1 carbon body
1) Железнодорожный термин: угледержатель2) Лесоводство: основа для карбонирования -
2 carbon body
3 carbon body
4 carbon body
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > carbon body
5 carbon base paper
Лесоводство: (body) основа копировальной бумаги -
6 carbon-nitrogen cycle
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > carbon-nitrogen cycle
7 carbon cycle
углеродный цикл; цикл Бете-Вейцзекера; углеродно-азотная реакция -
8 carbon-nitrogen cycle
углеродный цикл; цикл Бете-Вейцзекера; углеродно-азотная реакцияEnglish-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > carbon-nitrogen cycle
9 carbon-nitrogen cycle
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > carbon-nitrogen cycle
10 carbon base (body) paper
Лесоводство: основа копировальной бумагиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > carbon base (body) paper
11 carbon base body paper
Макаров: основа копировальной бумагиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > carbon base body paper
12 carbon base (body) paper
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > carbon base (body) paper
13 carbon base body paper
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > carbon base body paper
14 bct-carbon
15 BCC
1) Компьютерная техника: Block Check Character, Body Centred Cubic2) Военный термин: BETA correlation center, Base Cluster Commander, Base Communications Center, Battlefield Command Computer, Bay Command Console, basic cryptoanalysis course, battalion command center, battery control central, broadcast control center, battlefield circulation control3) Техника: beacon control console, bus controller chip4) Химия: BC Catalytic Cracking5) Религия: Британский Совет Церквей6) Юридический термин: Big Conspiracy Cover-up7) Грубое выражение: Bring Caviar And Champagne8) Телекоммуникации: Bus Control Card, Block Check Character (BISYNC), Block Calls Cleared (telephony)9) Сокращение: Battery Control Centre, British Communications Corporation, British Copyright Council, British Council of Churches, Blind Carbon Copy - a copy of a message, sent to somebody without informing the primary addressee., Body-Centred Cubic Lattice10) Университет: Beer Can College11) Школьное выражение: Battle Creek Central High School12) Вычислительная техника: blind courtesy copy, Blind Carbon Copy (DFUE), Base Communications-computer Center (Mil., USA), blind carbon copy13) Нефть: budget cost center14) Онкология: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Breast Cancer Center15) Фирменный знак: Baron Consulting Company16) СМИ: Broadcasting Corporation of China17) Кристаллография: ОЦК, объёмноцентрированный кубический, body centered cubic18) Образование: Basic Core Curriculum, Business Career Center19) Сетевые технологии: Block Check Count, символ контроля блока, символ, содержащий контрольную сумму20) Программирование: ( Blind Carbon Copy, Blind Courtesy Copy) "слепая копия"21) Нефть и газ: Back-up Command Center, Back-up Control Center, Backup Command Center, Backup Control Center, РЦУ, Резервный центр управления, RTsU22) Общественная организация: Breast Cancer Coalition23) NYSE. Boise Cascade Corporation -
16 Bcc
1) Компьютерная техника: Block Check Character, Body Centred Cubic2) Военный термин: BETA correlation center, Base Cluster Commander, Base Communications Center, Battlefield Command Computer, Bay Command Console, basic cryptoanalysis course, battalion command center, battery control central, broadcast control center, battlefield circulation control3) Техника: beacon control console, bus controller chip4) Химия: BC Catalytic Cracking5) Религия: Британский Совет Церквей6) Юридический термин: Big Conspiracy Cover-up7) Грубое выражение: Bring Caviar And Champagne8) Телекоммуникации: Bus Control Card, Block Check Character (BISYNC), Block Calls Cleared (telephony)9) Сокращение: Battery Control Centre, British Communications Corporation, British Copyright Council, British Council of Churches, Blind Carbon Copy - a copy of a message, sent to somebody without informing the primary addressee., Body-Centred Cubic Lattice10) Университет: Beer Can College11) Школьное выражение: Battle Creek Central High School12) Вычислительная техника: blind courtesy copy, Blind Carbon Copy (DFUE), Base Communications-computer Center (Mil., USA), blind carbon copy13) Нефть: budget cost center14) Онкология: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Breast Cancer Center15) Фирменный знак: Baron Consulting Company16) СМИ: Broadcasting Corporation of China17) Кристаллография: ОЦК, объёмноцентрированный кубический, body centered cubic18) Образование: Basic Core Curriculum, Business Career Center19) Сетевые технологии: Block Check Count, символ контроля блока, символ, содержащий контрольную сумму20) Программирование: ( Blind Carbon Copy, Blind Courtesy Copy) "слепая копия"21) Нефть и газ: Back-up Command Center, Back-up Control Center, Backup Command Center, Backup Control Center, РЦУ, Резервный центр управления, RTsU22) Общественная организация: Breast Cancer Coalition23) NYSE. Boise Cascade Corporation -
17 bcc
1) Компьютерная техника: Block Check Character, Body Centred Cubic2) Военный термин: BETA correlation center, Base Cluster Commander, Base Communications Center, Battlefield Command Computer, Bay Command Console, basic cryptoanalysis course, battalion command center, battery control central, broadcast control center, battlefield circulation control3) Техника: beacon control console, bus controller chip4) Химия: BC Catalytic Cracking5) Религия: Британский Совет Церквей6) Юридический термин: Big Conspiracy Cover-up7) Грубое выражение: Bring Caviar And Champagne8) Телекоммуникации: Bus Control Card, Block Check Character (BISYNC), Block Calls Cleared (telephony)9) Сокращение: Battery Control Centre, British Communications Corporation, British Copyright Council, British Council of Churches, Blind Carbon Copy - a copy of a message, sent to somebody without informing the primary addressee., Body-Centred Cubic Lattice10) Университет: Beer Can College11) Школьное выражение: Battle Creek Central High School12) Вычислительная техника: blind courtesy copy, Blind Carbon Copy (DFUE), Base Communications-computer Center (Mil., USA), blind carbon copy13) Нефть: budget cost center14) Онкология: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Breast Cancer Center15) Фирменный знак: Baron Consulting Company16) СМИ: Broadcasting Corporation of China17) Кристаллография: ОЦК, объёмноцентрированный кубический, body centered cubic18) Образование: Basic Core Curriculum, Business Career Center19) Сетевые технологии: Block Check Count, символ контроля блока, символ, содержащий контрольную сумму20) Программирование: ( Blind Carbon Copy, Blind Courtesy Copy) "слепая копия"21) Нефть и газ: Back-up Command Center, Back-up Control Center, Backup Command Center, Backup Control Center, РЦУ, Резервный центр управления, RTsU22) Общественная организация: Breast Cancer Coalition23) NYSE. Boise Cascade Corporation -
18 machine
1) машина2) станок || подвергать механической обработке3) установка; устройство; агрегат4) механизмАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > machine
19 laser
лазер || лазерный- laser with dynamic liquid crystal mirrors
- acidic umbelliferone laser
- acoustooptically-tuned laser
- acquisition laser
- active infrared detection laser
- actively mode-locked laser
- actively Q-switched laser
- alignment laser
- alkali-halide laser
- alpha-particle laser
- amorphous laser
- amplitude stabilized laser
- anisotropic laser
- anorganic vapor laser
- antisubmarine laser
- Ar laser
- arc-driven laser
- arc-excited laser
- argon laser
- atmospheric pressure laser
- atomic laser
- atomic-beam laser
- Au vapor laser
- avalanche injection laser
- axially excited laser
- beam-expanded laser
- BH injection laser
- bidirectional laser
- bistable laser
- black-body laser
- black-body pumped laser
- blue laser
- Bragg laser
- Brewster-angled laser
- bromine vapor laser
- Br vapor laser
- bulk ionized laser
- buried-heterostructure injection laser
- butt-coupled laser
- C-laser
- Ca laser
- cadmium selenide laser
- cadmium sulfide laser
- cadmium vapor laser
- calcium vapor laser
- carbazine laser
- carbon dioxide laser
- carbon monoxide laser
- carbon vapor laser
- carbopyronine laser
- cascade laser
- cataphoresis pumping laser
- cavity laser
- Cd laser
- ceramic laser
- chain-reaction laser
- chelate laser
- chemical laser
- chemically excited laser
- chemically pumped laser
- chemical transfer laser
- chirped laser
- chlorine laser
- circular ring laser
- circulated-liquid laser
- Cl laser
- close-confinement laser
- closed-cycle laser
- CO laser
- CO2 laser
- coaxial laser
- coaxial-flow laser
- color-center laser
- combustion laser
- combustion powered laser
- composite-rod laser
- Compton laser
- condensed-phase laser
- confined-phase laser
- confocal laser
- CO2+N2+He laser
- continuously operated ruby laser
- continuously pumped laser
- continuously running laser
- continuous-wave laser
- convectively-cooled laser
- copper iodide laser
- copper vapor laser
- corner-cube laser
- coumarin laser
- coupled-cavity laser
- cross-beam laser
- cross-discharge laser
- cross-field laser
- cross-pumped laser
- cryogenic laser
- crystalline laser
- Cu laser
- CW laser
- dc-excited laser
- deflection laser
- deuterium fluoride laser
- DFB laser
- dielectric gas laser
- dielectric solid-state laser
- diffraction-limited laser
- diffraction-stabilized laser
- diffused laser
- diffusion-cooled laser
- dimer laser
- diode laser
- diode-pumped laser
- direct-gap injection laser
- directly modulated laser
- disk laser
- distributed laser
- distributed-feedback laser
- double-beam laser
- double-discharge laser
- double-frequency laser
- double-heterojunction laser
- double-heterostructure laser
- double-injection laser
- double-mode laser
- double-pulse laser
- double-quantum laser
- doubly mode-locked laser
- dual laser
- dye laser
- dye-doped polymethylmethacrylate laser
- E-beam-controlled laser
- E-beam-pumped laser
- electrically excited laser
- electric-discharge laser
- electroionization laser
- electron-beam laser
- electron-beam-excited laser
- electron-beam-initiated laser
- electron-beam plasma laser
- electron-beam-pumped laser
- electron-beam-stabilized laser
- electron-beam-triggering laser
- electron-collisionally excited ionic laser
- electronic transition laser
- electronic-vibrational transition laser
- electrooptically tuned laser
- ELION laser
- end-pumped laser
- epitaxial laser
- epitaxial-grown laser
- equilateral triangular laser
- erasing laser
- erbium-glass laser
- evanescent-field-pumped laser
- evanescent-wave-pumped laser
- excimer laser
- excited-state dimer laser
- exciting laser
- exciton laser
- explosion laser
- explosively pumped laser
- externally excited laser
- external-mirror laser
- extrinsically tuned laser
- face-pumped laser
- far-infrared laser
- far-ultraviolet laser
- fast-flowing laser
- feedback laser
- fiber laser
- fiber-tailed laser
- fixed-frequency laser
- flame laser
- flashlamp-pumped laser
- flowing gas laser
- flowing molecular laser
- four-level laser
- free-electron laser
- free-running laser
- frequency-controlled laser
- frequency-doubled laser
- frequency-modulated laser
- frequency-multiplied laser
- frequency-tuned laser
- fundamental-mode laser
- Ga-As laser
- gain-guided laser
- gain-switched laser - gamma-ray laser
- gas laser
- gas-discharge laser - gold vapor laser
- grating-controlled laser
- grating-coupled laser
- green laser
- green argon laser
- HCI vibrational-rotational laser
- heat-pumped laser
- heavy doped laser
- helium-iodine laser
- helium-krypton laser
- helium-xenon laser
- He-Ne laser
- heterojunction laser
- heterostructure laser
- heterostructure injection laser
- Hg laser
- high-current ion laser
- high-energy laser
- high-gain laser
- high-intensity laser
- highly coherent laser
- high-power laser
- high-pressure laser
- high-repetition-rate laser
- hollow-cathode laser
- holmium glass laser
- homogeneously broadened laser
- homogeneously pumped laser
- homojunction laser
- homostructure laser
- hybrid laser
- hydrogen laser
- hydrogen halide laser
- I-laser
- illuminating laser
- incoherently pumped laser
- index-guided laser
- indirect-gap injection laser - inhomogeneously pumped laser
- initiated laser
- initiating laser
- injection laser
- injection-locking laser
- injection-plasma laser
- inorganic-liquid laser
- integral compact glass laser
- internal-mirror laser
- intracavity modulated laser
- iodine laser
- ion laser
- ionization-assisted gas laser
- ionized laser
- IR laser
- Javan's laser
- junction laser
- Kerr-cell switched laser
- Kr laser
- krypton laser
- Lamb-dip stabilized laser
- large-aperture laser
- large-optical-cavity laser
- laser-pumped laser
- layered laser
- lead selenide laser
- lead sulfide laser
- lead telluride laser
- lead tin telluride laser
- lead vapor laser
- light-emitting-diode pumped laser
- light-pumped laser
- liquid laser
- liquid-dye laser
- LOC laser
- longitudinal-flow laser
- longitudinal-pumped laser
- long-wavelength laser
- low-power laser
- low-pressure laser
- low-threshold laser
- magnetically confined ion gas laser
- magnetohydrodynamic laser
- magnetooptical laser
- manganese vapor laser
- many-element laser
- mass-transport buried heterostructure laser
- master laser
- mercury vapor laser
- mesa laser
- metal vapor laser
- MHD laser
- microwave-pumped laser
- millimeter laser
- millimeter-wave laser
- mirror-angle tuned laser
- mirrorless laser
- Mn vapor laser
- mode-controlled laser
- mode-coupled laser
- mode-limited laser
- mode-locked laser
- mode-selected laser
- molecular laser
- molecular nitrogen discharge laser
- MTBH laser
- multicolor laser
- multifrequency laser
- multiline laser
- multilongitudinal-mode laser
- multimodal laser
- multimode laser
- multiphoton laser
- multiple-dye laser
- multiple-pulse laser
- multiple quantum-well laser
- multiple-wavelength laser
- multiprism laser
- mutually pumped injection laser
- Nd-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser
- Nd-glass laser
- Nd-YAG laser
- Ne laser
- near-IR laser
- neodymium-doped phosphorous chloride laser
- neodymium glass laser
- neodymium liquid laser
- neodymium-selenium oxychloride laser
- neodymium-ytterbium glass laser
- neodymium-yttrium-erbium glass laser
- neon laser
- neutral gas laser
- nitrogen laser
- nitrogen-carbon dioxide laser
- noble-gas laser
- noncavity laser
- nonmode-selected laser
- nonspiking laser
- nuclear laser
- nuclear-charged self-sustaining laser
- nuclear-pumped laser
- nuclear γ-laser
- O-laser
- optical-avalanche laser
- optical fiber laser
- optically pumped laser
- organic laser
- organic-dye laser
- overtone laser
- oxazine laser
- oxygen laser
- P-laser
- parallel-plate laser
- passively mode-locked laser
- passively Q-switched laser
- Pb ion laser
- phase-conjugate -laser
- phase-locked laser
- phosphorous vapor laser
- photochemical laser
- photodissociation laser
- photoexcitation laser
- photoinitiated laser
- photoionization laser
- photoionized laser
- photorecombination laser
- pigtailed laser
- pinched-plasma laser
- pink-ruby laser
- planar stripe laser
- plane-resonator laser
- plasma laser
- p-n laser
- p-n junction laser
- polycrystalline laser
- positive-column-discharge laser
- potassium bromide laser
- p-p-n-n laser
- preionization laser
- preionized laser
- premixed chemical laser
- pressure-tuned laser
- prism dye laser
- prism-tuned laser
- PS laser
- pulsed laser
- pulsed electrical laser
- pulsed ruby laser
- pulsed water-vapor laser
- pulse-initiated chemical laser
- pumped laser
- pumping laser
- pyrotechnically pumped laser
- Q-spoiled laser
- Q-switched laser
- Q-switching laser
- quantum-well laser
- quartz laser
- quasi-continuous laser
- radial-discharge laser
- Raman laser
- rare-earth chelate laser
- rare-gas electrical-discharge laser
- reading laser
- recombination laser
- red laser
- regularly pulsing laser
- repetitively pumped laser
- resonanit laser
- RF excited laser
- rhodamine laser
- rhodamine 6G-laser
- Ridley-Watkins-Hillsum-mechanism laser
- ring laser
- roof-top ruby laser
- rotation laser
- ruby laser
- RWH-mechanism laser
- S-laser
- scan laser
- SCH laser
- sealed-off laser
- selenium vapor laser
- self-contained laser
- self-focusing laser
- self-locked laser
- self-mode-locking laser
- self-Q-switching laser
- self-starting laser
- self-sustained laser
- self-terminating laser
- self-tuned laser
- semiconductor laser
- separate-confinement heterostructure laser
- shock-tube laser
- shock-wave pumped laser
- short-pulsed laser
- Si laser
- silicon vapor laser
- single-frequency laser
- single-heterojunction laser
- single-heterostructure laser
- single-longitudinal-mode laser
- single-mode laser
- single-mode pumped laser
- single-shot pumped laser
- single-wavelength laser
- slave laser
- SLM laser
- slotted cathode laser
- slow-flowing laser
- software laser
- solar-pumped laser
- solid laser
- solid-dye laser
- solid rare-earth ion laser
- solid-state laser
- spikeless laser
- spiking laser
- spin-flip laser
- Sr laser
- storage laser
- storage-ring laser
- streamer laser
- stripe laser
- stripe-geometry laser
- strontium vapor laser
- submillimeter laser
- subsonic-flow laser
- sulfur-hexafluoride laser
- sulfur-vapor laser
- sun-pumped laser
- superlattice laser
- superluminescent laser
- superpower laser
- superradiant laser
- superradiative laser
- supersonic laser
- synchronously-pumped laser
- TEA laser
- telescopic-resonator laser
- temperature-controlled laser
- thallium vapor laser
- thermally controlled laser
- thermally excited laser
- thermally pumped laser
- thick-cavity junction laser
- thin-film laser
- thin-film diode laser
- three-level laser
- tin vapor laser
- tracking laser
- transfer chemical laser
- transverse electrically initiated laser
- transverse-excitation atmospheric laser
- transverse-excitation atmospheric pressure laser
- transverse-flow laser
- transverse-flow mixing laser
- traveling-wave laser
- triode laser
- tunable laser
- tunable diode laser
- tunnel laser
- tunnel-injection laser
- two-frequency laser
- two-isotope active medium laser
- two-photon pumped laser
- ultraviolet laser
- uncontrolled laser
- unidirectional laser
- unimodal laser
- unstable-resonator laser
- UV laser
- vacuum-ultraviolet laser
- variable pulse-length laser
- variable-wavelength laser
- vernier interferometric laser
- vibrational-rotation laser
- vibrational-transition laser
- visible laser
- VUV laser
- waveguide laser
- waveguide-pumping laser
- writing laser
- Xe laser
- xenon ion laser
- X-ray laser
- ytterbium glass laser
- Zeeman laser
- zero-order-mode laser
- zinc oxide laser
- zinc-oxide nanowire laser
- zinc sulfide laser
- zinc vapor laser
- Zn laser -
20 laser
лазер || лазерный- acoustooptically-tuned laser
- acquisition laser
- active infrared detection laser
- actively mode-locked laser
- actively Q-switched laser
- alignment laser
- alkali-halide laser
- alpha-particle laser
- amorphous laser
- amplitude stabilized laser
- anisotropic laser
- anorganic vapor laser
- antisubmarine laser
- Ar laser
- arc-driven laser
- arc-excited laser
- argon laser
- atmospheric pressure laser
- atomic laser
- atomic-beam laser
- Au vapor laser
- avalanche injection laser
- axially excited laser
- beam-expanded laser
- BH injection laser
- bidirectional laser
- bistable laser
- black-body laser
- black-body pumped laser
- blue laser
- Br vapor laser
- Bragg laser
- Brewster-angled laser
- bromine vapor laser
- bulk ionized laser
- buried-heterostructure injection laser
- butt-coupled laser
- C laser
- Ca laser
- cadmium selenide laser
- cadmium sulfide laser
- cadmium vapor laser
- calcium vapor laser
- carbazine laser
- carbon dioxide laser
- carbon monoxide laser
- carbon vapor laser
- carbopyronine laser
- cascade laser
- cataphoresis pumping laser
- cavity laser
- Cd laser
- ceramic laser
- chain-reaction laser
- chelate laser
- chemical laser
- chemical transfer laser
- chemically excited laser
- chemically pumped laser
- chirped laser
- chlorine laser
- circular ring laser
- circulated-liquid laser
- Cl laser
- close-confinement laser
- closed-cycle laser
- CO laser
- CO2 + N2 + He laser
- CO2 laser
- coaxial laser
- coaxial-flow laser
- color-center laser
- combustion laser
- combustion powered laser
- composite-rod laser
- Compton laser
- condensed-phase laser
- confined-phase laser
- confocal laser
- continuously operated ruby laser
- continuously pumped laser
- continuously running laser
- continuous-wave laser
- convectively-cooled laser
- copper iodide laser
- copper vapor laser
- corner-cube laser
- coumarin laser
- coupled-cavity laser
- cross-beam laser
- cross-discharge laser
- cross-field laser
- cross-pumped laser
- cryogenic laser
- crystalline laser
- Cu laser
- CW laser
- dc-excited laser
- deflection laser
- deuterium fluoride laser
- DFB laser
- dielectric gas laser
- dielectric solid-state laser
- diffraction-limited laser
- diffraction-stabilized laser
- diffused laser
- diffusion-cooled laser
- dimer laser
- diode laser
- diode-pumped laser
- direct-gap injection laser
- directly modulated laser
- disk laser
- distributed laser
- distributed-feedback laser
- double-beam laser
- double-discharge laser
- double-frequency laser
- double-heterojunction laser
- double-heterostructure laser
- double-injection laser
- double-mode laser
- double-pulse laser
- double-quantum laser
- doubly mode-locked laser
- dual laser
- dye laser
- dye-doped polymethylmethacrylate laser
- E-beam-controlled laser
- E-beam-pumped laser
- electrically excited laser
- electric-discharge laser
- electroionization laser
- electron-beam laser
- electron-beam plasma laser
- electron-beam-excited laser
- electron-beam-initiated laser
- electron-beam-pumped laser
- electron-beam-stabilized laser
- electron-beam-triggering laser
- electron-collisionally excited ionic laser
- electronic transition laser
- electronic-vibrational transition laser
- electrooptically tuned laser
- ELION laser
- end-pumped laser
- epitaxial laser
- epitaxial-grown laser
- equilateral triangular laser
- erasing laser
- erbium-glass laser
- evanescent-field-pumped laser
- evanescent-wave-pumped laser
- excimer laser
- excited-state dimer laser
- exciting laser
- exciton laser
- explosion laser
- explosively pumped laser
- externally excited laser
- external-mirror laser
- extrinsically tuned laser
- face-pumped laser
- far-infrared laser
- far-ultraviolet laser
- fast-flowing laser
- feedback laser
- fiber laser
- fiber-tailed laser
- fixed-frequency laser
- flame laser
- flashlamp-pumped laser
- flowing gas laser
- flowing molecular laser
- four-level laser
- free-electron laser
- free-running laser
- frequency-controlled laser
- frequency-doubled laser
- frequency-modulated laser
- frequency-multiplied laser
- frequency-tuned laser
- fundamental-mode laser
- Ga-As laser
- gain-guided laser
- gain-switched laser
- gallium arsenide laser
- gallium nitride laser
- gamma-ray laser
- gas laser
- gas-discharge laser
- gas-dynamic laser
- giant-pulse laser
- giant-pulse ruby laser
- glass laser
- gold vapor laser
- grating-controlled laser
- grating-coupled laser
- green argon laser
- green laser
- HCI vibrational-rotational laser
- heat-pumped laser
- heavy doped laser
- helium-iodine laser
- helium-krypton laser
- helium-xenon laser
- He-Ne laser
- heterojunction laser
- heterostructure injection laser
- heterostructure laser
- Hg laser
- high-current ion laser
- high-energy laser
- high-gain laser
- high-intensity laser
- highly coherent laser
- high-power laser
- high-pressure laser
- high-repetition-rate laser
- hollow-cathode laser
- holmium glass laser
- homogeneously broadened laser
- homogeneously pumped laser
- homojunction laser
- homostructure laser
- hybrid laser
- hydrogen halide laser
- hydrogen laser
- I laser
- illuminating laser
- incoherently pumped laser
- index-guided laser
- indirect-gap injection laser
- infrared laser
- inhomogeneously broadened laser
- inhomogeneously pumped laser
- initiated laser
- initiating laser
- injection laser
- injection-locking laser
- injection-plasma laser
- inorganic-liquid laser
- integral compact glass laser
- internal-mirror laser
- intracavity modulated laser
- iodine laser
- ion laser
- ionization-assisted gas laser
- ionized laser
- IR laser
- Javan's laser
- junction laser
- Kerr-cell switched laser
- Kr laser
- krypton laser
- Lamb-dip stabilized laser
- large-aperture laser
- large-optical-cavity laser
- laser on supersonic jet
- laser with dynamic liquid crystal mirrors
- laser-pumped laser
- layered laser
- lead selenide laser
- lead sulfide laser
- lead telluride laser
- lead tin telluride laser
- lead vapor laser
- light-emitting-diode pumped laser
- light-pumped laser
- liquid laser
- liquid-dye laser
- LOC laser
- longitudinal-flow laser
- longitudinal-pumped laser
- long-wavelength laser
- low-power laser
- low-pressure laser
- low-threshold laser
- magnetically confined ion gas laser
- magnetohydrodynamic laser
- magnetooptical laser
- manganese vapor laser
- many-element laser
- mass-transport buried heterostructure laser
- master laser
- mercury vapor laser
- mesa laser
- metal vapor laser
- MHD laser
- microwave-pumped laser
- millimeter laser
- millimeter-wave laser
- mirror-angle tuned laser
- mirrorless laser
- Mn vapor laser
- mode-controlled laser
- mode-coupled laser
- mode-limited laser
- mode-locked laser
- mode-selected laser
- molecular laser
- molecular nitrogen discharge laser
- MTBH laser
- multicolor laser
- multifrequency laser
- multiline laser
- multilongitudinal-mode laser
- multimodal laser
- multimode laser
- multiphoton laser
- multiple quantum-well laser
- multiple-dye laser
- multiple-pulse laser
- multiple-wavelength laser
- multiprism laser
- mutually pumped injection laser
- Nd-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser
- Nd-glass laser
- Nd-YAG laser
- Ne laser
- near-IR laser
- neodymium glass laser
- neodymium liquid laser
- neodymium-doped phosphorous chloride laser
- neodymium-selenium oxychloride laser
- neodymium-ytterbium glass laser
- neodymium-yttrium-erbium glass laser
- neon laser
- neutral gas laser
- nitrogen laser
- nitrogen-carbon dioxide laser
- noble-gas laser
- noncavity laser
- nonmode-selected laser
- nonspiking laser
- nuclear γ laser
- nuclear laser
- nuclear-charged self-sustaining laser
- nuclear-pumped laser
- O laser
- optical fiber laser
- optical-avalanche laser
- optically pumped laser
- organic laser
- organic-dye laser
- overtone laser
- oxazine laser
- oxygen laser
- P laser
- parallel-plate laser
- passively mode-locked laser
- passively Q-switched laser
- Pb ion laser
- phase-conjugate-laser
- phase-locked-laser
- phosphorous vapor laser
- photochemical laser
- photodissociation laser
- photoexcitation laser
- photoinitiated laser
- photoionization laser
- photoionized laser
- photorecombination laser
- pigtailed laser
- pinched-plasma laser
- pink-ruby laser
- planar stripe laser
- plane-resonator laser
- plasma laser
- p-n junction laser
- p-n laser
- polycrystalline laser
- positive-column-discharge laser
- potassium bromide laser
- p-p-n-n laser
- preionization laser
- preionized laser
- premixed chemical laser
- pressure-tuned laser
- prism dye laser
- prism-tuned laser
- PS laser
- pulsed electrical laser
- pulsed laser
- pulsed ruby laser
- pulsed water-vapor laser
- pulse-initiated chemical laser
- pumped laser
- pumping laser
- pyrotechnically pumped laser
- Q-spoiled laser
- Q-switched laser
- Q-switching laser
- quantum-well laser
- quartz laser
- quasi-continuous laser
- radial-discharge laser
- Raman laser
- rare-earth chelate laser
- rare-gas electrical-discharge laser
- reading laser
- recombination laser
- red laser
- regularly pulsing laser
- repetitively pumped laser
- resonanit laser
- RF excited laser
- rhodamine 6G laser
- rhodamine laser
- Ridley-Watkins-Hillsum-mechanism laser
- ring laser
- roof-top ruby laser
- rotation laser
- ruby laser
- RWH-mechanism laser
- S laser
- scan laser
- SCH laser
- sealed-off laser
- selenium vapor laser
- self-contained laser
- self-focusing laser
- self-locked laser
- self-mode-locking laser
- self-Q-switching laser
- self-starting laser
- self-sustained laser
- self-terminating laser
- self-tuned laser
- semiconductor laser
- separate-confinement heterostructure laser
- shock-tube laser
- shock-wave pumped laser
- short-pulsed laser
- Si laser
- silicon vapor laser
- single-frequency laser
- single-heterojunction laser
- single-heterostructure laser
- single-longitudinal-mode laser
- single-mode laser
- single-mode pumped laser
- single-shot pumped laser
- single-wavelength laser
- slave laser
- SLM laser
- slotted cathode laser
- slow-flowing laser
- software laser
- solar-pumped laser
- solid laser
- solid rare-earth ion laser
- solid-dye laser
- solid-state laser
- spikeless laser
- spiking laser
- spin-flip laser
- Sr laser
- storage laser
- storage-ring laser
- streamer laser
- stripe laser
- stripe-geometry laser
- strontium vapor laser
- submillimeter laser
- subsonic-flow laser
- sulfur-hexafluoride laser
- sulfur-vapor laser
- sun-pumped laser
- superlattice laser
- superluminescent laser
- superpower laser
- superradiant laser
- superradiative laser
- supersonic laser
- synchronously-pumped laser
- TEA laser
- telescopic-resonator laser
- temperature-controlled laser
- thallium vapor laser
- thermally controlled laser
- thermally excited laser
- thermally pumped laser
- thick-cavity junction laser
- thin-film diode laser
- thin-film laser
- three-level laser
- tin vapor laser
- tracking laser
- transfer chemical laser
- transverse electrically initiated laser
- transverse-excitation atmospheric laser
- transverse-excitation atmospheric pressure laser
- transverse-flow laser
- transverse-flow mixing laser
- traveling-wave laser
- triode laser
- tunable diode laser
- tunable laser
- tunnel laser
- tunnel-injection laser
- two-frequency laser
- two-isotope active medium laser
- two-photon pumped laser
- ultraviolet laser
- uncontrolled laser
- unidirectional laser
- unimodal laser
- unstable-resonator laser
- UV laser
- vacuum-ultraviolet laser
- variable pulse-length laser
- variable-wavelength laser
- vernier interferometric laser
- vibrational-rotation laser
- vibrational-transition laser
- visible laser
- VUV laser
- waveguide laser
- waveguide-pumping laser
- writing laser
- Xe laser
- xenon ion laser
- X-ray laser
- ytterbium glass laser
- Zeeman laser
- zero-order-mode laser
- zinc oxide laser
- zinc sulfide laser
- zinc vapor laser
- zinc-oxide nanowire laser
- Zn laserThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > laser
См. также в других словарях:
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