1 carry current
ток переноса; ток носителейpatient functional current — ток, проходящий через пациента
2 carry current
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > carry current
3 carry current
4 carry current
Вычислительная техника: ток носителей, ток переноса -
5 carry current
1) ток переносаEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > carry current
6 carry current
English-Russian dictionary of computer science > carry current
7 carry
1) нанашивать
2) доводить до
3) нести
4) носить
5) перевозить
6) переносить
– accumulative carry
– binary carry
– block carry
– carry a light
– carry certificate
– carry circuit
– carry current
– carry delay
– carry digit
– carry flip-flop
– carry gate
– carry is generated
– carry line
– carry loads
– carry off dust
– carry off smoke
– carry out a test
– carry out analysis
– carry out experiment
– carry output
– carry over
– carry passengers
– carry pulse
– carry suppression
– carry to completion
– carry to potential
– cascaded carry
– decimal carry
– delayed carry
– discard the carry
– end around carry
– end-around carry
– forward carry
– mass carry
– negative carry
– partial carry
– pick up and carry
– previous carry
– ripple-through carry
– self-instructed carry
– simultaneous carry
– single carry
– step-by-step carry
– suppress carry
stored carry multiplication — умножение с хранением переноса
8 carry
1) нести; носить2) перевозка; переноска || перевозить; переносить3) выдерживать; сопротивляться4) вчт перенос; цифра переноса; сигнал переноса5) проводить, выполнять•no carry — вчт отрицание переноса
to carry loads — энерг. питать потребителей
9 carry over
1. phr v переносить; делать переносcarry current — ток переноса; ток носителей
2. phr v бухг. переносить в другую графу, книгу, на другой счётcarry weight — иметь вес; иметь влияние
3. phr v переносить; откладыватьthese matters should be carried over for consideration at the next meeting — эти вопросы следует рассмотреть на следующем заседании
4. phr v привлекать на свою сторону5. phr v переходить; распространяться6. phr v пролонгироватьСинонимический ряд:adjourn (verb) adjourn; continue; extend; lengthen; postpone; prolong; suspend -
10 current
1) поток
2) водоток
3) текущий
4) токовой
5) токовый
6) значение тока
7) имеющийся
8) <electr.> сила тока
9) сложившийся
10) течение
11) общеупотребительный
– absorption current
– alternating current
– antenna current
– ascending current
– avalanche current
– back current
– beam current
– bias current
– biasing current
– black current
– bunched current
– capacitive current
– Caribbean Current
– carry current
– carrying current
– charging current
– conduction current
– constant current
– consumption current
– control current
– convection current
– current algebra
– current amplification
– current balance
– current build-up
– current check
– current circuit
– current collector
– current consumption
– current crowding
– current density
– current distribution
– current divider
– current divides
– current drain
– current efficiency
– current events
– current feedback
– current gain
– current inrush
– current installing
– current instruction
– current intensity
– current limiter
– current limiting
– current margin
– current meter
– current noise
– current overload
– current path
– current production
– current protection
– current receiver
– current regulation
– current relay
– current rise
– current saturation
– current sensitivity
– current sheet
– current stabilization
– current stabilizer
– current standards
– current supply
– current task
– current transformer
– current triangle
– current vector
– current velocity
– current wave
– dark current
– decaying current
– descending current
– direct current
– discharge current
– displacement current
– double current
– drift current
– drop-out current
– dynode current
– eddy current
– emission current
– erasing current
– exchange current
– exciting current
– external current
– extraneous current
– fault current
– fault-to-earth current
– feed current
– feedback current
– field current
– filament current
– forward current
– full-select current
– fusing current
– gas current
– grid current
– half-select current
– holding current
– hole current
– in-phase current
– in-rush current
– induce current
– inhibit current
– input current
– instantaneous current
– ion current
– Kuroshio current
– large-scale air current
– large-scale current
– latching current
– leakage current
– let-go current
– line current
– load current
– loop current
– loss current
– magnetizing current
– marking current
– no-load current
– noise current
– non-sinusoidal current
– operate current
– operating current
– oscillating current
– Oudin current
– output current
– overload current
– partial-select current
– peak current
– penetration of current
– photocathode current
– plasma current
– plate current
– polarization current
– polyphase current
– preionization current
– primary current
– pulsating current
– pyroelectric current
– quiescent current
– r f current
– random current
– rated current
– read current
– recombination current
– rectified current
– rectify current
– residual current
– ringing current
– roaming current
– root-mean-square current
– saturation current
– saw-tooth current
– sea current
– sea current meter
– secondary current
– selection current
– self-inductance current
– set of current
– short-circuit current
– space-charge current
– speaking current
– spurious current
– standing current
– starting current
– stray current
– stream current
– strong current
– sweep current
– synchronizing current
– telluric current
– test current
– thermionic current
– three-phase current
– to be current
– transient current
– tunnel current
– wandering current
– welding current
– white current
– word current
– write current
alternating current motor — электродвигатель переменнего тока
amplitude of tidal current — <geogr.> амплитуда приливного течения
current regulator tube — <tech.> барретер, барретор, барреттер, токостабилизатор
equation for alternating current — уравнение переменного тока
short circuit current — <electr.> ток короткого замыкания
South Equatorial Current — <geogr.> течение Южное Пассатное
space-charge limited current — <electr.> ток ограниченный пространственным зарядом
variable current transformer — трансформатор переменного тока
zero signal current — <electr.> ток покоя
11 current
2) текущая запись (напр., в базе данных)3) поток4) текущий•- carry current
- circulating current
- coincident currents
- control current
- current of realm
- current of record
- current of run-unit
- current of set
- cutoff current
- diffusion current
- digit current
- disturbing current
- drive current
- driving current
- excess current
- excitation current
- exciting current
- forward-bias current
- forward current
- full-select current
- half-select current
- half current
- inflection-point current
- inhibit current
- input current
- interrogate current
- leakage current
- lift off current
- load current
- loop current
- matching current
- offset current
- output current
- peak current
- peak-point current
- persistent current
- pulse current
- pumping current
- pump current
- quiescent current
- read current
- read-write current
- residualstored current
- reverse current
- selection current
- select current
- shift current
- standby current
- stored current
- summed current
- supply current
- surge current
- tunneling current
- valley-point current
- valley current
- word current
- write currentEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > current
12 carry to
служить носителем; переносить; перевозить; перемещать; нести; транспортировать; протекать; подключать; коммутироватьcarry current — ток переноса; ток носителей
to carry off — увести, унести; похитить
13 carry
carry electrical currentпроводить электрический токcarrying capacityгрузоподъемностьcarry loadнести нагрузкуcarry out a circuit of the aerodromeвыполнять круг полета над аэродромомcarry out a landingвыполнять посадкуcarry out communicationподдерживать связьcarry out dutyвыполнять обязанностиcarry out the flightвыполнять полетcarry out trainingвыполнять подготовкуcarry stressнести нагрузкуEuropean Air carries AssemblyАссамблея европейских авиаперевозчиков -
14 carry
carry electrical currentпроводить электрический токcarrying capacityгрузоподъемностьcarry loadнести нагрузкуcarry out a circuit of the aerodromeвыполнять круг полета над аэродромомcarry out a landingвыполнять посадкуcarry out communicationподдерживать связьcarry out dutyвыполнять обязанностиcarry out the flightвыполнять полетcarry out trainingвыполнять подготовкуcarry stressнести нагрузкуEuropean Air carries AssemblyАссамблея европейских авиаперевозчиков -
15 current
current nтокairline current assetsоборотные фонды авиакомпанииalternating currentпеременный токamplify currentусиливать токcarry electrical currentпроводить электрический токcharge currentзарядный токcurrent assessmentдолевой взносcurrent flight planтекущий план полетаcurrent geographical positionгеографическое положение на данный моментcurrent legтекущий участок маршрутаcurrent meteorological reportтекущая метеорологическая сводкаcurrent noise technology standardдействующий технологический стандарт по шумуcurrent ratingдействующая квалификационная отметкаdescending currentнисходящий токdirect currentпостоянный токdischarge currentразрядный токdownward currentнисходящий потокdrop-out currentминимальный ток отключенияelectric currentэлектрический токholding currentток удержанияload currentток нагрузкиoperating currentрабочий токpickup currentпиковый токreverse currentобратный токrising currentвосходящий токstarting currentпусковой токtwo-phase currentдвухфазный токupward currentвосходящий поток -
16 current-carrying capacity
(длительный) допустимый ток
Максимальное значение электрического тока, который может протекать длительно по проводнику, устройству или аппарату при определенных условиях без превышения определенного значения их температуры в установившемся режиме
[ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60050-826-2009]
Этот ток обозначают IZ
[ ГОСТ Р 50571. 1-2009 ( МЭК 60364-1: 2005)]EN
(continuous) current-carrying capacity
ampacity (US)
maximum value of electric current which can be carried continuously by a conductor, a device or an apparatus, under specified conditions without its steady-state temperature exceeding a specified value
[IEV number 826-11-13]
The current in amperes that a conductor can carry continuously under the conditions of use without exceeding its temperature rating.
[National Electrical Cod]FR
courant (permanent) admissible, m
valeur maximale du courant électrique qui peut parcourir en permanence, un conducteur, un dispositif ou un appareil, sans que sa température de régime permanent, dans des conditions données, soit supérieure à la valeur spécifiée
[IEV number 826-11-13]Ampacity, the term is defined as the maximum amount of current a cable can carry before sustaining immediate or progressive deterioration. Also described as current rating or current-carrying capacity, is the RMS electric current which a device can continuously carry while remaining within its temperature rating. The ampacity of a cable depends on:
- its insulation temperature rating;
- conductor electrical properties for current;
- frequency, in the case of alternating currents;
- ability to dissipate heat, which depends on cable geometry and its surroundings;
- ambient temperature.
Electric wires have some resistance, and electric current flowing through them causes voltage drop and power dissipation, which heats the cable. Copper or aluminum can conduct a large amount of current before melting, but long before the conductors melt, their insulation would be damaged by the heat.
The ampacity for a power cable is thus based on physical and electrical properties of the material & construction of the conductor and of its insulation, ambient temperature, and environmental conditions adjacent to the cable. Having a large overall surface area may dissipate heat well if the environment can absorb the heat.
In a long run of cable, different conditions govern, and installation regulations normally specify that the most severe condition along the run governs the cable's rating. Cables run in wet or oily locations may carry a lower temperature rating than in a dry installation. Derating is necessary for multiple circuits in close proximity. When multiple cables are near, each contributes heat to the others and diminishes the amount of cooling air that can flow past the individual cables. The overall ampacity of the insulated conductors in a bundle of more than 3 must be derated, whether in a raceway or cable. Usually the de-rating factor is tabulated in a nation's wiring regulations.
Depending on the type of insulating material, common maximum allowable temperatures at the surface of the conductor are 60, 75 and 90 degrees Celsius, often with an ambient air temperature of 30°C. In the U.S., 105°C is allowed with ambient of 40°C, for larger power cables, especially those operating at more than 2 kV. Likewise, specific insulations are rated 150, 200 or 250°C.
The allowed current in cables generally needs to be decreased (derated) when the cable is covered with fireproofing material.
For example, the United States National Electric Code, Table 310-16, specifies that up to three 8 AWG copper wires having a common insulating material (THWN) in a raceway, cable, or direct burial has an ampacity of 50 A when the ambient air is 30°C, the conductor surface temperature allowed to be 75°C. A single insulated conductor in air has 70 A rating.
Ampacity rating is normally for continuous current, and short periods of overcurrent occur without harm in most cabling systems. The acceptable magnitude and duration of overcurrent is a more complex topic than ampacity.
When designing an electrical system, one will normally need to know the current rating for the following:- Wires
- Printed Circuit Board traces, where included
- Fuses
- Circuit breakers
- All or nearly all components used
Some devices are limited by power rating, and when this power rating occurs below their current limit, it is not necessary to know the current limit to design a system. A common example of this is lightbulb holders.
- электротехника, основные понятия
- Dauerstrombelastbarkeit, f
- Strombelastbarkeit, f
- courant admissible, m
- courant permanent admissible, m
предельно допустимый ток
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
прочность печатной платы к токовой нагрузке
Свойство печатной платы сохранять электрические и механические характеристики после воздействия максимально допустимой токовой нагрузки на печатный проводник или металлизированное отверстие печатной платы.
[ ГОСТ Р 53386-2009]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > current-carrying capacity
17 carry
1. IIcarry in some manner1) the sound (the report of the guns, etc.) carried far звук и т. д. был слышен /разносился/ далеко; these guns won't carry so far эти орудия так далеко не бьют; this gun carried as far as the enemy ships снаряды из этого орудия долетали до кораблей неприятеля2) carry well хорошо переносить перевозку; delicate plants (ripe fruit, these wines, vegetables, etc.) will not carry well нежные растения и т. д. портятся при перевозке2. III1) carry smth., smb. carry one's books (a baby, a bunch of flowers, etc.) нести книги и т. д.; carry heavy loads (bags with sand, bundles of books, etc.) носить /таскать/ тяжелый груз и т. д.; carry passengers возить /перевозить/ пассажиров; the horse carries its rider лошадь несет всадника; run as fast as one's legs can carry one бежать со всех ног; the wires carry sound (current, etc.) звук и т. д. идет /передается/ по проводам; а boat (the lift, smb.'s car, etc.) carries only seven people лодка и т. д. рассчитана на /берет, вмещает/ только семь человек; railways and ships carry goods железные дороги и пароходы перевозят грузы; how much weight does the bridge -? на какую нагрузку рассчитан этот мост?2) carry smth. carry a purse (keys, a walking-stick, an umbrella, field-glasses, a camera, etc.) носить с собой кошелек и т. д., ходить с кошельком и т. д.; carry a gun (arms, a sword, a knife, a dagger, etc.) носить при себе ружье и т. д., быть вооруженным ружьем и т.д.; the ship carries guns корабль вооружен пушками; the ship carries sails корабль оснащен парусами3) carry smth. carry information (a message, new ideas, etc.) содержать сведения и т. д.',carry sense /meaning, content/ иметь смысл; the book (the article, the magazine, etc.) carries tables (diagrams, figures, etc.) в книге и т. д. приводятся таблицы и т. д., the papers carry weather reports (a large amount of advertising, etc.) газеты помещают сводки погоды и т. д; the journal carries a financial page в журнале имеется /есть/ страничка, посвященная новостям в финансовых сферах; the, papers carry reports of the attack газеты сообщают /в газетах есть сообщения/ об этом нападении4) carry smb. carry the audience (the people, the house, etc.) захватить, увлечь аудиторию / публику/ и т. д.; his speech carried the crowd толпа была воодушевлена его речью5) carry smth. carry the motion (the decision, the resolution, the bill, etc.) принимать предложение и т. д. || carry the elections одержать победу на выборах6) carry smth. carry hats (clothing for men, a nice line in stockings, etc.) иметь шляпы и т. д. в ассортименте, торговать шляпами и т. д.; do you carry men's shirts? у вас продаются мужские рубашки?7) carry smth. columns (pillars, piers, beams, etc.) carry the roof (the arch, the weight of the construction, etc.) колонны и т. д. несут крышу/служат опорой крыши/ и т. д.8) carry smth. carry authority (conviction) быть авторитетным (убедительным); his word carries great weight его слово имеет большой вес; this decision carries serious consequences это решение повлечет за собой серьезные последствия; you will carry the whole responsibility вы будете нести всю ответственность9) carry hay (corn) убирать сено (хлеб)3. IV1) carry smb., smth. somewhere carry the wounded men (the branches, the treasures, etc.) away уносить /увозить/ раненых и т. д.; carry away pleasant recollections /memories/ уносить /увозить/ с собой приятные воспоминания; carry death and destruction everywhere нести /сеять/ повсюду смерть и разрушение; the wind carried the music here ветер доносил до нас мелодию; carry smb., smth. back приносить /привозить/ кого-л., что-л. обратно; carry smb., smth. in вносить кого-л., что-л.2) carry smth. somewhere carry a joke (an argument, a dispute, a quarrel, etc.) too far заходить в шутке и т. д. слишком далеко3) carry smth. in some manner carry one's head high высоко держать голову; carry one's age (one's [eighty] etc, years) well хорошо выглядеть /держаться/ для своих [восьмидесяти] и т. д. лет id he knows how to carry his liquor он умеет пить не пьянея4) || carry smb. far хватать кому-л. надолго; а can of petrol (the money, the food you have, etc.) will not carry you far канистры бензина и т. д. вам хватит ненадолго4. V1) carry smb. smth. carry father the book he asked for (mother a glass of milk, etc.) относить книгу отцу и т. д.2) carry smb. some distance the horse (the bicycle, the car, etc.) carried me (him, etc.) 50 miles и т. д. проехал на лошади и т. д. пятьдесят миль5. XIbe carried somewhere several passengers (deckchairs, etc.) were carried away нескольких пассажиров и т. д. снесло /смыло/ (волной); be carried somewhere by smth. several houses were carried away by the swollen river разлившаяся /вышедшая из берегов/ река унесла несколько домов6. XVIcarry to (through, beyond) smth his voice carried to the back of the audience hall (through the passage, etc.) его голос был слышен в самом конце зала и т. д; his voice did not carry beyond the first rows его было слышно только в первых рядах7. XVIIIcarry oneself in some manner carry oneself with dignity (proudly, badly, defiantly, like a soldier, etc.) держаться с достоинством и т. д.; she carries herself very well у нее великолепная осанка8. XXI11) carry smb., smth. across (along, over) smth. carry a baby across the river (the girl over the threshold, etc.) перенести ребенка через реку и т. д.; carry one's eye along the line пробегать строку глазами /взглядом/: carry smth., smb. in (on) smth. carry a bag in one's hand (a bundle in one's arms, a pass in the pocket, a baby -in one's arms, a basket on one's back, a box on one's shoulder, a water jug on one's head, etc.) носить /таскать/ сумку в руке и т. д.; he carried the mark on his face all his life у него на лице остался след на всю жизнь; carry smth., smb. into smth. carry plates into the kitchen (chairs into the house, etc.) относить тарелки на кухню и т. д.; carry the war into Africa (into the enemy's country, etc.) перевести войну в Африку и т. д; the book carries us into the scenes of domestic lives книга переносит нас в домашнюю обстановку /в круг семьи/; carry smth., smb. to smth., smb. carry letters and parcels to the post office (a book to father, an apple to a child, etc.) относить письма и посылки на почту и т. д.; business carried him to London дела привели его в Лондон; the pipes carry water to the house вода идет в дом по трубам; I shall carry the memory of it with me to the grave я пронесу это воспоминание через всю жизнь; carry the case to a higher court передавать дело в высшую судебную инстанцию2) carry smth. round (through, under) smth. carry the fence right round the field обнести все поле забором; carry the chimney through the roof выводить трубу через крышу; carry pipes under a street прокладывать трубы под улицей; carry smth. to (into) smth. carry the tower to 500 feet довести высоту башни до пятисот футов; carry the road into the mountains провести дорогу в горы; carry the work to completion (modesty to excess, one's principles to extreme, the argument to its logical conclusion, etc.) доводить работу до конца /до завершения/ и т. д.3) carry smb. with smb. carry the people (the public, the audience, the crowd, the soldiers, etc.) with one увлечь /повести/ людей и т. д. за собой4) || carry smth. with it влечь за собой; this post carries a higher pay with it эта должность выше оплачивается; promotion carries higher wages with it повышение по службе предполагает увеличение зарплаты5) carry smth. by smth. carry the motion (the bill, the resolution, etc.) by a small majority (by a majority of five, etc.) проводить /принимать/ предложение и т. д. незначительным большинством [ голосов] и т. д. -
18 current
19 carry weight
имeть вec, знaчeниe, влияниe (oб apгумeнтe, мнeнии и т. п.); быть влиятeльным (o людяx)In the current political climate, these arguments are not likely to carry much weight (Time). I'm a junior official. My opinions, right or wrong, carry no weight (M. West). The Squire carried weight with the Government (J. Galsworthy) -
20 current assets
1. эк. текущие, легкореализуемые ликвидные активыshort-term assets — ликвидные средства; краткосрочные активы
interest bearing assets — актив, приносящий процентный доход
2. эк. оборотный капиталfloating assets — оборотный капитал; оборотные средства
fixed assets — основной капитал; основные средства
human capital assets — «человеческий капитал»
3. эк. оборотные средства, оборотные фонды
См. также в других словарях:
Current transformer — A CT for operation on a 110 kV grid In electrical engineering, a current transformer (CT) is used for measurement of electric currents. Current transformers, together with voltage transformers (VT) (potential transformers (PT)), are known as … Wikipedia
Carry Somers — is a pioneer in Fair Trade in the UK. She is the creator of the fashion and accessories brand Pachacuti, founded in 1992 and co founder of Clean Slate, the UK s first fair trade and organic school uniform company.Pachacuti is best known as the… … Wikipedia
current — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 continuous flowing movement of water ADJECTIVE ▪ fast, fast flowing, powerful, strong, swift ▪ cold, warm ▪ … Collocations dictionary
carry — 1 verb carried, carrying 1 LIFT AND TAKE (T) to take something somewhere in your hands or arms, on your back etc: A porter helped me carry my luggage. | Let me carry that for you. | carry sth around/out/to etc: I m not carrying it around all day! … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Carry-save adder — MotivationA carry save adder is a type of digital adder, used in computer microarchitecture to compute the sum of three or more n bit numbers in binary. It differs from other digital adders in that it outputs two numbers of the same dimensions as … Wikipedia
carry — v. & n. v. ( ies, ied) 1 tr. support or hold up, esp. while moving. 2 tr. convey with one from one place to another. 3 tr. have on one s person (carry a watch). 4 tr. conduct or transmit (pipe carries water; wire carries electric current). 5 tr.… … Useful english dictionary
Carry On Sergeant — Infobox Film | name = Carry on Sergeant caption = Carry On Sergeant promotional poster director = Gerald Thomas producer = Peter Rogers writer = Norman Hudis starring = William Hartnell Kenneth Williams Kenneth Connor Charles Hawtrey Bob… … Wikipedia
Carry On Henry — Infobox Film | name = Carry on Henry caption = Carry On Henry (DVD) director = Gerald Thomas producer = Peter Rogers writer = Talbot Rothwell starring = Sid James Kenneth Williams Joan Sims Charles Hawtrey Terry Scott Barbara Windsor Kenneth… … Wikipedia
Current mirror — A current mirror is a circuit designed to copy a current through one active device by controlling the current in another active device of a circuit, keeping the output current constant regardless of loading. The current being copied can be, and… … Wikipedia
Carry Back Stakes — Horseraces infobox class = Grade II horse race = Carry Back Stakes caption = location = Calder Race Course Miami Gardens, Florida inaugurated = 1975 race type = Thoroughbred Flat racing website = [http://www.calderracecourse.com… … Wikipedia
carry — verb Carry is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑aircraft, ↑barge, ↑blood vessel, ↑boat, ↑bus, ↑cable, ↑cart, ↑convoy, ↑current, ↑demonstrator, ↑escalator, ↑ … Collocations dictionary