1 caterpillar attachment
Автомобильный термин: гусеница, гусеничный ходУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > caterpillar attachment
2 caterpillar attachment
Англо русский политехнический словарь > caterpillar attachment
3 caterpillar attachment
1) гусеница; гусеничная лента2) гусеничный ход; гусеницаАнгло-русский словарь по машиностроению > caterpillar attachment
4 caterpillar attachment
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > caterpillar attachment
5 caterpillar attachment
6 caterpillar attachment
7 caterpillar (attachment) drive
Военный термин: гусеничный ходУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > caterpillar (attachment) drive
8 caterpillar (attachment) tread
Военный термин: гусеничный ходУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > caterpillar (attachment) tread
9 caterpillar
гусеница; гусеничный ход; гусеничное колесо; гусеничный трактор; гусеница (цепь из траков)- caterpillar block - caterpillar chain - caterpillar crane - caterpillar drive - caterpillar excavating machine - caterpillar logging arch - caterpillar mounting - caterpillar mover - caterpillar ordnance - caterpillar scraper - caterpillar suspension - caterpillar track - caterpillar track width - caterpillar traction - caterpillar tractor - caterpillar transmission - caterpillar tread - caterpillar wheel -
10 attachment
принадлежность; приспособление; устройство; присоединение; дополнительная насадка; соединение; скрепление; прикрепление; прицепка; приставка; крепление; вспомогательная деталь; накладная головка- attachment bolt - attachment cap - attachment chain - attachment changing - attachment clip - attachment cord - attachment crane - attachment cross-section - attachment cylinder - attachment device - attachment features - attachment fitting - attachment flange - attachment frame - attachment head - attachment instability - attachment line - attachment magazine - attachment of fittings - attachment plate - attachment plug - attachment point - attachment rack - attachment refit - attachment retainer - attachment screw - attachment section - attachment spindle - attachment spring - attachment's tool changer - attachment unit interface - angle head attachment - angle head drilling attachment - angle head milling attachment - angle spindle attachment - auto-change electrode attachment - axle attachment - auxiliary attachment - back-working attachment - backhoe attachment - backlash-eliminating attachment - bagging attachment - ball attachment - ball-and-socket attachment - bearing cup pulling attachment - beater attachment - bolt-and-socket attachment - bolt-on attachment - bolted-on attachment - bunching attachment - bundle clamping attachment - cam-milling attachment - caterpillar attachment - circular milling attachment - circular planing attachment - clevis eye attachment - coarse threading attachment - collet chuck attachment - collet handwheel attachment - compound indexing attachment - compound vertical milling attachment - compound vertical-spindle attachment - concave planing attachment - cone center attachment - control attachment - convex planing attachment - copy-milling attachment - cross-drill attachment - crowning attachment - cutting attachment - cutter-driving attachment - cutter-sharpening attachment - cylinder attachment - cylindrical attachment - differential indexing attachment - dividing attachment - dovetail blade attachment - draft attachment - draw-in attachment - driving attachment - duplex planing attachment - duplex radial planing attachment - dust-removing attachment - dwell control attachment - end-working attachment - extra attachment - face-mounted attachment - facing attachment - fast-acting attachment - felling attachment - finder attachment - fir-tree blade attachment - flange attachment - flap attachment - gear cutting attachment - grinding wheel attachment - gripping attachment - groove-type blade attachment - guide vane attachment - hand-feed attachment - head attachment - heavy milling attachment - high-speed attachment - high-speed milling attachment - Hirth-coupled attachment - horizontal milling attachment - illuminating attachment - impactor attachment - indexing attachment - instrument attachment - integral attachment - internal attachment - jaw-opening attachment - jig-grinding attachment - key-way attachment - lathe's taper attachment - lathe-tracer attachment - lathe-tracing attachment - lead attachment - lead screw tapping attachment - levelling attachment - lift-out attachment - location attachment - long-lead attachment - low-lead attachment - machining attachments - mast attachment - measuring attachment - milling attachment - milling-drilling attachment - miter attachment - miter-cutting attachment - mounting attachment - multispindle attachment - multispindle drilling attachment - multistop attachment - muzzle attachment - oil groove attachment - optional attachments - parking attachment - pickoff attachment - pin-type blade attachment - pitch-tracing attachment - planer attachment - planting attachment - plating attachment - positioning attachment - power takeoff attachment - profiling attachment - push-pull attachment - quality control attachment - rack-cutting attachment - rack-indexing attachment - rack-milling attachment - radius grinding attachment - radius planing attachment - radius turning attachment - recording attachment - relieving attachment - right-angle attachment - right-angle head attachment - right-angle milling attachment - rigid attachment - roller tenon attachment - roller-tongue attachment - rotary attachment - rotary milling attachment - rotary milling head attachment - rotary table attachment - screw attachment - screw-cutting attachment - screwed-on attachment - short-lead attachment - slotting attachment - spherical turning attachment - spindle attachment - spindle nose attachment - spindle-indexing attachment - spiral milling attachment - spring attachment - springing attachment - square hole drilling attachment - strain link tongue attachment - Swiss turning attachment - swivel-head vertical milling attachment - swiveling attachment - swiveling milling attachment - takeoff attachment - taper attachment - taper-turning attachment - tapering attachment - taut tape attachment - telescopic attachment - templet-copying attachment - tension link tongue attachment - thread-chasing attachment - thread-cutting attachment - thread-milling attachment - thread-rolling attachment - threading attachment - time-limit attachment - tongue attachment - tool taper attachment - tow attachment - towing attachment - tower attachment - tracer attachment - tracing attachment - tree shear attachment - trueing attachment - turnaround attachment - turret attachment - twin-clamp attachment - universal attachment - universal milling attachment - verifying attachment - vertical milling attachment - vertical-spindle milling attachment - web attachment - wheel-forming attachment - wheel grab attachment - wheelhead-mounted attachment - wide-angle attachment -
11 caterpillar
1. n энт. гусеница2. n кровопийца, паук, пиявка; паразит3. n тех. гусеничный ход4. n гусеничный тракторСинонимический ряд:larva (noun) grub; larva; maggot; worm -
12 caterpillar
1. гусеничная цепь, гусеница, гусеничное полотно2. гусеничный движитель3. гусеничный трактор; машина на гусеничном ходу -
13 attachment
прикрепление, скрепление; соединение; приспособление; приставка; прицепка•
- ball-and-socket attachment
- ball attachment
- bolted-on attachment
- bubble-mineral attachment
- caterpillar attachment
- chain attachment
- clamshell attachment
- cutting attachment
- cylinder attachment
- draw-in attachment
- grinding attachment
- indexing attachment
- levelling attachment
- lift-out attachment
- planer attachment
- profiling attachment
- screw-on attachment
- slip-on attachment
- taper attachment
- tow attachment
- universal milling attachment -
14 attachment
1) прикрепление, присоединение; прицеп, прицепка2) приставка; принадлежность3) приспособление, устройство•- ball attachment - ball-and-socket attachment - bolted-on attachment - caterpillar attachment - concrete mixer heating attachment - cutting attachment - levelling attachment - muzzle attachment - tow attachment* * *1. прикрепление, присоединение2. приспособление, устройство, оборудование ( особенно навесное)- attachment of the heel
- adjustable attachment
- backhoe attachment
- backhoe clamping attachment
- coanda attachment
- excavating attachment
- lifting attachments
- securing attachment
- shovel attachment
- special lifting attachments
- surface attachment of air jet
- working attachment -
15 caterpillar
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > caterpillar
16 caterpillar drive
1) Военный термин: (attachment) гусеничный ход2) Техника: гусеничный движитель, гусеничный ход3) Кабельные производство: гусеничная тяга -
17 caterpillar tread
1) Военный термин: (attachment) гусеничный ход, (USA) гусеница танка2) Техника: гусеница, траковая лента3) Строительство: звено гусеничного хода4) Железнодорожный термин: трак гусеницы5) Автомобильный термин: гусеничный ход -
18 cabbage caterpillar
энт. гусеница капустницы -
19 crane
1) кран ( грузоподъёмный)•- automatic stacker crane - automobile crane - balance crane - balanced cable crane - boom crane - boom crane with pile driving equipment - bracket crane - breakdown crane - bridge crane - bucket crane - building crane - cable crane - cable crane with lowering ropes - cargo crane - caterpillar crane - charging crane - clamshell crane - clamshell cable crane - claw crane - climbing crane - column crane - concrete-placing crane - container crane - crawler crane - deck-mounted crane - derrick crane - dock crane - donkey crane - double-cantilever crane - double-cantilever gantry crane - double-girder gantry crane - double-girder overhead crane - electric crane - electric cantilever gantry crane - electric gantry crane - erecting crane - fixed crane - fixed-boom crane - fixed gantry crane - floating crane - frame-portal crane - full-circle crane - gantry crane - gantry crane without cantilevers - general-purpose electric overhead-travelling crane - Goliath crane - grab crane - guy derrick crane - half-portal crane - hammerhead crane - hand-operated crane - harbour crane - hoisting crane - hook crane - hydraulic crane - jib crane - loading crane - load transfer gentry crane - locomotive crane - lorry crane - lorry-mounted crane - luffing crane - magnet crane - mast crane - mobile crane - monorail-wheeled crane - mounted crane - movable crane - non-full swing crane - non-rotary crane - overhead crane - overhead stacker crane - overhead supported rack stacker crane - pillar crane - pillar jib crane - pipe-laying crane - pivot slewing crane - pontoon crane - portable derrick crane - portal crane - power-driven crane - rail crane - roof crane - rotary tower crane - rotating crane - rubber-tyre crane - runabout crane - self-erecting crane - self-propelled crane - self-rising crane - shore crane - short-wheelbase portal crane - single-cantilever gantry crane - slewing crane - special truck crane - stacker crane - steam crane - steelwork crane - stiff-leg derrick crane - suspended overhead-supported stacker crane - swing crane - swinging cable crane - tower crane - tower bottom-slewing crane - tower gantry crane - tower slewing crane - tower crane top-slewing - tower crane with lifting boom - tower crane with lower counterweight - tractor-mounted crane - transport crane - travelling crane - travelling derrick crane - travelling gantry crane - travelling jib crane - traversing crane - truck crane - twin-travelling crane - walking crane - wall crane - water crane - whipping crane - whirler crane - wing jib crane - wrecking cranecrane with dipper attachment — кран с ковшом; одноковшовый экскаватор
* * *грузоподъёмный кран- automobile cranecrane controlled from truck driving cab — пневмоколёсный кран, управляемый из кабины водителя
- automatic crane
- box girder crane
- box-handling crane with grab
- bridge crane
- bridge grabbing crane
- bucket crane
- building crane
- cable crane
- cantilever crane
- cantilever walking crane
- caterpillar crane
- clamshell crane
- clam crane
- climbing crane
- container crane
- crawler-mounted crane
- crawler crane
- deck crane
- derrick crane
- dockside crane
- dock crane
- double girder crane
- electric crane
- fixed crane
- fixed wall crane
- floating crane
- floor operated crane
- frame crane
- fully mobile crane
- fully-slewing crane
- gantry crane
- geared traveling and traversing crane
- goliath crane
- goliath crane for building construction
- goliath crane for container handling
- grabbing crane
- ground-controlled crane
- guy derrick crane
- half-portal crane
- hammer head crane
- hoisting crane
- hydraulic crane
- jib crane
- jib-type crane
- kangaroo tower crane
- lattice girder crane
- level luffing crane
- locomotive crane
- logging crane
- lorry-mounted crane
- luffing crane
- manually operated crane
- mast crane
- mobile crane
- mobile job crane
- monotower crane
- nonslewing crane
- overhead traveling crane
- overhead type crane
- over-slung crane
- part-slewing crane
- pillar crane
- pivoting crane
- plate girder crane
- pontoon crane
- portable crane
- portable jib crane
- portal crane
- portal bridge crane
- portal cable crane
- portal slewing crane
- post crane
- power-driven crane
- power hoisting pulley block crane
- rail crane
- rail-mounted jib crane
- rail-mounted shunting crane
- rail-mounted tower crane
- revolving crane
- rigid-braced derrick crane
- rotary crane
- scotch derrick crane
- self-climbing tower crane
- self-climbing crane
- self-propelled crane
- self-supporting static tower crane
- self-supporting tower crane
- semigantry crane
- semimobile crane
- semiportal crane
- semiportal bridge crane
- semiportal slewing crane
- shipboard transporter crane
- shop crane
- short-boomed crane
- single girder crane
- slewing crane
- small-sized wheel-mounted truck crane
- stacker crane
- stacker crane of the supported type
- stacking crane
- standby crane
- stiff-leg derrick crane
- straddle crane
- supported static tower crane
- suspended mast crane
- telescopic tower crane
- top-running bridge crane
- top-running stacker crane
- towable jib crane
- tower crane
- tower crane with horizontal jib
- tower crane with luffing jib
- tower derrick crane
- track-laying crane
- track-mounted crane
- transfer crane
- transporter crane
- transporter crane for container handling
- traveling crane
- traveling gantry crane
- traveling tower crane
- truck crane
- truck-mounted crane
- truck-mounted tower crane
- underhung crane
- under-running bridge crane
- under-running stacker crane of suspension type
- under-running stacker crane
- under-slung crane
- ungeared traveling and traversing crane
- wall crane
- wharf crane
- wheeled crane -
20 chain
цепь; II соединять цепью; соединять при помощи цепи; II цепной- chain-and-sprocket drive - chain drive - chain-driven - chain gear - chain gearing - chain guard - chain hoist - chain jack - chain joint - chain link - chain lock - chain of coordinated crossings - chain oiler - chain rivet - chain roller - chain skid - chain skid bolt - chain skid screw - chain slack - chain sprocket - chain tensioner - chain tensioner cover - chain tensioner spindle - chain tensioner sprocket - chain tool - chain track - chain-track combine - chain-track tractor - chain transmission - chain tread - chain wheel - anchor chain - articulated link chain - barrel chain - block chain - bucket chain - complete kinematic chain - compound kinematic chain - connecting chain - control chain - coupling chain - crane chain - dismountable chain - drag chain - drive chain - driving chain - duplex roller chain - endless chain - flat link chain - four-link chain - Gall's chain - grate chain - grip lock chain - guide chain - guiding chain - haulage chain - hauling chain - hook link chain - hoop linked chain - incomplete kinematic chain - kinematic chain - knock-down chain - ladder chain - laminated chain - lashing chain - link chain - load chain - locking chain - multi-link chain - non-skid chain - ordinary chain - pintle chain - pitch chain - power transmission chain - propelling chain - pull chain - punched chain - roller chain - rudder chain - screw chain - silent chain - single-bar chain - sling chain - sprocket chain - stamped chain - static chain - straight-link chain - stud chain - surveyor's chain - tension chain - tested chain - toothed chain - track chain - tyre chain - valve chain - Vaucanson chain - welded chain
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Caterpillar D9 — General Characteristics Engineering Role: Heavy bulldozer Propulsion: Caterpillar tracks Engine model: CAT C18 ACERT (D9T) 3 … Wikipedia
Caterpillar D8 — A Caterpillar D8T in use by the U.S. Navy Seabees Manufacturer Caterpillar Production 1935 2004 Length … Wikipedia
Bulldozer — For other uses, see Bulldozer (disambiguation). A Caterpillar D10N bulldozer equipped with a single shank ripper. A bulldozer is a crawler (continuous tracked tractor) equipped with a substantial metal plate (known as a blade) used to push large… … Wikipedia
Loader (equipment) — This article is about the piece of construction equipment. For the Australian rock band, see Front End Loader. Volvo L120E front loader … Wikipedia
List of characters in Transformers (film series) — The following is a list of characters featured in the Transformers film series, directed by Michael Bay and distributed by Paramount Pictures. Contents 1 Humans 1.1 Sam Witwicky 1.2 Mikaela Banes 1.3 … Wikipedia
Heavy equipment (construction) — Heavy machinery redirects here. For the album by Anders Johansson, Jens Johansson and Allan Holdsworth, see Heavy Machinery (album). Heavy equipment vehicles of various types parking near a highway construction site … Wikipedia
Constructicons — Scavenger, Bonecrusher, Longhaul, Scrapper Mixmaster five of the original six Constructicons (Constructicon Hook not shown) The Constructicons are a group of fictional characters from the various Transformers continuities. Although they vary from … Wikipedia
Tractor — This article is about a vehicle used in agriculture or construction. For the power unit of a semi trailer truck (articulated lorry), see tractor unit. For other uses, see Tractor (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
lepidopteran — /lep i dop teuhr euhn/, adj. 1. lepidopterous. n. 2. a lepidopterous insect. [1850 55; LEPIDOPTER(A) + AN] * * * Any of the more than 100,000 species constituting the order Lepidoptera (Greek: scaly wing ): butterflies, moths, and skippers. The… … Universalium
Forklift truck — A forklift (also called a lift truck, a high/low, a stacker truck, or a sideloader) is a powered industrial truck used to lift and transport materials. The modern forklift was developed in the 1920s by various companies including the transmission … Wikipedia
insect — insectival /in sek tuy veuhl/, adj. /in sekt/, n. 1. any animal of the class Insecta, comprising small, air breathing arthropods having the body divided into three parts (head, thorax, and abdomen), and having three pairs of legs and usually two… … Universalium