1 cash operation
Экономика: биржевая сделка за наличные -
2 cash operation
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > cash operation
3 cash operation
расчетно-кассовая операция; биржевая сделка за наличные -
4 operation
n1) действие; работа2) торговая или финансовая операция; сделка3) разработка, эксплуатация4) технологическая операция; процесс; цикл обработки5) режим работы6) амер. управление
- administration operation
- agency operation
- air-express operation
- air-freight operations
- air-passenger operations
- assembly operations
- automated operation
- automatic operation
- auxiliary operations
- banking operation
- barter operation
- basic operation
- bear operation
- bearish operation
- black-market operation
- boiler-room operation
- bookkeeping operation
- bull operation
- bullish operation
- calculating operation
- capacity operations
- cargo operation
- cargo-handling operations
- cash operation
- census operation
- charter operations
- checking operation
- cheque operation
- clearing operation
- commercial operation
- commission banking operations
- computer operation
- computing operation
- concurrent operation
- congested operation
- consignment operation
- construction operations
- continuous operation
- contract operations
- conversion operation
- credit operation
- current operation
- current account operation
- customs operation
- day-to-day operations
- dependable operation
- deposit operation
- discharging operations
- dock operations
- documentary credit operations
- double-barelled loan operation
- double-shift operation
- efficient operation
- exchange operation
- exploration operation
- export operation
- express operations
- external operation
- fabrication operation
- fail-safe operation
- failure-free operation
- farm operations
- faultless operation
- fiduciary operations
- field operations
- financial operation
- financing operation
- fine-tuning operations
- finishing operation
- foreign operations
- foreign exchange operation
- foreign trade operations
- forward operation
- franchising operation
- full time operation
- full-capacity operation
- fund exchange operation
- funding operation
- future operation
- guaranteed operation
- handling operations
- harvesting operations
- hedging operation
- housekeeping operations
- incentive operation
- independent operation
- individual operation
- initial operation
- insurance operation
- integrated operation
- intermediate trade operation
- international operation
- inventory operations
- invisible operation
- job shop operation
- joint operation
- lending operations
- licensing operation
- loading operations
- loading and discharging operations
- loading and unloading operations
- loan operation
- loss operation
- machine operation
- machining operation
- main operation
- major operation
- maritime transport operations
- marketing operations
- mathematical operation
- maximization operation
- mechanized operation
- merchandising operations
- minimization operation
- mining operations
- monetary operations
- multitask operation
- multiple shift operation
- multishift operation
- no-failure operation
- nonproductive operations
- normal operation
- off-balance sheet operations
- off-line operation
- offshore operation
- one-shift operation
- on-line operation
- onward switching operations
- open-market operations
- open-pit operation
- panel operation
- part time operation
- plant operation
- processing operation
- production operation
- production-scale operation
- production-type operation
- productive operation
- progressive operation
- proper operation
- purchasing operation
- quay operations
- rational operation
- real-time operation
- reexport operation
- reimport operation
- reliable operation
- remittance operation
- resale operation
- rescue operation
- routine operations
- sales operations
- salvage operations
- seasonal operations
- second shift operation
- semi-automated operation
- serial operation
- service operation
- settlement operation
- short-term operation
- slack operation
- small-scale operations
- smooth operation
- smoothing operation
- speculative operation
- start-up operations
- steady operation
- stevedoring operations
- stock exchange operations
- swap operation
- trade operations
- trading operations
- tramp operations
- transfer operations
- trial operation
- trouble-free operation
- trouble-proof operation
- two-shift operation
- turn-key operation
- uninterrupted operation
- unloading operations
- warehousing operations
- operation in futures
- operation of a business
- operation of circumstances
- operation of collection
- operation of economy
- operation of equipment
- operation of an exhibition
- operation of a machine
- operation of multilateral tax treaties
- operation of a plant
- operation of premises
- operations on the stock exchange
- in operation
- under operation
- be in operation
- be out of operation
- begin operations
- bring into operation
- carry out operations
- cease operations
- close operations
- come into operation
- commence operations
- conduct operations
- execute financial operations
- go into operation
- handle operations
- hold up operations
- interfere with operations
- interrupt operations
- monitor operations
- perform operations
- place into operation
- provide normal operation
- put into operation
- put out of operation
- suspend operations
- wind down operationsEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > operation
5 operation
1) действие; работа2) торговая или финансовая операция; сделка•Several foreign banks have wound down their operations over the past couple of years. — Несколько зарубежных банков свернули свою работу за последние пару лет.
6 operation
1) действие; работа; эксплуатация; функционирование2) торговля; финансовая операция; сделка3) учётно-счётная операция4) (технологическая) операция, цикл обработки5) ведение хозяйственной деятельности (напр. производственной); (оперативное) управление производством6) амер. управление (машиной), приведение в действие7) pl мор. обработка грузов8) установка; цех; предприятие (с непрерывным процессом производства)9) мат. действие -
7 cash flow from operating activities
учет, фин. денежный поток от [по\] операционной [текущей\] деятельности, операционный денежный поток (поступления или платежи, связанные с операционной деятельностью предприятия, т. е. с производством и реализацией продукции)Syn:See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > cash flow from operating activities
8 cash and carry
фр. opération d'achat de titres au comptant et de vente de contrats à terme; cash and carry
исп. operación de compra de valores al contado y venta de contrtratos a término
«плати и уноси»; «наличные и уноси»
Метод хеджирования, заключающийся в продаже контрактов на рынке форвардных сделок и одновременной покупке ценных бумаг на рынке «спот» (рынке наличности). См. reverse cash and carry.
9 operation cash flow
10 cash flow from operation
Биржевой термин: поток денежных средств от операцийУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > cash flow from operation
11 cash flow operation
12 reverse cash and carry
фр. opération de vente de titres au comptant et d'achat de contrats à terme; reverse cash and carry
исп. operación de venta de valores al contado y compra de contratos a término
реверсивная (обратная) сделка плати и уноси
Метод хеджирования, заключающийся в продаже ценных бумаг на рынке спот и одновременной покупке форвардных контрактов. См. cash and carry.
Англо-русский словарь Финансы и долги > reverse cash and carry
13 subsidiary operation budget
English-Russian big medical dictionary > subsidiary operation budget
14 операция
жен. operation( в разл. знач.) день начала операции ≈ D-day воен. вести финансовые операции ≈ (обыкн. презр.) to financier заниматься финансовыми операциями ≈ to finance перенести операцию ≈ to have/undergo an operation;
to be operated( upon) сделать операцию ≈ to perform an operation валютная операция ≈ currency transaction наступательная операция ≈ offensiveопераци|я - ж. operation;
воен. (strategic) operation;
вчт. manipulation;
провести ~ю perform an operation;
десантная ~ landing operation;
банковская ~ фин. banking operation;
биржевые ~и exchange business sg. ;
бухгалтерская ~ accounting transaction;
валютная ~ currency transaction;
внедренческая ~ commissioning operation;
внешнеторговая ~ foreign trade operation;
денежная ~ monetary operation;
кассовая ~ cash payment;
кредитно-расчётная ~ crediting and settlement operation;
лизинговая ~ leasing transaction;
мелкая (торговая) ~ small-scale operation;
посредническая ~ agency operation;
товаро-обменная ~ barter;
транспортно-экспедиторская ~ forwarding operation;
финансовая ~ financial operation;
экспортно-импортная ~ export-import operation;
объём условных ~й бирж. volume of business;
~ фондовой биржи stock exchange operation.Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > операция
15 COD
1) Общая лексика: платеж по факту поставки (cash on delivery)2) Авиация: components operating and storage data3) Американизм: Change Of Direction4) Военный термин: Call Of Duty, carrier on-board delivery, carrier-on-deck, central ordnance depot, coherent optical device, communications operating directive, composite ordnance depot, contract operations data, current operations division5) Техника: crack opening displacement6) Шутливое выражение: Cup Of Demons7) Химия: Capacity On Demand, Crack Open Displacement, химическое потребление кислорода( ХПК) (Chemical Oxigen Demand)8) Экономика: оплата по доставке наложенным платежом9) Металлургия: Clean Out Door10) Оптика: catastrophic optical damage11) Сокращение: Carrier Onboard Delivery, Collect On Delivery; Cash On Delivery, Correction Of Deficiencies, Correction Of Deficiency, collect on delivery12) Физиология: Co Occurring Disorders, Condition On Discharge, Consumed Oxygen Demand13) Вычислительная техника: Connection Oriented Data, computer output data15) Банковское дело: оплата наличными в момент поставки (cash on delivery)16) Экология: chemical oxygen demand17) Деловая лексика: наложенный платёж (cash on delivery), уплата при доставке (cash on delivery, C.O.D.), почтовый сбор за доставку (collect on delivery)18) Нефтегазовая техника химическая потребность в кислороде19) Образование: content on demand20) Инвестиции: cash on delivery21) Полимеры: crack-opening displacement, cyclooctadiene22) Программирование: Crash On Demand23) Автоматика: customer oriented diagnostics24) Океанография: Credit On Deposit25) Макаров: ХПК, химическое потребление кислорода26) Расширение файла: Videotext file, Printer code definition file (Boxer/2), Program compiled code (FORTRAN), Datafile (Forecast Plus - MS Multiplan - StatPac Gold), Source code in assembler with original C code as comments (MS C), Code definition table (UUPC), Template source file (dBASE Application Generator)27) Логистика: commercial operation date28) Имена и фамилии: Charles Owen Dexter29) Аэропорты: Cody, Wyoming USA30) НАСА: Cockpit Only Deorbit -
16 CoD
1) Общая лексика: платеж по факту поставки (cash on delivery)2) Авиация: components operating and storage data3) Американизм: Change Of Direction4) Военный термин: Call Of Duty, carrier on-board delivery, carrier-on-deck, central ordnance depot, coherent optical device, communications operating directive, composite ordnance depot, contract operations data, current operations division5) Техника: crack opening displacement6) Шутливое выражение: Cup Of Demons7) Химия: Capacity On Demand, Crack Open Displacement, химическое потребление кислорода( ХПК) (Chemical Oxigen Demand)8) Экономика: оплата по доставке наложенным платежом9) Металлургия: Clean Out Door10) Оптика: catastrophic optical damage11) Сокращение: Carrier Onboard Delivery, Collect On Delivery; Cash On Delivery, Correction Of Deficiencies, Correction Of Deficiency, collect on delivery12) Физиология: Co Occurring Disorders, Condition On Discharge, Consumed Oxygen Demand13) Вычислительная техника: Connection Oriented Data, computer output data15) Банковское дело: оплата наличными в момент поставки (cash on delivery)16) Экология: chemical oxygen demand17) Деловая лексика: наложенный платёж (cash on delivery), уплата при доставке (cash on delivery, C.O.D.), почтовый сбор за доставку (collect on delivery)18) Нефтегазовая техника химическая потребность в кислороде19) Образование: content on demand20) Инвестиции: cash on delivery21) Полимеры: crack-opening displacement, cyclooctadiene22) Программирование: Crash On Demand23) Автоматика: customer oriented diagnostics24) Океанография: Credit On Deposit25) Макаров: ХПК, химическое потребление кислорода26) Расширение файла: Videotext file, Printer code definition file (Boxer/2), Program compiled code (FORTRAN), Datafile (Forecast Plus - MS Multiplan - StatPac Gold), Source code in assembler with original C code as comments (MS C), Code definition table (UUPC), Template source file (dBASE Application Generator)27) Логистика: commercial operation date28) Имена и фамилии: Charles Owen Dexter29) Аэропорты: Cody, Wyoming USA30) НАСА: Cockpit Only Deorbit -
17 cod
1) Общая лексика: платеж по факту поставки (cash on delivery)2) Авиация: components operating and storage data3) Американизм: Change Of Direction4) Военный термин: Call Of Duty, carrier on-board delivery, carrier-on-deck, central ordnance depot, coherent optical device, communications operating directive, composite ordnance depot, contract operations data, current operations division5) Техника: crack opening displacement6) Шутливое выражение: Cup Of Demons7) Химия: Capacity On Demand, Crack Open Displacement, химическое потребление кислорода( ХПК) (Chemical Oxigen Demand)8) Экономика: оплата по доставке наложенным платежом9) Металлургия: Clean Out Door10) Оптика: catastrophic optical damage11) Сокращение: Carrier Onboard Delivery, Collect On Delivery; Cash On Delivery, Correction Of Deficiencies, Correction Of Deficiency, collect on delivery12) Физиология: Co Occurring Disorders, Condition On Discharge, Consumed Oxygen Demand13) Вычислительная техника: Connection Oriented Data, computer output data15) Банковское дело: оплата наличными в момент поставки (cash on delivery)16) Экология: chemical oxygen demand17) Деловая лексика: наложенный платёж (cash on delivery), уплата при доставке (cash on delivery, C.O.D.), почтовый сбор за доставку (collect on delivery)18) Нефтегазовая техника химическая потребность в кислороде19) Образование: content on demand20) Инвестиции: cash on delivery21) Полимеры: crack-opening displacement, cyclooctadiene22) Программирование: Crash On Demand23) Автоматика: customer oriented diagnostics24) Океанография: Credit On Deposit25) Макаров: ХПК, химическое потребление кислорода26) Расширение файла: Videotext file, Printer code definition file (Boxer/2), Program compiled code (FORTRAN), Datafile (Forecast Plus - MS Multiplan - StatPac Gold), Source code in assembler with original C code as comments (MS C), Code definition table (UUPC), Template source file (dBASE Application Generator)27) Логистика: commercial operation date28) Имена и фамилии: Charles Owen Dexter29) Аэропорты: Cody, Wyoming USA30) НАСА: Cockpit Only Deorbit -
18 CO
1) Общая лексика: country office2) Военный термин: Chief of Ordnance, Contracting Officer, change order, checkout, chief officer, clerical officer, combined operations, command operations, command orders, commanding officer, commando operations, communications officer, conscientious objector, control officer, corporate office, cypher office3) Техника: cavity oscillator, chain overseas, check open, circulated-out, cleaning-out, confirmatory order, country officer, crystal-controlled oscillator, current order4) Химия: угарный газ5) Железнодорожный термин: CSX Transportation Incorporated6) Юридический термин: City Ordinance7) Бухгалтерия: Charge Off8) Телекоммуникации: Connection-Oriented, Центральная телефонная станция ( ЦТС)9) Сокращение: Carbon Monoxide, Colombia (NATO country code), Colorado (US state), Commissioner's Office, Corsican, castor oil, classifier overflow, continental, cardiac output, Air Post Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Cabinet Office, Call-Out, Captain Obvious, Captive Office (Nortel), Cargo Oil, Cargo Operations, Case Operations, Cash Out (mortgage refinancing), Caucasian Ovtcharka (dog breed), Cellular One, Central Office (telecommunications/telephony), Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of Origin, Certified Orthotist (ABC), Certifying Officer, Charlotte Observer (newspaper), Chief Operator, Chill Out, Chinese Orchestra, Ciceronian Oration, Clean Out (sewers/drains), Clerical Officer (obsolete, now AO), Clothes Optional, Coastal Chart, Collection Officer, Colombia, Colton (blood group), Columbia Orchestra (Ellicott City, MD), Combat (game, Natural Selection), Combat Aptitude Area, Combinatorics and Optimization (field of pure mathematics), Comercializadora de Occidente SA (Guatemala), Comitissa (Latin: Countess, Codices And Manuscripts), Command, Command Outpost, Command Output, Commissioned Officer, Commitment to Perform (common feature; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Community Organizer (Philippines), Como (Lombardia, Italy), Complain Of, Compliance, Compliance Officer, Compliance Order, Conan O'Brien, Conference, Congregation of the Oratory, Oratorians (religious order), Conseiller d'Orientation (French), Consent Order, Conservation Operations, Consoleone (Novell GUI), Consolidated Obligation, Constraint Oriented, Consumer Ombudsman (UK), Continental Airlines (airline code), Contracting Official, Controlling, Convert Out, Core Operation(s), Cornish (linguistics), Correction Officer, Correctional Officer, Covert Operations (gaming), Current Operations, Custodial Officer, Cutoff10) Электроника: Crystal Oscillator11) Вычислительная техника: Connection Oriented (CL), Check Out (RCS), Central Office (Telephony)12) Нефть: circulate oil, circulated out, cleaning out, crude oil, вынесенный на поверхность при циркуляции (circulated-out), прочистка (cleaning-out), сырая нефть (crude oil)13) Связь: Connection Oriented / Central Office14) Картография: camping ground15) Банковское дело: предъявительская тратта (cash order), платёжное поручение (cash order)16) Фирменный знак: Canon17) Экология: двуокись углерода, окись углерода, углекислый газ, угольный ангидрид18) СМИ: Clockwork Orange19) Деловая лексика: Contractual Obligation20) Бурение: очистка (cleaning out; забоя от песка), чистка скважины (cleaning out)21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: carbon oxide, chemical abbreviation for carbon monoxide CO22) Аудит: Code of Obligations23) Инвестиции: cash order24) Сетевые технологии: central office25) Полимеры: change over, close-open, полиэпихлоргидрин26) Контроль качества: check-out27) Пластмассы: Epichlorohydrin Rubber (Homopolymer)28) Химическое оружие: contracting officer (DTRA)29) Авиационная медицина: center of gravity30) Нефть и газ: pump cooling oil supply, СО31) Собаководство: Caucasian Ovcharka32) Должность: Corrections Officer, Crematory Operator, Customization Operator33) Федеральное бюро расследований: Columbia Field Office -
19 Co
1) Общая лексика: country office2) Военный термин: Chief of Ordnance, Contracting Officer, change order, checkout, chief officer, clerical officer, combined operations, command operations, command orders, commanding officer, commando operations, communications officer, conscientious objector, control officer, corporate office, cypher office3) Техника: cavity oscillator, chain overseas, check open, circulated-out, cleaning-out, confirmatory order, country officer, crystal-controlled oscillator, current order4) Химия: угарный газ5) Железнодорожный термин: CSX Transportation Incorporated6) Юридический термин: City Ordinance7) Бухгалтерия: Charge Off8) Телекоммуникации: Connection-Oriented, Центральная телефонная станция ( ЦТС)9) Сокращение: Carbon Monoxide, Colombia (NATO country code), Colorado (US state), Commissioner's Office, Corsican, castor oil, classifier overflow, continental, cardiac output, Air Post Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Cabinet Office, Call-Out, Captain Obvious, Captive Office (Nortel), Cargo Oil, Cargo Operations, Case Operations, Cash Out (mortgage refinancing), Caucasian Ovtcharka (dog breed), Cellular One, Central Office (telecommunications/telephony), Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of Origin, Certified Orthotist (ABC), Certifying Officer, Charlotte Observer (newspaper), Chief Operator, Chill Out, Chinese Orchestra, Ciceronian Oration, Clean Out (sewers/drains), Clerical Officer (obsolete, now AO), Clothes Optional, Coastal Chart, Collection Officer, Colombia, Colton (blood group), Columbia Orchestra (Ellicott City, MD), Combat (game, Natural Selection), Combat Aptitude Area, Combinatorics and Optimization (field of pure mathematics), Comercializadora de Occidente SA (Guatemala), Comitissa (Latin: Countess, Codices And Manuscripts), Command, Command Outpost, Command Output, Commissioned Officer, Commitment to Perform (common feature; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Community Organizer (Philippines), Como (Lombardia, Italy), Complain Of, Compliance, Compliance Officer, Compliance Order, Conan O'Brien, Conference, Congregation of the Oratory, Oratorians (religious order), Conseiller d'Orientation (French), Consent Order, Conservation Operations, Consoleone (Novell GUI), Consolidated Obligation, Constraint Oriented, Consumer Ombudsman (UK), Continental Airlines (airline code), Contracting Official, Controlling, Convert Out, Core Operation(s), Cornish (linguistics), Correction Officer, Correctional Officer, Covert Operations (gaming), Current Operations, Custodial Officer, Cutoff10) Электроника: Crystal Oscillator11) Вычислительная техника: Connection Oriented (CL), Check Out (RCS), Central Office (Telephony)12) Нефть: circulate oil, circulated out, cleaning out, crude oil, вынесенный на поверхность при циркуляции (circulated-out), прочистка (cleaning-out), сырая нефть (crude oil)13) Связь: Connection Oriented / Central Office14) Картография: camping ground15) Банковское дело: предъявительская тратта (cash order), платёжное поручение (cash order)16) Фирменный знак: Canon17) Экология: двуокись углерода, окись углерода, углекислый газ, угольный ангидрид18) СМИ: Clockwork Orange19) Деловая лексика: Contractual Obligation20) Бурение: очистка (cleaning out; забоя от песка), чистка скважины (cleaning out)21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: carbon oxide, chemical abbreviation for carbon monoxide CO22) Аудит: Code of Obligations23) Инвестиции: cash order24) Сетевые технологии: central office25) Полимеры: change over, close-open, полиэпихлоргидрин26) Контроль качества: check-out27) Пластмассы: Epichlorohydrin Rubber (Homopolymer)28) Химическое оружие: contracting officer (DTRA)29) Авиационная медицина: center of gravity30) Нефть и газ: pump cooling oil supply, СО31) Собаководство: Caucasian Ovcharka32) Должность: Corrections Officer, Crematory Operator, Customization Operator33) Федеральное бюро расследований: Columbia Field Office -
20 co
1) Общая лексика: country office2) Военный термин: Chief of Ordnance, Contracting Officer, change order, checkout, chief officer, clerical officer, combined operations, command operations, command orders, commanding officer, commando operations, communications officer, conscientious objector, control officer, corporate office, cypher office3) Техника: cavity oscillator, chain overseas, check open, circulated-out, cleaning-out, confirmatory order, country officer, crystal-controlled oscillator, current order4) Химия: угарный газ5) Железнодорожный термин: CSX Transportation Incorporated6) Юридический термин: City Ordinance7) Бухгалтерия: Charge Off8) Телекоммуникации: Connection-Oriented, Центральная телефонная станция ( ЦТС)9) Сокращение: Carbon Monoxide, Colombia (NATO country code), Colorado (US state), Commissioner's Office, Corsican, castor oil, classifier overflow, continental, cardiac output, Air Post Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Cabinet Office, Call-Out, Captain Obvious, Captive Office (Nortel), Cargo Oil, Cargo Operations, Case Operations, Cash Out (mortgage refinancing), Caucasian Ovtcharka (dog breed), Cellular One, Central Office (telecommunications/telephony), Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of Origin, Certified Orthotist (ABC), Certifying Officer, Charlotte Observer (newspaper), Chief Operator, Chill Out, Chinese Orchestra, Ciceronian Oration, Clean Out (sewers/drains), Clerical Officer (obsolete, now AO), Clothes Optional, Coastal Chart, Collection Officer, Colombia, Colton (blood group), Columbia Orchestra (Ellicott City, MD), Combat (game, Natural Selection), Combat Aptitude Area, Combinatorics and Optimization (field of pure mathematics), Comercializadora de Occidente SA (Guatemala), Comitissa (Latin: Countess, Codices And Manuscripts), Command, Command Outpost, Command Output, Commissioned Officer, Commitment to Perform (common feature; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Community Organizer (Philippines), Como (Lombardia, Italy), Complain Of, Compliance, Compliance Officer, Compliance Order, Conan O'Brien, Conference, Congregation of the Oratory, Oratorians (religious order), Conseiller d'Orientation (French), Consent Order, Conservation Operations, Consoleone (Novell GUI), Consolidated Obligation, Constraint Oriented, Consumer Ombudsman (UK), Continental Airlines (airline code), Contracting Official, Controlling, Convert Out, Core Operation(s), Cornish (linguistics), Correction Officer, Correctional Officer, Covert Operations (gaming), Current Operations, Custodial Officer, Cutoff10) Электроника: Crystal Oscillator11) Вычислительная техника: Connection Oriented (CL), Check Out (RCS), Central Office (Telephony)12) Нефть: circulate oil, circulated out, cleaning out, crude oil, вынесенный на поверхность при циркуляции (circulated-out), прочистка (cleaning-out), сырая нефть (crude oil)13) Связь: Connection Oriented / Central Office14) Картография: camping ground15) Банковское дело: предъявительская тратта (cash order), платёжное поручение (cash order)16) Фирменный знак: Canon17) Экология: двуокись углерода, окись углерода, углекислый газ, угольный ангидрид18) СМИ: Clockwork Orange19) Деловая лексика: Contractual Obligation20) Бурение: очистка (cleaning out; забоя от песка), чистка скважины (cleaning out)21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: carbon oxide, chemical abbreviation for carbon monoxide CO22) Аудит: Code of Obligations23) Инвестиции: cash order24) Сетевые технологии: central office25) Полимеры: change over, close-open, полиэпихлоргидрин26) Контроль качества: check-out27) Пластмассы: Epichlorohydrin Rubber (Homopolymer)28) Химическое оружие: contracting officer (DTRA)29) Авиационная медицина: center of gravity30) Нефть и газ: pump cooling oil supply, СО31) Собаководство: Caucasian Ovcharka32) Должность: Corrections Officer, Crematory Operator, Customization Operator33) Федеральное бюро расследований: Columbia Field Office
См. также в других словарях:
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