1 cascading failures
каскадные отказы
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cascading failures
2 cascading failures
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cascading failures
3 cascading failures
каскадные аварии; каскадные поврежденияАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > cascading failures
4 cascading failures
5 каскадные аварии
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > каскадные аварии
6 каскадные повреждения
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > каскадные повреждения
7 каскадные аварии
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > каскадные аварии
8 каскадные повреждения
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > каскадные повреждения
9 failure
1) разрушение; поломка; повреждение; выход из строя: авария2) отказ; сбой; неисправность4) мех. потеря несущей способности5) горн. обрушение6) недостаточность; нарушение•at failure — при разрушении;failure by buckling — разрушение в результате потери устойчивости;by rupture failure — разрушение в результате среза (напр. заклепок); разрушение при сдвиге;due to a mechanical failure — вследствие отказа механизма;failure following resonance — разрушение ( воздушного судна) вследствие резонанса;to carry test to failure — доводить испытание до разрушения ( образца);to localize the failure — локализовывать повреждение, определять место повреждения;failure to trip — отказ в срабатывании ( релейной системы)failure of dam — 1. прорыв плотины 2. прорыв дамбыfailure of lubricating film — разрыв масляной плёнкиfailure of oscillations — срыв генерацииfailure of power — аварийное прекращение подачи электроэнергии-
accelerated failure
actual failure
additional failure
adolescent failure
ageing failure
air brake failure
aircraft electrical failure
airframe failure
alarmed failure
bearing failure
bench-test failure
bending failure
bond failure
brittle failure
buckling failure
bulk failure
cascading failures
catastrophic failure
chance failure
cleavage failure
clutch plate burst failure
cockpit failure
cohesional failure of adhesive
cohesive failure
column failure
common failure
commutation failure
complete failure
compression failure
cone failure
conical failure
contamination failure
corrosion failure
creep failure
critical failure
critical single system failure
degradation failure
dependent failure
detectable failure
device operating failure
docking failure
dormant failure
downhole failure
drift failure
drill failure
ductile failure
ductile-brittle failure
early failure
effective failure
elastic failure
electrical failure
electric failure
electrical equipment failure
electromigration failure
end failure
endurance failure
engine failure
expected failure
fatigue airframe failure
fatigue failure
field failure
field-test failure
filament failure
first failure
flat-type failure
flow failure
foundation failure
fracture failure
gradual failure
gross failure
hard failure
hardening failures
hidden failure
ice failure
ignition failure
independent failure
inherent weakness failure
in-house failure
initial failure
in-plant failure
in-service failure
insulation failure
interfacial failure of adhesive
intermittent failure
in-warranty failure
latent failure
life-limiting failure
lining failure
machine tool failure
major failure
man-made failure
minor failure
misuse failure
momentary circuit failure
monotone failure
multiple component failures
multiple failure
nonrelevant failure
oblique failure
off failure
on failure
open-circuit failure
open failure
operational failure
overload failure
overstress airframe failure
parity failure
partial failure
passive failure
permanent failure
picture failure
pinhole failures
piping failure
plant failure
power failure
premature failure
pressure failure
primary failure
progressive failure
propagating failures
random failure
relevant failure
repeated failure
rock failure
rogue failure
roof failure
rotor failure
seal failure
secondary failure
separation failure
shearing failure
shear failure
shielding failure
short-circuit failure
short failure
short-duration failure
signal failure
simulated engine failure
single failure
single system failure
soft failure
spalling failure
stable failure
stage-by-stage failure
static failure
stress corrosion failure
sudden failure
surface failure
sustained failure
tensile failure
tire cracking failure
tool failure
top failure
torsional failure
torsion failure
transient failure
tuyere failure
unalarmed failure
undetectable failure
unexplainable failure
vacuum failure
voltage failure
wear-out failure
wear failure
См. также в других словарях:
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