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со словацкого на все языки


  • 1 carried out

    • vykonané
    • ucinené

    English-Slovak dictionary > carried out

  • 2 be/get carried away

    (to be overcome by one's feelings: She was/got carried away by the excitement.) byť unesený

    English-Slovak dictionary > be/get carried away

  • 3 hand-carried weapons

    • rucné zbrane

    English-Slovak dictionary > hand-carried weapons

  • 4 load carried

    • prenesené prevádzk. zataž
    • prenesená prevádzka

    English-Slovak dictionary > load carried

  • 5 load

    [ləud] 1. noun
    1) (something which is being carried: The lorry had to stop because its load had fallen off; She was carrying a load of groceries.) náklad
    2) (as much as can be carried at one time: two lorry-loads of earth.) náklad
    3) (a large amount: He talked a load of rubbish; We ate loads of ice-cream.) kopa
    4) (the power carried by an electric circuit: The wires were designed for a load of 15 amps.) zaťaženie
    2. verb
    1) (to take or put on what is to be carried (especially if heavy): They loaded the luggage into the car; The lorry was loading when they arrived.) naložiť
    2) (to put ammunition into (a gun): He loaded the revolver and fired.) nabiť
    3) (to put film into (a camera).) založiť film
    * * *
    • váha
    • zavádzat
    • zatažovat
    • zaviest (do pamäte)
    • zatažit
    • zahrnat
    • zátaž
    • zataženie
    • zavádzanie
    • tarcha
    • ukladanie
    • prepchat
    • pretažovat
    • bremeno
    • plnit
    • nakladat
    • náboj
    • nabíjat
    • nacítat (do pamäte)
    • nálož
    • navalit
    • naložit
    • nasadit
    • náklad
    • nosnost
    • obsypat

    English-Slovak dictionary > load

  • 6 carry

    1) (to take from one place etc to another: She carried the child over the river; Flies carry disease.) (pre)niesť, prenášať
    2) (to go from one place to another: Sound carries better over water.) niesť sa
    3) (to support: These stone columns carry the weight of the whole building.) niesť
    4) (to have or hold: This job carries great responsibility.) niesť so sebou
    5) (to approve (a bill etc) by a majority of votes: The parliamentary bill was carried by forty-two votes.) schváliť (hlasovaním)
    6) (to hold (oneself) in a certain way: He carries himself like a soldier.) niesť sa, držať sa

    ((slang) a fuss; excited behaviour.) výstredné správanie

    ((of bags or cases) that passengers can carry with them on board a plane.) príručná batožina

    - carry-cot
    - be/get carried away
    - carry forward
    - carry off
    - carry on
    - carry out
    - carry weight
    * * *
    • uverejnit
    • viest
    • vydržat
    • vzdat poctu
    • vyhrat
    • zapôsobit
    • zaniest
    • zmocnit sa
    • zvážat
    • strhnút
    • tahat
    • uchvátit
    • presadit sa
    • predávat
    • prenášat
    • predlžovat
    • prenos
    • priniest
    • dorucit
    • dopravovat
    • dopravit
    • držat
    • delit
    • mat pri sebe
    • natahovat
    • nosit
    • niest
    • odprevadit

    English-Slovak dictionary > carry

  • 7 burden

    ['bə:dn] 1. noun
    1) (something to be carried: He carried a heavy burden up the hill; The ox is sometimes a beast of burden (= an animal that carries things).) bremeno
    2) (something difficult to carry or withstand: the burden of taxation.) bremeno, ťarcha
    2. verb
    (to put a responsibility etc on (someone): burdened with cares.) zaťažiť
    * * *
    • zatažit
    • prítaž
    • bremeno
    • réžia
    • režijné náklady
    • naložit

    English-Slovak dictionary > burden

  • 8 flask

    1) (a container in which drinks can be carried: a flask of whisky.) fľaša
    2) (a vacuum flask: The workmen carried flasks of tea.) termoska
    3) (a bottle, usually with a narrow neck.) fľaša
    * * *
    • talianska vínová flaša
    • termoska
    • formovací rám
    • flaša s úzkym hrdlom
    • banka (chem.)
    • cutora
    • cestovná flaša
    • ploskacka

    English-Slovak dictionary > flask

  • 9 pack

    [pæk] 1. noun
    1) (things tied up together or put in a container, especially to be carried on one's back: He carried his luggage in a pack on his back.) batoh, torba
    2) (a set of (fifty-two) playing-cards: a pack of cards.) balíček
    3) (a number or group of certain animals: a pack of wolves / a wolf-pack.) svorka, stádo, kŕdeľ
    4) (a packet: a pack of cigarettes.) škatuľka
    2. verb
    1) (to put (clothes etc) into a bag, suitcase or trunk for a journey: I've packed all I need and I'm ready to go.) zbaliť
    2) (to come together in large numbers in a small space: They packed into the hall to hear his speech.) natlačiť (sa)
    - packing-case
    - packed out
    - packed
    - pack off
    - pack up
    * * *
    • utesnit
    • vak
    • uzol
    • vložit
    • vkladat
    • vyhodit
    • vypakovat
    • zabalit
    • vyrazit
    • zhustovat
    • zbalit
    • zväzok
    • zrovnat
    • zložit
    • sada (diernych štítkov)
    • skupina
    • skladat
    • škatula
    • sada
    • spakovat
    • súbor
    • stádo (opíc)
    • stlacit
    • uložit do obalu
    • torba
    • halda
    • družstvo
    • hra (karty)
    • hromada
    • hora
    • banda
    • balík
    • balit
    • balícek
    • batoh
    • balenie
    • celkové množstvo
    • dat obal
    • debna
    • dat zábal
    • operacná skupina ponoriek
    • padák s obalom
    • podbíjat
    • plávajúci lad
    • krdel (tetrovy)
    • krabicka
    • mužstvo
    • naložit
    • našliapat
    • náklad
    • napchat
    • narovnat
    • naplnit
    • obal
    • obsadit prívržencami
    • obalit
    • obalový materiál

    English-Slovak dictionary > pack

  • 10 pickaback

    ['pikəbæk] 1. adverb
    ((of a child) carried on the back: He carried the boy pickaback.) na chrbte
    2. noun
    (a ride on someone's back: Give me a pickaback, Daddy.) niesť (sa) na chrbte

    English-Slovak dictionary > pickaback

  • 11 airlift

    noun (an operation to move cargo or people, carried out by air.) vzdušný most
    * * *
    • doprava letecká

    English-Slovak dictionary > airlift

  • 12 bag

    [bæɡ] 1. noun
    1) (a container made of soft material (eg cloth, animal skin, plastic etc): She carried a small bag.) taška; vrece, vak
    2) (a quantity of fish or game caught: Did you get a good bag today?) úlovok
    2. verb
    1) (to put into a bag.) dať do tašky
    2) (to kill (game).) uloviť
    - bags of
    - in the bag
    - bag lady
    * * *
    • vrece
    • vážny
    • vak
    • vrecúško
    • vemeno
    • vyhodit (niekoho)
    • získat nepoctivo
    • získat si
    • zostrelit
    • sácik
    • sáckovat
    • silný
    • špatný
    • skazený
    • škodlivý
    • štetka (amer. vulg.)
    • sypat
    • ulovená zver
    • ulovit
    • taška
    • kabela
    • kabelka
    • húf, hromada
    • brašna
    • brucho
    • dávat do mecha
    • cestovný vak
    • robit si nárok (slang.)
    • penaženka
    • kurva, štetka (US vulg.)
    • lovecká brašna
    • kurva (amer. vulg.)
    • nahrabat si
    • nadut (plachtu, padák)
    • množstvo
    • nemravný
    • nemožný
    • nohavice
    • obsadit

    English-Slovak dictionary > bag

  • 13 basket

    1. noun
    (a container made of strips of wood, rushes etc woven together: She carried a large basket.) kôš
    2. adjective
    a basketball court.)
    - basketwork 3. adjective
    a basketwork chair.) prútený
    * * *
    • košíková
    • kôš

    English-Slovak dictionary > basket

  • 14 baton

    1) (a short, heavy stick, carried by a policeman as a weapon.) obušok
    2) (a light, slender stick used when conducting an orchestra or choir: The conductor raised his baton.) taktovka
    * * *
    • taktovka
    • pendrek
    • obušok

    English-Slovak dictionary > baton

  • 15 blueprint

    noun (a detailed photographic plan of work to be carried out: the blueprints for a new aircraft.) (technicky) modrák
    * * *
    • indigo (kopírovací papier
    • plán
    • návrh

    English-Slovak dictionary > blueprint

  • 16 body

    ['bodi] 1. plural - bodies; noun
    1) (the whole frame of a man or animal including the bones and flesh: Athletes have to look after their bodies.) telo
    2) (a dead person: The battlefield was covered with bodies.) mŕtvola
    3) (the main part of anything: the body of the hall.) hlavná časť, jadro
    4) (a mass: a huge body of evidence.) masa, spústa
    5) (a group of persons acting as one: professional bodies.) teleso, súbor
    2. adverb
    (by the entire (physical) body: They lifted him bodily and carried him off.) celým telom
    - body language
    - bodywork
    * * *
    • základná cast
    • zbor
    • telo
    • teleso
    • hlavná cast
    • mrtvola
    • masa
    • operacná cast

    English-Slovak dictionary > body

  • 17 bouquet

    1) (a bunch of flowers: The bride carried a bouquet of roses.) kytica
    2) (the perfume of wine.) buket
    * * *
    • vôna
    • buket
    • aróma
    • kytica

    English-Slovak dictionary > bouquet

  • 18 bucket

    (a container for holding water, milk etc: We carried water in buckets to the burning house.) džber, vedro
    * * *
    • vedro-nádoba
    • sektor
    • oblast
    • oblast (pamäte)

    English-Slovak dictionary > bucket

  • 19 cargo

    plural - cargoes; noun
    (a load of goods carried by a ship etc: a cargo of cotton.) náklad
    * * *
    • lodný náklad
    • nákladná lod
    • nákladný
    • náklad

    English-Slovak dictionary > cargo

  • 20 carry off

    (to take away by carrying: She carried off the screaming child.) odniesť
    * * *
    • vediet si poradit
    • kompenzovat
    • lahko zvládnut
    • odniest

    English-Slovak dictionary > carry off

См. также в других словарях:

  • carried — index consensual Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Carried — Carry Car ry, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Carried}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Carrying}.] [OF. carier, charier, F. carrier, to cart, from OF. car, char, F. car, car. See {Car}.] 1. To convey or transport in any manner from one place to another; to bear; often… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Carried Me — Infobox Album | Name = Carried Me Type = studio Artist = Jeremy Camp Released = February 10, 2004 Recorded = Genre = Christian Gospel Length = 50:44 Label = BEC Recordings Producer = Reviews = *Christianity Today Rating|2.5|5… …   Wikipedia

  • carried — /ˈkærid/ (say kareed) verb 1. past tense and past participle of carry. –phrase 2. get carried away, to experience extreme feelings, especially enthusiasm …  

  • Carried Away (band) — Carried Away Origin Ontario, Canada Genres Contemporary Christian music Years active 2000–present Labels Glide Records …   Wikipedia

  • Carried interest — or carry, in finance, is a share of the profits of a successful partnership that is paid to the manager of a private equity fund or hedge fund as a form of compensation that is designed as an incentive to the manager to maximize performance of… …   Wikipedia

  • Carried Away (disambiguation) — Carried Away may refer to:* Carried Away, a song about maniacal behavior from the 1944 musical On the Town , by Leonard Bernstein, Betty Comden, and Adolph Green * Carried Away (George Strait song), a 1996 song by [{George Strait] *Carried Away,… …   Wikipedia

  • Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran 風まかせ月影蘭 (Kazemakase Tsukikage Ran) Dirección Akitaro Daichi Estudio Madhouse Cadena tele …   Wikipedia Español

  • carried over — ˌcarried ˈover adjective, adverb ACCOUNTING used at the bottom of an account to show that an amount which is the balance of the account has been carried to the top of the next page * * * carried over UK US adjective (WRITTEN ABBREVIATION c/o) ►… …   Financial and business terms

  • carried down — ˌcarried ˈdown written abbreviation c/​d adjective, adverb ACCOUNTING written at the end of an account to show that an amount has to be taken down to the beginning of the next account lower down the same page of the account book * * * carried… …   Financial and business terms

  • carried forward — ˌcarried ˈforward written abbreviation cf or c/​f adjective, adverb ACCOUNTING used at the bottom of an account to show that an amount which is the balance of the account has to be taken forward to the next account or to a later page in the… …   Financial and business terms

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