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См. также в других словарях:

  • cath — cath; cath·ar; cath·a·rism; cath·a·rist; cath·a·ris·tic; cath·e·drat·ic; cath·e·drat·i·cum; cath·er·ine; cath·e·ter; cath·e·ter·i·za·tion; cath·e·ter·ize; cath·e·tom·e·ter; cath·ode; cath·od·ic; cath·o·do·flu·o·res·cence;… …   English syllables

  • Cath — may refer to:*a Catholic *Cautha, a sun god in Etruscan mythology *Catheter or catheterization *The Irish word for a battle *CATH, protein structure classification *Catherine or Cathryn, colloquially * Cath... , a Death Cab For Cutie song found… …   Wikipedia

  • Cath' s — (Онфлер,Франция) Категория отеля: Адрес: 14 rue du Puits, 14600 Онфлер, Франция …   Каталог отелей

  • Cath — abbrev. 1. Catholic 2. Cathedral * * * …   Universalium

  • cath — abbrev. 1. cathedral 2. cathode * * * …   Universalium

  • CATH — fil. Trismegisti. Euseb …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • cath — (Catholic) member of Catholic Church …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Cath — abbrev. 1. Catholic 2. Cathedral …   English World dictionary

  • cath — abbrev. 1. cathedral 2. cathode …   English World dictionary

  • cath- — [kath] prefix CATA : formed in combining with initial h [cathepsin] …   English World dictionary

  • CATH — The CATH Protein Structure Classification is a semi automatic, hierarchical classification of protein domains published in 1997 by Christine Orengo, Janet Thornton and their colleagues. CATH shares many broad features with its principal rival,… …   Wikipedia

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