1 трамп
............................................................1. tramp(vt. & vi. & n.) ولگرد، آسمان جل، خانه بدوش، با صدا راه رفتن، پیاده روی کردن، با پا لگد کردن، آوره بودن، ولگردی کردن، آواره، فاحشه، آوارگی، ولگردی، صدای پا............................................................2. tramp vessel/steamer............................................................3. cargo tramp
См. также в других словарях:
tramp — tramping [ trɑ̃piŋ ] n. m. • 1930; mot angl., de tramp « vagabond » ♦ Anglic. Mode d exploitation d un cargo (tramp [ trɑ̃p ] n. m.) qui touche tous les ports où se trouve du fret, sans itinéraire fixe. Recomm. offic. transport maritime à la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
tramp´er — tramp «tramp», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to walk heavily: »He tramped across the floor in his heavy boots. 2. to step heavily (on); trample: »He tramped on the flowers. 3. to go on foot; walk: » … Useful english dictionary
cargo — [ kargo ] n. m. • 1906; cargo boat 1887; mot angl. « navire de charge », de cargo, empr. à l esp. cargo « charge » et boat « bateau » ♦ Navire destiné surtout au transport des marchandises. Cargo sans horaire ni parcours fixe (⇒ tramping) . Cargo … Encyclopédie Universelle
tramp steamer — tramp (def. 19). [1885 90] * * * one of the two principal types of merchant ships as classified by operating method (the other is the ocean liner). The tramp steamer, in contrast to the liner, operates without a schedule, going wherever… … Universalium
tramp — [tramp] vi. [ME trampen < or akin to LowG trampen, to trample < nasalized form of the base in TRAP1] 1. a) to walk with heavy steps b) to step heavily; stamp [to tramp on someone s foot] 2. a) … English World dictionary
tramp — /trɛmp, ingl. træmp/ [vc. ingl., propriamente «vagabondo»] s. m. inv. piccolo cargo … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
tramp — ► VERB 1) walk heavily or noisily. 2) walk wearily or reluctantly over a long distance. ► NOUN 1) an itinerant homeless person who lives by begging or doing casual work. 2) the sound of heavy steps. 3) a long walk. 4) a cargo ve … English terms dictionary
Cargo ship — The Colombo Express, one of the largest container ships in the world (when she was built in 2005), owned and operated by Hapag Lloyd of Germany … Wikipedia
tramp — tramper, n. trampish, adj. trampishly, adv. trampishness, n. /tramp/, v.i. 1. to tread or walk with a firm, heavy, resounding step. 2. to tread heavily or trample (usually fol. by on or upon): to tramp on a person s toes. 3. to walk steadily;… … Universalium
tramp — /træmp / (say tramp) verb (i) 1. to tread or walk with a firm, heavy, resounding step. 2. to walk steadily; march; trudge. 3. to go about as a vagrant or tramp. 4. to make a voyage on a tramp (def. 21). 5. to hike. 6. NZ → bushwalk (def. 1). 7.… …
tramp — [[t]træmp[/t]] v. i. 1) to tread or walk with a firm, heavy step 2) to tread heavily or trample (usu. fol. by on or upon) 3) to walk steadily; march; trudge 4) to go on a walking excursion; hike 5) to go about as a vagabond or tramp 6) to make a… … From formal English to slang