1 cavity method
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cavity method
2 cavity method
3 cavity method
1) Техника: резонаторный метод -
4 cavity method
5 cavity method
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > cavity method
6 cavity method
7 Zonal Cavity Method
Техника: Метод светового потока -
8 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
9 method
метод; способ- method of moments
- method of spin-density functional
- access method
- aluminum resist method
- angle-lapping method
- aperture field method
- B-method
- balanced method
- basic direct access method
- basic sequential access method
- basic telecommunication access method
- batch method
- Bayesian methods
- box-diffusion method
- Box-Wilson method
- Bridgman method
- Bridgman-Stockbarger method
- bright-field method
- cavity method
- Chalmers method
- chemical-reaction method
- chemical vapor infiltration method
- Cochran-Orcutt method
- coherent-pulse method
- collocation method
- common access method
- compensation method
- conditional maximum likelihood method
- conjugate gradients method
- constant-temperature method
- contact method
- convex combination method
- critical path method
- crucibleless method
- crystal-pulling method
- cylinder method
- Czochralski method
- dark-field method
- decoupled method
- Delphi method
- deposition method
- derivate approximation method
- desiccant packing method
- destructive method
- differential-conductivity method
- differential Doppler method
- diffraction method
- diffused-collector method
- diffused-meltback method
- diffusion method
- direct method
- dispersion and mask method
- dispersion and mask template method
- distribution-free method
- dot-alloying method
- double-doping method
- double-exposure method
- dynamic bubble collapse method
- edge enhancement method
- electronic-recording method
- electron-lithography method
- electron-orbit method
- Engle-Granger method
- epitaxial-diffused method
- equisignal-zone method
- equivalent-current-sheet method
- estimation method
- etching method
- etch-pit method
- evaporation method
- event-driven method
- FDTD method
- field matching method
- filter method of single-sideband signals generation
- finite-difference method
- finite-difference time domain method
- finite-element method
- flame-fusion method
- flip-chip method
- floating-probe method
- floating-zone method
- four-point probe method
- frequency-domain method
- fusion method
- fuzzy method
- Galerkin's method
- Gauss-Newton method
- Gauss-Seidel method
- generalized method of moments
- generalized instrumental variables method
- geometrical optics method
- goal-driven method
- gradient method
- Green function method
- growth method
- heavy ball method
- heuristic method
- hierarchical direct access method
- hierarchical indexed direct access method
- hierarchical indexed sequential access method
- hierarchical sequential access method
- Horner method
- hot-probe method
- hypothetico-deductive method
- incomplete Choleski-decomposition method
- indexed sequential-access method
- indirect method
- induced electromotive force method
- induced EMF method
- induced magnetomotive force method
- induced MMF method
- insertion method
- in situ method
- instrumental variables method
- intaglio method
- intelligent decision support method
- interference method
- introspective method
- ion-drift method
- ion-implantation method
- isothermal method
- isothermal dipping method
- jack-knife method
- Jackson method
- Johansen method
- Kiefer-Wolfowitz method
- k-means method
- k-partan method
- Krüger-Finke method
- Kyropoulos method
- laborious method
- learning subspace method
- least distance method
- least-squares method
- Levenberg-Marquardt method
- lithographic method
- lobe switching method
- logistic method
- Marquardt method
- masking method
- matrix method
- maximum entropy method
- maximum likelihood method
- meltback method
- melt-freeze method
- melt-quench method
- memory operating characteristic method
- modified partan method
- molecular-field method
- Monte Carlo method
- morphological method
- Newton method
- Newton-Raphson method
- nodal method
- nondestructive method
- null method
- offset carrier method
- offset subcarrier method
- OLS method
- operations research method
- ordered elimination method
- ordinary least squares method
- orthogonalized plane wave method
- outer product of gradient method
- overcompensated method
- over-under probe method
- oxide resist method
- pair-exchange method
- partan method
- path compression method
- path-of-steepest-ascent method
- path sensitizing method
- pedestal method
- perturbation method
- phase-contrast method
- phase-plane method
- phasing method of single-sideband signals generation
- photoconductive decay method
- photolithographic method
- planographic method
- powder method
- principal components method
- probe method
- pseudopotential method
- queued access method
- queued indexed sequential access method
- queued sequential access method
- queued telecommunication access method
- random-walk method
- ray-optics method
- recalculation method
- receiver operating characteristic method
- recrystallization method
- rejection-mask method
- resonance method
- rotary-crystallizer method
- rotating crystal method
- roulette wheel method
- schlieren method
- scientific method
- sector method
- sequential-access method
- silk-screening method
- simplex method
- simulated annealing method
- skip-field method
- slow-cooling method
- solder-reflow method
- solid-state diffusion method
- speckle method
- spectral-domain method
- spray-processing method
- staining method
- state-space method
- static baycenter method
- stationary-phase method
- strain-annealed method
- sublimation-condensation method
- surface-potential equilibration method
- symbolic layout method
- symmetric displacement method
- temperature differential method
- temperature-variation method
- thermal-gradient method
- time-domain method
- Todama method
- traveling-solvent method
- trial-and-error method
- two-wattmeter method
- van der Pol method
- vapor-liquid-solid method
- variable-metric method
- vector-potential method
- Verneuil method
- vernier pulse-timing method
- virtual storage access method
- virtual telecommunications access method
- VLS method
- Warnier-Orr method
- wire-wrap method
- zero method -
10 method
метод; способ- aluminum resist method
- angle-lapping method
- aperture field method
- balanced method
- basic direct access method
- basic sequential access method
- basic telecommunication access method
- batch method
- Bayesian methods
- B-method
- box-diffusion method
- Box-Wilson method
- Bridgman method
- Bridgman-Stockbarger method
- bright-field method
- cavity method
- Chalmers method
- chemical vapor infiltration method
- chemical-reaction method
- Cochran-Orcutt method
- coherent-pulse method
- collocation method
- common access method
- compensation method
- conditional maximum likelihood method
- conjugate gradients method
- constant-temperature method
- contact method
- convex combination method
- critical path method
- crucibleless method
- crystal-pulling method
- cylinder method
- Czochralski method
- dark-field method
- decoupled method
- Delphi method
- deposition method
- derivate approximation method
- desiccant packing method
- destructive method
- differential Doppler method
- differential-conductivity method
- diffraction method
- diffused-collector method
- diffused-meltback method
- diffusion method
- direct method
- dispersion and mask method
- dispersion and mask template method
- distribution-free method
- dot-alloying method
- double-doping method
- double-exposure method
- dynamic bubble collapse method
- edge enhancement method
- electronic-recording method
- electron-lithography method
- electron-orbit method
- Engle-Granger method
- epitaxial-diffused method
- equisignal-zone method
- equivalent-current-sheet method
- estimation method
- etching method
- etch-pit method
- evaporation method
- event-driven method
- FDTD method
- field matching method
- filter method of single-sideband signals generation
- finite-difference method
- finite-difference time domain method
- finite-element method
- flame-fusion method
- flip-chip method
- floating-probe method
- floating-zone method
- four-point probe method
- frequency-domain method
- fusion method
- fuzzy method
- Galerkin's method
- Gauss-Newton method
- Gauss-Seidel method
- generalized instrumental variables method
- generalized method of moments
- geometrical optics method
- goal-driven method
- gradient method
- Green function method
- growth method
- heavy ball method
- heuristic method
- hierarchical direct access method
- hierarchical indexed direct access method
- hierarchical indexed sequential access method
- hierarchical sequential access method
- Horner method
- hot-probe method
- hypothetico-deductive method
- in situ method
- incomplete Choleski-decomposition method
- indexed sequential-access method
- indirect method
- induced electromotive force method
- induced EMF method
- induced magnetomotive force method
- induced MMF method
- insertion method
- instrumental variables method
- intaglio method
- intelligent decision support method
- interference method
- introspective method
- ion-drift method
- ion-implantation method
- isothermal dipping method
- isothermal method
- jack-knife method
- Jackson method
- Johansen method
- Kiefer-Wolfowitz method
- k-means method
- k-partan method
- Krüger-Finke method
- Kyropoulos method
- laborious method
- learning subspace method
- least distance method
- least-squares method
- Levenberg-Marquardt method
- lithographic method
- lobe switching method
- logistic method
- Marquardt method
- masking method
- matrix method
- maximum entropy method
- maximum likelihood method
- meltback method
- melt-freeze method
- melt-quench method
- memory operating characteristic method
- method of edge waves
- method of moments
- method of spin-density functional
- modified partan method
- molecular-field method
- Monte Carlo method
- morphological method
- Newton method
- Newton-Raphson method
- nodal method
- nondestructive method
- null method
- offset carrier method
- offset subcarrier method
- OLS method
- operations research method
- ordered elimination method
- ordinary least squares method
- orthogonalized plane wave method
- outer product of gradient method
- overcompensated method
- over-under probe method
- oxide resist method
- pair-exchange method
- partan method
- path compression method
- path sensitizing method
- path-of-steepest-ascent method
- pedestal method
- perturbation method
- phase-contrast method
- phase-plane method
- phasing method of single-sideband signals generation
- photoconductive decay method
- photolithographic method
- planographic method
- powder method
- principal components method
- probe method
- pseudopotential method
- queued access method
- queued indexed sequential access method
- queued sequential access method
- queued telecommunication access method
- random-walk method
- ray-optics method
- recalculation method
- receiver operating characteristic method
- recrystallization method
- rejection-mask method
- resonance method
- rotary-crystallizer method
- rotating crystal method
- roulette wheel method
- schlieren method
- scientific method
- sector method
- sequential-access method
- silk-screening method
- simplex method
- simulated annealing method
- skip-field method
- slow-cooling method
- solder-reflow method
- solid-state diffusion method
- speckle method
- spectral-domain method
- spray-processing method
- staining method
- state-space method
- static baycenter method
- stationary-phase method
- strain-annealed method
- sublimation-condensation method
- surface-potential equilibration method
- symbolic layout method
- symmetric displacement method
- temperature differential method
- temperature-variation method
- thermal-gradient method
- time-domain method
- Todama method
- traveling-solvent method
- trial-and-error method
- two-wattmeter method
- van der Pol method
- vapor-liquid-solid method
- variable-metric method
- vector-potential method
- Verneuil method
- vernier pulse-timing method
- virtual storage access method
- virtual telecommunications access method
- VLS method
- Warnier-Orr method
- wire-wrap method
- zero methodThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > method
11 cavity ionization chamber method
Макаров: метод полостной ионизационной камерыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > cavity ionization chamber method
12 резонаторный метод
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > резонаторный метод
13 резонаторный метод
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > резонаторный метод
14 oral
1. прил.
1) а) устный (экзамен, перевод и т. п.) ;
словесный (переданный, рассказанный словесно) oral exercises ≈ устные упражнения oral evidence ≈ устные показания oral history ≈ репортаж (звуковой) ;
картина( чего-л.) в рассказах (свидетелей, участников и т. п.) Syn: verbal, wordy, literary б) передаваемый из уст в уста Oral Law, oral law ≈ Неписаный Закон (у иудеев)
2) губной, артикуляционный;
обучающий( глухонемых) oral school ≈ школа для глухонемых oral instruction/method ≈ губной метод( метод обучения глухонемых)
3) а) анат. ротовой, оральный oral cavity а) ротовая полость б) полость, откуда выдается хоботок у хоботковых насекомых %% oral arch свод неба %% oral plate ротовая пластинка %% oral sex оральный секс Syn: cunnilingus, fellatio %% б) псих. оральный ( в психоанализе - относящийся к первым детским сексуальным переживаниям, связанным с потреблением пищи)
4) внутренний, должный быть принятым через рот (о лекарстве и т. п.) oral contraceptive ≈ оральный контрацептив, противозачаточное средство
5) фон. ротовой, шумный Ant: nasal
2. сущ.
1) устный экзамен( сокр. от oral examination)
2) фон. ротовой (сокр. от oral sound)
3) зоол. ротовая пластинка (сокр. от oral plate) устный экзамен;
- *s (американизм) устные экзамены на ученую степень (ботаника) створка (зоология) ротовая пластинка устный;
словесный - * examination устный экзамен;
- * tradition устное предание;
- * evidence устные свидетельские показания;
устные доказательства;
- * translation устный перевод "губной" (для обучения глухонемых) ;
- * instruction устное обучение;
- * scholl школа для глухонемых (анатомия) ротовой;
- * cavity ротовая полость;
- * hygiene гигиена ротовой полости оральный, для внутреннего употребления;
- * contraceptive противозачаточная таблетка (фонетика) шумный oral словесный ~ мед. стоматический ~ устный ~ устный;
словесный ~ устный экзамен ~ разг. устный экзамен -
15 DCM
1) Компьютерная техника: Data Connector Module, Digital Clock Manager2) Медицина: dilated cardiomyopathy3) Ботаника: Deep Chlorophyll Maximum4) Военный термин: Deputy Chief of Mission, Director of Civilian Marksmanship, Directorate for Classification Management, Distinguished Conduct Medal, defense combat maneuvering, defensive countermeasures, design criteria manual, district court-martial, заместитель посла5) Техника: Dining Chair Metal, Dispenser Cubelet Machine, dielectric cavity maser, digital circuit module, direct current noise margin, discontinuous capillary moisture, discrete channel with memory, displacement comparison method, display and control module6) Юридический термин: Divisional Counsel Meeting7) Бухгалтерия: Debt And Cash Management8) Страхование: Dangerous Cargo Manifest9) Грубое выражение: Dumb Canadien Move10) Геодезия: ЦМП, цифровая модель полога, цифровая модель древесного полога, digital crown model11) Музыка: Douglas Collection Of Music12) Телекоммуникации: Digital Circuit Multiplication (same as DSI)13) Сокращение: Data collection management14) Университет: Dedicated Career Major15) Электроника: режим прерывистого тока, dual core microreactor16) Вычислительная техника: Digital Carrier Module17) Литература: Division Council Meeting18) Нефть: dichloromethane, distillate-cut mud19) Космонавтика: (docking cargo module) МСС (модуль стыковочно-складской)20) Воздухоплавание: Defence Combat Maneuvering21) Фирменный знак: Delhi Cloth Mills22) СМИ: Day Care Monthly23) Деловая лексика: Demand Chain Management, Direct Clearing Members, Display Chain Management24) Сетевые технологии: Dispersion Compensation Module25) Медицинская техника: DICOM Communication Module26) Химическое оружие: Defense Contract Management Command27) Нефть и газ: deep-water cementing method, метод закрепления цементированием28) Общественная организация: District Committee Member, Divisional Council Meeting29) Чат: Don't Cry Mama -
16 dcm
1) Компьютерная техника: Data Connector Module, Digital Clock Manager2) Медицина: dilated cardiomyopathy3) Ботаника: Deep Chlorophyll Maximum4) Военный термин: Deputy Chief of Mission, Director of Civilian Marksmanship, Directorate for Classification Management, Distinguished Conduct Medal, defense combat maneuvering, defensive countermeasures, design criteria manual, district court-martial, заместитель посла5) Техника: Dining Chair Metal, Dispenser Cubelet Machine, dielectric cavity maser, digital circuit module, direct current noise margin, discontinuous capillary moisture, discrete channel with memory, displacement comparison method, display and control module6) Юридический термин: Divisional Counsel Meeting7) Бухгалтерия: Debt And Cash Management8) Страхование: Dangerous Cargo Manifest9) Грубое выражение: Dumb Canadien Move10) Геодезия: ЦМП, цифровая модель полога, цифровая модель древесного полога, digital crown model11) Музыка: Douglas Collection Of Music12) Телекоммуникации: Digital Circuit Multiplication (same as DSI)13) Сокращение: Data collection management14) Университет: Dedicated Career Major15) Электроника: режим прерывистого тока, dual core microreactor16) Вычислительная техника: Digital Carrier Module17) Литература: Division Council Meeting18) Нефть: dichloromethane, distillate-cut mud19) Космонавтика: (docking cargo module) МСС (модуль стыковочно-складской)20) Воздухоплавание: Defence Combat Maneuvering21) Фирменный знак: Delhi Cloth Mills22) СМИ: Day Care Monthly23) Деловая лексика: Demand Chain Management, Direct Clearing Members, Display Chain Management24) Сетевые технологии: Dispersion Compensation Module25) Медицинская техника: DICOM Communication Module26) Химическое оружие: Defense Contract Management Command27) Нефть и газ: deep-water cementing method, метод закрепления цементированием28) Общественная организация: District Committee Member, Divisional Council Meeting29) Чат: Don't Cry Mama -
17 oral
1. [ʹɔ:rəl] n1. устный экзаменorals - амер. устные экзамены на учёную степень
2. бот. створка3. зоол. ротовая пластинка2. [ʹɔ:rəl] a1. устный; словесныйoral evidence - устные свидетельские показания; устные доказательства
2. «губной» ( для обучения глухонемых)oral instruction [method] - устное обучение [-ый метод]
3. 1) анат. ротовой; оральный2) оральный, для внутреннего употребления4. фон. шумный -
18 modulation
1) модуляция
2) модулирование
3) модуляционный
– absorption modulation
– amplitude modulation
– analog modulation
– angle modulation
– audio modulation
– beam modulation
– buzzer modulation
– chopper modulation
– complete modulation
– conductivity modulation
– controlled-carrier modulation
– coupling modulation
– cross modulation
– deflection modulation
– delta modulation
– differential modulation
– digital modulation
– direct modulation
– double modulation
– environemntal modulation
– external modulation
– extraneous modulation
– field modulation
– fractional modulation
– frequency modulation
– grid modulation
– grid-bias modulation
– group modulation
– high-level modulation
– hum modulation
– in-cavity modulation
– inernal modulation
– intensity modulation
– isochronous modulation
– key modulation
– laser-beam modulation
– light modulation
– linear modulation
– low-level modulation
– modulation amplitude
– modulation capability
– modulation depth
– modulation distortion
– modulation factor
– modulation frequency
– modulation index
– modulation meter
– modulation monitor
– modulation percentage
– modulation rate
– modulation reactor
– multiple modulation
– noise modulation
– on-off modulation
– outphasing modulation
– percent modulation
– perfect modulation
– permutation modulation
– phase modulation
– phase-reversal modulation
– pit length modulation
– pit position modulation
– plate modulation
– polarization modulation
– pulse modulation
– pulse-amplitude modulation
– pulse-code modulation
– pulse-code modulation
– pulse-duration modulation
– pulse-frequency modulation
– pulse-position modulation
– pulse-slope modulation
– pulse-time modulation
– push-pull modulation
– quiescent-carrier modulation
– reluctance modulation
– self-pulse modulation
– self-pulsed modulation
– single-cycle modulation
– single-sideband modulation
– single-tone modulation
– speech modulation
– telegraph modulation
– time modulation
– variable modulation
– velocity modulation
– video modulation
asymmetric amplitude modulation — асимметричная амплитудная модуляция
balanced quadrature modulation — балансная квадратурная модуляция
parasite frequency modulation — паразитная частотная модуляция
pulse spacing modulation — < radio> модуляция нагрузки шагом импульсов
pump modulation factor — <phys.> коэффициент модуляции активной проводимости
quantized pulse modulation — < radio> модуляция нагрузки импульсная нумерованная
relative phase modulation — < radio> модуляция нагрузки фазовая относительная
subcarrier frequency modulation — частотная модуляция с поднесущей
suppressed carrier modulation — модуляция с подавлением несущей
19 LCM
1) Общая лексика: low of cost or market2) Компьютерная техника: Language For Conceptual Modeling, Local Controller Module3) Медицина: lymphocytic meningitis4) Военный термин: Life Cycle Model, Logistics Chain Management, Medium Landing Craft, land combat missile, landing craft, mechanized, landing craft, medium, laser countermeasures, launch control monitor, launch crew member, life-cycle management, lightweight company mortar5) Техника: large core memory, laser cavity modulation, laser control module, link-correlated model, loss-of-coolant accident core melt6) Математика: наименьшее общее кратное (lowest common multiple)7) Бухгалтерия: Lower of Cost or Market, lower of cost and market rule8) Оптика: laser cloud mapper9) Телекоммуникации: Line Concentrator Module10) Сокращение: Landing Craft, Mechanised / Medium, Lightweight Communications Module, Liquid Crystal Module, lead-coated metal11) Университет: Lutheran Campus Ministry12) Физиология: Left Costal Margin13) Вычислительная техника: LEAF Creation Method (EES, Verschluesselung), lowest common multiple14) Нефть: материал для борьбы с поглощением бурового раствора (lost circulation material), экранирующий наполнитель (lost circulation material), кальматанты, кальматирующие добавки15) Банковское дело: корпорационный член биржи с ограниченной ответственностью (limited corporate member)16) Фирменный знак: Little Company Of Mary17) СМИ: Lansing's Christian Messenger18) Бурение: материал для борьбы с поглощением, экранирующий наполнитель (lost circulation material), lost circulation material (material added to the drilling mud to correct lost circulation by plugging off fractures in the rock), добавка для борьбы с поглощением бурового раствора, материал, добавляемый в буровой раствор для борьбы с потерей циркуляции, закачиваемые в скважину химреагенты для ликвидации поглощений, материал для ликвидации поглощений, химреагенты для ликвидации поглощений19) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: закупоривающий материал (lost circulation material), материал для борьбы с поглощением (lost circulation material)20) Инвестиции: limited corporate member21) Полимеры: liquid curing medium22) Программирование: Local Command Mode23) Сахалин Р: lost circulation material24) Нефть и газ: LCM material, lost circulation additive25) Карачаганак: (lost circulation material) материал для борьбы с поглощением -
20 lcm
1) Общая лексика: low of cost or market2) Компьютерная техника: Language For Conceptual Modeling, Local Controller Module3) Медицина: lymphocytic meningitis4) Военный термин: Life Cycle Model, Logistics Chain Management, Medium Landing Craft, land combat missile, landing craft, mechanized, landing craft, medium, laser countermeasures, launch control monitor, launch crew member, life-cycle management, lightweight company mortar5) Техника: large core memory, laser cavity modulation, laser control module, link-correlated model, loss-of-coolant accident core melt6) Математика: наименьшее общее кратное (lowest common multiple)7) Бухгалтерия: Lower of Cost or Market, lower of cost and market rule8) Оптика: laser cloud mapper9) Телекоммуникации: Line Concentrator Module10) Сокращение: Landing Craft, Mechanised / Medium, Lightweight Communications Module, Liquid Crystal Module, lead-coated metal11) Университет: Lutheran Campus Ministry12) Физиология: Left Costal Margin13) Вычислительная техника: LEAF Creation Method (EES, Verschluesselung), lowest common multiple14) Нефть: материал для борьбы с поглощением бурового раствора (lost circulation material), экранирующий наполнитель (lost circulation material), кальматанты, кальматирующие добавки15) Банковское дело: корпорационный член биржи с ограниченной ответственностью (limited corporate member)16) Фирменный знак: Little Company Of Mary17) СМИ: Lansing's Christian Messenger18) Бурение: материал для борьбы с поглощением, экранирующий наполнитель (lost circulation material), lost circulation material (material added to the drilling mud to correct lost circulation by plugging off fractures in the rock), добавка для борьбы с поглощением бурового раствора, материал, добавляемый в буровой раствор для борьбы с потерей циркуляции, закачиваемые в скважину химреагенты для ликвидации поглощений, материал для ликвидации поглощений, химреагенты для ликвидации поглощений19) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: закупоривающий материал (lost circulation material), материал для борьбы с поглощением (lost circulation material)20) Инвестиции: limited corporate member21) Полимеры: liquid curing medium22) Программирование: Local Command Mode23) Сахалин Р: lost circulation material24) Нефть и газ: LCM material, lost circulation additive25) Карачаганак: (lost circulation material) материал для борьбы с поглощением
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См. также в других словарях:
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Finite-difference time-domain method — Finite difference time domain (FDTD) is a popular computational electrodynamics modeling technique. It is considered easy to understand and easy to implement in software. Since it is a time domain method, solutions can cover a wide frequency… … Wikipedia
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Spin glass — A spin glass is a disordered material exhibiting high magnetic frustration. The origin of the behavior can be either a disordered structure (such as that of a conventional, chemical glass) or a disordered magnetic doping in an otherwise regular… … Wikipedia
Network controllability — Controlling a simple network. Network Controllability concerns the controllability a network. Controllability describes our ability to guide a dynamical system from any initial state to any desired final state in finite time, with a suitable… … Wikipedia