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См. также в других словарях:

  • IRS Publication 463: Travel, Entertainment, Gift, And Car Expenses — A document published by the Internal Revenue Service that provides details on which business expenses may be deducted from individual or self employment tax obligations. Deductions for travel, entertainment, gifts or transportation related… …   Investment dictionary

  • Car accident — A car accident is a road traffic incident which usually involves one road vehicle colliding with, either another vehicle, another road user, or a stationary roadside object, and which may result in injury or property damage. Terminology Phrases… …   Wikipedia

  • Commuting Expenses — Expenses that are incurred as a result of the taxpayer s regular means of getting back and forth to his or her place of employment. Commuting expenses can include car expenses and public transportation costs. Commuting expenses are never… …   Investment dictionary

  • Car sharing — This article deals with the short term rental of cars. For the shared use of cars by persons with similar travel needs see Carpool. Flexcar (now Zipcar) carsharing vehicles in their reserved spots, Atlanta, Georgia. Car sharing or Carsharing (in… …   Wikipedia

  • car maintenance — process of keeping a car in proper working order, expenses required to keep a car running well …   English contemporary dictionary

  • IRS Publication 535 - Business Expenses — A document published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that provides guidance on what types of business expenses are and are not deductible. IRS Publication 535 covers the rules for deducting business expenses, and outlines the most common… …   Investment dictionary

  • inflexible expenses — Expenses that cannot be adjusted or eliminated such as car payments or rental payments. Antithesis of flexible expenses. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • Maintenance Expenses — The costs incurred to keep an item in good condition and/or good working order. When purchasing an item that requires upkeep, consumers should consider not just the initial price tag, but also the item s ongoing maintenance expenses. Maintenance… …   Investment dictionary

  • Out-Of-Pocket Expenses — An expense incurred and paid for by an individual for personal use, or relating to one s employment or business. This can also relate to ongoing costs of operating a fixed asset, such as a car or a home. Some out of pocket expenses may be… …   Investment dictionary

  • MSPs' Salaries, Expenses and Allowances — Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) are entitled to a salary, and where applicable, expenses and allowances.The Scotland Act 1998 provides for pay and allowances to MSPs, officeholders of the Scottish Parliament and Ministers. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Passenger car (rail) — This article is about railroad equipment. For other cars, see Automobile and wiktionary definition of passenger car. Amtrak Superliner double deck lounge car …   Wikipedia

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