1 carpenter's gauge
1) Сельское хозяйство: (раздвижной плотничий) рейсмус2) Строительство: плотничий рейсмус3) Лесоводство: (раздвижной плотничий) рейсмус -
2 carpenter's gauge
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > carpenter's gauge
3 carpenter's gauge
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > carpenter's gauge
4 carpenter's gauge
5 carpenter's gauge (раздвижной плотничий)
Лесоводство: рейсмусУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > carpenter's gauge (раздвижной плотничий)
6 gauge
1) калибр (листовой стали, проволоки)2) шаблон, лекало3) измерительный прибор (напр. уровнемер, манометр и т.п.)4) водомерная рейка, водомерный пост6) шкала7) ширина колеи8) калибровать; эталонировать; градуировать; клеймить; измерять•- angle gauge - batter gauge - brine gauge - caliber gauge - carpenter's gauge - complex spline gauge - discharge gauge - flow gauge - fuel gauge - go gauge - inspection gauge - internal gauge - male gauge - master gauge - no-go gauge - plug gauge - pressure gauge - reference gauge - resistance wire strain gauge - snap gauge - standard wire gauge - steam gauge - strain gauge - taper ring gauge - vacuum gauge - water gauge - working gaugeto verify inspection gauges against a master gauge — поверять приёмные калибры по контрольному калибру
* * *1. измерительный прибор ( давления или уровня); манометр2. калибр ( листового металла или проволоки)3. расстояние между центрами отверстий поперёк усилию4. уровнемер; водомерное устройство, водомерный [гидрометрический] пост5. колея- acoustical strain gauge
- acoustic strain gauge
- angle gauge
- bit gauge
- bonded strain gauge
- borehole deformation gauge
- Bourdon gauge
- broad gauge
- butt gauge
- compound gauge
- depth gauge
- dial gauge
- differential pressure gauge
- discharge pressure gauge
- discharge gauge
- downstream gauge
- draft gauge
- duplex gauge
- electric resistance strain gauge
- embedment gauge
- feeler gauge
- flake thickness gauge
- float gauge
- float-level gauge
- heated-orifice storage gauge
- high pressure gauge
- hook gauge
- inclined gauge
- inside gauge
- joiner's gauge
- laser gauge
- level gauge
- loading gauge
- low pressure gauge
- Magnehelic gauge
- magnetically linked differential pressure gauge
- marking gauge
- mechanical strain gauge
- metal-film strain gauge
- mortise gauge
- narrow gauge
- oil pressure gauge
- pressure gauge
- rain gauge
- resistance strain gauge
- slope gauge
- snow gauge
- staff gauge
- stage gauge
- strain gauge
- stress gauge
- suction pressure gauge
- thickness gauge
- track gauge
- track gauge with wood rod
- U gauge
- vacuum gauge
- water gauge
- water level gauge -
7 carpenter gauge
Железнодорожный термин: плотничий рейсмус -
8 carpenter gauge
9 line
1) линия, черта; штрих2) профиль; очертание; граница; контур3) шнур; канат; верёвка4) труба (напр. водопроводной линии)5) проводить линию, линовать6) облицовывать; обшивать; футеровать; отделывать•- line of creep - line of dip - line of force - line of percolation - line of pressure - line of principal strain - line of resistance - line of seepage - line of sight - line of slide - line of the least resistance - line of thrust - line of total head - line of traffic - lines of force - lines of principal stress - anchor line - arch centre line - balance line - barrier lines - beam centre line - bell line - bend line - bending line - blasting line - blowing line - bottom line of teeth - bow line - branch line - break line - brine line - broken line - bucket line - building line - buried line - cable power transmission line - carpenter's line - car-track line - catenary line - centre line - centre line of survey - charging line - closing-head line - communication line - compensation line - complete line - compressed-air line - construction line - contour line - counterweight line - crest line - crown line of vault - crushing and sorting automatic production line - damage line - dash line - datum line - dead line - delivery line - detergent line - dimension line - discharge line - dot line - dotted line - electric line - elevation line - equipotential lines - excavation pay line - extension line - fall line - fault line - feed line - filling line - fire line - flexible line - flexible hose line - flowing line - frontal line - full line - gas line - gathering line - gauge line of rivets - goods line - grade line - ground line - groundwater line - grout line - guy line - hammer line - hoisting line - imaginary line - influence line - inlet line - isochromatic line - isopycnic line - isotherm line - killed electric line - lane line - lighting line - load line - load distribution line - load line of crane - loading line - location line - Luder's lines - main line - manufacturing line - modular coordinating line - municipal sewage lines - overflow line - overhead line - overhead power transmission line - pass line - phreatic line - pile line - pilot pressure line - plotted line - plumb line - power line - pressure line - probability line - property line - radio relay line - railroad line - railway line - return line - roof lines - saturation line - section line - seepage line - shoulder line - sighting line - solid line - springing line - steam extraction line - straight line - stress-director line - suction line - surface grinding line - supply line - tag line - terrestrial line - thrust line - transit line - transmission line - trunk line - tunnel line - vapour line - venting line - vertical line - visible transition line - vortex line - water-supply line - wavy line - wear line - wet return line - whip line - wire line - wire communication line - yield line - zero lineto run a line — провешивать линию, проводить линию
* * *1. линия, черта2. верёвка, бечёвка, шнур3. граница; контур; предел4. морщина, складка5. линия инженерных сетей; рельсовый путь; технологическая линия- line of action of the forceto line by eye — рихтовать «на глаз»
- line of action
- line of corresponding stages
- line of creep
- line of force
- line of least pressure
- line of least resistance
- line of principal strain
- line of route
- line of rupture
- line of seepage
- line of sight
- line of thrust
- line of traffic
- line of wells
- line of zero fill
- A line
- aerial line
- air line
- air void line
- arch center line
- ashlar line
- assembly line
- B line
- backhaul line
- barrier line
- base line
- beam center line
- belt line
- bleed lines
- border line
- boundary line
- branch line
- bridge center line
- brine line
- broad-gauge line
- building line
- building setback line
- bulkhead line
- buried line
- bypass line
- C line
- cable line
- center line
- center line of inertia
- center line of the hook
- chalk line
- channel line
- closing line
- collimation line
- communication line
- compressed air line
- condensate line
- connecting line
- connecting drainage line
- consumer gas service line
- contour line
- conveyor belt line
- cordon line
- crest line
- critical state line
- curved line
- datum line
- dead line
- deflection-influence line
- digging line
- discharge line
- discharge section line
- distribution line
- dot line
- dot and dash line
- dotted line
- double line
- double-rodded line
- drilling line
- duplicate level line
- edge line
- electric line
- electrified railway line
- encroachment line
- energy grade line
- energy line
- envelope line
- equipotential lines
- expansion line
- exposing line
- fathom line
- fence line
- fire line
- flood line
- flow line
- formation line
- frontage line
- frost line
- future line
- gas line
- gauge line
- geodesic line
- grade line
- gravity pipe line
- grooved lines
- ground line
- guide line
- hair line
- half line
- heating line
- high-pressure line
- high-speed line
- high-tension line
- hoisting line
- horizon line
- hot gas line
- hydraulic grade line
- improvement line
- influence line
- influence line for bending moment
- influence line for reaction
- influence line for shear
- isopiestic lines
- isoseismal line
- lift line
- light line
- liquid line
- load distribution line
- location line
- lot line
- Luders' line
- machine's center line
- main line
- mason's line
- moment-influence line
- neat line
- outside foundation line
- overhead line
- overhead contact line
- overhead electric line
- painting line
- pay line
- phreatic line
- pressure line
- project property line
- pumped water line
- random line
- reaction-influence line
- reference line
- return line
- run line
- runner line
- sand lines
- saturation line
- secant line
- secondary line
- section line
- shear-influence line
- short line
- sighting line
- simultaneous level line
- slip line
- slope line
- sloping straight line
- snapping line
- snow line
- span pipe line
- springing line
- straight line
- strain line
- stream line
- strike line
- suction line
- supply line
- tag line
- tangent line
- thaw line
- three part line
- traffic line
- transit line
- transmission line
- trunk line
- two-part line
- underground electric line
- utility line
- vertical line
- wall line
- water line
- water level line
- whip line
- white line
- working line
- yield line
- zero line
- zero air voids line -
10 work
1) работа; труд; действие; функционирование2) обработка3) обрабатываемая заготовка; обрабатываемая деталь; обрабатываемое изделие4) механизм5) конструкция6) мн. ч. завод; фабрика; мастерские; технические сооружения; строительные работы7) мн. ч. работающие части механизма, подвижные органы механизма8) работать; обрабатывать9) действовать, двигаться, поворачиваться ( о подвижных частях механизмов)10) коробиться•work performed with materials in a smaller quantity — работа, выполненная с недостаточным использованием материалов
work performed without the necessary diligence — работа, выполненная небрежно
work which is not in accordance with specifications — работа, не соответствующая техническим требованиям
work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the engineer — работа, не отвечающая требованиям инженера
to work down — 1) осаживать ( вниз); оседать 2) обрабатывать на меньший размер
to work in — вделывать, вмонтировать
to work into — углубляться во что-либо, уходить внутрь
to work off — 1) соскакивать, соскальзывать ( во время работы) 2) снимать (напр. стружку)
to work on — действовать на что-либо, оказывать влияние на что-либо
to work out — 1) разрабатывать (план, проект) 2) вырабатывать (что-либо) из чего-либо (напр. вытачивать, выстрагивать, выфрезеровывать) 3) выскакивать, выпадать во время работы
to work over — обрабатывать вторично, перерабатывать, подвергать переработке
to work upon — действовать на что-либо, оказывать влияние на что-либо
- work executed - work in process - work of acceleration - work of deformation - work of ideal cycle - work of resistance - work on arbour - works under way - access to works - actual progress of works - amendment of the date of completion of works - amount of the executed works - applied work - asphalt work - assessment of works - auxiliary work - bank work - bargain work - beat-cob work - betterment work - black and white work - bluff work - bonus work - bosh brick work - branch work - branched work - bright work - carpenter's work - cast steel work - cessation of works - chased work - check of works - checking of works - chequer work - chequered work - cindering work - civil works - civil and erection works - clay work - clearing work - commencement of works - completed works - completion of works - concrete work - diversion work - condensing works - construction works - consumed work - continuous execution of works - contract works - cost of works - cost of uncovering works - covered-up works - date of commencement of works - date of completion of works - day-to-day work - day wage work - dead work - defective works - delay in completion of works - delayed completion of works - demolition works - description of works - design and survey works - desilting works - diaper work of bricklaying - drainage work - dredge work - dressing works - drove work - earth works - effective work - embossed work - emergency works - engineering works - erecting works - erection works - examination of works - excavation works - execution of works - expected period of works - extension of the time for completion of works - external work - face work - fascine work - field works - finely finished work - finishing work - fitter's works - flat trellis work - float work - forming work - forthcoming works - frosted rustic work - gauge work - gauged work - geologic works - geological works - grading works - gunite work - heading work - health work - hot work - hydro-meteorologic works - hydro-meteorological works - inadequate progress of works - incomplete lattice work - indicated work - inlaid work - inspection of works - installation work - intake works - irrigation works - jack works - jobbing work - joggle work - ladder work - line work - link work - locksmith's work - machine work - main works - maintenance work - management of works - maritime works - metal work - milling work - motion work - multiple lattice work - nature of works - neat work - negative work - night work - no-load work - odd works - on the site works - order of execution of works - outlet work - outstanding works - overhead works - panel work - partially completed works - part of works - paternoster work - period of works - period of execution of works - permanent works - pilot-scale work - plane frame work - planer work - pneumatic work - port work - portion of works - pottery work - precision work - preliminary works - preparatory works - pressure cementing work - programme of works - progress of works - proper execution of works - prospecting works - public works - pump works - quantity of works - rag work - R and D work - random work - range work - reclamation work - recoverable-strain work - recuperated work - reflected work - reliability of works - relief work - remedial works - repair work - repairing work - required work - research work - resumption of works - retaining works - reticulated work - right of access to works - river training works - rustic work - safety of works - schedule of works - scope of work - shaper work - sheet metal work - shift work - smith and founder work - spillway works - starting work - step-by-step check of works - step-by-step checking of works - stick and rag work - stoppage of works - subcontract works - submarine work - substituted works - sufficiency of works - supervision for works - supervision for of works - survey work - survey and research works - suspension of works - taking over of works - task work - temporary work - test work - test-hole work - three-coat work - through-carved work - time for completion of works - timely completion of works - tool work - topiary work - topographic works - topographical works - track work - treatment works - trellis work - trench work - trestle work - turning work - uncompleted works - uncovering of works - upon completion of works - variations in works - variations of works - volume of works - wiring work - X-ray workto complete works (in the time stipulated in the contract) — завершать работы (в срок, оговорённый в контракте)
* * *1. работа2. изделие3. обработка4. возводимый объект (строительства) ( по подрядному договору); конструкция, сооружение5. работа, мощность6. pl сооружение, сооружения7. pl завод, фабрика, мастерскиеwork above ground — наземные работы ( в отличие от подземных и подводных); работы, производимые на поверхности земли
work below ground ( level) — подземные работы
work carried out on site — работы, выполненные на стройплощадке
work done in sections — работа, выполненная отдельными секциями [частями]
work in open excavations — работы в открытых выемках [горных выработках]
work in progress — (строительные) работы в стадии выполнения, выполняемые [производимые] (строительные) работы; объект в стадии строительства
work in water — работы, производимые в воде [под водой]
work near water — работы, производимые близ водоёмов или рек
- work of deformationwork on schedule — работы в процессе выполнения ( по графику); работы, предусмотренные планом [графиком]
- work of external forces
- work of internal forces
- above-ground works
- additional work
- agricultural works
- alteration work
- ashlar work
- auxiliary work
- avalanche baffle works
- axed work
- backfill work
- backing masonry work
- bag work
- bench work
- block work
- brewery works
- brick work
- broken-color work
- brush work
- building work
- building site works
- carcass work
- carpenter's work
- cement works
- chemical production works
- civil engineering work
- coast protection works
- cob work
- completed work
- complicated building work
- concrete work
- concrete block masonry work
- concrete masonry work
- constructional work
- construction work
- continuous shift work
- contract work
- coursed work
- crib work
- day work
- dead work
- defective work
- defence works
- deformation work
- demolition work
- development work
- diver's works
- diversion works
- donkey work
- drainage works
- earth work
- earth-moving work
- elastic work of a material
- electric work
- electricity production works
- emergency work
- enclosed construction works
- engineering works
- erection work
- erosion protection works
- excavation works
- experimental work
- external work
- extra work
- facing work
- factory work
- fascine work
- finishing work
- finish work
- floating construction works
- flood-control works
- flood-protection works
- floor work
- floor-and-wall tiling work
- floor covering work
- food industry production work
- foundation work
- funerary works
- further day's work
- gas works
- gauged work
- glazed work
- glazier's work
- half-plain work
- hammered work
- hand work
- handy work
- heat insulation work
- heavy work
- highly mechanized work
- hot work
- in-fill masonry work
- innovative construction work
- insulating work
- intake works
- internal work in the system
- ironmongery work
- joinery work
- land retention works
- landslide protection works
- loading works
- manual work
- marine works
- metallurgical processing works
- night work
- nonconforming work
- office work
- off-the-site work
- one-coat work
- open-air intake works
- open construction works
- ornamental works
- ornate work
- outlet works
- overhang work
- overhead work
- permanent works up to ground level
- petroleum extraction works
- piece work
- pitched work
- plaster work
- plumbing work
- power production works
- precast works
- production works
- promotion work
- protection works
- protective works
- public works
- random ashlar work
- refurbishment work
- refuse disposal works
- refuse incineration works
- regulation works
- reinforced concrete work
- research work
- reticulated work
- road transport works
- roof tiling work
- rubble ashlar masonry work
- sanitary works
- sea defence works
- sediment exclusion works
- sewage disposal works
- single construction works
- smillage-axed work
- solid plaster work
- steel construction works
- steel works
- steel plate work
- structural restoration work
- surface transport works
- temporary works
- textile work
- three-coat work
- tiling work
- training works
- transport works
- treatment works
- two-coat work
- underground work
- underwater work
- unloading works
- vermiculated work
- virtual work
- waste disposal works
- water works
- water treatment works -
11 level
1) уровень
2) ватерпас
3) ватерпасный
4) выверять по уровню
5) горизонтировать
6) заравнивать
7) нивелир
8) нивелировать
9) разравнивать
10) сувальдный
11) уровнь
12) уровнять
13) устанваливаться
14) ступень
15) горизонтальный
16) ровный
17) ровно
18) выравнивать
– above sea level
– acceptor level
– acidity level
– background level
– binocular level
– black level
– blacker-than-black level
– blanking level
– block level
– capture level
– carpenter's level
– charging level
– clamp level
– cloud level
– confidence level
– cross-talk level
– cut-off level
– datum level
– deep-lying level
– donor level
– draw level
– drawdown level
– dummy level
– empty level
– energy level
– excitation level
– excited level
– Fermi level
– fill level
– filled level
– flux level
– frame level
– grizzly level
– ground level
– hand level
– high-water level
– hum level
– hunting for a level
– hydrogenic level
– illumination level
– injection level
– insulation level
– integration level
– intensity level
– intermediate level
– inversion level
– ionization level
– ionized level
– level airplane
– level amplifier
– level balance
– level blocking
– level bubble
– level checker
– level circuit
– level control
– level crosscut
– level crossing
– level curve
– level datum
– level detector
– level flight
– level gauge
– level ground
– level inverter
– level line
– level lock
– level logic
– level monitoring
– level multiple
– level net
– level of confidence
– level of hierarchy
– level of low waters
– level pillar
– level shaft
– level shears
– level shift
– level splints
– level splitting
– level square
– level surface
– level the plane
– level vial
– limiting level
– loudness level
– low water level
– low-lying level
– low-water level
– main level
– mean sea level
– noise level
– occupied level
– occupy level
– on a level with
– output level
– overload level
– oxidation level
– pond level
– power level
– precise level
– pumping level
– quantization level
– quantum level
– radiation level
– recording level
– reduce to sea level
– reduction to sea level
– redundancy level
– reference level
– regulator of level
– reside at level
– rotational level
– sea level
– sea level pressure
– set up a level
– significance level
– sound level
– spare level
– spirit level
– striding level
– threshold level
– tilt a level
– tilting level
– top up level
– top up the level
– transmission level
– volume level
– Wannier-Stark level
– when level
– white level
– working level
– zero level
automatic level gage — автур, уровнемер автоматический
coded at the machine-language level — <comput.> над машинными кодами
high water level — <geol.> горизонт высоких вод
line of precise level — <geod.> линия точного нивелирования
population of rotational level — заполненность вращательных уровней
sound level meter — измеритель силы звука, < radio> импульсмессер
suspended level viscometer — вискозиметр с подвешенным уровнем
12 bulb of level
См. также в других словарях:
gauge — I. v. a. 1. Measure (a cask, etc.), find the contents of, ascertain the capacity of. 2. Measure (as to ability), estimate. II. n. 1. Measure, standard, means of estimating. 2. Measure, measuring instrument, carpenter s gauge … New dictionary of synonyms
Carpenter, Colorado — Carpenter is a ghost town in Mesa County, Colorado, United States, twelve miles northeast of Grand Junction at the end of an extension to 27¼ Road. The settlement was established by William Thomas Carpenter early in 1890 to provide the miners who … Wikipedia
Stephen Carpenter — Infobox Musical artist Name = Stephen Carpenter Img capt = Img size = Background = non vocal instrumentalist Birth name = Alias = Born = birth date and age|1970|8|3 Sacramento, California Died = Instrument = Guitar Genre = Alternative metal,… … Wikipedia
scratch gauge — noun : a metalworker s scriber or gauge resembling the carpenter s marking gauge * * * scratch gage or scratch gauge, a tool for marking on metal, having a hard steel point … Useful english dictionary
marking gauge — noun : gauge 2c * * * marking gauge noun A carpenter s tool for scoring a line parallel to the edge of a piece of wood • • • Main Entry: ↑mark … Useful english dictionary
GIGLIO — Island off Tuscany that has proved to be the graveyard of a number of Etruscan ships. The most famous, dating to the early sixth century BC, located at 40 to 50 meters depth, is that from the Secche di Campese reef, which has been more… … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans
scantling — [skant′liŋ] n. [altered (as if < SCANT + LING1) < ME scantilone, a carpenter s gauge, aphetic < NormFr escantillon, for OFr eschandillon, a measure < Prov escandil, a measure of volume < VL * scandaculum, ladder, plumb <… … English World dictionary
Ruler — For other uses, see Ruler (disambiguation). A variety of rulers A 2 meter … Wikipedia
Little Book Cliff Railway — The Little Book Cliff Railway (LBC) was a narrow gauge railroad that operated in Colorado, United States, from 1889 to 1925.The LBC was incorporated on September 11, 1889, by William Thomas Carpenter and several other prominent Grand Junction,… … Wikipedia
Transperth Trains — Infobox Public transit name = Transperth Trains imagesize = 200px imagesize2 = 300px locale = Perth, Western Australia transit type = Rapid transit Commuter rail began operation = lines = 6 (173.1km) stations = 69 ridership = 175,000 track gauge … Wikipedia
Millwright — A millwright is a craftsman or tradesman engaged with the construction and maintenance of machinery. Early millwrights were specialist carpenters who erected machines used in agriculture, food processing and processing lumber and paper. In the… … Wikipedia