1 catch off balance
Общая лексика: застать врасплох, застигнуть врасплох, застичь врасплох -
2 catch off-balance
Разговорное выражение: застать врасплох -
3 catch off-balance
v.coger desprevenido. -
4 catch off balance/guard
заста́ть враспло́хThe Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > catch off balance/guard
5 catch the enemy off balance
English-Russian military dictionary > catch the enemy off balance
6 catch
1. v( caught)1) лови́ть; пойма́ть, схвати́ть2) ула́вливать ( understand)sorry, I didn't catch your meaning — разг извини́те, я вас не по́нял
3) заста́тьcatch the train — успе́ть (попа́сть) на по́езд
4) зарази́ться, схвати́тьcatch cold — простуди́ться
- catch at- catch on
- catch up
- catch smb cold
- catch fire
- catch hold of
- catch it
- catch off balance/guard
- catch one's breath
- catch one's eye
- catch red-handed
- catch sight of 2. n1) уло́в м2) уло́вка ж; подво́х мthere must be a catch in it — здесь таи́тся кака́я-то хи́трость
- catch-22- fair catch
- shoestring catch -
7 balance
balance ['bæləns]équilibre ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (b) balance ⇒ 1 (c), 1 (f) contrepoids ⇒ 1 (d) solde, reste ⇒ 1 (e) mettre en équilibre ⇒ 2 (a) faire contrepoids àpeser ⇒ 2 (c) équilibrer, balancer ⇒ 2 (d) solder ⇒ 2 (e) être en équilibre ⇒ 3 (a) s'équilibrer ⇒ 3 (b), 3 (c)1 noun∎ she tried to keep her balance elle a essayé de garder l'équilibre ou son équilibre;∎ I lost my balance j'ai perdu l'équilibre ou mon équilibre;∎ off balance (physically, mentally) déséquilibré;∎ he threw me off balance il m'a fait perdre l'équilibre; figurative il m'a décontenancé;∎ figurative to catch sb off balance prendre qn au dépourvu∎ she tried to strike a balance between the practical and the idealistic elle a essayé de trouver un juste milieu entre la réalité et l'idéal;∎ balance of nature l'équilibre m de la nature;∎ budgetary/economic balance équilibre m budgétaire/économique∎ to hang in the balance être en jeu;∎ our future hangs or lies in the balance notre avenir est en jeu;∎ everything is still (hanging) in the balance rien n'est encore certain;∎ his remark tipped the balance in his favour sa remarque a fait pencher la balance en sa faveur(d) (weight, force) poids m, contrepoids m;∎ the balance of evidence is against him la plupart des preuves lui sont défavorables;∎ she acts as a balance to his impulsiveness elle sert de contrepoids à ou elle contrebalance son impulsivité∎ balance in hand solde m en caisse;∎ balance carried forward solde m à reporter; (on balance sheet) report m à nouveau;∎ balance brought forward solde m reporté; (on balance sheet) report m;∎ balance due solde m débiteur ou dû;∎ I'd like to pay the balance of my account j'aimerais solder mon compte(f) (on hi-fi, amplifier) balance f∎ she balanced the book on her head elle a mis ou posé le livre en équilibre sur sa tête;∎ women balancing pots on their heads des femmes portant des pots sur la tête;∎ Cars to balance the wheels équilibrer les roues(b) (act as counterbalance, offset) faire contrepoids à, contrebalancer;∎ we have to balance the right to privacy against the public's right to know nous devons trouver le juste milieu entre le respect de la vie privée et le droit du public à être informé∎ you have to balance its usefulness against the actual cost vous devez mettre en balance ou comparer son utilité et le coût réel;∎ to balance the advantages against the disadvantages peser le pour et le contre∎ to balance the budget équilibrer le budget;∎ to balance an adverse budget rétablir un budget déficitaire;∎ to balance the books dresser ou établir le bilan, arrêter les comptes;∎ to balance one's chequebook faire ses comptes∎ to balance an account solder un compte(a) (remain in stable position) se maintenir en équilibre; (be in stable position) être en équilibre;∎ to balance on one foot se tenir en équilibre sur un pied;∎ she was balanced precariously on the top of a ladder elle était en équilibre instable en haut de l'échelle∎ the weights balance les poids s'équilibrent∎ I can't get the accounts to balance je n'arrive pas à équilibrer les comptesà tout prendre, tout bien considéré►► balance beam (in gymnastics) poutre f;Finance balance book livre m d'inventaire;Building industry balance bridge pont m basculant;Economics balance of payments balance f des paiements;Economics balance of payments deficit déficit m de la balance des paiements, déficit m extérieur;Politics balance of power (in government) balance f ou équilibre m des pouvoirs; (between states) balance f ou équilibre m des forces;∎ Politics he holds the balance of power il peut faire pencher la balance, tout dépend de lui;Accountancy balance sheet bilan m;∎ off the balance sheet hors de bilan;Accountancy balance sheet auditing contrôle m du bilan;Accountancy balance sheet consolidation consolidation f de bilan;Accountancy balance sheet item poste m de bilan;balance sheet value valeur f bilantielle ou d'inventaire;Economics balance of trade balance f commerciale;Technology balance weight contrepoids m;Technology balance wheel balancier m∎ the advantages and disadvantages balance out les avantages contrebalancent ou compensent les inconvénients;∎ they balance each other out (because of their respective skills) ils se complètent bien;∎ Finance the debits and credits should balance out les débits et les crédits devraient s'équilibrer -
8 balance
balance [ˈbæləns]1. nouna. ( = equilibrium) équilibre m• to keep/lose one's balance garder/perdre son équilibre• what's my balance? (in bank) quelle est la position de mon compte ?c. ( = remainder) reste ma. équilibrer ; ( = maintain equilibrium of) tenir en équilibre ; ( = place in equilibrium) poser en équilibreb. ( = compare) peser ; [+ two arguments, two solutions] comparerc. (in weight, symmetry) équilibrer ; (in value, amount) contrebalancer• they balance each other [two objects] (in weight) ils se font contrepoids ; (in symmetry) ils s'équilibrenta. [two objects] se faire contrepoids ; [acrobat] se maintenir en équilibreb. [accounts] s'équilibrer4. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━‼|/b] [b]balance is not translated by the French word balance.* * *['bæləns] 1.1) ( stable position) lit, fig équilibre m ( between entre)to catch somebody off balance — fig prendre quelqu'un au dépourvu
to throw somebody off balance — fig perturber quelqu'un
2) ( scales) lit, fig balance fto be in the balance — fig être dans la balance
to hang in the balance — fig être en jeu
3) Commerce ( in account) solde m4) ( remainder) restant m2.transitive verb2) ( counterbalance) contrebalancer [weights, design, elements]3) ( perch) mettre [quelque chose] en équilibre (on sur)4) ( adjust) équilibrer [diet, activity]5) (weigh up, compare) peser6) Commerce équilibrer [account, economy]3.1) lit [one person] se tenir en équilibre (on sur); [one thing] tenir en équilibre (on sur); [two things, persons] s'équilibrer2) Commerce [books, figures, budget] être en équilibre4.to make something balance —
balanced past participle adjective [person, behaviour, view, diet, budget] équilibré; [article, report] objectif/-ive -
9 balance
A n1 ( stable position) lit, fig équilibre m (between entre) ; to lose one's balance perdre l'équilibre ; to keep one's balance garder son équilibre ; to knock sb off balance faire perdre l'équilibre à qn ; to catch sb off balance fig prendre qn au dépourvu ; to throw sb off balance fig perturber qn ; ecological/racial balance équilibre m écologique/racial ; to achieve a balance parvenir à un équilibre ; to upset the balance bouleverser l'équilibre ; to bring sth into balance équilibrer qch ; the right balance le juste milieu ; the balance of nature l'équilibre naturel ; the balance of sb's mind l'équilibre mental de qn ; while the balance of his mind was disturbed alors qu'il était en état de démence ; the balance of interests Pol l'équilibre des intérêts ; the balance of power l'équilibre des forces ; to hold the balance of power être en position d'inverser l'équilibre des forces ;2 ( scales) lit, fig balance f ; to be in the balance fig être dans la balance ; to hang in the balance fig être en jeu ; on balance tout compte fait ; on balance it has been a good year tout compte fait l'année a été bonne ;3 Accts, Comm ( in account) solde m ; balance in hand/brought forward le solde en caisse/reporté ; to pay the balance verser le surplus ;4 ( remainder) restant m ; if we pay off £100, that will leave a balance of £50 si nous remboursons 100 livres sterling, il en restera 50 livres sterling à payer.B vtr1 fig ( compensate for) ( also balance out) compenser, équilibrer ; the losses are balanced by the profits les pertes sont compensées par les profits ; to balance each other (out) s'équilibrer ;2 ( counterbalance) contrebalancer [weights, design, elements] ; you need something to balance the picture on that side il vous faut quelque chose pour contrebalancer le tableau de ce côté ;3 ( perch) poser or mettre [qch] en équilibre (on sur) ; the ball was balanced on his nose le ballon était en équilibre sur son nez ;4 ( adjust) équilibrer [diet, activity, timetable] ;5 (weigh up, compare) peser ; to balance the pros and cons peser le pour et le contre ; to balance sth against sth mesurer qch en fonction de qch ;7 Aut équilibrer [wheels].C vi1 lit [one person] se tenir en équilibre (on sur) ; [one thing] tenir en équilibre (on sur) ; [two things, persons] s'équilibrer ;3 Accts, Comm [books, figures, budget] être en équilibre ; to make sth balance, to get sth to balance équilibrer qch. -
10 catch smb. napping
зacтaть кoгo-л. вpacплoxWhere so much was at stake he did not propose to be caught napping (Th. Dreiser). It was Mrs. Skeffington. As she opened the door, her face was reddened, her manner flustered. She said: 'Oh, it's you two, is it? I'm afraid you've caught me on the wrong foot' (C. P. Snow) -
11 balance
I ['bæləns]1) (stable position) equilibrio m. (anche fig.)to keep one's balance — mantenere l'equilibrio, stare in equilibrio
to catch sb. off balance — fig. cogliere qcn. alla sprovvista
to throw sb. off balance — fig. fare perdere l'equilibrio a qcn.
the balance of power — l'equilibrio dei poteri o delle forze
2) (scales) bilancia f. (anche fig.)to be o hang in the balance fig. essere in bilico o in sospeso; on balance — tutto considerato o tutto sommato
3) amm. comm. (in account) saldo m., bilancio m.4) (remainder) resto m., rimanenza f.5) astrol.II 1. ['bæləns]2) (counterbalance) bilanciare, controbilanciare [weights, design, elements]3) (perch) bilanciare, tenere in equilibrio4) (adjust) equilibrare [diet, activity]5) (weigh up, compare) soppesare, valutareto balance sth. against sth. — mettere a confronto qcs. con qcs
6) amm. comm. pareggiare, fare quadrare [account, budget]2.1) [one person, one thing] stare in equilibrio; [two things, persons] equilibrarsi, bilanciarsi3) amm. comm. [books, budget] essere, chiudere in pareggio; [ figures] quadrareto make sth. balance to get sth. to balance — fare quadrare qcs
* * *['bæləns] 1. noun1) (a weighing instrument.) bilancia2) (a state of physical steadiness: The child was walking along the wall when he lost his balance and fell.) equilibrio3) (state of mental or emotional steadiness: The balance of her mind was disturbed.) equilibrio4) (the amount by which the two sides of a financial account (money spent and money received) differ: I have a balance (= amount remaining) of $100 in my bank account; a large bank balance.) saldo2. verb1) ((of two sides of a financial account) to make or be equal: I can't get these accounts to balance.) equilibrare2) (to make or keep steady: She balanced the jug of water on her head; The girl balanced on her toes.) tenere/tenersi in equilibrio•- in the balance
- off balance
- on balance* * *I ['bæləns]1) (stable position) equilibrio m. (anche fig.)to keep one's balance — mantenere l'equilibrio, stare in equilibrio
to catch sb. off balance — fig. cogliere qcn. alla sprovvista
to throw sb. off balance — fig. fare perdere l'equilibrio a qcn.
the balance of power — l'equilibrio dei poteri o delle forze
2) (scales) bilancia f. (anche fig.)to be o hang in the balance fig. essere in bilico o in sospeso; on balance — tutto considerato o tutto sommato
3) amm. comm. (in account) saldo m., bilancio m.4) (remainder) resto m., rimanenza f.5) astrol.II 1. ['bæləns]2) (counterbalance) bilanciare, controbilanciare [weights, design, elements]3) (perch) bilanciare, tenere in equilibrio4) (adjust) equilibrare [diet, activity]5) (weigh up, compare) soppesare, valutareto balance sth. against sth. — mettere a confronto qcs. con qcs
6) amm. comm. pareggiare, fare quadrare [account, budget]2.1) [one person, one thing] stare in equilibrio; [two things, persons] equilibrarsi, bilanciarsi3) amm. comm. [books, budget] essere, chiudere in pareggio; [ figures] quadrareto make sth. balance to get sth. to balance — fare quadrare qcs
12 balance
1. noun1) (a weighing instrument.) balanza2) (a state of physical steadiness: The child was walking along the wall when he lost his balance and fell.) equilibrio3) (state of mental or emotional steadiness: The balance of her mind was disturbed.) equilibrio4) (the amount by which the two sides of a financial account (money spent and money received) differ: I have a balance (= amount remaining) of $100 in my bank account; a large bank balance.) saldo
2. verb1) ((of two sides of a financial account) to make or be equal: I can't get these accounts to balance.) equilibrar, igualar2) (to make or keep steady: She balanced the jug of water on her head; The girl balanced on her toes.) mantener(se) en equilibrio•- in the balance
- off balance
- on balance
balance1 n1. equilibrio2. balanzabalance2 vb equilibrar / mantener en equilibriocan you balance a ball on your nose? ¿puedes mantener una pelota sobre la nariz sin que se caiga?
balance sustantivo masculino 1 hacer balance de algo to take stock of sth, to evaluate sth 2 (Com, Fin) (cálculo, cómputo) balance; ( documento) balance sheet; ( de cuenta) balance
balance sustantivo masculino
1 Fin balance (documento financiero) balance sheet
2 (valoración, resultado) outcome: se desconoce el balance de víctimas, the number of victims is unknown
3 fig (reflexión, valoración) tienes que hacer balance de tu matrimonio, you must take stock of your marriage ' balance' also found in these entries: Spanish: balanza - casar - cuadrar - deficitaria - deficitario - desequilibrar - desnivelar - desnivelada - desnivelado - deudor - deudora - equilibrar - equilibrio - nivelar - saldo - ajustar - balancear - contrapeso - desequilibrado - mantener - perder English: balance - balance of payments - balance of power - balance out - balance sheet - bank balance - bottom line - consolidate - debit balance - doctor - off-balance - outstanding - quarterly statement - trading results - weekly statement - bank - credit - fine - footing - over - stock - striketr['bæləns]1 equilibrio2 (scales) balanza3 (of account etc) saldo4 (remainder) resto5 (harmony) equilibrio, armonía1 poner en equilibrio3 (load) equilibrar1 mantenerse en equilibrio2 SMALLFINANCE/SMALL cuadrar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLon balance todo consideradoto balance the books hacer el balanceto balance one thing with another comparar una cosa con otrato balance something on one's head mantener algo en equilibrio sobre la cabezato be off balance estar desequilibrado,-ato lose one's balance perder el equilibrioto hang in the balance estar en juego, estar pendiente de un hiloto restore the balance restablecer el equilibrioto strike a balance buscar un término medioto throw somebody off balance hacer perder el equilibrio a alguienbalance due saldo deudorbalance in hand saldo disponiblebalance of nature equilibrio ecológicobalance of payments balanza de pagosbalance of power equilibrio de fuerzasbalance of trade balanza comercialbalance sheet estado de cuentas1) : hacer el balance de (una cuenta)to balance the books: cuadrar las cuentas2) equalize: balancear, equilibrar3) harmonize: armonizarbalance vi: balancearsebalance n1) scales: balanza f, báscula f2) counterbalance: contrapeso m3) equilibrium: equilibrio m4) remainder: balance m, resto mn.• balance s.m.• balanza s.f.• equilibrio (Física) s.m.• ordenación s.f.• peso s.m.• saldo s.m.v.• abalanzar v.• balancear v.• equilibrar v.• nivelar v.• saldar v.'bæləns
1) c ( apparatus) balanza f2) ua) ( physical) equilibrio mto keep/lose one's balance — mantener*/perder* el equilibrio
the blow caught him off balance — el golpe lo agarró or (Esp) lo cogió desprevenido
to throw somebody off balance — ( disconcert) desconcertar* a alguien; (lit: topple) hacer* que alguien pierda el equilibrio
b) u ( equilibrium) equilibrio mto strike a balance — dar* con el justo medio
3) ca) ( in accounting) balance mb) ( bank balance) saldo mc) (difference, remainder) resto m; ( of sum of money) saldo m
1)a) \<\<load\>\> equilibrar; \<\<object\>\> mantener* or sostener* en equilibriob) ( weigh up) sopesarto balance something against something: you have to balance the risks against the likely profit — tienes que sopesar los riesgos y los posibles beneficios
2) ( Fin) \<\<account\>\> hacer* el balance deto balance the books — hacer* cuadrar las cuentas
via) ( hold position) mantener* el equilibriob) ( Fin) \<\<account\>\> cuadrarPhrasal Verbs:['bælǝns]1. N1) (=equilibrium) equilibrio mthe balance of his mind was disturbed — frm su mente estaba desequilibrada
in balance — en equilibrio, equilibrado•
to keep one's balance — mantener el equilibrio•
to lose one's balance — perder el equilibrioto throw sb off balance — (lit) hacer que algn pierda el equilibrio; (fig) desconcertar a algn
on balance — (fig) teniendo or tomando en cuenta todos los factores, una vez considerados todos los factores frm•
to redress the balance — restablecer el equilibrio•
he has no sense of balance — no tiene sentido del equilibrio•
to strike a balance — conseguir or establecer un equilibrio2) (=scales) balanza f•
to be or hang in the balance — (fig) estar pendiente de un hilo3) (Comm) saldo mwhat's my balance? — ¿qué saldo tengo?
4) (=remainder) [of items] resto m ; [of money] saldo m5) (Audio) balance m2. VT1) (=place in equilibrium) [+ weight] equilibrar; [+ object] poner/mantener en equilibrio; (Aut) [+ wheel] nivelar2) (=compare) comparar, sopesar; (=make up for) compensar•
this increase must be balanced against the rate of inflation — hay que sopesar este aumento y la tasa de inflación3) (Comm)•
to balance the books — hacer balance, hacer cuadrar las cuentas3. VI1) (=keep equilibrium) mantener el equilibrio, mantenerse en equilibrio2) (Comm) [accounts] cuadrar4.CPDbalance of payments deficit N — déficit m en la balanza de pagos
our balance of payments deficit has improved slightly — nuestro déficit en la balanza de pagos ha mejorado ligeramente
balance of terror N — equilibrio m del terror
balance sheet N — balance m, hoja f de balance
balance transfer N — (on credit card) transferencia f de saldo
balance weight N — contrapeso m
* * *['bæləns]
1) c ( apparatus) balanza f2) ua) ( physical) equilibrio mto keep/lose one's balance — mantener*/perder* el equilibrio
the blow caught him off balance — el golpe lo agarró or (Esp) lo cogió desprevenido
to throw somebody off balance — ( disconcert) desconcertar* a alguien; (lit: topple) hacer* que alguien pierda el equilibrio
b) u ( equilibrium) equilibrio mto strike a balance — dar* con el justo medio
3) ca) ( in accounting) balance mb) ( bank balance) saldo mc) (difference, remainder) resto m; ( of sum of money) saldo m
1)a) \<\<load\>\> equilibrar; \<\<object\>\> mantener* or sostener* en equilibriob) ( weigh up) sopesarto balance something against something: you have to balance the risks against the likely profit — tienes que sopesar los riesgos y los posibles beneficios
2) ( Fin) \<\<account\>\> hacer* el balance deto balance the books — hacer* cuadrar las cuentas
via) ( hold position) mantener* el equilibriob) ( Fin) \<\<account\>\> cuadrarPhrasal Verbs: -
13 balance
1.['bæləns]noun1) (instrument) Waage, diebalance[-wheel] — Unruh, die
2) (fig.)strike a balance between — den Mittelweg finden zwischen (+ Dat.)
4) (counterpoise, steady position) Gleichgewicht, daskeep/lose one's balance — das Gleichgewicht halten/verlieren; (fig.) sein Gleichgewicht bewahren/verlieren
off [one's] balance — (lit. or fig.) aus dem Gleichgewicht
5) (preponderating weight or amount) Bilanz, die6) (Bookk.): (difference) Bilanz, die; (state of bank account) Kontostand, der; (statement) Auszug, deron balance — (fig.) alles in allem
balance sheet — Bilanz, die
7) (Econ.)balance of payments — Zahlungsbilanz, die
balance of trade — Handelsbilanz, die
8) (remainder) Rest, der2. transitive verb1) (weigh up) abwägenbalance something with or by or against something else — etwas gegen etwas anderes abwägen
2) (bring into or keep in balance) balancieren; auswuchten [Rad]3) (equal, neutralize) ausgleichenbalance each other, be balanced — sich (Dat.) die Waage halten
4) (make up for, exclude dominance of) ausgleichen5) (Bookk.) bilanzieren3. intransitive verb1) (be in equilibrium) balancierenbalancing act — (lit. or fig.) Balanceakt, der
2) (Bookk.) ausgeglichen sein* * *['bæləns] 1. noun1) (a weighing instrument.) die Waage2) (a state of physical steadiness: The child was walking along the wall when he lost his balance and fell.) das Gleichgewicht3) (state of mental or emotional steadiness: The balance of her mind was disturbed.) das Gleichgewicht4) (the amount by which the two sides of a financial account (money spent and money received) differ: I have a balance (= amount remaining) of $100 in my bank account; a large bank balance.) das (Bank-)Guthaben2. verb1) ((of two sides of a financial account) to make or be equal: I can't get these accounts to balance.) ins Gleichgewicht bringen2) (to make or keep steady: She balanced the jug of water on her head; The girl balanced on her toes.) balancieren•- academic.ru/5139/balance_sheet">balance sheet- in the balance
- off balance
- on balance* * *bal·ance[ˈbælən(t)s]I. nthe \balance of nature das Gleichgewicht der Natursense of \balance Gleichgewichtssinn mthe natural \balance das ökologische Gleichgewichtpersonal \balance innere Ausgeglichenheit, seelisches Gleichgewichtto keep one's \balance das Gleichgewicht [be]haltenhis life hung in the \balance sein Leben hing an einem seidenen Fadento lose one's \balance das Gleichgewicht verlieren; ( fig) die Fassung verlierenon \balance alles in allemI try to keep a \balance between work and relaxation ich versuche, mein Leben so zu gestalten, dass sich Arbeit und Entspannung die Waage haltenthis newspaper maintains a good \balance in its presentation of different opinions die Zeitung gibt die verschiedenen Meinungen in einem ausgewogenen Verhältnis wiederto hold the \balance of power das Gleichgewicht der Kräfte aufrechterhaltento redress the \balance das Gleichgewicht wiederherstellento strike a \balance between two things den goldenen Mittelweg zwischen zwei Dingen findento upset [or disturb] the [delicate] \balance between two things das [empfindliche] Gleichgewicht zwischen zwei Dingen durcheinanderbringenthe \balance of opinion is that... es herrscht die Meinung vor, dass...the \balance of evidence suggests that... es überwiegen die Beweise dafür, dass...what is the \balance in my account? wie ist mein Kontostand?[annual] \balance sheet [Jahres]bilanz f\balance amount Saldobetrag m\balance carried forward Saldovortrag m\balance in cash Barguthaben ntto check one's bank \balance seinen Kontostand überprüfen\balance on hand Kasse f, verfügbarer Saldo mon \balance per Saldo fachsprthe \balance of 600 euros must be paid within 30 days der Restbetrag von Euro 600 muss innerhalb von 30 Tagen gezahlt werden\balance due [to us] fälliger Rechnungsbetrag7. ECONcapital account \balance of payments Kapitalbilanz f (Teil der Zahlungsbilanz)current account \balance of payments Zahlungsbilanz f der laufenden Postenlong-term \balance of payments langfristige Zahlungsbilanzoverall \balance of payments Gesamtzahlungsbilanz f\balance of payments adjustment Zahlungsbilanzausgleich m\balance of payments deficit Zahlungsbilanzdefizit nt\balance of payments imbalance Zahlungsbilanzungleichgewicht nt\balance of payments surplus Zahlungsbilanzüberschuss m\balance of trade Handelsbilanz fadverse [or unfavourable] \balance of trade passive Handelsbilanzfavourable \balance of trade aktive Handelsbilanz10. TECH, MUS Balance f, Aussteuerung f12. ASTROL, ASTRON▪ the \balance die WaageII. vt1. (compare)▪ to \balance sth etw balancierenhe \balanced the basket on his head er balancierte den Korb auf seinem Kopf3. (achieve equilibrium)4. FINto \balance the books die Bücher abschließen, die Bilanz aufstellen5. ECONto \balance the economy [or budget] den Haushalt ausgleichen6. (neutralize)▪ to \balance sth etw ausgleichen7. TECHto \balance wheels Räder auswuchtenIII. vishe \balanced on one foot sie balancierte auf einem Fuß* * *['bləns]1. n1) (= apparatus) Waage fhis life hung in the balance — sein Leben hing an einem dünnen or seidenen Faden
3) (lit, fig: equilibrium) Gleichgewicht ntto lose one's balance — aus dem Gleichgewicht kommen, das Gleichgewicht verlieren
to recover one's balance — wieder ins Gleichgewicht kommen, das Gleichgewicht wiedererlangen
to throw sb off ( his) balance — jdn aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen
the right balance of personalities in the team — eine ausgewogene Mischung verschiedener Charaktere in der Mannschaft
on the balance of probabilities... — wenn man die Möglichkeiten gegeneinander abwägt,...
the balance of power —
balance of terror — Gleichgewicht nt des Schreckens
to strike the right balance between old and new/import and export — den goldenen Mittelweg zwischen Alt und Neu finden/das richtige Verhältnis von Import zu Export finden
4) (= preponderant weight) Hauptgewicht ntbalance due (Banking) — Debetsaldo m, Soll nt; (Comm) Rechnungsbetrag m
or favor (US) — Saldoguthaben nt
balance of payments/trade — Zahlungs-/Handelsbilanz f
6) (= remainder) Rest mto pay off the balance — den Rest bezahlen; (Banking) den Saldo begleichen
my father has promised to make up the balance — mein Vater hat versprochen, die Differenz zu (be)zahlen
2. vt1) (= keep level, in equilibrium) im Gleichgewicht halten; (= bring into equilibrium) ins Gleichgewicht bringen, ausbalancieren2) (in the mind) two arguments (gegeneinander) abwägen; interests, needs, demands abwägen (against gegen)to balance sth against sth — etw einer Sache (dat) gegenüberstellen
3) (= equal, make up for) ausgleichen4) (COMM, FIN) account (= add up) saldieren, abschließen; (= make equal) ausgleichen; (= pay off) begleichen; budget ausgleichen3. vi1) (= be in equilibrium) Gleichgewicht halten; (scales) sich ausbalancieren; (painting) ausgewogen seinwith a ball balancing on its nose — mit einem Ball, den er auf der Nase balancierte
2) (COMM, FIN accounts) ausgeglichen sein* * *balance [ˈbæləns]A s1. Waage f:2. Gleichgewicht n:a) Balance fin the balance fig in der Schwebe;out of balance TECH exzentrisch, aus dem Gleichgewicht;hold the balance (of power) fig das Zünglein an der Waage bilden;keep one’s balancea) das Gleichgewicht halten,b) fig sich nicht aus der Fassung bringen lassen;lose one’s balance das Gleichgewicht od (fig) die Fassung verlieren;throw sb off (their) balancea) jemanden aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen,b) fig jemanden aus der Fassung bringen;balance of nature ökologisches Gleichgewicht;balance of power (politisches) Gleichgewicht, Gleichgewicht der Kräfte, Kräftegleichgewicht;the balance of the game was changing SPORT das Spiel kippte um4. besonders fig Übergewicht n5. fig Abwägen n:on balance wenn man alles berücksichtigt, alles in allem (genommen) ( → A 7)6. KUNST harmonisches Verhältnis, Ausgewogenheit f (auch eines Fernsehprogramms etc)7. WIRTSCHa) Bilanz fb) Rechnungsabschluss mc) (Konten-, Rechnungs)Saldo m, Kontostand m, Bestand m, Guthaben nd) Restbetrag m, -summe f:balance of accounts Kontenabschluss m;balance of payments Zahlungsbilanz;balance of trade Handelsbilanz;balance of the books Abschluss m der Bücher;balance due Debetsaldo, geschuldeter Restbetrag;balance in your favo(u)r Saldo zu Ihren Gunsten;show a balance einen Saldo aufweisen;strike a balance den Saldo od (a. fig)(die) Bilanz ziehen;8. Rest m:the balance of my annual holiday mein restlicher Jahresurlaub9. TECH Unruh f (der Uhr)10. ELEK (Null)Abgleich m (einer Messbrücke)11. PHYS Ausgleich m, Kompensation f12. PHYSIOL (Stickstoff- etc) Gleichgewicht n:thyroid balance Schilddrüsengleichgewicht, normales Funktionieren der SchilddrüseB v/t1. wiegen2. fig (ab-, er)wägen:balance one thing against another eine Sache gegen eine andere abwägen4. ins Gleichgewicht bringen, ausgleichen, ausbalancieren5. ELEKa) abgleichenb) entkoppeln, neutralisierenc) symmetrieren6. TECH Räder etc auswuchtenbalance one item against another einen Posten gegen einen anderen aufrechnen;balance our account zum Ausgleich unserer Rechnung;balance the ledger das Hauptbuch (ab)schließen;8. WIRTSCH gleichstehen mit:9. KUNST harmonisch gestaltenC v/i1. sich im Gleichgewicht halten (auch fig), balancieren:balance with ein Gegengewicht bilden zu, etwas ausgleichen2. sich (hin und her) wiegen, wippenbal. abk* * *1.['bæləns]noun1) (instrument) Waage, diebalance[-wheel] — Unruh, die
2) (fig.)be or hang in the balance — in der Schwebe sein
strike a balance between — den Mittelweg finden zwischen (+ Dat.)
4) (counterpoise, steady position) Gleichgewicht, daskeep/lose one's balance — das Gleichgewicht halten/verlieren; (fig.) sein Gleichgewicht bewahren/verlieren
off [one's] balance — (lit. or fig.) aus dem Gleichgewicht
5) (preponderating weight or amount) Bilanz, die6) (Bookk.): (difference) Bilanz, die; (state of bank account) Kontostand, der; (statement) Auszug, deron balance — (fig.) alles in allem
balance sheet — Bilanz, die
7) (Econ.)balance of payments — Zahlungsbilanz, die
balance of trade — Handelsbilanz, die
8) (remainder) Rest, der2. transitive verb1) (weigh up) abwägenbalance something with or by or against something else — etwas gegen etwas anderes abwägen
2) (bring into or keep in balance) balancieren; auswuchten [Rad]3) (equal, neutralize) ausgleichenbalance each other, be balanced — sich (Dat.) die Waage halten
4) (make up for, exclude dominance of) ausgleichen5) (Bookk.) bilanzieren3. intransitive verb1) (be in equilibrium) balancierenbalancing act — (lit. or fig.) Balanceakt, der
2) (Bookk.) ausgeglichen sein* * *(banking) n.Guthaben - n. n.Abgleich -ungen m.Ausgewogenheit f.Bilanz -en f.Gleichgewicht n. v.abwägen v.ausgleichen v. -
14 balancé
1.['bæləns]noun1) (instrument) Waage, diebalance[-wheel] — Unruh, die
2) (fig.)strike a balance between — den Mittelweg finden zwischen (+ Dat.)
4) (counterpoise, steady position) Gleichgewicht, daskeep/lose one's balance — das Gleichgewicht halten/verlieren; (fig.) sein Gleichgewicht bewahren/verlieren
off [one's] balance — (lit. or fig.) aus dem Gleichgewicht
5) (preponderating weight or amount) Bilanz, die6) (Bookk.): (difference) Bilanz, die; (state of bank account) Kontostand, der; (statement) Auszug, deron balance — (fig.) alles in allem
balance sheet — Bilanz, die
7) (Econ.)balance of payments — Zahlungsbilanz, die
balance of trade — Handelsbilanz, die
8) (remainder) Rest, der2. transitive verb1) (weigh up) abwägenbalance something with or by or against something else — etwas gegen etwas anderes abwägen
2) (bring into or keep in balance) balancieren; auswuchten [Rad]3) (equal, neutralize) ausgleichenbalance each other, be balanced — sich (Dat.) die Waage halten
4) (make up for, exclude dominance of) ausgleichen5) (Bookk.) bilanzieren3. intransitive verb1) (be in equilibrium) balancierenbalancing act — (lit. or fig.) Balanceakt, der
2) (Bookk.) ausgeglichen sein* * *['bæləns] 1. noun1) (a weighing instrument.) die Waage2) (a state of physical steadiness: The child was walking along the wall when he lost his balance and fell.) das Gleichgewicht3) (state of mental or emotional steadiness: The balance of her mind was disturbed.) das Gleichgewicht4) (the amount by which the two sides of a financial account (money spent and money received) differ: I have a balance (= amount remaining) of $100 in my bank account; a large bank balance.) das (Bank-)Guthaben2. verb1) ((of two sides of a financial account) to make or be equal: I can't get these accounts to balance.) ins Gleichgewicht bringen2) (to make or keep steady: She balanced the jug of water on her head; The girl balanced on her toes.) balancieren•- academic.ru/5139/balance_sheet">balance sheet- in the balance
- off balance
- on balance* * *bal·ance[ˈbælən(t)s]I. nthe \balance of nature das Gleichgewicht der Natursense of \balance Gleichgewichtssinn mthe natural \balance das ökologische Gleichgewichtpersonal \balance innere Ausgeglichenheit, seelisches Gleichgewichtto keep one's \balance das Gleichgewicht [be]haltenhis life hung in the \balance sein Leben hing an einem seidenen Fadento lose one's \balance das Gleichgewicht verlieren; ( fig) die Fassung verlierenon \balance alles in allemI try to keep a \balance between work and relaxation ich versuche, mein Leben so zu gestalten, dass sich Arbeit und Entspannung die Waage haltenthis newspaper maintains a good \balance in its presentation of different opinions die Zeitung gibt die verschiedenen Meinungen in einem ausgewogenen Verhältnis wiederto hold the \balance of power das Gleichgewicht der Kräfte aufrechterhaltento redress the \balance das Gleichgewicht wiederherstellento strike a \balance between two things den goldenen Mittelweg zwischen zwei Dingen findento upset [or disturb] the [delicate] \balance between two things das [empfindliche] Gleichgewicht zwischen zwei Dingen durcheinanderbringenthe \balance of opinion is that... es herrscht die Meinung vor, dass...the \balance of evidence suggests that... es überwiegen die Beweise dafür, dass...what is the \balance in my account? wie ist mein Kontostand?[annual] \balance sheet [Jahres]bilanz f\balance amount Saldobetrag m\balance carried forward Saldovortrag m\balance in cash Barguthaben ntto check one's bank \balance seinen Kontostand überprüfen\balance on hand Kasse f, verfügbarer Saldo mon \balance per Saldo fachsprthe \balance of 600 euros must be paid within 30 days der Restbetrag von Euro 600 muss innerhalb von 30 Tagen gezahlt werden\balance due [to us] fälliger Rechnungsbetrag7. ECONcapital account \balance of payments Kapitalbilanz f (Teil der Zahlungsbilanz)current account \balance of payments Zahlungsbilanz f der laufenden Postenlong-term \balance of payments langfristige Zahlungsbilanzoverall \balance of payments Gesamtzahlungsbilanz f\balance of payments adjustment Zahlungsbilanzausgleich m\balance of payments deficit Zahlungsbilanzdefizit nt\balance of payments imbalance Zahlungsbilanzungleichgewicht nt\balance of payments surplus Zahlungsbilanzüberschuss m\balance of trade Handelsbilanz fadverse [or unfavourable] \balance of trade passive Handelsbilanzfavourable \balance of trade aktive Handelsbilanz10. TECH, MUS Balance f, Aussteuerung f12. ASTROL, ASTRON▪ the \balance die WaageII. vt1. (compare)▪ to \balance sth etw balancierenhe \balanced the basket on his head er balancierte den Korb auf seinem Kopf3. (achieve equilibrium)4. FINto \balance the books die Bücher abschließen, die Bilanz aufstellen5. ECONto \balance the economy [or budget] den Haushalt ausgleichen6. (neutralize)▪ to \balance sth etw ausgleichen7. TECHto \balance wheels Räder auswuchtenIII. vishe \balanced on one foot sie balancierte auf einem Fuß* * *['bləns]1. n1) (= apparatus) Waage fhis life hung in the balance — sein Leben hing an einem dünnen or seidenen Faden
3) (lit, fig: equilibrium) Gleichgewicht ntto lose one's balance — aus dem Gleichgewicht kommen, das Gleichgewicht verlieren
to recover one's balance — wieder ins Gleichgewicht kommen, das Gleichgewicht wiedererlangen
to throw sb off ( his) balance — jdn aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen
the right balance of personalities in the team — eine ausgewogene Mischung verschiedener Charaktere in der Mannschaft
on the balance of probabilities... — wenn man die Möglichkeiten gegeneinander abwägt,...
the balance of power —
balance of terror — Gleichgewicht nt des Schreckens
to strike the right balance between old and new/import and export — den goldenen Mittelweg zwischen Alt und Neu finden/das richtige Verhältnis von Import zu Export finden
4) (= preponderant weight) Hauptgewicht ntbalance due (Banking) — Debetsaldo m, Soll nt; (Comm) Rechnungsbetrag m
or favor (US) — Saldoguthaben nt
balance of payments/trade — Zahlungs-/Handelsbilanz f
6) (= remainder) Rest mto pay off the balance — den Rest bezahlen; (Banking) den Saldo begleichen
my father has promised to make up the balance — mein Vater hat versprochen, die Differenz zu (be)zahlen
2. vt1) (= keep level, in equilibrium) im Gleichgewicht halten; (= bring into equilibrium) ins Gleichgewicht bringen, ausbalancieren2) (in the mind) two arguments (gegeneinander) abwägen; interests, needs, demands abwägen (against gegen)to balance sth against sth — etw einer Sache (dat) gegenüberstellen
3) (= equal, make up for) ausgleichen4) (COMM, FIN) account (= add up) saldieren, abschließen; (= make equal) ausgleichen; (= pay off) begleichen; budget ausgleichen3. vi1) (= be in equilibrium) Gleichgewicht halten; (scales) sich ausbalancieren; (painting) ausgewogen seinwith a ball balancing on its nose — mit einem Ball, den er auf der Nase balancierte
2) (COMM, FIN accounts) ausgeglichen sein* * ** * *1.['bæləns]noun1) (instrument) Waage, diebalance[-wheel] — Unruh, die
2) (fig.)be or hang in the balance — in der Schwebe sein
strike a balance between — den Mittelweg finden zwischen (+ Dat.)
4) (counterpoise, steady position) Gleichgewicht, daskeep/lose one's balance — das Gleichgewicht halten/verlieren; (fig.) sein Gleichgewicht bewahren/verlieren
off [one's] balance — (lit. or fig.) aus dem Gleichgewicht
5) (preponderating weight or amount) Bilanz, die6) (Bookk.): (difference) Bilanz, die; (state of bank account) Kontostand, der; (statement) Auszug, deron balance — (fig.) alles in allem
balance sheet — Bilanz, die
7) (Econ.)balance of payments — Zahlungsbilanz, die
balance of trade — Handelsbilanz, die
8) (remainder) Rest, der2. transitive verb1) (weigh up) abwägenbalance something with or by or against something else — etwas gegen etwas anderes abwägen
2) (bring into or keep in balance) balancieren; auswuchten [Rad]3) (equal, neutralize) ausgleichenbalance each other, be balanced — sich (Dat.) die Waage halten
4) (make up for, exclude dominance of) ausgleichen5) (Bookk.) bilanzieren3. intransitive verb1) (be in equilibrium) balancierenbalancing act — (lit. or fig.) Balanceakt, der
2) (Bookk.) ausgeglichen sein* * *(banking) n.Guthaben - n. n.Abgleich -ungen m.Ausgewogenheit f.Bilanz -en f.Gleichgewicht n. v.abwägen v.ausgleichen v. -
15 balance
I n1. співвідношення сил, розстановка сил2. рівновага, баланс, сальдо3. вирішальний фактор, вирішальне значення- defensive balance військова рівновага- delicate balance хитка рівновага- military balance співвідношення військової могутності (держав або угруповань)- nuclear balance ядерна рівновага- overall balance загальна рівновага- precarious balance нестійка рівновага; нестабільний баланс- stable balance стабільна/ міцна рівновага- strategic balance рівність стратегічних сил; військово-стратегічна рівновага- world balance розстановка сил у світі- balance of armaments рівновага озброєнь- balance of conventional forces рівність збройних сил, оснащених звичайними засобами ведення війни- balance of defence військова рівновага- balance of the deterrent рівновага залякування- balance of the diplomatic platform розсадка на дипломатичній трибуні- balance of forces співвідношення/ рівновага сил- balance of ideology ідеологічна рівність- balance of nuclear deterrent рівновага ядерного залякування- balance of nuclear forces рівновага збройних сил, що мають на озброєнні ядерну зброю- balance of payments платіжний баланс- balance of power рівновага сил; співвідношення сил- balance of representation of the council, etc. рівне представництво (в комітеті тощо)- balance of strength співвідношення/ рівновага сил- balance of terror рівновага страху- balance of trade торговий баланс, торгове сальдо- balance of voting співвідношення сил в процесі голосування- changed balance of world relations зміна співвідношення сил у світі- global balance of nuclear forces глобальний баланс ядерних сил- concept of balance концепція "балансу сил"- maintenance of the (existing) balance підтримка (існуючої) рівноваги- to achieve military balance досягати військової рівноваги/ рівності- to catch smbd. off balance захопити зненацька/ непідготовленими- to disturb military balance порушувати військову рівновагу- to ensure defensive balance забезпечити військову рівновагу- to hold the balance even зберігати рівновагу- to keep smbd. off balance тримати когось у стані невизначеності- to maintain balance of forces підтримувати рівновагу сил- to reappraise the strategic balance знову оцінити/ переглянути стратегічну рівновагу- to redress the balance of power відновити рівновагу сил- to re-establish the balance of power відновити рівновагу сил- to restore the balance of power відновити рівновагу сил- to shift the (military) balance in favour of smbd. змінити (військову) рівновагу на чиюсь користь- to strike a balance підвести підсумок, встановити співвідношення- to throw off the balance порушити рівновагу- to tilt the balance порушити рівновагу- to tip the (military) balance in favour of smb. змінити (військову) рівновагу на чиюсь користь- to upset the strategic balance порушити військово-стратегічну рівновагу- on balance враховуючи все сказане, у кінцевому результатіII v врівноважувати, урівнювати; збалансовувати- to balance levels of armaments збалансувати рівні озброєння- to balance the power збалансувати могутність- to be balanced against компенсуватись чимось -
16 catch
1. past tense, past participle - caught; verb1) (to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture: He caught the cricket ball; The cat caught a mouse; Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention.) coger, atrapar2) (to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc): I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.) coger, llegar a tiempo, alcanzar3) (to surprise (someone) in the act of: I caught him stealing (my vegetables).) pillar, sorprender, coger, pescar4) (to become infected with (a disease or illness): He caught flu.) contagiarse de, contraer5) (to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held: The child caught her fingers in the car door.) engancharse6) (to hit: The punch caught him on the chin.) dar con, darse con7) (to manage to hear: Did you catch what she said?) oir, entender, captar8) (to start burning: I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately.) prender (fuego)
2. noun1) (an act of catching: He took a fine catch behind the wicket.) parada2) (a small device for holding (a door etc) in place: The catch on my suitcase is broken.) pestillo3) (the total amount (of eg fish) caught: the largest catch of mackerel this year.) presa, captura4) (a trick or problem: There's a catch in this question.) trampa•- catching- catchy
- catch-phrase
- catch-word
- catch someone's eye
- catch on
- catch out
- catch up
catch vb coger / atraparhe caught the ball, but then he dropped it cogió la pelota, pero luego se le cayótr[kæʧ]1 (of ball) parada2 (of fish) presa3 familiar (difficulty) pega, trampa4 (fastener on door) pestillo■ bet you can't catch me! ¡a que no me coges!2 (surprise) pillar, sorprender, coger, pescar; (catch up with) alcanzar, pillar3 (train, plane - take) coger, tomar; (- be in time for) alcanzar4 familiar (manage to see, hear, attend) pescar5 (hear, understand) oír, entender, captar■ sorry, I didn't quite catch that perdona, no lo he entendido bien6 (entangle, get stuck - clothes, hair) engancharse; (- fingers) pillarse7 (become infected with) contagiarse de, contraer8 (hit) dar con, darse con9 (mood, likeness, etc) captar, reflejar1 (take hold of) coger2 (sleeve etc) engancharse (on, en)3 (burn) prender\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be a good catch (boyfriend, girlfriend) ser un buen partidoto be caught out by something ser sorprendido,-a por algoto be caught up in something verse envuelto,-a en algo, estar envuelto,-a en algoto catch a cold resfriarse, coger un resfriadoto catch hold of something agarrar algo, echar mano a algoto catch it ganarse una broncato catch one's breath sostener la respiraciónto catch one's death (of cold) coger una pulmonía dobleto catch somebody napping coger a alguien desprevenido,-ato catch somebody red-handed coger a alguien con las manos en la masa, coger a alguien in fragantito catch somebody with their trousers down coger a alguien in fragantito catch somebody's attention/eye atraer la atención de alguien, captar la atención de alguiento catch sight of something/somebody / catch a glimpse of something/somebody entrever algo/a alguiento get caught up in something verse envuelto,-a en algo1) capture, trap: capturar, agarrar, atrapar, coger2) : agarrar, pillar fam, tomar de sorpresathey caught him red-handed: lo pillaron con las manos en la masa3) grasp: agarrar, captar4) entangle: enganchar, enredar5) : tomar (un tren, etc.)6) : contagiarse deto catch a cold: contagiarse de un resfriado, resfriarsecatch vi1) grasp: agarrar2) hook: engancharse3) ignite: prender, agarrarcatch n1) catching: captura f, atrapada f, parada f (de una pelota)2) : redada f (de pescado), presa f (de caza)he's a good catch: es un buen partido3) latch: pestillo m, pasador m4) difficulty, trick: problema m, trampa f, truco mn.• pesca s.f.• redada s.f.adj.• engañoso, -a adj.• llamativo, -a adj.n.• aldabilla s.f.• botín s.m.• cerradero s.m.• garra s.f.• lance s.m.• pestillo s.m.• pieza s.f.• presa s.f.• trampa s.f.v.(§ p.,p.p.: caught) = atrapar v.• captar v.• capturar v.• coger v.• comprender v.• enganchar v.• entrecoger v.• pescar v.• pillar v.• prender v.• tomar v.
1. kætʃ(past & past p caught) transitive verb1) \<\<ball/object\>\> agarrar, coger* (esp Esp)he caught her by the arm — la agarró or (esp Esp) cogió del brazo
2) ( capture) \<\<mouse/lion\>\> atrapar, coger* (esp Esp); \<\<fish\>\> pescar*, coger* (esp Esp); \<\<thief\>\> atrapar3)a) ( take by surprise) agarrar, pillar (fam), pescar* (fam)to catch somebody in the act — agarrar (or pillar etc) a alguien infraganti or con las manos en la masa
you won't catch me going there again! — (colloq) a mí no me vuelven a ver el pelo por ahí! (fam)
we got caught in the rain — nos sorprendió or (fam) nos pilló or pescó la lluvia
b) ( intercept) \<\<person\>\> alcanzar*catch you later — (AmE colloq) nos vemos
4)a) \<\<train/plane\>\> ( take) tomar, coger* (esp Esp); ( be in time for) alcanzar*I only just caught it — lo alcancé con el tiempo justo, por poco lo pierdo
b) (manage to see, hear)we could catch a movie before dinner — (AmE) podríamos ir al cine antes de cenar
5) (entangle, trap)I caught my skirt on a nail — se me enganchó or (Méx tb) se me atoró or (Chi) se me pescó la falda en un clavo
I caught my finger in the drawer — me pillé or (AmL tb) me agarré el dedo en el cajón
I got caught in a traffic jam — me agarró or (esp Esp) me cogió un atasco
6)a) ( attract)did you catch what she said? — ¿oíste or entendiste lo que dijo?
c) \<\<mood/likeness\>\> captar, reflejar7) ( become infected with) \<\<disease\>\> contagiarse deto catch a cold — resfriarse*, agarrar or (esp Esp) coger* or (fam) pescar* or pillar un resfriado
I caught (the) measles from him — me contagió or (fam) me pegó el sarampión
8) ( hit)to catch it o (AmE also) catch hell (colloq): you'll really catch it if he sees you! — si te ve, te mata!
9)a) ( hold back)b) ( restrain)to catch oneself — contenerse*
vi1)a) ( grasp) agarrar, coger* (esp Esp), cachar (Méx)b) (bite, take hold) \<\<mechanism\>\> engranarc) ( become hooked) engancharse2) ( ignite) \<\<fire\>\> prender, agarrar (AmL)•Phrasal Verbs:- catch on- catch up
1)a) ( Sport) atrapada f, parada f, atajada f (CS)b) ( potential partner)he's/she's a good catch — (colloq) es un buen partido
c) ( of fish) pesca f2) ( fastening device - on door) pestillo m, pasador m (AmL); (- on window, box, necklace) cierre msafety catch — seguro m
3) ( hidden drawback) trampa fI knew there'd be a catch in o to it somewhere — ya sabía yo que tenía que haber gato encerrado
4) ( in voice) temblor m[kætʃ] (vb: pt, pp caught)with a catch in her voice — con la voz entrecortada or temblorosa
1. N1) [of ball etc] cogida f, parada f ; [of trawler] pesca f ; [of single fish] presa f, pesca f, captura fgood catch! — (Sport) ¡la cogiste! ¡bien hecho!, ¡bien agarrada! (LAm)
he's a good catch * — (as husband etc) es un buen partido
2) (=fastener) cierre m ; (Brit) (on door) pestillo m ; (Brit) (on box, window) cerradura f ; (=small flange) fiador m3) (=trick) trampa f ; (=snag) pega fwhere's the catch? — ¿cuál es la trampa?
a question with a catch to it — una pregunta capciosa or de pega
the catch is that... — la dificultad es que...
4)5) (=game) catch-can m, lucha f2. VT1) (=grasp) asir; [+ ball] coger, agarrar (LAm); [+ fish] pescar; [+ thief] coger, atraparcatch! — ¡cógelo!, ¡toma!
to be caught between two alternatives — estar entre la espada y la pared, no saber a qué carta quedarse
to catch sb's attention or eye — llamar la atención de algn
- be caught like a rat in a trap2) (=take by surprise) pillar or coger or (LAm) tomar de sorpresato catch sb doing sth — sorprender or pillar a algn haciendo algo
to catch o.s. doing sth — sorprenderse a sí mismo haciendo algo
you won't catch me doing that — yo sería incapaz de hacer eso, nunca me verás haciendo eso
they caught him in the act — le cogieron or pillaron con las manos en la masa
3) (=contact, get hold of)when can I catch you next? — ¿cuándo podemos quedar otra vez para esto?
(I'll) catch you later! * — ¡nos vemos!
4) [+ bus, train etc] coger, tomar (LAm)5) (=hear) oír; (=understand) comprender, entender6) (=see, hear, visit) [+ TV programme, film] ver; [+ radio programme] oír, escuchar; [+ exhibition, concert] ir ato catch the post — (=be in time for) llegar antes de la recogida del correo
7) (Med) [+ disease] coger, pillar, contagiarse deyou'll catch your death (of cold)! * — ¡(te) vas a agarrar un buen resfriado!
- catch a cold8) (=capture) [+ atmosphere, likeness] saber captar, plasmar9) (=trap)10) (=hit)11) (=receive, come into contact with)12)13)to catch it * — merecerse una regañina ( from de)
you'll catch it! * — ¡las vas a pagar!, ¡te va a costar caro!
3. VI1) (=hook) engancharse (on en); (=tangle) enredarse2) [fire, wood] prender, encenderse; (Culin) [rice, vegetables etc] quemarse4.CPDcatch phrase N — muletilla f, frase f de moda
catch question N — pregunta f capciosa, pregunta f de pega
- catch at- catch on- catch up* * *
1. [kætʃ](past & past p caught) transitive verb1) \<\<ball/object\>\> agarrar, coger* (esp Esp)he caught her by the arm — la agarró or (esp Esp) cogió del brazo
2) ( capture) \<\<mouse/lion\>\> atrapar, coger* (esp Esp); \<\<fish\>\> pescar*, coger* (esp Esp); \<\<thief\>\> atrapar3)a) ( take by surprise) agarrar, pillar (fam), pescar* (fam)to catch somebody in the act — agarrar (or pillar etc) a alguien infraganti or con las manos en la masa
you won't catch me going there again! — (colloq) a mí no me vuelven a ver el pelo por ahí! (fam)
we got caught in the rain — nos sorprendió or (fam) nos pilló or pescó la lluvia
b) ( intercept) \<\<person\>\> alcanzar*catch you later — (AmE colloq) nos vemos
4)a) \<\<train/plane\>\> ( take) tomar, coger* (esp Esp); ( be in time for) alcanzar*I only just caught it — lo alcancé con el tiempo justo, por poco lo pierdo
b) (manage to see, hear)we could catch a movie before dinner — (AmE) podríamos ir al cine antes de cenar
5) (entangle, trap)I caught my skirt on a nail — se me enganchó or (Méx tb) se me atoró or (Chi) se me pescó la falda en un clavo
I caught my finger in the drawer — me pillé or (AmL tb) me agarré el dedo en el cajón
I got caught in a traffic jam — me agarró or (esp Esp) me cogió un atasco
6)a) ( attract)did you catch what she said? — ¿oíste or entendiste lo que dijo?
c) \<\<mood/likeness\>\> captar, reflejar7) ( become infected with) \<\<disease\>\> contagiarse deto catch a cold — resfriarse*, agarrar or (esp Esp) coger* or (fam) pescar* or pillar un resfriado
I caught (the) measles from him — me contagió or (fam) me pegó el sarampión
8) ( hit)to catch it o (AmE also) catch hell (colloq): you'll really catch it if he sees you! — si te ve, te mata!
9)a) ( hold back)b) ( restrain)to catch oneself — contenerse*
vi1)a) ( grasp) agarrar, coger* (esp Esp), cachar (Méx)b) (bite, take hold) \<\<mechanism\>\> engranarc) ( become hooked) engancharse2) ( ignite) \<\<fire\>\> prender, agarrar (AmL)•Phrasal Verbs:- catch on- catch up
1)a) ( Sport) atrapada f, parada f, atajada f (CS)b) ( potential partner)he's/she's a good catch — (colloq) es un buen partido
c) ( of fish) pesca f2) ( fastening device - on door) pestillo m, pasador m (AmL); (- on window, box, necklace) cierre msafety catch — seguro m
3) ( hidden drawback) trampa fI knew there'd be a catch in o to it somewhere — ya sabía yo que tenía que haber gato encerrado
4) ( in voice) temblor mwith a catch in her voice — con la voz entrecortada or temblorosa
17 catch
I [kætʃ]1) (on purse, brooch) fermaglio m., gancio m.; (on window, door) fermo m.2) fig. (drawback) trappola f.with a catch in his voice — con un'esitazione o un sussulto nella voce
4) (act of catching) presa f.to take a catch — BE
to make a catch — AE sport effettuare una presa
5) pesc. (haul) pesca f., retata f.II 1. [kætʃ]1) (hold and retain) [ person] prendere, afferrare [ ball]; prendere, [ fish]; [ container] raccogliere [ water]; (by running) [ person] prendere, acchiappare [ person]I managed to catch her in — (at home) riuscii a trovarla
to catch sb. doing — sorprendere qcn. a fare
to be o get caught farsi prendere o sorprendere; to catch sb. in the act to catch sb. at it colloq. cogliere qcn. in flagrante o sul fatto; you wouldn't catch me smoking! non mi sorprenderai mai a fumare! we got caught in the rain fummo sorpresi dalla pioggia; you've caught me at an awkward moment — mi hai preso in un brutto momento
3) (be in time for) (riuscire a) prendere [train, plane]4) (manage to see) prendere, riuscire a vedere [ programme]; arrivare in tempo per [ show]5) (grasp) afferrare, prendere [hand, branch, rope]; catturare, attrarre [interest, imagination]to catch hold of sth. — afferrare o prendere qcs.
to catch sb.'s attention o eye attirare l'attenzione di qcn.; to catch the chairman's eye — amm. ottenere la parola
6) (hear) comprendere, afferrare [word, name]7) (perceive) distinguere [ sound]; cogliere, notare [ look]to catch sight of sb., sth. — scorgere o avvistare qcn., qcs
8) (get stuck)to catch one's fingers in — prendersi le dita in [drawer, door]
to catch one's shirt on — impigliarsi la camicia in [ nail]
to get caught in — [ person] rimanere impigliato in [net, thorns]
9) prendere, contrarre [disease, virus]10) (hit) prendere, colpire [object, person]11) (have an effect on) [ light] fare risplendere [ object]; [ wind] portare via [paper, bag]12)to catch fire o light prendere fuoco; to catch the light — riflettere la luce
13) (capture) rendere, cogliere [atmosphere, spirit]14) (in cricket, baseball) mettere fuori gioco [ batsman]15) (trick) ingannare, giocare un tiro a16) (manage to reach) raggiungere2.2) (start to burn) [ wood] accendersi, prendere (fuoco); [ fire] prendere•- catch on- catch up••you'll catch it! — colloq. guai a te!
* * *[kæ ] 1. past tense, past participle - caught; verb1) (to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture: He caught the cricket ball; The cat caught a mouse; Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention.) prendere2) (to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc): I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.) prendere3) (to surprise (someone) in the act of: I caught him stealing (my vegetables).) sorprendere4) (to become infected with (a disease or illness): He caught flu.) prendere5) (to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held: The child caught her fingers in the car door.) prendere6) (to hit: The punch caught him on the chin.) raggiungere7) (to manage to hear: Did you catch what she said?) comprendere8) (to start burning: I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately.) prendere (fuoco)2. noun1) (an act of catching: He took a fine catch behind the wicket.) presa2) (a small device for holding (a door etc) in place: The catch on my suitcase is broken.) gancio; fermo; fermaglio3) (the total amount (of eg fish) caught: the largest catch of mackerel this year.) presa; caccia; retata4) (a trick or problem: There's a catch in this question.) trucco, trappola•- catching- catchy
- catch-phrase
- catch-word
- catch someone's eye
- catch on
- catch out
- catch up* * *catch /kætʃ/n.2 ( pesca) pesca; presa; retata; pescato: to haul in one's catch, tirare a bordo il pescato (o le reti); to make a good catch, fare una buona pesca4 gancio; fermaglio; chiusura a scatto; fermo ( di porta); arresto ( di ingranaggio): safety catch, chiusura di sicurezza; arresto5 (fam.) inghippo; trappola; trucco: DIALOGO → - Discussing video games- There's a catch, c'è un tranello; What's the catch?, dov'è l'inghippo?6 breve arresto o esitazione (della voce o del respiro, per l'emozione)♦ (to) catch /kætʃ/(pass. e p. p. caught)A v. t.1 prendere; afferrare; pigliare; acchiappare (al volo); agguantare: I caught the ball on the rebound, presi la palla di rimbalzo; to catch hold of st., afferrare qc.; I caught him as he fell, lo afferrai mentre cadeva; I caught him by the neck, lo agguantai per il collo2 catturare; prendere; acchiappare: to catch a fish [a rabbit], prendere un pesce [un coniglio]; to catch a mouse [a butterfly], acchiappare un topo [una farfalla]; to catch a murderer, catturare (o prendere) un assassino4 sorprendere; cogliere; prendere: to catch sb. at it, cogliere q. sul fatto (o in flagrante); to catch sb. in the act, cogliere q. in flagrante (o sul fatto); to catch sb. stealing, sorprendere q. che ruba; I caught him at the whisky again, lo colsi di nuovo a bere whisky; to catch sb. by surprise, cogliere q. di sorpresa; ( su una terra sconosciuta o deserta); DIALOGO → - Weather- They were caught in a blizzard in the mountains, sono stati sorpresi da una bufera di neve in montagna5 (seguito da compl.) ( anche fig.) prendere; impigliare; chiudere; intrappolare: I caught my foot in the rope, inciampai nella corda; He caught his fingers in the door, si chiuse le dita nella porta; to get caught in st., restare impigliato (o preso, intrappolato) in qc.; We were caught in a vicious circle, eravamo presi in un circolo vizioso7 urtare; battere: I caught my head on the edge of the table, battei la testa contro l'orlo del tavolo8 dare, assestare, mollare (fam.) ( un colpo) a: I caught him a blow on the chin, gli assestai un pugno sul mento10 (seguito da compl., spesso al passivo) chiudere; stringere; raccogliere; assicurare: She wore her hair caught in a bun, portava i capelli raccolti in uno chignon11 prendere; contrarre ( una malattia): to catch a cold, prendere il raffreddore; to catch a disease off sb., prendere una malattia da q.12 farsi contagiare (fig.) da; lasciarsi prendere da: We caught the general enthusiasm, ci siamo lasciati contagiare dall'entusiasmo generale15 arrivare in tempo per (fare o vedere qc.); riuscire a vedere, sentire, ecc.; riuscire a prendere ( un treno, ecc.): to catch the last mail, arrivare in tempo per l'ultima levata della posta; I want to catch the 7 o'clock news, voglio riuscire a vedere (o non voglio perdere) il telegiornale delle sette; Did he catch his plane in the end?, è poi riuscito a prendere il suo aereo?; DIALOGO → - Organizing a meeting- Hi Tim, I'm glad I've caught you, ciao Tim, sono contenta di essere riuscita a trovarti16 attirare; attrarre; prendere; catturare: to catch sb. 's attention, attirare l'attenzione di q.; My eye was caught by a miniature, il mio occhio è stato attratto da una miniatura17 cogliere; notare; sentire; percepire; distinguere: to catch a glimpse of, vedere di sfuggita; scorgere; intravedere; to catch sight of, scorgere; intravedere; I caught signs of impatience, colsi segni di impazienza; to catch a smell, sentire un odore18 sentire; afferrare; capire: I didn't catch what he said, non ho afferrato quel che ha detto; Do you catch my meaning?, capisci che cosa intendo?19 rendere; cogliere: to catch a likeness, cogliere una somiglianza; His film exactly catches the mood of the fifties, il suo film coglie alla perfezione l'atmosfera degli anni CinquantaB v. i.1 prendere fuoco; accendersi; cominciare a bruciare: The sticks quickly caught, i rametti presero subito fuoco3 (bot.) prendere; attecchire, allignare4 prendere, far presa; attaccarsi; ( di serramenti, ecc.) chiudere; (mecc.) ingranare, innestarsi: The hook didn't catch, il gancio non prese ( sulla parete, ecc.); The lock won't catch, la serratura non chiude5 (seguito da compl.) impigliarsi; restare attaccato; rimanere preso: My jacket caught on a nail, mi si è impigliata la giacca in un chiodo● to catch one's breath, trattenere il respiro; restare col respiro mozzo □ (fam.) to catch sb. bending, cogliere q. alla sprovvista; prendere in contropiede □ to catch sb. 's eye, attirare l'attenzione di q. □ to catch sb. 's fancy, piacere a q. □ to catch fire, prendere fuoco □ (fam.) to catch sb. flat-footed, cogliere q. alla sprovvista □ (fam. USA) to catch hell, prendersi una strigliata; beccarsi un cazziatone (pop.) □ (fam.) to catch it ( in the neck), buscarsi una sgridata; buscarle; prenderle □ to catch the light, riflettere la luce; mandare un riverbero □ (fam.) to catch sb. napping, cogliere q. di sorpresa; cogliere q. impreparato □ to catch sb. off balance, cogliere q. alla sprovvista; prendere in contropiede □ to catch sb. on the wrong foot, prendere q. in contropiede ( anche fig.) □ to catch oneself, trattenersi: to catch oneself in time, trattenersi in tempo; sorprendersi; trovarsi a: She caught herself smiling, si sorprese a sorridere □ to catch sb. red-handed, cogliere q. in flagrante (o sul fatto) □ to catch the sun, essere in posizione soleggiata; (GB) abbronzarsi □ (fam.) to catch sb. with his trousers ( USA: pants) down, sorprendere q. ( in una situazione imbarazzante o illegale); cogliere q. sul fatto □ to be caught like a rat in a hole, essere preso in trappola □ to be caught short, rimanere a corto di qc.; ( Borsa) essere allo scoperto; (fam. USA) avere urgente bisogno del gabinetto; avere un bisogno urgente □ (fam.) You won't catch me doing it!, non mi ci prendi di sicuro a farlo; figùrati se lo faccio! □ (fam.) I wouldn't be caught dead in that place, in quel posto non ci andrei neanche morto.* * *I [kætʃ]1) (on purse, brooch) fermaglio m., gancio m.; (on window, door) fermo m.2) fig. (drawback) trappola f.with a catch in his voice — con un'esitazione o un sussulto nella voce
4) (act of catching) presa f.to take a catch — BE
to make a catch — AE sport effettuare una presa
5) pesc. (haul) pesca f., retata f.II 1. [kætʃ]1) (hold and retain) [ person] prendere, afferrare [ ball]; prendere, [ fish]; [ container] raccogliere [ water]; (by running) [ person] prendere, acchiappare [ person]I managed to catch her in — (at home) riuscii a trovarla
to catch sb. doing — sorprendere qcn. a fare
to be o get caught farsi prendere o sorprendere; to catch sb. in the act to catch sb. at it colloq. cogliere qcn. in flagrante o sul fatto; you wouldn't catch me smoking! non mi sorprenderai mai a fumare! we got caught in the rain fummo sorpresi dalla pioggia; you've caught me at an awkward moment — mi hai preso in un brutto momento
3) (be in time for) (riuscire a) prendere [train, plane]4) (manage to see) prendere, riuscire a vedere [ programme]; arrivare in tempo per [ show]5) (grasp) afferrare, prendere [hand, branch, rope]; catturare, attrarre [interest, imagination]to catch hold of sth. — afferrare o prendere qcs.
to catch sb.'s attention o eye attirare l'attenzione di qcn.; to catch the chairman's eye — amm. ottenere la parola
6) (hear) comprendere, afferrare [word, name]7) (perceive) distinguere [ sound]; cogliere, notare [ look]to catch sight of sb., sth. — scorgere o avvistare qcn., qcs
8) (get stuck)to catch one's fingers in — prendersi le dita in [drawer, door]
to catch one's shirt on — impigliarsi la camicia in [ nail]
to get caught in — [ person] rimanere impigliato in [net, thorns]
9) prendere, contrarre [disease, virus]10) (hit) prendere, colpire [object, person]11) (have an effect on) [ light] fare risplendere [ object]; [ wind] portare via [paper, bag]12)to catch fire o light prendere fuoco; to catch the light — riflettere la luce
13) (capture) rendere, cogliere [atmosphere, spirit]14) (in cricket, baseball) mettere fuori gioco [ batsman]15) (trick) ingannare, giocare un tiro a16) (manage to reach) raggiungere2.2) (start to burn) [ wood] accendersi, prendere (fuoco); [ fire] prendere•- catch on- catch up••you'll catch it! — colloq. guai a te!
18 catch
1. transitive verb,catch somebody by the arm — jemanden am Arm packen od. fassen
catch hold of somebody/something — jemanden/etwas festhalten; (to stop oneself falling) sich an jemandem/etwas festhalten
2) (intercept motion of) auffangen; fangen [Ball]get something caught or catch something on/in something — mit etwas an/in etwas (Dat.) hängen bleiben
I got my finger caught or caught my finger in the door — ich habe mir den Finger in der Tür eingeklemmt
get caught on/in something — an/in etwas (Dat.) hängen bleiben
3) (travel by) nehmen; (manage to see) sehen; (be in time for) [noch] erreichen; [noch] kriegen (ugs.) [Bus, Zug]; [noch] erwischen (ugs.) [Person]did you catch her in? — hast du sie zu Hause erwischt? (ugs.)
4) (surprise)catch somebody at/doing something — jemanden bei etwas erwischen (ugs.) /[dabei] erwischen, wie er etwas tut (ugs.)
I caught myself thinking how... — ich ertappte mich bei dem Gedanken, wie...
5) (become infected with, receive) sich (Dat.) zuziehen od. (ugs.) holencatch [a] cold — sich erkälten/sich (Dat.) einen Schnupfen holen; (fig.) übel dran sein
catch it — (fig. coll.) etwas kriegen (ugs.)
you'll catch it from me — du kannst von mir was erleben (ugs.)
6) (arrest)catch somebody's fancy — jemandem gefallen; jemanden ansprechen
catch the Speaker's eye — (Parl.) das Wort erhalten
catch somebody's eye — jemandem auffallen; [Gegenstand:] jemandem ins Auge fallen; (be impossible to overlook) jemandem ins Auge springen
7) (hit)catch somebody on/in something — jemanden auf/in etwas (Akk.) treffen
catch somebody a blow [on/in something] — jemandem einen Schlag [auf/in etwas (Akk.)] versetzen
8) (grasp in thought) verstehen; mitbekommendid you catch his meaning? — hast du verstanden od. mitbekommen, was er meint?
9) see academic.ru/11419/catch_out">catch out 1)2. intransitive verb,1) (begin to burn) [anfangen zu] brennen3. nounmy coat caught on a nail — ich blieb mit meinem Mantel an einem Nagel hängen
make [several] good catches — [mehrmals] gut fangen
2) (amount caught, lit. or fig.) Fang, der3) (trick, difficulty) Haken, der (in an + Dat.)the catch is that... — der Haken an der Sache ist, dass...
it's catch-22 — (coll.) es ist ein Teufelskreis
6) (catcher)Phrasal Verbs:- catch on- catch up* * *[kæ ] 1. past tense, past participle - caught; verb1) (to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture: He caught the cricket ball; The cat caught a mouse; Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention.) fangen2) (to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc): I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.) erreichen5) (to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held: The child caught her fingers in the car door.) einklemmen6) (to hit: The punch caught him on the chin.) treffen7) (to manage to hear: Did you catch what she said?) mitkriegen8) (to start burning: I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately.) Feuer fangen2. noun1) (an act of catching: He took a fine catch behind the wicket.) das Fangen2) (a small device for holding (a door etc) in place: The catch on my suitcase is broken.) der Griff4) (a trick or problem: There's a catch in this question.) der Haken•- catching- catchy
- catch-phrase
- catch-word
- catch someone's eye
- catch on
- catch out
- catch up* * *[kætʃ]I. n<pl -es>to make/take a good \catch gut fangento miss a \catch den Ball nicht fangenhe's missed three easy \catches; if he misses another \catch, he's out! er hat drei leichte Bälle nicht gefangen, wenn er nochmal nicht fängt, ist er draußenwindow \catch Fensterverriegelung fall the window \catches were tightly closed alle Fenster waren fest verschlossenher new boyfriend is not much of a \catch mit ihrem neuen Freund hat sie keinen besonders guten Fang gemacht famshe made quite a \catch sie hat einen guten Fang gemacht fam; (in marriage also) sie hat eine gute Partie gemachtwhat's the \catch? wo ist der Haken [an der Sache]? famwith a \catch in one's voice mit stockender Stimmethe kids were running around playing \catch die Kinder rannten herum und spielten FangenI only got some \catches of their conversation ich bekam nur einige Gesprächsfetzen von ihnen mitII. vt<caught, caught>1. (intercept)▪ to \catch sb jdn [o jds Fall] auffangen2. (grab)to \catch sb by the arm/hand jdn am Arm/bei der Hand fassento \catch sb's arm/hand jds Arm/Hand ergreifento \catch hold of sth etw zu fassen bekommen3. (capture)the virus was caught in time das Virus wurde rechtzeitig erkannt4. (surprise, get hold of)he was caught with 10 kg of heroin er wurde mit 10 kg Heroin erwischt famyou won't \catch her at work after four o'clock nach vier wirst du sie kaum noch bei der Arbeit antreffen [o fam erwischen]you caught me at a bad time Sie haben einen schlechten Zeitpunkt erwischt famhave I caught you at a bad time? komme ich ungelegen?you won't \catch me in that shop! in dem Laden wirst du mich niemals findento \catch sb in the act jdn auf frischer Tat ertappencaught in the act! auf frischer Tat ertappt!ah, caught you! ah, hab ich dich erwischt! famto be caught in a thunderstorm von einem Gewitter überrascht werdento \catch sb red-handed jdn auf frischer Tat ertappenI even caught myself feeling sorry for the thief zuletzt ertappte ich mich sogar dabei, dass [o wie] mir der Dieb auch noch leid tat5. (meet)▪ to \catch sb jdn treffenI'll \catch you later bis später6.▪ to \catch sth (contract) sich dat etw einfangen; ( fig: be influenced by) sich akk von etw dat anstecken lassento \catch a cold sich akk erkältenhe was caught by Jones er schied durch Jones aus8.▪ to \catch sth in sth (trap) etw in etw akk einklemmen; (entangle) mit etw dat in etw dat hängen bleibenhe caught his foot in the rope sein Fuß verfing sich im Seilshe caught her hair in the bushes ihre Haare verhedderten sich im GesträuchI caught my hand in the door ich habe mir die Hand in der Tür eingeklemmtto be caught in the crossfire ins Kreuzfeuer geraten; ( fig) zwischen zwei Lager geratento be caught between two things/people zwischen zwei Dingen/Menschen hin und her gerissen seinshe's caught between taking the job or travelling around the world sie ist [innerlich] hin und her gerissen, ob sie die Stelle annehmen oder um die Welt reisen soll10.to \catch the bus/train (take) den Bus/Zug nehmen; (be on time) den Bus/Zug kriegen [o SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR erwischen] fam11. (collect)12. (depict)▪ to \catch sth mood, atmosphere etw festhalten [o einfangen13. (attract)to \catch sb's attention [or eye] jds Aufmerksamkeit erregento \catch sb's fancy jdm gefallento \catch the imagination die Fantasie anregen [o geh beflügeln]to \catch sb's interest jds Interesse weckenwe rushed to \catch the show wir beeilten uns, um die Show nicht zu verpassenfinish the letter so we can \catch the post schreib den Brief fertig, damit er noch mit der Post wegkommt15. (get)to \catch the light das Licht einfangen gehthe necklace caught the light die Kette reflektiert das Lichtto \catch a few [or some] rays ( fam) sich akk ein bisschen die Sonne auf den Bauch scheinen lassen famto \catch the sun ( fam) place viel Sonnenlicht [ab]bekommen; person: get a suntan braun werden; (get sunburn) einen [leichten] Sonnenbrand bekommen16. (notice)▪ to \catch sth etw erfassen18. (hit)to \catch sb on the arm/chin jdn am Arm/Kinn treffenhe was caught on the chin with a left hook er wurde von einem linken Haken am Kinn getroffento \catch sb a blow in the stomach jdm einen Schlag in die Magengrube versetzen19. (bump)she caught her head on the mantelpiece sie schlug mit dem Kopf auf den [o dem] Kaminsims auf20. (bump into)his head caught the edge of the table er schlug mit dem Kopf auf die [o der] Tischkante auf21. (burn)to \catch fire [or light] Feuer fangen22.▶ to \catch one's breath nach Luft schnappen; (stop breathing) die Luft anhalten; (breath normally again) verschnaufenJoe really caught it from Sam Sam hat's Joe mal so richtig gegeben famIII. vi<caught, caught>to \catch at sb's sleeve jdn am Ärmel zupfenmy foot caught in the rope mein Fuß verfing sich im Seilcareful, your jumper has caught on a nail! pass auf, du bist mit deinem Pulli an einem Nagel hängen geblieben!* * *[ktʃ] vb: pret, ptp caught1. n1)to make a (good) catch — (gut) fangenhe's a good catch (fig inf) — er ist ein guter Fang; (for marriage also) er ist eine gute Partie
3) (= children's game) Fangen nt4) (= trick, snag) Haken mwhere's the catch? — wo liegt or ist (da) der Haken?
there's a catch in it somewhere! — die Sache hat irgendwo einen Haken, da ist irgendwo ein Haken dabei
6) (= break in voice) Stocken nt8) (= fragment) Bruchstück nt2. vt2) fish, mice fangen; thief, offender fassen, schnappen (inf), erwischen (inf); escaped animal (ein)fangen; (inf = manage to see) erwischen (inf)to catch sb's arm, to catch sb by the arm —
glass which catches the light — Glas, in dem sich das Licht spiegelt
to catch sight/a glimpse of sb/sth — jdn/etw erblicken or zu sehen kriegen (inf)
to catch sb's attention/eye — jdn auf sich (acc) aufmerksam machen
to be caught between two people/alternatives —
he was caught between envy and admiration — er war zwischen Neid und Bewunderung hin und her gerissen
3) (= take by surprise) erwischen, ertappenI caught him flirting with my wife — ich habe ihn (dabei) erwischt, wie er mit meiner Frau flirtete
I caught myself feeling sorry for him — ich habe mich dabei ertappt, dass er mir leidtat
(you won't) catch me doing that again! (inf) you won't catch me falling for that trick again (inf) aha, caught you (with question) — das mache ich bestimmt nicht wieder! auf den Trick falle ich nicht noch einmal herein hab ich dich doch erwischt (inf) ha ha, reingefallen (inf)
caught in the act — auf frischer Tat ertappt; (sexually) in flagranti erwischt
4) (= take) bus, train etc nehmen5) (= be in time for) train, bus erreichen, kriegen (inf)if you want to catch the 4 o'clock post... — wenn das mit der Vieruhrleerung mitsoll...
if I hurry I'll catch the end of the film — wenn ich mich beeile kriege ich das Ende des Films noch mit (inf)
6) (= become entangled) hängen bleiben mit7) (with stitches) mit ein paar Stichen befestigen8) (= understand, hear) mitkriegen (inf)9)to catch an illness — sich (dat) eine Krankheit zuziehen or holen (inf)
you'll catch your death (of cold)! — du holst dir den Tod! (inf)
10) (= portray) mood, atmosphere etc einfangen11)to catch one's breath (after exercise etc) — Luft holen, verschnaufen
the blow/ball caught him on the arm —
you'll catch it! ( Brit inf ) — es setzt was! (inf), du kannst (aber) was erleben!
he caught it all right! ( Brit inf ) (physically) (verbally) — der hat vielleicht eine Abreibung bekommen! (inf) der hat aber was zu hören bekommen! (inf)
3. vi1) (with ball) fangen3) (= get stuck) klemmen, sich verklemmen; (= get entangled) hängen bleiben, sich verfangen* * *catch [kætʃ]A s1. Fangen n:play catch sich den Ball zuwerfen (Kinder)2. Fang m, Beute f (beide auch fig):no catch kein gutes Geschäft3. there was a catch in his voice seine Stimme stockte4. Halt m, Griff m5. TECHa) Haken m, Schnäpper m, (Tür) Klinke f:catch of a lock Schließhakenb) Sperre f, Sicherung f, Verschluss m (einer Brosche etc)c) Knagge f, Mitnehmer md) ARCH Halter m6. fig umg Haken m:there must be a catch somewhere die Sache muss irgendwo einen Haken haben;the catch is that … der Haken an der Sache ist, dass …7. fig Brocken m, Bruchstück n:catches of a conversation Gesprächsfetzen8. AGR US Keimen n, Ausschlagen nB v/t prät und pperf caught [kɔːt]1. a) einen Ball etc fangen, auch einen Blick auffangen, (er)haschen, ein Tier etc (ein)fangen, Flüssigkeiten auffangenb) allg bekommen, kriegen umg, erwischen umg:catch a thief einen Dieb fassen oder umg schnappen;get caught gefasst werden;catch a train einen Zug (noch) kriegen oder erwischen; → breath 1, cold A 8, crab1 A 1, glimpse A 1, sight A 2, Tartar1 A 22. jemanden einholensb at sth jemanden bei etwas;sb doing sth jemanden dabei, wie er etwas tut):catch sb stealing jemanden beim Stehlen ertappen;catch o.s. thinking that … sich bei dem Gedanken ertappen, dass …;let me catch you at it again! lass dich ja nicht mehr dabei erwischen!;they were ( oder got) caught in a storm sie wurden vom Sturm überrascht, sie gerieten in ein Unwetter;catch me (doing that)! Br umg (das) fällt mir nicht im Traum ein!, denkste!;catch him! er lässt sich nicht erwischen!;he caught himself er hielt plötzlich inne (beim Sprechen), er fing sich (gerade noch); → act A 1, nap1 A 2, unawares 24. packen, ergreifen, erfassen (alle auch fig):she caught her child to herself sie riss ihr Kind an sich;the fire caught the curtains das Feuer erfasste die Vorhänge;he caught ( oder was caught with) the general enthusiasm er wurde von der allgemeinen Begeisterung erfasst oder angesteckt; → hold2 A 15. fig die Fantasie ansprechen:catch sb’s ear jemandem ans Ohr dringen;catch sb’s eye jemandem ins Auge fallen;catch sb’s eye ( oder attention) jemandes Aufmerksamkeit auf sich lenken, jemanden auf sich aufmerksam machen;6. erfassen, verstehen, mitkriegen umg:7. fig einfangen:caught from life dem Leben abgelauscht8. sich eine Krankheit etc holen, sich eine Erkältung etc, auch eine Strafe etc zuziehen, bekommen:catch (a) cold sich erkälten ( skiing beim Skifahren);catch a bullet in one’s leg einen Schuss ins Bein abbekommen;9. fig eine Gewohnheit, Aussprache annehmencatch one’s foot in sth mit dem Fuß in etwas hängen bleiben;my fingers were caught in the door ich klemmte mir die Finger in der Tür11. slb) treffen:C v/i1. fassen, greifen:catch at greifen oder schnappen nach, (fig eine Gelegenheit gern) ergreifen; → shadow A 5, straw A 13. sich verfangen, hängen bleiben ( beide:in in dat;on an dat):4. klemmen, festsitzen:5. sich ausbreiten (Feuer)6. anspringen (Motor)7. GASTR anbrennen8. US AGR keimen, ausschlagen* * *1. transitive verb,1) (capture) fangen; (lay hold of) fassen; packencatch somebody by the arm — jemanden am Arm packen od. fassen
catch hold of somebody/something — jemanden/etwas festhalten; (to stop oneself falling) sich an jemandem/etwas festhalten
2) (intercept motion of) auffangen; fangen [Ball]get something caught or catch something on/in something — mit etwas an/in etwas (Dat.) hängen bleiben
I got my finger caught or caught my finger in the door — ich habe mir den Finger in der Tür eingeklemmt
get caught on/in something — an/in etwas (Dat.) hängen bleiben
3) (travel by) nehmen; (manage to see) sehen; (be in time for) [noch] erreichen; [noch] kriegen (ugs.) [Bus, Zug]; [noch] erwischen (ugs.) [Person]4) (surprise)catch somebody at/doing something — jemanden bei etwas erwischen (ugs.) /[dabei] erwischen, wie er etwas tut (ugs.)
I caught myself thinking how... — ich ertappte mich bei dem Gedanken, wie...
5) (become infected with, receive) sich (Dat.) zuziehen od. (ugs.) holencatch [a] cold — sich erkälten/sich (Dat.) einen Schnupfen holen; (fig.) übel dran sein
catch it — (fig. coll.) etwas kriegen (ugs.)
6) (arrest)catch somebody's fancy — jemandem gefallen; jemanden ansprechen
catch the Speaker's eye — (Parl.) das Wort erhalten
catch somebody's eye — jemandem auffallen; [Gegenstand:] jemandem ins Auge fallen; (be impossible to overlook) jemandem ins Auge springen
7) (hit)catch somebody on/in something — jemanden auf/in etwas (Akk.) treffen
catch somebody a blow [on/in something] — jemandem einen Schlag [auf/in etwas (Akk.)] versetzen
8) (grasp in thought) verstehen; mitbekommen2. intransitive verb,did you catch his meaning? — hast du verstanden od. mitbekommen, was er meint?
1) (begin to burn) [anfangen zu] brennen2) (become fixed) hängen bleiben; [Haar, Faden:] sich verfangen3. noun1) (of ball)make [several] good catches — [mehrmals] gut fangen
2) (amount caught, lit. or fig.) Fang, der3) (trick, difficulty) Haken, der (in an + Dat.)the catch is that... — der Haken an der Sache ist, dass...
it's catch-22 — (coll.) es ist ein Teufelskreis
5) (Cricket etc.) ≈ Fang, der; Abfangen des Balles, das den Schlagmann aus dem Spiel bringt6) (catcher)Phrasal Verbs:- catch on- catch up* * *n.Fang ¨-e m.Raste -n f.Schnappverschluss m. (at) v.ertappen (bei) v.erwischen v. v.(§ p.,p.p.: caught)= auffangen v.erwischen v.fangen v.(§ p.,pp.: fing, gefangen)fassen v.verstehen v. -
19 coger desprevenido
• catch off guard• catch off-balance• catch on the wrong foot• catch unawares• take by surprise• take umbrage• take under a will -
20 застать врасплох
1) General subject: catch (smb.) unawares, (кого-л.) catch nodding, (кого-л.) catch off his guard, catch somebody flatfooted (His statement caught him flatfooted.), steal up, surprise, (кого-л.) take at a disadvantage, wrong-foot (catch off balance; to take by surprise in disadvantaged position), (кого-л.) take short, catch sb unawares (Example: Despite George's vigilance the snow, when it did come, took him unawares.), sneak up on sb. (If you're not aware of the symptoms, this disease can sneak up on you.), spring a surprise (on someone - кого-л.), take sb aback (surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off), walk in on (кого-л.), catch somebody bending (кого-л.), catch off balance, catch at a weak moment, catch flat-footed, take by surprise, catch sb on the wrong foot, take sb unawares (Example: Despite George's vigilance the snow, when it did come, took him unawares.), take one by surprise, catch on the back foot, catch smb. off guard2) Colloquial: catch off-balance3) American: have over the barrel4) Literal: catch sb napping, catch sb off guard5) Jargon: catch napping6) American English: catch off base7) Makarov: take unawares, (кого-л.) catch nodding, (кого-л.) catch off guard, (кого-л.) catch off his guard, (кого-л.) catch on the hop, (кого-л.) catch on the wrong foot, (кого-л.) fall upon unawares, catch napping, catch unawares, catch with pants down8) Phraseological unit: take aback9) Idiomatic expression: throw off balance
См. также в других словарях:
catch off balance — {v. phr.} To confront someone with physical force or with a statement or question he or she is not prepared to answer or deal with; to exploit the disadvantage of another. * /The smaller wrestler caught his opponent off balance and managed to… … Dictionary of American idioms
catch off balance — {v. phr.} To confront someone with physical force or with a statement or question he or she is not prepared to answer or deal with; to exploit the disadvantage of another. * /The smaller wrestler caught his opponent off balance and managed to… … Dictionary of American idioms
catch\ off\ balance — v. phr. To confront someone with physical force or with a statement or question he or she is not prepared to answer or deal with; to exploit the disadvantage of another. The smaller wrestler caught his opponent off balance and managed to throw… … Словарь американских идиом
off-balance — adj [not before noun] 1.) in an unsteady position and likely to fall throw/knock/push etc sb off balance ▪ The sudden movement of the ship knocked them both off balance. 2.) catch/throw sb off balance to surprise or shock someone because they are … Dictionary of contemporary English
off balance — 1) not steady or upright, for example because more weight is on one side That wheel is off balance. throw/knock someone/something off balance: He kept pulling my arm, throwing me off balance. 2) surprised, upset, or confused by something… … English dictionary
off-balance — adjective (not before noun) 1 in an unsteady position so that you are likely to fall: throw/knock/push sb off balance: Lee caught hold of my wrist and pulled me off balance. 2 unprepared for something, so that it surprises or shocks you: catch sb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
throw (or catch) someone off balance — make someone unsteady or catch someone unawares. → balance … English new terms dictionary
throw someone off balance — throw (or catch) someone off balance cause someone to become unsteady and in danger of falling ■ figurative confuse or bewilder someone … Useful english dictionary
throw off balance — verb To unsettle, to catch by surprise … Wiktionary
(catch somebody) off balance — … Useful english dictionary
balance — bal|ance1 [ bæləns ] noun *** ▸ 1 ability to stay upright ▸ 2 correct relationship ▸ 3 mental/emotional calm ▸ 4 money in bank ▸ 5 amount remaining ▸ 6 majority of information ▸ 7 for weighing things ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) uncount the ability to remain … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English