1 carbide cutter
2) Автоматика: твердосплавная фреза -
2 carbide cutter
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > carbide cutter
3 carbide cutter
4 carbide cutter
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > carbide cutter
5 carbide cutter insert
= carbide tip cutting insert твердосплавная режущая пластинаEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > carbide cutter insert
6 carbide cutter insert
Автоматика: твердосплавная режущая пластина -
7 carbide cutter insert
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > carbide cutter insert
8 indexable carbide cutter
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > indexable carbide cutter
9 indexable carbide cutter
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > indexable carbide cutter
10 carbide tip cutting insert
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > carbide tip cutting insert
11 cutter
1) режущий инструмент; резец2) фреза4) резак ( для газовой резки)5) плашка6) ножницы7) кусачки8) насечка•- abrasive waterjet cutter
- acetylene cutter
- air bearing fly cutter
- alternate angle cutter
- alternate angle milling cutter
- alternate blade cutter
- alternate gash cutter
- alternate gash milling cutter
- angular cutter
- angular milling cutter
- annular cutter
- arbor-type cutter
- arbor-type milling cutter
- backed-off cutter
- backed-off milling cutter
- ball-ended cutter
- ball-ended milling cutter
- ball-nose cutter
- ball-nose milling cutter
- ball-nosed cutter
- ball-nosed milling cutter
- bevel gear cutter
- bolt cutter
- boring cutter
- brazed tip cutter
- BS cutter
- cam cutter
- carbide cutter
- carbide-tipped inserted blade cutter
- center-cutting cutter
- center-cutting end milling cutter
- ceramic-bladed cutter
- chamfer cutter
- circular cutter
- circular face-mill cutter
- circular shaper-type cutter
- clamped-on cutter
- close-pitch cutter
- coarse pitch cutter
- coarse tooth cutter
- concave cutter
- concave milling cutter
- coned cutter
- coned milling cutter
- cone-sharpened shaper cutter
- continuous ring-type gear cutter
- contour-milling cutter
- convex cutter
- convex milling cutter
- copy cutter
- copy milling cutter
- corner-rounding cutter
- cotter cutter
- cotter mill cutter
- counterbore cutter
- countersink cutter
- cutoff cutter
- cylindrical cutter
- cylindrical milling cutter
- diamond tool fly cutter
- diamond-point cutter
- die bolt cutter
- die milling cutter
- die-sinking cutter
- die-sinking milling cutter
- disk cutter
- disk-type shaper cutter
- double-angle cutter
- double-angle milling cutter
- double-bolt cutter
- double-corner rounding cutter
- double-corner rounding milling cutter
- double-ended boring bar cutter
- double-ended boring cutter
- double-ended cutter
- dovetail cutter
- dovetailing cutter
- drill-fluting cutter
- end-milling cutter
- engraving cutter
- extended boss shaper cutter
- extended hub shaper cutter
- face cutter
- face-and-side cutter
- face-and-side milling cutter
- face-milling cutter
- facing cutter
- Fellow's cutter
- file cutter
- final cutter
- fine pitch cutter
- fine tooth cutter
- finishing cutter
- finishing shaper cutter
- fishtail cutter
- fishtail milling cutter
- flame cutter
- flat-bottom cutter
- flat-ended cutter
- flat-nosed cutter
- flute-ground cutter
- fluting cutter
- fluting milling cutter
- fly cutter
- form cutter
- form gear cutter
- form tool cutter
- formed concave cutter
- formed convex cutter
- formed milling cutter
- formed tooth cutter
- form-relieved cutter
- gang cutters
- gang milling cutters
- gap-type shaper cutter
- gas cutter
- gear cutter
- gear shaper cutter
- gear-chamfering cutter
- gear-chamfering milling cutter
- gear-milling cutter
- gear-shaping cutter
- gear-shaving cutter
- generating cutter
- grooving cutter
- grooving-milling cutter
- grouped cutters
- half-side cutter
- half-side milling cutter
- heading cutter
- heavy pitch cutter
- heavy-duty cutter
- helical cutter
- helical milling cutter
- helical plain cutter
- helical plain milling cutter
- helical shaper cutter
- helical tooth cutter
- helical tooth milling cutter
- helix cutter
- hemispherical cutter
- herringbone shaper cutter
- herringbone-type cutter
- high-point shaper cutter
- high-speed steel cutter
- high-speed steel milling cutter
- hi-spindle speed cutter
- hobbing cutter
- hub-type shaper cutter
- indexable boring cutter
- indexable carbide cutter
- indexable insert cutter
- indexable insert milling cutter
- insert cutter
- inserted cutter
- inserted tooth cutter
- inserted tooth milling cutter
- inserted-blade cutter
- inserted-blade milling cutter
- inset cutter
- integral-tooth cutter
- interior pipe cutter
- interlocking disk cutter
- interlocking disk milling cutter
- interlocking side cutter
- interlocking side milling cutter
- interlocking side-and-face cutter
- interlocking side-and-face milling cutter
- internal pipe cutter
- internally cutting cutter
- internally cutting milling cutter
- involute gear cutter
- involute side milling cutter
- keyseat cutter
- keyseat milling cutter
- keyseating milling cutter
- keyway cutter
- keyway milling cutter
- knife cutter
- large taper shank shaper cutter
- laser cutter
- lathe cutter
- left-hand cutter
- left-hand milling cutter
- master cutter
- metal saw cutter
- milled teeth cutter
- milling cutter for indexable inserts
- milling cutter
- multibladed mill cutter
- multiface cutter
- multiinsert cutter
- multiple thread cutter
- multiple-type thread milling cutter
- nongenerating cutter
- notch cutter
- oversize shaper cutter
- oxyacetylene cutter
- paper cutter
- parallel shank shaper cutter
- pinion-shaped cutter
- pinion-type cutter
- pipe cutter
- plain milling cutter
- plain side milling cutter
- plasma cutter
- plate cutter
- polycrystalline cutter
- portable pipe cutter
- preshave shaper cutter
- profile cutter
- profile-relieved cutter
- protuberance-type shaper cutter
- quadruple bolt cutter
- rack-shaped cutter
- rack-type cutter
- radius cutter
- radiusing cutter
- rapid change cutter
- reamer-fluting cutter
- reference cutter
- right-hand cutter
- right-hand milling cutter
- ripper cutter
- rod cutter
- roll-end cutter
- rose cutter
- rotary cutter
- rotary face milling cutter
- roughing cutter
- roughing shaper cutter
- routing cutter
- saw cutter
- scrap cutter
- scraping-out cutter
- screwed hub shaper cutter
- screw-slotting cutter
- segmental cutter
- semitopping shaper cutter
- serration shaper cutter
- shank milling cutter
- shank shaper cutter
- shank-type milling cutter
- shank-type shaper cutter
- shaped profile cutter
- shaper cutter with protuberance
- shaper cutter
- shaving cutter
- shear-speed cutter
- shell-end cutter
- shell-end milling cutter
- shell-type cutter
- shell-type milling cutter
- side cutter
- side milling cutter
- side-and-face milling cutter
- single-angle cutter
- single-angle milling cutter
- single-bit boring double cutter
- single-blade cutter
- single-bolt cutter
- single-corner rounding cutter
- single-corner rounding milling cutter
- single-formed cutter
- single-point cutter
- single-point fly cutter
- single-side cutter
- single-thread cutter
- single-thread milling cutter
- sintered-carbide-tipped cutter
- six-fluted cutter
- sizing shave cutter
- slabbing cutter with nicked teeth
- slabbing cutter with spiral nicked teeth
- slabbing cutter
- slab-type cutter
- slab-type milling cutter
- slitting cutter
- slitting gang cutter
- slitting milling cutter
- slotting cutter
- slotting milling cutter
- small taper shank shaper cutter
- solid cutter
- spherical cutter
- spherical head cutter
- spherical-seat cutter
- spiral blades cutter
- spiral fluted cutter
- spiral milling cutter
- spiral tooth cutter
- spline milling cutter
- spot-facing cutter
- sprocket shaper cutter
- sprocket wheel cutter
- square cutter
- square milling cutter
- stagger tooth cutter
- stagger tooth side cutter
- staggered tooth milling cutter
- staggered tooth side milling cutter
- step cutter
- stepped cutter
- stocking cutter
- straddle cutters
- straddle milling cutters
- straight cutter
- straight shank cutter
- straight shank-type shaper cutter
- straight tooth cutter
- straight tooth milling cutter
- stub-milling cutter
- taper flute cutter
- taper shank shaper cutter
- tapered cutter
- tapered end cutter
- tap-fluting cutter
- tap-grooving cutter
- tee slot cutter
- thread cutter
- thread-milling cutter
- three-flute cutter
- toroidal cutter
- tracer-milling cutter
- triple-fluted cutter
- T-slot cutter
- T-slot milling cutter
- tube cutter
- tubing cutter
- twist drill cutter
- ultrasonic cutter
- undersize shaper cutter
- up-to-size cutter
- waterjet cutter
- wire cutter
- woodruff key cutter
- woodruff keyseat cutter
- worm-milling cutterEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > cutter
12 cutter
1) горн. выемочный комбайн2) нефт. шарошка3) резак; нож4) режущий инструмент; резец; фреза6) плашка8) сил. отрезной стол9) мн. ч. кусачки10) насечка11) полигр., пищ. резальное устройство; резальная машина12) куттер13) рекордер15) гравёр16) сил. гранильщик17) швейн. раскройная машина18) швейн. раскройщик; закройщик19) с.-х. жатка; косилка; режущий аппарат20) с.-х. измельчитель, измельчающий аппарат•-
acetylene cutter
air-bearing fly cutter
angle-milling cutter
arbor-type milling cutter
arbor-type cutter
automated coal cutter
bale cutter
ball-ended type cutter
bar cutter
bar-and-cake soap cutter
bark cutter
beam cutter
bias cutter
bolt cutter
boring cutter
bush cutter
butter cutter
carbide tipped inserted blade cutter
carbide-tipped milling cutter
circular cutter
clay cutter
cloth cutter
coal cutter
coarse-tooth milling cutter
coarse-tooth cutter
comb cutter
concave form milling cutter
concave form cutter
conical milling cutter
conical cutter
core-forming rolling cutter
cross rolling cutters
crushing cutter
crystal cutter
cutoff cutter
diamond cutter
diamond tool fly cutter
die cutter
disk cutter
disk rolling cutter
disk-type gear milling cutter
disk-type gear cutter
double-angle milling cutter
double-angle cutter
double-shaft bowl cutter
electromagnetic cutter
emery cutter
end-mill type gear cutter
end-milling cutter
explosive pipe cutter
external pipe cutter
face-milling cutter
feat-ended cutter
file cutter
film cutter
filter tube cutter
fine-tooth milling cutter
fine-tooth cutter
fish cutter
flame cutter
flexographic die cutter
fluting cutter
fly cutter
form-milling cutter
form-relieved milling cutter
form-relieved cutter
gage rolling cutter
gang cutter
gate cutter
gear-milling cutter
glass cutter
greens cutter
grits cutter
grooving cutter
guillotine cutter
gusset cutter
half-side milling cutter
half-side cutter
helical-flute milling cutter
helical-flute cutter
hobbing cutter
hole-boring cutter
hot-wire cutter
hydraulic pipe cutter
inserted blade cutter
inserted teeth cutter
insert-type rolling cutter
inside pipe cutter
jet pipe cutter
keyway-milling cutter
metalI slitting cutter
milling cutter
molding cutter
multicone rolling cutter
multinozzle cutter
multiple-thread milling cutter
multiple-thread cutter
open frame cutter
outside circular pipe cutter
paper cutter
piezoelectric cutter
pipe cutter
plain milling cutter
plain cutter
reground cutter
retracting milling cutter
revenue cutter
roller cutter
root cutter
sand-jet pipe cutter
score cutter
scrap cutter
separate nozzle gas cutter
shank-type milling cutter
shank-type cutter
shaping cutter
shaving cutter
sheet cutter
shell-milling cutter
side milling cutter
side cutter
side angle milling cutter
side angle cutter
single-angle milling cutter
single-angle cutter
single-thread millingcutter
single-thread cutter
slot-milling cutter
slug cutter
soap cutter
solid milling cutter
solid cutter
solid-molding cutter
spiral milling cutter
splicing cutter
sprue cutter
staple cutter
straight-flute milling cutter
straight-flute cutter
strip cutter
tab cutter
tea cutter
thread-milling cutter
timber cutter
tobacco cutter
toothed rolling cutter
tubing cutter
turf cutter
vacuum cutter
vegetable cutter
water jet coal cutter
wire cutters
wire rope cutter -
13 cutter
1. режущий элемент, резец, фреза; шарошка2. газовый [кислородный] резак3. газорезчик4. геол. поперечная трещина5. бур, корончатый бур
* * *
1. бур, корончатый бур2. шарошка3. фрезаoutside circular pipe cutter — наружный круговой труборез (для резки трубчатых опор стационарных морских сооружении взрывом)
* * *
резец, фреза, режущий инструмент, шарошка
* * *
1) шарошка2) режущий инструмент; резак, нож; труборез3) резец; режущий элемент; фреза; выдвигающийся резец трубореза4) бур, корончатый бур•- arc cutterdrilling bit rolling cutters are locked — шарошки бурового долота заклинены;
- ballaset-type cutter
- bar cutter
- biscuit cutter
- bit cutters
- boring cutter
- bottomhole jet cutter
- casing cutter
- cement cutter
- claw cutter
- clay cutter
- conical cutter
- conical rolling cutter
- core-forming rolling cutter
- cross cutters
- cross rolling cutters
- cross-section cutters
- demountable rolling cutter
- diamond cutter
- diamond compact cutter
- diamond tool fly cutter
- disk cutter
- disk rolling cutter
- disk-type roller cutter
- double-cone rolling cutter
- drill pipe cutter
- drilling bit rolling cutters
- drilling line cutter
- expanding cutter
- expansion cutter
- explosive cutter
- external pipe cutter
- filter tube cutter
- gage cutter
- gage rolling cutter
- guide line cutter
- hole-forming rolling cutter
- hydraulic pipe cutter
- insert-type rolling cutter
- inside pipe cutter
- internal pipe cutter
- jet cutter
- jet casing cutter
- jet pipe cutter
- marine casing cutter
- milling cutter
- multicone rolling cutter
- multidisk rolling cutter
- natural cube diamond cutter
- outside cutter
- outside circular pipe cutter
- outside pipe cutter
- pipe cutter
- pipe piling cutter
- rectangular shaped cutter
- retracting milling cutter
- roller cutter
- rolling cutter
- sample cutter
- sand-jet pipe cutter
- self-cleaning rolling cutter
- side cutter
- single-cone rolling cutter
- single-disk alloy steel cutter
- studded cutter
- thermally stable synthetic cutters
- Thompson arc cutter
- thread cutter
- tooth-rolling cutter
- toothed-rolling cutter
- toothed-shoe cutter
- tube cutter
- tubing cutter
- tungsten carbide insert rolling cutter
- underreamer cutter
- wire cutter
- wireline cutter
- wireline cable cutter
- wireline knife cutter
- wirerope cutter* * *• 1) шарошка; 2) режущий элемент• куттер• резец• труборез• фрезер• шарошка -
14 carbide tipped inserted blade cutter
фреза с механическим креплением твердосплавных ножейБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > carbide tipped inserted blade cutter
15 carbide-tipped milling cutter
фреза с твердосплавными режущими пластинамиБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > carbide-tipped milling cutter
16 carbide tipped inserted blade cutter
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > carbide tipped inserted blade cutter
17 carbide-tipped milling cutter
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > carbide-tipped milling cutter
18 carbide tipped inserted blade cutter
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > carbide tipped inserted blade cutter
19 carbide-tipped inserted blade cutter
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > carbide-tipped inserted blade cutter
20 carbide-tipped milling cutter
1) Техника: фреза с твердосплавными режущими пластинами2) Макаров: фреза, оснащённая пластинками из твёрдых сплавовУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > carbide-tipped milling cutter
См. также в других словарях:
Milling cutter — Milling cutters are cutting tools typically used in milling machines or machining centres (and occasionally in other machine tools). They remove material by their movement within the machine (e.g., a ball nose mill) or directly from the cutter s… … Wikipedia
Glass cutter — See also article: Cutting A glass cutter is a hand tool which aids in the cutting (strictly, the controlled breaking) of flat or sheet glass. The wheel is usually about 5mm diameter and made of hardened steel or tungsten carbide with its edge… … Wikipedia
Burr (cutter) — Burrs (sometimes called rotary files) are small cutters used in die grinders, rotary tools or dentist s drills. The name may be considered appropriate when their small sized head (3 mm diameter shaft) is compared to that of a seed of the burr… … Wikipedia
Drill bit — For the fictional character, see Drill Bit (Transformers). For the cancelled skyscraper nicknamed Drill bit, see Chicago Spire. For the types used in drilling wells, see Well drilling. From top to bottom: Spade, lip and spur (brad point), masonry … Wikipedia
Moulder — A wood moulder is a machine used to shape wood with profiled cutters. The profiled cutters are also known as knives, and blades. Tooling refers to cutters, knives, blades including planer blades, and cutterheads. Most moulders require the blades… … Wikipedia
Saw — For other uses, see Saw (disambiguation). Saw A crosscut hand saw about 620 mm (24 inches) long Classification Cutting Types Hand saw Back saw Bow saw Circular saw … Wikipedia
Diamond tool — A close up of the segment of a diamond saw blade A diamond tool is a cutting tool with diamond grains fixed on the functional parts of the tool via a bonding material or another method.[1] As diamond is a superhard material, diamond tools have… … Wikipedia
Cutting tool (machining) — In the context of machining, a cutting tool (or cutter) is any tool that is used to remove material from the workpiece by means of shear deformation. Cutting may be accomplished by single point or multipoint tools. Single point tools are used in… … Wikipedia
mining — /muy ning/, n. 1. the act, process, or industry of extracting ores, coal, etc., from mines. 2. the laying of explosive mines. [1250 1300; ME: undermining (walls in an attack); see MINE2, ING1] * * * I Excavation of materials from the Earth s… … Universalium
Speeds and feeds — A line drawing showing some basic concepts of speeds and feeds in the context of lathe work. The angular velocity of the workpiece (rev/min) is called the spindle speed by machinists. Its tangential linear equivalent at the tool cutter interface… … Wikipedia
Oxy-fuel welding and cutting — Oxyacetylene redirects here. For the song, see Cubanate. Side of metal, cut by oxygen propane cutting torch … Wikipedia