1 cast resin surface
Лесоводство: поверхность отлитой детали (в производстве мебели из пластмасс), поверхность формованной детали (в производстве мебели из пластмасс) -
2 cast resin surface
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > cast resin surface
3 cast resin surface
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > cast resin surface
4 cast resin transformer
трансформатор с литой изоляцией
Сухой трансформатор, в котором основной изолирующей средой и теплоносителем служит электроизоляционный компаунд.
[ ГОСТ 16110-82]
Трансформатор с литой изоляцией (без кожуха):1 - Выводы низшего напряжения; 2 - Подъемные петли; 3 - Коробка для подключения датчиков температуры; 4 - Заводская табличка; 5 - Стержень (часть магнитной системы); 6 - Обмотки высшего напряжения (Обмотки низшего напряжения не видны, они находятся "под" обмотками высшего напряжения. Все обмотки являются концентрическими, т. е. выполнены в виде цилиндров и концентрически расположегы на стержне магнитной системы); 7 - Выводы высшего напряжения (перемычки соединяют обмотки высшего напряжения по схеме "треугольник"); 8 - Устройство переключения ответвлений обмоток для изменения коэффициента трансформации; 9 - Платформа для перемещения.
Параллельные тексты EN-RU
Cast resin transformers
Dry-type transformers, with one or more enclosed windings, are usually called cast resin transformers.
These types, due to developments in construction techniques, are more and more widely used because of their reliability, their lower environmental impact compared to oil transformers, and because they reduce the risks of fire and spreading polluting substances in the environment.
Medium-voltage windings, made with wire coils or, even better, insulated aluminium strips, are placed in a mould into which the epoxy resin is poured under vacuum, to avoid inclusions of gas in the insulation.
The windings are then enclosed in a cylindrical enclosure, which is totally sealed, mechanically strong and has a smooth surface which impedes both the deposit of dust and the action of polluting agents.
Low-voltage windings are generally made of a single aluminium sheet, the same height as the coil, insulated by suitable material and heat treatment.
Cast resin transformers use class F 155°C insulating material, allowing for a maximum temperature rise of 100°K.
[Legrand]Tрансформаторы с литой изоляцией
Сухие трансформаторы с одной или несколькими обмотками, залитыми компаундом, называют трансформаторами с литой изоляцией. Благодаря постоянному совершенствованию конструкции трансформаторы данного типа находят все более широкое применение, поскольку обладают высокой надежностью и более низким, по сравнению с масляными трансформаторами, воздействием на окружающую среду, а также меньшей опасностью возгорания и отсутствием выделения загрязняющих веществ в окружающее пространство.
Обмотки среднего (высшего) напряжения изготавливают из провода или, что еще лучше, из изолированной алюминиевой шины. Такие обмотки помещают в форму, в которую после вакуумирования подают эпоксидную смолу. Данная технология исключает наличие газа в изоляции. Затем обмотки помещают в герметичную механически прочную цилиндрическую оболочку с гладкой ровной поверхностью, предотвращающей скапливание пыли и загрязняющих веществ, оказывающих отрицательное воздействие.
Обмотки низшего напряжения, как правило, изготавливают из алюминиевой полосы такой же высоты, что и высота обмотки высшего напряжения. Обмотки низшего напряжения изолируют соответствующим материалом и подвергают тепловой обработке. Применяемая в трансформаторах в качестве изоляционного материала эпоксидная смола имеет класс нагревостойкости F, что соответствует температуре 155 °С. Это означает, что в процессе эксплуатации трансформатора допускается превышение температуры обмоток на 100 К.
[Перевод Интент]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cast resin transformer
5 cement
цемент; вяжущее вещество || цементировать, тампонировать цементом, скреплять цементным растворомlow-heat of hydration cement — цемент с малой экзотермией [теплотой гидратации]; низкотермичный цемент
* * *
* * *
1) цемент; цементный раствор || цементировать; скреплять цементным раствором; обмазывать цементным раствором; тампонировать цементом2) схватываться ()3) замазка•to cement casing string in place — цементировать обсадную колонну в стволе скважины;
to cast in cement — заливать цементным раствором;
to displace cement — продавливать цемент;
to cement in — цементировать; заливать цементным раствором;
- additive cementto cement in place — цементировать при монтаже;
- air-entraining cement
- alabaster cement
- alumina cement
- aluminate cement
- anhydrite cement
- artificial cement
- asbestos cement
- asphaltic cement
- autoclaved cement
- bakelite cement
- base cement
- bauxite cement
- belite cement
- belite-diatomaceous earth cement
- belite-tripolite cement
- belite-tripolite powder cement
- bentonite cement
- bituminous cement
- blast cement
- blast-furnace cement
- blast-furnace slag cement
- blended cement
- bulk cement
- calcareous cement
- calcium aluminate cement
- clay cement
- clinker-bearing slag cement
- coarse-ground cement
- commercial portland cement
- completely hydrated cement
- construction cement
- corrosion-resistant oil-well cement
- diatomaceous earth cement
- diesel-oil cement
- dolomite cement
- dry cement
- early-strength cement
- excessive cement
- expanding cement
- fast-setting cement
- ferro-manganese slag cement
- fiber cement
- fibrous cement
- fine grounding cement
- fly-ash cement
- furan-resin cement
- gel cement
- general purpose portland cement
- gilsonite cement
- glass bubble cement
- green cement
- gypsum cement
- gypsum-alumina cement
- gypsum-retarded cement
- gypsum-slag cement
- heat-resistant cement
- high-alkali cement
- high-alumina cement
- high-early cement
- high-early strength cement
- high-grade cement
- high-speed cement
- high-strength cement
- high-sulfate-resistant cement
- high-temperature cement
- honeycombed cement
- hydrated cement
- hydraulic cement
- hydrophobic cement
- interstitial cement
- iron-oxide cement
- iron-portland cement
- jelled cement
- latex cement
- lean cement
- lightened cement
- lime-puzzolan cement
- lime-sand cement
- lime-slag cement
- low-alkali cement
- low-early strength cement
- low-grade cement
- low-heat cement
- low-limited cement
- low-slag cement
- low-strength cement
- low-temperature cement
- low-water-loss cement
- low-water-retentive portland cement
- lumnite cement
- magnesia cement
- mastic cement
- medium-setting cement
- Mendeleyev cement
- metallurgical cement
- mixed cement
- modified cement
- modified portland cement
- natural cement
- neat cement
- neat portland cement
- nepheline-sand cement
- nonshrinking cement
- normal portland cement
- normally hydrated cement
- oil-field cement
- oil-in-water emulsion cement
- oil-well cement
- oil-well portland cement
- oil-well sand cement
- ordinary cement
- oxychloride cement
- perlite cement
- perlite-gel cement
- permetallurgical cement
- phenolic-resin cement
- plain cement
- polymer cement
- porous cement
- portland cement
- portland blast-furnace-slag cement
- portland-puzzolan cement
- portland-slag cement
- pozmix cement
- premixed cement
- puzzolan cement
- puzzolan portland cement
- quick-hardening cement
- quick-setting cement
- radioactive cement
- rapid-hardening cement
- rapid-setting cement
- regular cement
- resin cement
- retarded cement
- retarded oil-well cement
- rock cement
- sacked cement
- sand cement
- scavenger cement
- sedimentary rock cement
- set cement
- slag cement
- slag-gypsum cement
- slag-lime cement
- slag-magnesia portland cement
- slag-portland cement
- slag-sand cement
- slow cement
- slow-setting cement
- sorel cement
- sound cement
- special cement
- special oil-well cement
- standard cement
- straight cement
- sulfate-resistant cement
- sulfate-resistant portland cement
- sulfo-aluminous cement
- super cement
- superrapid hardening cement
- supersulfated cement
- supersulfated metallurgical cement
- surface hydrated cement
- sursulfate cement
- thixotropic cement
- trass cement
- unretarded cement
- unset cement
- unsound cement
- water cement
- waterproof cement
- water-repellent cement
- water-retentive portland cement
- weighted cement* * *• 1) цементировать; 2) прикреплять; 3) прикрепленный• цемент -
6 component
1) компонент; элемент2) составляющая; компонента•- component of tensor
- ac component
- acoustic-surface-wave component
- active component
- ActiveX component
- ActiveX server component
- added component
- add-on component
- alias component
- antl-Stokes component
- aperiodic component
- array component
- audio component
- axial component
- axial-lead component
- base component
- basic component
- beam-lead component
- binary logical component
- bubble memory component
- bumped component
- chip component
- chrominance component
- chrominance-signal component
- circuit component
- complex component
- connectivity components
- cryptographic system component
- cyclical component
- dc component
- delay component
- die component
- diffused component
- direct-axis component of current
- direct-axis component of magnetomotive force
- direct-axis component of synchronous generated voltage
- direct-axis component of voltage
- discrete component
- dual-in-line package component
- electric component
- electronic component
- electrostatic component
- elementary potential digital computing components
- extraordinary-wave component
- film component
- fundamental component
- Gausslan component of noise
- harmonic component
- hybrid component
- I-components
- idle component
- imaginary component
- in-phase component
- inserted component
- integrated component
- integrated-circuit component
- irregular component
- luminance component
- magnetic component
- marginal component
- matrix component
- measurement component
- MEMS component
- MEMS-based component
- microelectromechanical system component
- microelectromechanical system-based component
- modular component
- multiplexed analog components
- ordinary-wave component
- orthogonal components
- out-of-phase component
- O-wave component
- packageless component
- parasitic component
- passive component
- pellet component - potted component
- pressurized component
- principal components
- printed component
- printed-circult component
- printed-on component
- Q-components
- quadrature component
- quadrature-axis component of current
- quadrature-axis component of magnetomotive force
- quadrature-axis component of synchronous generated voltage
- quadrature-axis component of voltage
- radial component
- radial-lead component
- radio component
- radio-frequency component
- reactive component
- real component
- resin-cast component
- screened -component
- seasonal component
- side-band component
- smooth component
- solid-state component
- spurious component
- spurious-frequency component
- standard component
- Stokes component
- strongly connected components
- structural component
- supercurrent component
- surface mount component
- tangential component
- testable component
- thick-film component
- thin-film component
- trend component
- uncased component
- uncommitted component
- uniform component
- variable component
- vector components
- wattless component
- waveguide component
- X-wave component
- zero-frequency component -
7 component
1) компонент; элемент2) составляющая; компонента•- acoustic-surface-wave component
- active component
- ActiveX component
- ActiveX server component
- added component
- add-on component
- alias component
- antl-Stokes component
- aperiodic component
- array component
- audio component
- axial component
- axial-lead component
- base component
- basic component
- beam-lead component
- binary logical component
- bubble memory component
- bumped component
- chip component
- chrominance component
- chrominance-signal component
- circuit component
- complex component
- component of graph
- component of tensor
- connectivity components
- cryptographic system component
- cyclical component
- dc component
- delay component
- die component
- diffused component
- direct-axis component of current
- direct-axis component of magnetomotive force
- direct-axis component of synchronous generated voltage
- direct-axis component of voltage
- discrete component
- dual-in-line package component
- electric component
- electronic component
- electrostatic component
- elementary potential digital computing components
- extraordinary-wave component
- film component
- fundamental component
- Gausslan component of noise
- harmonic component
- hybrid component
- I-components
- idle component
- imaginary component
- in-phase component
- inserted component
- integrated component
- integrated-circuit component
- irregular component
- luminance component
- magnetic component
- marginal component
- matrix component
- measurement component
- MEMS component
- MEMS-based component
- microelectromechanical system component
- microelectromechanical system-based component
- modular component
- multiplexed analog components
- ordinary-wave component
- orthogonal components
- out-of-phase component
- O-wave component
- packageless component
- parasitic component
- passive component
- pellet component
- plastic surface mount component
- plug-in component
- potted component
- pressurized component
- principal components
- printed component
- printed-circult component
- printed-on component
- Q-components
- quadrature component
- quadrature-axis component of current
- quadrature-axis component of magnetomotive force
- quadrature-axis component of synchronous generated voltage
- quadrature-axis component of voltage
- radial component
- radial-lead component
- radio component
- radio-frequency component
- reactive component
- real component
- resin-cast component
- screened-component
- seasonal component
- side-band component
- smooth component
- solid-state component
- spurious component
- spurious-frequency component
- standard component
- Stokes component
- strongly connected components
- structural component
- supercurrent component
- surface mount component
- tangential component
- testable component
- thick-film component
- thin-film component
- trend component
- uncased component
- uncommitted component
- uniform component
- variable component
- vector components
- wattless component
- waveguide component
- X-wave component
- zero-frequency componentThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > component
8 paper
1) бумага2) газета; журнал3) лист бумаги4) документ5) бумажные деньги6) пакет7) статья; научный доклад8) обои9) папье-маше10) завёртывать в бумагу11) подклеивать форзацАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > paper
9 cement
1) цемент, цементирующая среда; вяжущий материал ( в основном гидравлический), вяжущее вещество2) клей; паста; замазка3) цементировать; скреплять, облицовывать, замазывать цементным раствором4) связывать, склеивать; спекать; науглероживать•- additive cement - air-entraining cement - alumina cement - aluminous cement - anchor cement - antileak cement - asbestos cement - asphalt cement - asphaltic cement - begged cement - belt cement - bituminous cement - bituminized cement - bleeding cement - blended cement - bulk cement - calcium aluminate cement - clay cement - coarse-ground cement - coloured cement - early-strength cement - expanding portland cement - fast-setting cement - fibre cement - filling cement - fire cement - flooring cement - general purpose portland cement - grade of cement - gypsum cement - hardening of cement - high-early-strength cement - high-grade cement - high-speed cement - high-strength cement - hydraulic cement - hydraulic refractory cement - hydrophobic cement - ice cement - laboratory cement - leather cement - lime cement - liquid cement - loose cement - low-alkali cement - low-early-strength cement - low-grade cement - low-strength cement - masonry cement - mastic cement - mixed cement - moulded cement - natural cement - neat cement - nepheline cement - non-shrinking cement - nonstaining cement - normal portland cement - oil-well cement - oxychloride cement - pavement cement - plain cement - plastic roof cement - porcelain cement - portland masonry cement - portland-pozzolana cement - portland-pozzolanic cement - portland-slag cement - quick-setting cement - rapid-setting cement - refractory cement - resin emulsion cement - retarded cement - road cement - Roman cement - rubber cement - rust cement - sacked cement - sand cement - selenite cement - self-stressing cement - set cement - shrinking of cement - slag cement - slag-lime cement - slag portland cement - slow cement - soil cement - Sorel cement - special cement - staining cement - standard cement - straight cement - sub-standard cement - sulpho-aluminous cement - super-rapid hardening cement - trass cement - tufa cement - type I cement - type IA cement - type II cement - type III cement - type IV cement - type V cement - type IP cement - type IS cement - underwater cement - unsound cement - waterproof cement - water-repellent cement - water-retentive portland cement - weighted cement - white portland cement - wood cement* * *1. цемент; гидравлическое или минеральное вяжущее2. клей- adhesive cement
- air-entraining cement
- aluminous cement
- anchor cement
- antibacteria cement
- asbestos cement
- asphalt cement
- bagged cement
- baritic cement
- bauxite cement
- bituminous cement
- bituminous plastic cement
- blastfurnace cement
- bleeding cement
- blended cement
- blended Portland-PFA cement
- bonding cement
- bottled cement
- bottle cement
- calcium aluminate cement
- clay cement
- coarse ground cement
- coarse cement
- colored cement
- dry-packed concrete cement
- expanded cement
- extra-rapid hardening cement
- fast drying solvent cement
- fast-setting cement
- Ferrari cement
- fire cement
- flooring cement
- general purpose Portland cement
- gypsum cement
- high-alumina cement
- high-early-strength cement
- high-expansion cement
- high-grade cement
- high iron oxide cement
- high-strength cement
- hot cement
- hydrated cement
- hydraulic cement
- hydrophobic cement
- ice cement
- iron cement
- iron-ore cement
- iron-rust cement
- Keene's cement
- Lafarge cement
- lime-pozzolanic cement
- low-alkali cement
- low-grade cement
- low-heat-of-hydration cement
- low-heat cement
- magnesia cement
- magnesium oxychloride cement
- magnesium phosphate cement
- masonry cement
- natural cement
- nepheline cement
- nonshrinking cement
- normal Portland cement
- oil well cement
- ordinary Portland cement
- oxychloride cement
- Parker's cement
- phenolic-resin cement
- pigmented cement
- plain cement
- plastic roof cement
- polymer-modified cement
- Portland cement
- Portland-blastfurnace cement
- pozzolanic cement
- pozzolanic cement with pulverized-fuel ash
- quick-setting cement
- rapid-hardening cement
- rapid-setting cement
- refractory cement
- Roman cement
- roof cement
- rubber cement
- sacked cement
- slag cements
- slow setting cement
- soil cement
- specialty cements
- special cements
- sticky cement
- stove-lining asbestos cement
- sulfate resisting cement
- sulfoaluminate cement
- sulfur cement
- sulfur-asphalt cement
- trass cement
- type I cement
- type IA cement
- type II cement
- type IIA cement
- type III cement
- type IIIA cement
- type IV cement
- type V cement
- type Ip cement
- type Is cement
- underwater cement
- waterproofing cement
- waterproof cement
- white cement
См. также в других словарях:
Solid surface — is a man made material usually composed of marble dust, bauxite, acrylic or polyester resins and pigments. It is most frequently used for seamless countertop installations. Contents 1 Performance characteristics 2 Availability … Wikipedia
Polyester resin — Unsaturated Polyester Resin. The term generally used for unsaturated (means containing chemical double bonds) resins formed by the reaction of dibasic organic acids and polyhydric alcohols, basic component of SMC/BMC.Unsaturated polyesters are… … Wikipedia
Light activated resin — Light activated resins are one part translucent polymers that cure and quickly harden when exposed to specific light spectrums. The required wavelength for cure is specific to the resin chemistry. The resin remains liquid (thick, like syrup or… … Wikipedia
Vibratory finishing — is a process used to remove burrs from large numbers of relatively small workpieces.In this batch type operation, specially shaped abrasive pellets of nonmetallic or metallic media are placed in a Vibratory tumbler along with the parts to be… … Wikipedia
Model aircraft — A die cast Boeing 747 400 model. Model aircraft are flying or non flying models of existing or imaginary aircraft using a variety of materials including plastic, diecast metal, polystyrene, balsa wood, foam and fibreglass. Flying designs range… … Wikipedia
трансформатор с литой изоляцией — Сухой трансформатор, в котором основной изолирующей средой и теплоносителем служит электроизоляционный компаунд. [ГОСТ 16110 82] [http://www.rospol electro.ru/production transformers resin.htm] Трансформатор с литой изоляцией (без кожуха): 1… … Справочник технического переводчика
Ship model — This article is concerned primarily with static models. For operating models see model yachting or radio controlled boat, Model of a 19th century vessel in the Bishop Museum, Hawaii … Wikipedia
Military equipment of Turkey — The military equipment of Turkey includes a wide array of arms, artilleries, large surface vessels, cannons, armored vehicles, mortars, unmanned vehicles and many different equipments. Contents 1 Historical development 1.1 General 1.2 1923 1950 … Wikipedia
History of English billiards — English billiards is a two player game that is popular across the British Empire, where it is known simply as billiards. [ cite book last = Everton first = Clive authorlink = Clive Everton title = History of Snooker and Billiards publisher =… … Wikipedia
textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 … Universalium
Sand casting — Sand casting, also known as sand molded casting, is a metal casting process characterized by using sand as the mold material. It is relatively cheap and sufficiently refractory even for steel foundry use. A suitable bonding agent (usually clay)… … Wikipedia