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  • 1 armoured

    1) ((of vehicles etc) protected by armour: an armoured car.) pancierový, obrnený
    2) (made up of armoured vehicles: an armoured division of an army.) pancierový
    * * *
    • obrnený

    English-Slovak dictionary > armoured

  • 2 into

    1) (to or towards the inside of; to within: The eggs were put into the box; They disappeared into the mist.) do, v, vo
    2) (against: The car ran into the wall.) do
    3) (to the state or condition of: A tadpole turns into a frog; I've sorted the books into piles.) na
    4) (expressing the idea of division: Two into four goes twice.) v, vo
    * * *
    • v
    • dovnútra
    • do
    • na

    English-Slovak dictionary > into

  • 3 level

    ['levl] 1. noun
    1) (height, position, strength, rank etc: The level of the river rose; a high level of intelligence.) úroveň; hladina
    2) (a horizontal division or floor: the third level of the multi-storey car park.) poschodie
    3) (a kind of instrument for showing whether a surface is level: a spirit level.) vodováha
    4) (a flat, smooth surface or piece of land: It was difficult running uphill but he could run fast on the level.) rovina
    2. adjective
    1) (flat, even, smooth or horizontal: a level surface; a level spoonful (= an amount which just fills the spoon to the top of the sides).) rovný
    2) (of the same height, standard etc: The top of the kitchen sink is level with the window-sill; The scores of the two teams are level.) rovnako vysoký, rovnaká úroveň
    3) (steady, even and not rising or falling much: a calm, level voice.) bezvýrazný
    3. verb
    1) (to make flat, smooth or horizontal: He levelled the soil.) vyrovnať
    2) (to make equal: His goal levelled the scores of the two teams.) vyrovnať
    3) ((usually with at) to aim (a gun etc): He levelled his pistol at the target.) namieriť
    4) (to pull down: The bulldozer levelled the block of flats.) vyrovnať
    - level crossing
    - level-headed
    - do one's level best
    - level off
    - level out
    - on a level with
    - on the level
    * * *
    • vodováha
    • vyrovnaný
    • vyrovnat
    • vyrovnávat
    • zacielit
    • zarovnat
    • zamierit
    • stupen
    • urobit rovnakým
    • úroven
    • prispôsobit
    • cielit
    • rovnaký
    • rovný
    • rovná plocha
    • rozumný
    • robit rovnakým
    • rozvážny
    • plochý
    • mierit
    • odstránit rozdiely

    English-Slovak dictionary > level

См. также в других словарях:

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