1 capital adequacy ratio
сокр. CAR банк. коэффициент достаточности [адекватности\] капитала (один из коэффициентов, характеризующих финансовую устойчивость банка; рассчитывается как отношение собственного капитала банка к стоимости активов, взвешенной по уровню риска)See:
* * *
коэффициент достаточности собственного капитала банка: установленное законодательством или внутренними правилами банка соотношение собственных средств и активов.* * ** * *уровень достаточности капитала; коэффициент достаточности капитала. . Словарь экономических терминов .Англо-русский экономический словарь > capital adequacy ratio
2 capital adequacy ratio
1) Экономика: коэффициент достаточности капитала2) Банковское дело: норматив достаточности капитала (англ. оборот взят из новостного сообщения агентства Bloomberg)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > capital adequacy ratio
3 capital adequacy ratio
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > capital adequacy ratio
4 capital adequacy ratio
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > capital adequacy ratio
5 Tier I capital adequacy ratio
Банковское дело: коэффициент достаточности капитала первого уровня (http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbsca.htm), коэффициент достаточности основного капиталаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Tier I capital adequacy ratio
6 regulatory capital adequacy ratio
Банковское дело: коэффициент достаточности регулятивного капитала (в тексте перед термином стоял опред. артикль; англ. термин взят из новостного сообщения Fitch Ratings)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > regulatory capital adequacy ratio
7 total capital adequacy ratio
Банковское дело: коэффициент достаточности общего капиталаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > total capital adequacy ratio
8 capital adequacy
банк. достаточность [адекватность\] капитала (достаточность собственного капитала банка с точки зрения способности выполнять обязательства перед кредиторами и вкладчиками)See:
* * *
достаточность собственного капитала (средств) банка для нормального функционирования; органы банковского надзора на национальном и международном уровнях устанавливают требования к достаточности банковского капитала; см. Basle Concordat;* * ** * *достаточность капитала; уровень достаточности капитала (способность банка функционировать при поддержании установленного нормативами соотношения уставного капитала и активов). Требования к капиталу. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
9 ratio
10 ratio
n1) отношение; соотношение; пропорция2) коэффициент
- accounting ratio
- acid-test ratio
- activity ratio
- advance-decline ratio
- assessment ratio
- asset turnover ratio
- availability ratio
- average ratio
- bad loan ratio
- balance-sheet ratio
- benefit-cost ratio
- Berry ratio
- capacity ratio
- capital ratio
- capital adequacy ratio
- capital asset ratio
- capitalization ratio
- capital-output ratio
- cash ratio
- cash-deposit ratio
- collection ratio
- combined ratio
- common stock ratio
- concentration ratio
- conversion ratio
- corn-hog ratio
- correlation ratio
- cost-effectiveness ratio
- cost-to-income ratio
- cost-to-performance ratio
- cost-utility ratio
- cover ratio
- creditor-purchases ratio
- current ratio
- current assets ratio
- current liquidity ratio
- debt ratio
- debt-equity ratio
- debt-service ratio
- debt-to-assets ratio
- debt-to-equity ratio
- debt-to-exports ratio
- debt-to-GDP ratio
- debt-to-income ratio
- debt-to-total-assets ratio
- defect ratio
- deposit-currency ratio
- depreciation reserve ratio
- design ratio
- dividend-cover ratio
- dividend payment ratio
- dividend payout ratio
- downtime ratio
- earning ratio
- earning power ratio
- effectiveness ratio
- equity ratio
- exchange ratio
- expense ratio
- external debt service ratio
- feed ratio
- feedback ratio
- financial ratio
- fixed capital depreciation ratio
- fixed investment ratio
- fund-creating ratio
- gearing ratio
- gross profit ratio
- growth ratio
- hedge ratio
- institutional ratio
- interest coverage ratio
- inventory-income ratio
- inventory turnover ratio
- investment ratio
- key ratio
- labour-population ratio
- labour-saving ratio
- leverage ratio
- liquid ratio
- liquid assets ratio
- liquidity ratio
- loan-deposit ratio
- long-term debt ratio
- loss ratio
- low ratio of tax on income
- margin of profit ratio
- market ratio
- market ratio
- book ratio
- market value ratios
- mobilization ratio
- mortality ratio
- mutual fund cash-to-assets ratio
- net profit ratio
- nil ratio of tax income
- nonperforming subloan ratio
- operating ratio
- operation ratio
- output-input ratio
- payout ratio
- percentage ratio
- placement ratio
- ploughback ratio
- preferred stock ratio
- price ratio
- price-cost ratio
- price-earnings ratio
- primary capital ratio
- profit ratio
- profitability ratio
- profit-and-loss-sharing ratio
- profit-to-sale ratio
- profit-volume ratio
- put-call ratio
- quick assets ratio
- reserve ratio
- resource mobilization ratio
- return ratio
- risk assets ratio
- savings ratio
- self-financing ratio
- solvency ratio
- stock-sales ratio
- subscription ratio
- tax ratio
- till cash ratio
- times covered ratio
- transportation ratio
- turnover ratio
- utilization ratio
- vacancy-unemployment ratio
- volatility ratio
- working capital ratio
- ratio of allotment
- ratio of the amount of the borrower's current assets to current liabilities
- ratio of capital turnover
- ratio of reserves to liabilities
- ratio of working expenses -
11 adequacy
1. n достаточностьthe adequacy of treatment with antibiotics is being tested — сейчас проверяется результативность лечения антибиотиками
2. n соответствие, адекватность3. n компетентностьСинонимический ряд:1. ability (noun) ability; capability; capacity; might; qualification; qualifiedness2. sufficiency (noun) abundance; acceptability; competence; enough; plenty; sufficiency; sufficient; wherewithal -
12 ratio
1. n отношение, коэффициент; пропорция; соотношение2. n тех. передаточное число3. n эк. коэффициент покрытия, норма обеспечения4. v устанавливать отношение, соотношение, пропорциюsex ratio — процентное, численное соотношение полов
5. v фото увеличивать или уменьшать снимок в определённой кратностиСинонимический ряд:proportion (noun) degree; division; fraction; frequency; percentage; proportion; quota; quotient; rate; relationship; scale -
13 capital
1. n столица; главный город2. n прописная, заглавная или большая букваcapital letter — прописная буква; заглавная буква
3. a столичный, главный4. a прописной, заглавный, большой5. a главный, основной, самый важный; капитальныйcapital error — основная ошибка; роковое заблуждение
6. a юр. караемый смертью; тяжкийcapital crime — преступление, за которое предусматривается смертная казнь
7. a разг. превосходный, отличный8. a уст. относящийся к голове9. n эк. основной капитал10. n эк. акционерный капиталstructure of capital — структура капитала; строение капитала
impaired capital — капитал, который меньше объявленной суммы
composition of capital — состав капитала; структура капитала
11. n фин. основная сумма12. n капитал, капиталисты, класс капиталистовlocked-up capital — капитал, вложенный в неликвидные активы
13. n выгода, преимущество14. a эк. относящийся к капиталу15. a эк. относящийся к основному капиталу16. n архит. капительСинонимический ряд:1. chief (adj.) cardinal; chief; dominant; first; foremost; important; key; leading; main; number one; outstanding; paramount; predominant; preeminent; pre-eminent; premier; primary; principal; star; stellar; vital2. egregious (adj.) egregious; flagrant; glaring; gross; rank3. excellent (adj.) A1; bang-up; banner; best; blue-ribbon; bully; champion; choice; classic; classical; crack; excellent; famous; fine; first-class; first-rate; first-string; five-star; front-rank; good; Grade A; great; incomparable; par excellence; prime; quality; royal; skookum; sovereign; splendid; stunning; superb; superior; tiptop; top; topflight; top-notch; whiz-bang4. serious (adj.) deadly; fatal; heinous; major; serious5. center (noun) center; governmental seat; headquarters6. metropolis (noun) center of government; metropolis; municipality; principal city; seat of government7. moneys (noun) finances; funds; moneys8. resources (noun) assets; cash; fortune; interests; investment; means; money; principal; property; resources; wealth; wherewithal9. upper case (noun) large; large-size letter; majuscule; uncial; uncial letter; upper case; upper case letterАнтонимический ряд:bad; debts; inferior; mean; minor; poor; secondary; subordinate; trivial; unimportant -
14 fatigue ratio
1. соотношение между пределом выносливости и пределом прочности2. коэффициент усталости3. относительный предел усталости -
15 damping ratio
1. декремент затухания2. коэффициент затухания -
16 hit ratio
1. коэффициент совпадения2. процент удач -
17 contrast ratio
физ. коэффициент контрастности -
18 current ratio
коэффициент ликвидности; коэффициент покрытия -
19 debt service ratio
коэффициент тяжести задолженности выплат; коэффициент по задолженности к доходу от экспорта -
20 downtime ratio
См. также в других словарях:
Capital adequacy ratio — (CAR), also called Capital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio (CRAR), is a ratio of a bank s capital to its risk. National regulators track a bank s CAR to ensure that it can absorb a reasonable amount of loss [Cite web |… … Wikipedia
capital adequacy ratio — ➔ ratio * * * capital adequacy ratio UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION CAR, also capital ratio) ► BANKING, FINANCE the amount of a bank s capital in relation to the amount of money that it has lent to people and organizations: » … Financial and business terms
Capital Adequacy Ratio - CAR — A measure of a bank s capital. It is expressed as a percentage of a bank s risk weighted credit exposures. Also known as Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR). This ratio is used to protect depositors and promote the stability and… … Investment dictionary
capital adequacy ratio — (Economics) ratio between the capital of a financial institution and its investments (as the ratio between the capital and total assets is higher, the capital provides a greater level of security) … English contemporary dictionary
capital adequacy ratio — The proportion of a bank s total assets that is held in the form of shareholders equity and certain other defined classes of capital. It is a measure of the bank s ability to meet the needs of its depositors and other creditors. The minimum… … Accounting dictionary
capital adequacy ratio — The proportion of a bank s total assets that is held in the form of shareholders equity and certain other defined classes of capital. It is a measure of the bank s ability to meet the needs of its depositors and other creditors. The minimum… … Big dictionary of business and management
capital adequacy — /ˌkæpɪt(ə)l ædɪkwəsi/, capital adequacy ratio /ˌkæpɪt(ə)l ædɪkwəsi ˌreɪʃiəυ/ noun the amount of money which a bank has to have in the form of shareholders’ capital, shown as a percentage of its assets. Also called capital to asset ratio (NOTE:… … Dictionary of banking and finance
capital adequacy — The principle upheld by banking regulators that banks should have, and be seen to have, a certain amount of capital relative to the amount of business which the banks undertake and the commercial risk associated with that business. UK banks… … Law dictionary
capital ratio — ➔ ratio * * * capital ratio UK US noun [C] ► BANKING, FINANCE CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIO(Cf. ↑capital adequacy ratio) … Financial and business terms
adequacy — UK US /ˈædəkwəsi/ noun [U] ► the quality of being good enough for a particular purpose: the adequacy of sth »Questions were raised about the adequacy of the firm s control procedures. → See also CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIO(Cf. ↑capital adequacy ratio) … Financial and business terms
ratio — the proportional relationship of one thing to another * * * ratio ra‧ti‧o [ˈreɪʆiəʊ ǁ ˈreɪʆoʊ] noun [countable] a relationship between two amounts that is represented by a pair of numbers showing how much greater one amount is than the other: •… … Financial and business terms