikke and dykk]:—our.
    2. plur.:
    α. nom. vér and vær, the last form now obsolete, [Goth. veis; A. S. and Engl. we; Germ. wir; Dan. vi]:—we.
    β. gen. vár, mod. vor, Eg. 524, Fms. viii. 213, 398, etc.
    γ. dat. and acc. oss, [Goth. uns (acc.), unsis (dat.); A. S. us; Germ. uns; Swed. oss; Dan. os]:—us: it need only be noticed that in mod. familiar usage the dual—við, okkr, okkar—has taken the place of the plural, vér, oss; but that in written books the forms vér, oss are still in freq. use, except in light or familiar style; old writers, on the other hand, made a clear distinction both in speech and writing.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > EK

  • 50 eltur

    f. pl. pursuing, Fms. vii. 407, viii. 406, Róm. 276.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > eltur

  • 51 EN

    * * *
    1) but;
    en heima mun ek sitja, but I will stay at home;
    2) as a copulative, and, = ok;
    ek kann ráðum, Gunnhildar, en kappsemd Egils, I know the devices of G. and (on the other hand) Egil’s eagerness;
    3) = ‘an’, than (óbrigðra vin fær maðr aldregi en mannvit mikit).
    in Norse MSS. = ef, er (rel. pron. and temp. conj.);
    1) if;
    sælar væri sálurnar, en þær vissi, if they knew;
    2) as a rel. pron., = er;
    mína dóttur, en (= er) allra meyja er fegrst, who is the fairest of all maidens;
    * * *
    disjunctive conj.; in MSS. spelt either en or enn, [a particle peculiar to the Scandin.; in Danish men; in Swedish both men, än, and endast; Norse enn and also men, Ivar Aasen]:—but; en ef hann hefir, þá …, but if he has, then …, Grág. i. 261; en ef menn gefa þeim mat, id.; en heima mun ek sitja, but I will stay at home, Fms. vi. 100; en fjöldi féll, but a great many fell, Fas. ii. 514; eyrum hlýðir en augum skoðar, Hm. 7; en ekki eigu annarra manna orð, Grág. i. 84, 99, 171; en Skíðblaðnir skipa, en jóa Sleipnir, en hunda garmr, Gm. 44; en ór sveita sjár, en ór beinum björg, Vþm. 21; and passim. It is even used with a slight conjunctive sense; þykki mér sem því muni úhægt saman at koma, kappi þínu ok dirfð ‘en’ skaplyndi konungs, methinks it will be hard to make the two things go together, thy vehemence and rashness ‘and’ (on the other hand) the temper of the king, Eg. 521; ek kann ráðum Gunnhildar ‘en’ kappsemd Egils, I know the devices of Gunnhilda ‘and’ (on the other hand) Egil’s eagerness, 257: used in narratives to begin a sentence, merely denoting the progress of the tale, much the same as ‘and,’ cp. the use of auk III, p. 33; thus in Ýt. some verses begin with ‘en,’—En dagskjarr …, 2, 3, 14, 23; En Gunnlaugr grimman tamði, Hlt.; En Hróalds á höfuðbaðmi, Ad. 19, without any disjunctive notion.
    temporal adv., better spelt enn, [prob. akin to endr and eðr, q. v.]:—yet, still; þú hefir enn eigi ( not yet) heyrða kenning Drottins, Mar. 656 A. ii. 14; vildi hann enn svá, Fms. i. II; at hann mundi enn svá göra, vi. 100; þá ríkir hann enn fyrir mik, Al. 29; til betri tíma en ( than) enn ( still) er kominn, Sks. 596 B.
    2. before a comparative; enn síðarr, still later, N. G. L. i. 94; enn betr, still better; enn fyrr, still later; enn verri, still worse; enn æðri, still worthier; enn hærri, still higher; enn firr, still further off; enn nær, still nearer; enn heldr, still more, Sks. 304: separated from the comparative, enn vóru fleiri dætr Haralds, the daughters of H. were still more, i. e. H. had more daughters yet, Fms. i. 5.
    β. curious is the use of en (usually spelt in or inn) in old poems, viz. before a comparative, where in prose the ‘en’ can be left out without impairing the sense; thus, hélt-a in lengr rúmi, be kept not his place longer, i. e. ran away, Am. 58; ráð en lengr dvelja, to delay no longer, 61; menn in sælli, a happier man, Skv. 3. 18; né in mætri mægð, worthier affinity, id.; mann in harðara = harðara mann, a hardier man, Hbl. 14; nema þú in snotrari sér, unless thou art wiser, Vþm. 7; drekka in meira mjöð, to drink more mead; bíta en breiðara, to bite broader, i. e. eat with better appetite, Þkv. 35; þars þætti skáld in verri, where poets were kept in less honour, Jomsv. S. (in a verse); né in heldr, neither; né hests in heldr, neither for his horse, Hm. 60; né in heldr hugðir sem var Högni, neither are ye minded as H., Gh. 3, Sdm. 36, Hkv. 1. 12, Skv. 1. 21: in prose, eigi in heldr ætla ek, þat …, neither do I think, that …, Nj. 219.
    3. to boot, further, moreover; bolöxar ok enn amboð nokkur, pole-axes and some tools to boot, Dipl. v. 18; ok þat enn, at, and that still more, that, Róm. 302; Ingibjörg hét enn dóttir Haralds, Ingeburg was further Harold’s daughter, Fms. i. 5.
    or enn, conj., written an in very old MSS., e. g. Hom., Greg., Eluc., but in the great bulk of MSS. en is the standing form, both ancient and modern; [formed by anacope, by dropping the initial þ; Ulf. þanuh; A. S. þanne; Engl. than; Hel. than; O. H. G. danna; Germ. dann, but here almost replaced by ‘als;’ Swed. änn; Dan. end; Norse enn, Ivar Aasen; the anacope is entirely Scandin.]:—than, Lat. quam; heldr faðir an móðir, more father than mother, Eluc. 5; bjartari an sól, brighter than the sun, 45, 52; meira an aðrir, more than others, Greg. 51; víðara an áðr, wider than before, id.; betr an þegja, better than being silent, 96; æðri an þetta, Eluc. 51; annat an annat, one thing rather than another, 50; ljósara an nú, 44; heldr an vér, 17; annat an dauðan, 15; meira an Guð, 13; fyr an, 6; annat an þú ert, 59; framarr an þeir hafa, id.; framar an vesa, 60; heldr an færi eðr fleiri, Hom. 45; heldr an, 63; betra er þagat an mælt, 96; helgari an annarra manna, 126; framar an sín, 135, etc.; cp. Frump. 158–163: ‘en’ however occurs in Hom. 126.
    II. the form ‘en’ (or ‘enn’) occurs passim, Grág. i. 173, ii. 13, Al. 29, Sks. 596 B, N. G. L. i. 32, etc. etc.
    ☞ The particle en differs in sense when placed before or after the comparative; if before, it means still; if after, than; thus, fyrr enn, áðr enn, before, Lat. prinsquam, but enn fyrr, still earlier, sooner; enn heldr, still more, but heldr enn, rather than; enn betr, still better, but betr enn, better than; enn síðar, still later, but síðar enn, later than, etc. Again, there is a difference of sense, when neither en is a comparative; en ef, but if; ef enn, if still, etc.
    is now and then in MSS., esp. Norse, used = er, ef, q. v., but this is a mere peculiarity or false spelling:
    1. when; mér vórum í hjá en (= er) þeir, when they, D. N. i. 271; til þess en = til þess er, 81.
    2. as a relat. particle, which; sú hin ríka frú en ( which), Str.; mína dóttur en allra meyja er fegrst, my daughter who is the fairest of all women, Þiðr. 249; af því en hann hefir fingit, Al. 145; sá ótti en, 107; en sungin er, which is sung, Hom. 41; but hvárt en er, whether, N. G. L. i. 349.
    3. = ef, if, [cp. Old Engl. an]; sælar yæri sálurnar, en þær vissi, if they knew, Al. 114; en þeir vildi = ef þeir vildi, 118; en vér færim = ef vér færim, 120, esp. freq. in D. N. (vide Fr.) Very rare in Icel. writings or good MSS., e. g. en ek hefi með Guðs miskunn (i. e. er ek heti), as I have, because I have, Bs. i. 59, Hung. ch. 1; vide er.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > EN

  • 52 endr-gjalda

    galt, to reward, Mar. 175, Bs. ii. 25, Rom. xii. 19.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > endr-gjalda

  • 53 endr-næra

    ð, to refresh, Matth. xi. 28, Rom. xv. 32, 2 Cor. vii. 13.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > endr-næra

  • 54 eptir-mæli

    n. fond indulgence. Fms. x. 375, Nj. 26.
    2. = eptirmál. Nj. 176.
    3. good report, Mar., Róm. 289.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > eptir-mæli

  • 55 eski-stöng

    f. an ashen pole, Róm. 232.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > eski-stöng

  • 56 EYKT

    1) half-past three o’clock, p. m. (var þat nær e. dags);
    2) time of three hours (þá er þógn hafði verit nær hálfa e.).
    * * *
    eykð, f. three or half-past three o’clock P. M.; many commentaries have been written upon this word, as by Pal Vídalín Skýr., Finn Johnson in H. E. i. 153 sqq. note 6, and in Horologium, etc. The time of eykð is clearly defined in K. Þ. K. 92 as the time when the sun has past two parts of the ‘útsuðr’ (q. v.) and has one part left, that is to say, half-past three o’clock P. M.: it thus nearly coincides with the eccl. Lat. nona (three o’clock P. M.); and both eykt and nona are therefore used indiscriminately in some passages. Sunset at the time of ‘eykð’ is opposed to sunrise at the time of ‘dagmál,’ q. v. In Norway ‘ykt’ means a luncheon taken about half-past three o’clock. But the passage in Edda—that autumn ends and winter begins at sunset at the time of eykt—confounded the commentators, who believed it to refer to the conventional Icel. winter, which (in the old style) begins with the middle of October, and lasts six months. In the latitude of Reykholt—the residence of Snorri—the sun at this time sets about half-past four. Upon this statement the commentators have based their reasoning both in regard to dagmál and eykt, placing the eykt at half-past four P. M. and dagmál at half-past seven A. M., although this contradicts the definition of these terms in the law. The passage in Edda probably came from a foreign source, and refers not to the Icel. winter but to the astronomical winter, viz. the winter solstice or the shortest day; for sunset at half-past three is suited not to Icel., but to the latitude of Scotland and the southern parts of Scandinavia. The word is also curious from its bearing upon the discovery of America by the ancients, vide Fb. l. c. This sense ( half-past three) is now obsolete in Icel., but eykt is in freq. use in the sense of trihorium, a time of three hours; whereas in the oldest Sagas no passage has been found bearing this sense,—the Bs. i. 385, 446, and Hem. l. c. are of the 13th and 14th centuries. In Norway ykt is freq. used metaph. of all the four meal times in the day, morning-ykt, midday-ykt, afternoon-ykt (or ykt proper), and even-ykt. In old MSS. (Grág., K. Þ. K., Hem., Heið. S.) this word is always spelt eykð or eykþ, shewing the root to be ‘auk’ with the fem. inflex. added; it probably first meant the eke-meal, answering to Engl. lunch, and thence came to mean the time of day at which this meal was taken. The eccl. law dilates upon the word, as the Sabbath was to begin at ‘hora nona;’ hence the phrase, eykt-helgr dagr (vide below). The word can have no relation to átta, eight, or átt, plaga coeli. At present Icel. say, at eykta-mótum, adv. at great intervals, once an eykt, once in three hours.
    I. half-past three; þá er eykð er útsuðrs-átt er deild í þriðjunga, ok hefir sól gengna tvá hluti en einn ógenginn, K. Þ. K. 92; net skal öll upp taka fyrir eykð, 90; helgan dag eptir eykð, 88; ef þeir hafa unnit á eykð, 94; enda skal hann undan honum hafa boðit fyrir miðjan dag en hinn skal hafa kosit at eykþ, Grág. i. 198; ok á maðr kost at stefna fyrir eykþ ef vill, 395; í þat mund dags er tók út eyktina, Fms. xi. 136; eptir eykt dags, rendering of the Lat. ‘vix decima parte diei reliqua,’ Róm. 313; þeir gengu til eyktar, ok höfðu farit árla morguns, en er nón var dags, etc., Fs. 176; at eykð dags þá kómu heim húskarlar Barða. Ísl. ii. 329; nú vættir mik at þar komi þér nær eykð dags, 345; var þat nær eykð dags, 349; var hón at veraldligu verki þangat til er kom eykð, þá fór hón til bænar sinnar at nóni, Hom. (St.) 59.
    COMPDS: eykðarhelgr, eyktarstaðr, eykðartíð.
    II. trihorium; en er liðin var nær ein eykt dags, Bs. i. 446; at þat mundi verit hafa meir en hálf eykt, er hann vissi ekki til sín, 385; þessi flaug vanst um eina eykð dags, Hem. (Hb.)

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > EYKT

  • 57 FAGNA

    * * *
    (að), v.
    1) to rejoice in a thing (f. e-u, í e-u or af e-u);
    2) f. e-m, to welcome one, receive one with good or bad cheer (var honum þar vel fagnat);
    3) f. vetri, jólum, sumri, to rejoice, make a feast, at the beginning of winter, Yule, summer.
    * * *
    að, [Ulf. faginon = χαίρειν; A. S. fægnian; Hel. faganon; cp. Engl. fain, Icel. feginn]:—to be fain, to rejoice, Greg. 20, 40, Sks. 631; fagnið þer og verið glaðir. Matth. v. 12, John xvi. 20; fagnið með fagnendum, Rom. xii. 15: with dat., fagna e-u, to rejoice in a thing; allir munu því fagna, 623. 43, Nj. 25, Ld. 62.
    2. fagna e-m, to welcome one, receive with good cheer, Nj. 4; var honum þar vel tagnað, 25, Eg. 36, Fms. iv. 131, ironic, vii. 249, x. 19.
    β. with prep., fagna í e-u, to rejoice in a thing, Th. 76; fagna af e-u, id., Stj. 142, Th. 76.
    γ. the phrase, fagna vetri (Jólum, sumri), to rejoice, make a feast at the beginning of winter (Yule, summer); þat var þá margra manna siðr at f. vetri … ok hafa þá veizlur ok vetrnátta-blót, Gísl. 18; ef ek mætta þar í veita í haust vinum mínum ok f. svá heimkomu minni, Fms. i. 290; þat er siðr þeirra at hafa blót á haust ok f. þá vetri, Ó. H. 104.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FAGNA

  • 58 fagnaðar-óp

    n. a shout of joy, Al. 13, Róm. 214.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > fagnaðar-óp

  • 59 fagnaðr

    (gen. -ar), m.
    1) joy (eilífr f.);
    2) welcome, greeting;
    3) hospitable entertainment (gerðu henni fagnað þá viku alla); öl ok annar f., ale and other good cheer;
    4) kunna sér þann fagnað, to be quite satisfied or content (kunni hann sér þá þann fagnað at girnast ekki á Svíakonungs veldi).
    * * *
    and fögnuðr, m., gen. fagnaðar, pl. ir, [Goth. faheds = χαρά], joy, Greg. 68, Hom. 85; gaudium er fögnuðr, Bs. i. 801; eilífr f., Hom. 42, Stj. 44; himinríkis f., heavenly joy, Fms. x. 274; óvina-fögnuðr, triumph, joy for one’s foes, Nj. 112.
    β. metaph. welcome, good cheer, Hkr. i. 50, Eg. 535, Fms. i. 72, iv. 82; görðu henni fagnað þá viku alla, 625. 86: the phrase, kunna sér þann fagnað, to be so sensible, so clever, Band. 9, Hkr. ii. 85, v. l.; öl ok annarr fagnaðr, ale and other good cheer, Grett. 98 A. In the N. T. χαρά is often rendered by fögnuðr, Mark iv. 16, Luke i. 14, ii. 10, viii. 13, x. 17, xv. 7, 10, John iii. 29, xv. 11, xvi. 21, 22, 24, xvii. 13, Rom. xiv. 17, xv. 13, 2 Cor. ii. 2, etc., in the same passages in which Ulf uses faheds; fögnuðr is stronger than gleði.
    COMPDS: fagnaðaratburðr, fagnaðarboðskapr, fagnaðardagr, fagnaðareyrendi, fagnaðareyru, fagnaðarfullr, fagnaðarfundr, fagnaðargrátr, fagnaðarheit, fagnaðarkenning, fagnaðarkrás, fagnaðarlauss, fagnaðarlúðr, fagnaðarmark, fagnaðaróp, fagnaðarraust, fagnaðarsamligr, fagnaðarskrúð, fagnaðarstaðr, fagnaðarsæll, fagnaðarsöngr, fagnaðartíð, fagnaðartíðindi, fagnaðarveizla, fagnaðarvist, fagnaðaröl.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > fagnaðr

  • 60 FALLA

    * * *
    (fell; féll, féllum; fallinn), v.
    eigi fellr tré við fyrsta högg, a tree falls not with the first stroke;
    falla af baki, to fall from horse back;
    falla á kné, to fall on one’s knees;
    falla áfram (á bak aptr), to fall forwards (backwards);
    falla flatr, to fall prostrate;
    falla til jarðar, to fall to the ground;
    refl., láta fallast (= sik falla), to let oneself fall (þá lét Loki falla í kné Skaða);
    2) to drop down dead, be killed, fall (in battle);
    3) to die of plague (féllu fátœkir menn um alit land);
    4) to flow, run (of water, stream, tide);
    særinn fell út frá landi, ebbed;
    féll sjór fyrir hellismunnann, the sea rose higher than the cave-mouth;
    síðan féll sjór at, the tide rose;
    þeir sá þá ós mikinn falla í sjóinn, fall into the sea;
    á fél (a river flowed) við skála Ásólfs;
    var skipit svá hlaðit, at inn féll um söxin, that the sea rushed in at the prow;
    5) of clothes, hair, to fall, hang down;
    hárit féll á herðar honum aptr, the hair fell back on his shoulders;
    létu kvennváðir um kné falla, they let women’s dress fall about hi s knees;
    6) to fall, calm down (of the wind);
    féll veðrit (the storm fell) ok gerði logn;
    7) to fail, be foiled;
    sá eiðr fellr honum til útlegðar, if he fails in taking the oath, he shall be liable to outlawry;
    falla á verkum sínum, to have been caught red-handed, to be justly slain;
    falla or fallast at máli, sókn, to fail in one’s suit;
    falla frá máli, to give it up;
    fallinn at frændum, bereft of kinsmen;
    dœmi ek fyrir dráp hans fallnar yðrar eignir, I sentence your estates to be forfieited for his slaughter;
    refl., ef gerðarmenn láta fallast, if the umpires fail to do their duty;
    þá fallust öllum Ásum orðtök ok svá hendr, then voice and hands alike failed the Gods;
    féllust þeim allar kvéðjur, their greetings died on their lips;
    vill sá eigi falust láta andsvör, he will not fail or falter in replying;
    mér féll svá gæfusamliga (it befell me so quickly), at;
    stundum kann svá at falla, at, sometimes it may so happen that;
    9) to be had or produced (þat járn fellr í firði þeim; þar fellr hveiti ok vín);
    10) with adv., e-m fellr e-t þungt, létt, a thing falls heavily, lightly upon one (þetta mun ðr þungt falla);
    féll þá keisaranum þyngra bardaginn, the battle turned against the emperor;
    e-m fellr e-t nær, it falls nigh to one, touches one nearly;
    henni féll meinit svá nær, at, the illness fell on her so sore, that;
    mér fellr eigi firr en honum, it touches me no less than him;
    hörmuliga fellr oss nú, at, it falls out sadly for us, that;
    11) to please, suit;
    kvað sér, þat vel falla til attekta, said that it suited him well for drawing revenue from;
    honum féll vel í eyru lofsorð konungs, the king’s praise was pleasant in his ears;
    jarli féllst þat vel í eyru, the earl was well pleased to hear it;
    mun mér illa falla, ef, it will displease me, if;
    féll vel á með þeim, they were on good terms;
    refl., honum féllst þat vel í skap, it suited his mind well, he was pleased with it;
    féllst hvárt öðru vel í geð, they loved each other;
    12) with preps. and advs.,
    falla af, to fall, abate (féll af vindr, byrr);
    falla á e-n, to befall one;
    þær féllu lyktir í, at, the end was, that;
    falla í e-t, to fall into;
    falla í brot, to fall in a fit;
    falla í óvit, to faint, swoon;
    falla í villu, to fall into heresy;
    falla í vald e-s, to fall into one’s power;
    féll veðrit í logn, the storm calmed down;
    falla niðr, to fall, drop;
    mitt kvæði mun skjótt niðr falla, my poem will soon be forgotten;
    féll svá niðr þeirra tal, their conversation dropped, they left off talking;
    falla saman, to fill in with, agree;
    þó at eigi félli alit saman með þeim, though they, did not agree in everything;
    falla til, to occur, happen, fall out;
    ef auðna fellr til, if luck will have it so;
    litlu síðar féll til fagrt leiði, fair wind came on;
    öll þingviti, er til falla, all the fines that may fall in, be due;
    nema þörf falli til, unless need be;
    sem sakir falla til, as the case falls;
    falla undir e-n, to fall to one’s lot (of inheritance, obligation);
    arfr fellr undir e-n, devolves upon one;
    falla út, to recede, of the tide (þá er út féll sjórinn);
    falla við árar, to fall to at the oars.
    * * *
    pret. féll, 2nd pers. féllt, mod. féllst, pl. féllu; pres. fell, pl. föllum; part. fallinn; reflex. féllsk, fallisk, etc., with the neg. suffix fellr-at, féll-at, féllsk-at, Am. 6, vide Lex. Poët. [Common to all Teut. languages except Goth. (Ulf. renders πίπτειν by drjûsan); A. S. feallan; Engl. fall; Germ. fallen; Dan. falde; Swed. falla.]
    A. to fall; as in Engl. so in Icel. falla is the general word, used in the broadest sense; in the N. T. it is therefore used much in the same passages as in the Engl. V., e. g. Matth. v. 14, vii. 25, 27, x. 29, xii. 11, xiii. 4, xxi. 44, Luke xiv. 5, John xii. 24, Rom. xi. 11, xiv. 4, 1 Cor. x. 12, 1 Tim. vi. 9, Rev. viii. 10: blómstrið fellr, James i. 11: again, the verbs hrynja and hrapa denote ruin or sudden fall, detta a light fall, hrasa stumbling; thus in the N. T. hrynja is used, Luke xxiii. 30, Rev. vi. 16; hrapa, Luke x. 18, xi. 17, xiii. 4, Matth. xxiv. 29; hrasa, Luke x. 30; detta, xvi. 21: the proverb, eigi fellr tré við hit fyrsta högg, a tree falls not by the first stroke, Nj. 163, 224; hann féll fall mikit, Bs. i. 343; hón féll geigvænliga, id.; falla af baki, to fall from horseback, 344; f. áfram, to fall forwards, Nj. 165; f. á bak aptr, to fall on the back, 9; f. um háls e-m, to fall on one’s neck, Luke xv. 20; f. til jarðar, to fall to the ground, fall prostrate, Fms. vii. 13, Pass. 5. 4: to fall on one’s face, Stj. 422. Ruth ii. 10; f. fram, to fall down, Matth. iv. 9; f. dauðr ofan, to fall down dead, Fær. 31; ok jafnsnart féll á hann dimma og myrkr, Acts xiii. 11; hlutr fellr, the lot fell (vide hlut-fall), i. 26.
    2. to fall dead, fall in battle, Lat. cadere, Nj. 31, Eg. 7, 495, Dropl. 25, 36, Hm. 159, Fms. i. 8, 11, 24, 38, 95, 173, 177, 178, ii. 318, 324, 329, iii. 5, iv. 14, v. 55, 59, 78, 85, vi. 406–421, vii–xi, passim.
    3. of cattle, to die of plague or famine, Ann. 1341.
    4. medic., falla í brot, to fall in a fit, Bs. i. 335; f. í óvit, to swoon, Nj. 210: the phrase, f. frá, to fall, die (frá-fall, death), Grág. i. 139, 401, Fms. iv. 230, vii. 275; f. í svefn, to fall asleep, Acts xx. 9.
    II. to flow, run, of water, stream, tide, etc.: of the tide, særinn féll út frá landi, ebbed, Clem. 47; féll þar sær fyrir hellismunnann, the sea rose higher than the cave’s mouth, Orkn. 428; síðan féll sjór at, the tide rose, Ld. 58; ok þá er út féll sjórinn, Þorf. Karl. 420; sjórinn féll svá skjótt á land, at skipin vóru öll á floti, Fms. iv. 65: also used of snow, rain, dew, Vsp. 19; snjó-fall, a fall of snow: of the ashes of a volcano, cp. ösku-fall, s. v. aska: of a breaker, to dash, menn undruðusk er boði féll í logni, þar sem engi maðr vissi ván til at fyrri hefði fallit, Orkn. 164: of a river, nema þar falli á sú er eigi gengr fé yfir, Grág. ii. 256; vötn þau er ór jöklum höfðu fallit, Eg. 133; á féll ( flowed) við skála Ásólfs, Landn. 50, A. A. 285; þeir sá þá ós (fors, Hb.) mikinn falla í sjóinn, Landn. 29, v. l., cp. Fms. i. 236; Markar-fljót féll í millum höfuð-ísa, Nj. 142; á fellr austan, Vsp. 42; falla forsar, 58; læk er féll meðal landa þeirra, Landn. 145: of sea water, sjár kolblár fellr at þeim, the ship took in water, Ld. 118, Mar. 98; svá at inn féll um söxin, that the tea rushed in at the stern, Sturl. iii. 66.
    2. to stream, of hair; hárit silki-bleikt er féll ( streamed) á herðar honum aptr, Fms. vii. 155.
    β. of clothes, drapery, Edda (Ht. 2) 121.
    III. to fall, of the wind; féll veðrit ok görði logn, the wind fell, Eg. 372; þá féll byrrinn, Eb. 8; ok fellr veðrit er þeir koma út at eyjum, Ld. 116; hón kvaðsk mundu ráða at veðrit félli eigi, Gullþ. 30; í því bili fellr andviðrit, Fbr. 67; þá féll af byrrinn, Fms. vi. 17.
    2. falla niðr, to fall, drop; mitt kvæði mun skjótt niðr f., my poem will soon be forgotten, Fms. vi. 198; mun þat (in the poem) aldri niðr f. meðan Norðrlönd eru bygð, 372; féll svá þeirra tal, their speech dropped, they left off talking, Fas. iii. 579; as a law term, to let a thing drop, lát niðr f., Fs. 182; féllu hálfar bætr niðr fyrir sakastaði þá er hann þótti á eiga, Nj. 166, 250, Band. 18; þat eitt fellr niðr, Grág. i. 398, Fms. vii. 137; falla í verði, to fall in price, etc.
    IV. to fail, be foiled, a law term; sá (viz. eiðr) fellr honum til útlegðar, i. e. if he fails in taking the oath he shall be liable to outlawry, N. G. L. i. 84 (eið-fall); en ef eiðr fellr, þá fari hann útlægr, K. Á. 214; fellr aldri sekt handa á milli, the fine is never cancelled, N. G. L. i. 345; f. á verkum sínum, to have been caught red-handed, to be justly slain, Eg. 736; vera fallinn at sókn, to fail in one’s suit, N. G. L. i. 166; hence metaph. fallin at frændum, failing, bereft of friends, Hðm. 5; fallinn frá minu máli, having given my case up, Sks. 554, 747; því dæmi ek fyrir dráp hans fallnar eignir ykkar, I sentence your estates to lie forfeited for his slaughter, Fs. 122; f. í konungs garð, to forfeit to the king’s treasury. Fms. iv. 227; reflex., ef honum fellsk þessor brigð, if his right of reclamation fails, Gþl. 300; ef menn fallask at því, if men fail in that, N. G. L. ii. 345; ef gerð fellsk, if the reparation comes to naught, id.; ef gerðar-menn láta fallask, if they fail to do their duty, id., cp. i. 133, 415; to fail, falter, in the phrase, e-m fallask hendr, the hands fail one; bliknaði hann ok féllusk honum hendr, Ó. H. 70; þá féllusk öllum Ásum orðtök ok svá hendr, their voice and hands alike failed them, Edda 37; en bóndum féllusk hendr, því á þeir höfðu þá engan foringja, Fms. vi. 281; féllusk þeim allar kveðjur er fyrir vóru, their greeting faltered, i. e. the greeting died on their lips, Nj. 140; vill sá eigi fallask fáta andsvör, he would not fail or falter in replying, Hkr. i. 260; féllskat saðr sviðri, her judgment did not fail, Am. 6.
    V. metaph., falla í villu, to fall into heresy, Ver. 47; f. í hórdóm, to fall into whoredom, Sks. 588; f. í vald e-s. to fall into one’s power, Ld. 166; f. í fullsælu, to drop ( come suddenly) into great wealth, Band. 31; f. í fullting við e-n, to fall a-helping one, to take one’s part, Grág. i. 24; lyktir falla á e-t, to come to a close, issue, Fms. ix. 292. xi. 326; f. á, to fall on, of misfortune, vide á-fall.
    2. falla undir e-n, to full to one’s lot, of inheritance, obligation; arfr fellr undir e-n. devolves upon one, Gþl. 215; f. frjáls á jörð to be free born, N. G. L. i. 32; f. ánanðigr á jörð, to be born a bondsman, Grág. ii. 192.
    3. falla við árar, to fall to at the oars, Fms. xi. 73, 103; Þorgeirr féll þá svá fast á árar (pulled, so bard), at af gengu báðir háirnir, Grett. 125 A; f. fram við árar, id., Fas. ii. 495 (in a verse).
    VI. to fall out, befall; ef auðna fellr til, if it so falls out by luck, Fms. iv. 148; ef auðna vildi til f. með þeim, xi. 267; litlu siðar fellr til fagrt leiði, a fair wind befell them, 426; alla hluti þá er til kunni f., Nj. 224; öll þingvíti er til f., all the fines that may fall in, be due, Gþl. 21; nema þörf falli til, unless a mishap befalls him, i. e. unless he be in a strait, 76; mér féll svá gæfusamliga, it befell me so luckily, Barl. 114; verðuliga er fallit á mik þetta tilfelli, this accident has justly befallen me, 115; sem sakir f. til, as the case falls, Eg. 89.
    2. to fall, be produced; þat (the iron) fellr í firði þeim er Ger heitir, Fas. iii. 240; þar fellr hveiti ok vín, 360.
    VII. impers. in the phrases, e-m fellr e-t þungt, létt, etc., a thing falls lightly, heavily upon, esp. of feeling; þetta mun yðr þungt f., it will fall heavily on you, Band. 18; felir þá keisaranum þyngra bardaginn, the battle fell out ill to ( turned against) the emperor, Fms. xi. 32; at oss mundi þungt f. þessi mál, Nj. 191.
    2. the phrases, e-m fellr e-t nær, it falls nigh to one, touches one nearly; svá fellr mér þetta nær um trega, Nj. 170; sjá einn var svá hlutr, at Njáli féll svá nær, at hana mátti aldri óklökvandi um tala, this one thing touched Njal so nearly, that he could never speak of it without tears, 171; mér fellr eigi firr en honum, it touches me no less than him, Blas. 41; henni féll meinit svá, nær, at …, the illness fell on her so sore, that …, Bs. i. 178; féll henni nær allt saman, she was much vexed by it all (of illness), 351; e-t fellr bágliga, hörmuliga etc. fyrir e-m, things fall out sadly for one. Vígl. 30, El. 15.
    B. Metaph. to fall in with, agree, fit, suit, Germ. gefallen:
    I. to please, suit; kvað sér þat vel falla til aftekta, said that it suited him well for drawing taxes from, Fb. ii. 122: en allt þat, er hann heyrði frá himnaguði, féll honum harla vel, pleased him very well, Fms. i. 133; honum féll vel í eyru lofsorð konungs, the king’s praise suited his ears well, tickled, pleased his fancy, Bret. 16: reflex., þat lof fellsk honum í eyru, 4; jarli fellsk þat vel í eyru, the earl was well pleased to hear it, Bjarn. 7.
    β. falla saman, to fall in with, comply, agree; en þó at eigi félli allt saman með þeim, though they did not agree in all, Bs. i. 723.
    γ. féllsk vel á með þeim, they loved one another, Fas. i. 49; féll vel á með þeim Styrkári, i. e. he and S. were on good terms, Fms. iii. 120.
    δ. honum féllsk þat vel í skap, it suited his mind well, pleased him, Fas. i. 364; féllsk hvárt öðru vel í geð, they agreed well, liked one another well, Band. 9; fallask á e-t, to like a thing; brátt kvartar að mér fellst ei á, Bb. 3. 23.
    2. to beseem, befit; heldr fellr þeim ( it befits them), at sýna öðrum með góðvilja, Str. 2.
    3. falla at e-u, to apply to, refer to; þetta eitt orð er at fellr eiðstafnum, Band. MS. 15 (Ed. 18 wrongly eiðrinn instead of eiðnum).
    4. the phrase ‘falla við’ in Luke vi. 36 (bótin af því hinu nýja fellr eigi við hið gamla) means to agree with; hence also viðfeldinn, agreeable:—but in the two passages to be cited falla við seems to be intended for falda við, to enfold; hvergi nema þar sem falli við akr eða eng, unless field or meadow be increased or improved, N. G. L. ii. 116; ekki má falla (qs. falda) við hamingju-leysi mitt, ‘tis impossible to add a fold to my bad luck, it cannot be worse than it is, Al. 110.
    II. part. fallinn; svá f., such-like, so framed; eitt lítið dýr er svá fallið, at …, a small animal is so framed, that …, Stj. 77; hví man hinn sami maðr svá fallinn, how can the same man be so framed? Fms. xi. 429:—in law phrases, such-like, as follows, svá fallinn vitnisburð, testimony as follows, Vm. 47; svo fallinn órskurð, dóm, etc., a decision, sentence … as follows, a standing phrase; þá leið fallinn, such, such-like (Germ. beschaffen), Stj. 154.
    2. fallinn vel, illa, etc., well, ill-disposed; hann var vænn maðr ok vel fallinn, Fms. xi. 422; þau vóru tröll bæði ok at öllu illa fallin, Bárð. 165; fitted, worthy, bezt til konungs fallinn, Fms. i. 58; ok er hann bezt til þess f. af þessum þremr, vi. 386; at hann væri betr til fallinn at deyja fyrir þá sök en faðir hans, that he more deserved to die than his father did, x. 3; Ólafr er betr til yfirmanns f. enn mínir synir, Ld. 84; margir eru betr til fallnir fararinnar, Ísl. ii. 327; Hallgerðr kvað hann sér vel fallinn til verkstjóra, Nj. 57; sá er til þess er f., Sks. 299; ‘worthy,’ 1 Cor. vi. 2.
    3. neut. fit; ok hætti þá er honum þótti fallit, when he thought fit, Fms. vi. 364; slík reip sem f. þykir, as seems needful, Sks. 420; væri þat vel fallit, at …, it would do well, to …, Fms. ii. 115; þat mun nú vel fallit, that will be right, that will do well, Nj. 145; kallaði vel til fallit, said it was quite right, Fms. xi. 321.
    4. of a thing, with dat. suited to one; eigi þyki mér þér sú ferð vel fallin, i. e. this journey will not do for thee, will not do thee good, Fms. vi. 200; cp. ó-fallit, unfit.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FALLA

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