• As a man lives, so shall he die; as a tree falls, so shall it lie - Как жил, так и умер (K)• Better die standing than live kneeling - Лучше смерть славная, чем жизнь позорная (Л)• Better die with honour than live in shame - Лучше смерть славная, чем жизнь позорная (Л)• Better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knee - Лучше смерть славная, чем жизнь позорная (Л)• Die is cast (thrown) (The) - Жребий брошен (Ж)• He that dies pays all debts - Смерть платит все долги (C)• He that liveth wickedly can hardly die honestly - Собаке - собачья смерть (C)• It's better to die with honor than to live in infamy - Бесчестье хуже смерти (Б), Лучше лишиться жизни, чем доброго имени (Л), Лучше смерть славная, чем жизнь позорная (Л)• Kings and queens must die, as well as you and I - Все под Богом ходим (B), Смерть не разбирает чина (C)• Man can die but (only) once (A) - Двум смертям не бывать, а одной не миновать b (Д), Один раз мать родила, один раз и умирать (O), Раньше смерти не умрешь (P)• Never say die - Век живи, век надейся (B)• No matter how much money you have, when you die, you must leave it - Умрем, так все останется (У)• Once born, once must die - Все под Богом ходим (B)• They die well that live well - Как жил, так и умер (K)• They that live longest must die - На смерть поруки нет (H), Час от часу, а к смерти ближе (4)• We die as we live - Как жил, так и умер (K)• You can't take it (money) with you when you die - Умрем, так все останется (У) -
2 риск
1) General subject: adventure, cast, chance, exposure (и), flutter (обыкн. в азартных играх), hazard, jeopardy, peril, risk, throw, danger2) Naval: venture3) Colloquial: lucky dip4) Rare: die5) Law: case of the die, cast of the die, hazard to life6) Psychology: risk-taking7) Oil: taking a chance, taking the risk8) Sakhalin energy glossary: hazard( Something with the potential to cause harm, for example a tank containing flammable material is a fire hazard.), risk (The likelihood of a specified undesired event occurring within a specified period or in specified circumstances. This is typically expressed as fatalities per year.)10) Quality control: hazard chance (опасности)11) oil&gas: measure of danger, probability of potential accidents, mathematical expectation of damage, risk = likelihood x consequences = L*C -
3 чистая случайность
1) General subject: luck of the draw (Pure chance, as in It isn't anyone's fault it's just the luck of the draw (The American Heritage Dictionary)), pure accident, cross and pile, the long arm of coincidence, mere chance, pure luck, sheer luck2) Mathematics: perfect randomness (pure)3) Law: inevitable casualty4) Economy: pure chance5) Diplomatic term: cast of the die6) Information technology: play of pure chance7) Makarov: cross or pile, mere accidentУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > чистая случайность
4 случайность
1) General subject: Happenstance (A combination of "Happen" and "Circumstance". Пример: "It was by happenstance that I came by here today."), accident, accidental, chance, contingency, eventuality, (счастливая) fluke, fortuity, hap, hapchance, haphazard, happenchance, incident, occasionality, odd, odd (и т.п.), peradventure, casualness, casuality2) Philosophy: affection3) Bookish: fortuitousness4) Mathematics: incidental, random nature5) Mining: emergency6) Diplomatic term: cast of the die7) Psychology: casualty, contingence, fortune8) Jargon: snafu9) Information technology: play of chance10) Oil: randomness11) Special term: randomnicity12) Quality control: absence of pattern (напр. выбора изделий для контроля)13) Psychoanalysis: (чистая) haphazard14) Makarov: hazard -
5 шанс
1) General subject: a sporting chance (of success), chance, hazard, pot luck, prospect3) Economy: fortune4) Accounting: opportunity5) Australian slang: crack6) Diplomatic term: cast of the die7) Jargon: (чей-то) cut, flyer, prayer (всегда в отриц. смысле), squeak, stab, whack, (случай) break, go9) West Indies: bly -
6 чистый случайность
7 чистая случайность
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > чистая случайность
8 жребий брошен
- Хорошо ли, дурно ли мы поступили, это другой вопрос; но жребий брошен, - сказал он, переходя с русского на французский язык, - и мы связаны на всю жизнь. (Л. Толстой, Анна Каренина) — 'Whether we have acted rightly or wrongly is another question, but the die is cast,' he said, passing from Russian to French, 'and we are bound together for life.'
9 бросать жребий
бросал жребий; бросленный жребий — drawn lots
Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > бросать жребий
10 жребий брошен
взгляд, брошенный искоса — a slink of the eye
бросал в бой; брошенный в бой — thrown into the fray
11 жребий брошен
12 жребий брошен
13 жребий брошен
1) General subject: the die is cast, the die is thrown2) Latin: alea jacta est, jacta alea est, alea iacta est (сказано Цезарем при переходе Рубикона и означает проход точки после которой возврата нет)3) Religion: jacta alea est (Latin for "the die is cast")4) Makarov: alea jacta -
14 бросать жребий
1. decide by tossбросать жребий; решать жеребьевкой — decide by toss
бросать жребий, решать жеребьёвкой — to decide by toss
2. draw lots3. toss a coin4. cast lots -
15 Ж-84
ЖРЕБИЙ БРОШЕН lit (sent Invar fixed WOa decision has been made and cannot be revokedthe die is cast.(Тузенбах:) Жребий брошен. Вы знаете, Мария Сергеевна, я подал в отставку (Чехов 5). (Т.:) The die is cast. You know, Maria Sergeyevna, I have sent in my resignation (5a).A translation of the Latin alea iacta est, ascribed to Julius Caesar. -
16 жребий брошен
• ЖРЕБИЙ БРОШЕН lit[sent; Invar; fixed WO]=====⇒ a decision has been made and cannot be revoked:- the die is cast.♦ [Тузенбах:] Жребий брошен. Вы знаете, Мария Сергеевна, я подал в отставку (Чехов 5). [Т.:] The die is cast. You know, Maria Sergeyevna, I have sent in my resignation (5a).—————← A translation of the Latin alea iacta est, ascribed to Julius Caesar.Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > жребий брошен
17 поставить на карту
1) General subject: (что-л.) lay down at stake, (что-л.) lay set at stake, (что-л.) put (smth.) on the line, put on a cast, set on a cast, set on stake, (что-л.) set upon the die, stake, stake on a cast2) Set phrase: stake (smth.)3) Makarov: (какую-л.) play a cardУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > поставить на карту
18 жребий
м.lot; (перен. тж.) fate, destinyбросать жребий — throw* / cast* lots
тянуть жребий — draw* lots
жребий брошен — the die is cast -
19 жребий
м.1) ( предмет жеребьёвки) lotброса́ть жре́бий — throw / cast lots pl
тяну́ть жре́бий — draw lots
жре́бий пал на него́ — the lot fell to him
2) уст. (судьба, участь) fate, destiny••жре́бий бро́шен — the die is cast
20 жребий жреби·й
1) lot, ticketбросать / тянуть жребий — to cast / to draw / to throw lots
жребий брошен — the die is thrown / cast / drawn
2) (судьба) fate, lot
См. также в других словарях:
the die is cast — 1. An irrevocable step has been taken 2. There is no turning back now • • • Main Entry: ↑die * * * an event has happened or a decision has been made that cannot be changed * * * the die is cast see ↑die, 2 • • • Main Entry: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
The die is cast — may refer to:* The Die is Cast ( DS9 episode), a third season episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine * Alea iacta est, translated as the die is cast, what Julius Caesar is reported to have said on January 10, 49 BC as he led his army across the… … Wikipedia
The die is cast — Die Die, n.; pl. in 1 and (usually) in 2, {Dice} (d[=i]s); in 4 & 5, {Dies} (d[=i]z). [OE. dee, die, F. d[ e], fr. L. datus given, thrown, p. p. of dare to give, throw. See {Date} a point of time.] 1. A small cube, marked on its faces with spots… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
(the) die is cast — the die is cast phrase used for saying that an event or decision cannot be changed and will have an important effect on the future Thesaurus: unlikely or impossible to changesynonym Main entry: die * * * the die is cast idiom ( … Useful english dictionary
the die is cast — ► the die is cast an event has happened that cannot be changed. Main Entry: ↑die … English terms dictionary
The Die is Cast — ST episode series = Deep Space Nine name = The Die is Cast Garak interrogates Odo. ep num = 67 prod num = 467 date = May 1, 1995 writer = Ronald D. Moore director = David Livingston guest = Andrew J. Robinson as Garak Paul Dooley as Enabran Tain… … Wikipedia
(the) die is cast — a decision is made that cannot be changed. When the first shot was fired, the die was cast and a revolution began. Etymology: based on the idea that after you cast (= throw) a die (= small square block with a number on each side) you cannot… … New idioms dictionary
The Cast of the Angler — This was a UCLA student film project produced, written, and directed by Thomas Farr and Jeff Klein in 1984. It was filmed on a $10,000 budget. The film stars Gordon Goodman as Arthur Curry/ Aquaman, Linda Phillips as Dr. Katey King, and Steve… … Wikipedia
the die has been cast — Meaning An irrevocable choice has been made. Origin The die here is the singular of dice. Julius Caesar is supposed to have spoken this phrase when crossing the Rubicon … Meaning and origin of phrases
the die is cast — the issue is determined, the decision has been made, the subject is already decided … English contemporary dictionary
To turn the die — Turn Turn (t[^u]rn), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Turned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Turning}.] [OE. turnen, tournen, OF. tourner, torner, turner, F. tourner, LL. tornare, fr. L. tornare to turn in a lathe, to rounds off, fr. tornus a lathe, Gr. ? a turner s… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English