1 cap-and-base-tread construction
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cap-and-base-tread construction
2 cap-and-base-tread construction
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > cap-and-base-tread construction
3 cap-and-base-tread construction
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4 cap-and-base-tread construction
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > cap-and-base-tread construction
5 base
1. n основа, основание; базис; база; низ, дно2. n основа, основание, основной момент, пункт3. n база; опорный пункт4. n преим. воен. площадка5. n воен. орудийная платформа6. n мат. стр. основание, донная часть; фундамент7. n мат. архит. пьедестал, цоколь8. n мат. тех. фундаментная плита; основная рама; основная доска9. n мат. тех. штатив10. n мат. геол. подошва11. n мат. геол. подстилающий слой, подстилающая порода12. n мат. геод. базис13. n эл. цоколь14. n эл. изолирующее основание15. n эл. кино подложкаplastic base — пластмассовая основа ; пластмассовая подложка
16. n эл. полигр. ножка литеры, подставка клише17. n эл. спорт. место старта; стартовая площадка или линияhome base — цель, финиш
18. n эл. «дом»19. n эл. воен. дно снаряда; запоясковая часть снаряда20. a основной, базисный; фундаментальный21. a спец. базовый; относящийся к базе22. a спец. воен. донный23. a спец. ав. наземный24. v основывать, обосновыватьbased on experiment — основанный на опыте, опирающийся на опыты
25. v базировать; размещать войска26. v стр. фундировать27. a низкий, низменный, подлыйbase person — подлая личность, гнусный тип
28. a нижний29. a низкий; негромкий30. a арх. низкорослый, невысокий31. a низкокачественный; некачественный32. a фальшивый, неполноценный или низкого достоинства33. a зазорный34. a неблагодарный, окисляющийся35. a низкопробный36. a простонародный, грубый, испорченный37. a уст. незаконный, незаконнорождённый38. a юр. преим. ист. принудительный; рабский, крепостной39. n игра в барыСинонимический ряд:1. cheap (adj.) cheap; cheesy; paltry; rubbishing; rubbishly; rubbishy; shoddy; sleazy; tatty; trashy; trumpery2. corrupt (adj.) bad; corrupt; evil; foul; nefarious; sinister; tainted; ungodly3. disreputable (adj.) disgraceful; dishonorable; dishonourable; disreputable; infamous; notorious; scandalous; shameful4. ignoble (adj.) abject; baseborn; beggarly; common; degrading; humble; ignoble; lowborn; lowly; menial; ordinary; plebeian; unennobled; unwashed; vulgar5. inferior (adj.) coarse; counterfeit; inferior; poor; shabby; tawdry; ugly; unworthy6. mean (adj.) contemptible; cowardly; degraded; despicable; dirty; low; low-down; mean; servile; sordid; squalid; vile; villainous; wretched7. basement (noun) basement; bed; bedrock; bottom; cornerstone; foot; footing; foundation; fundamental; ground; grounds; groundwork; hardpan; infrastructure; nadir; pedestal; rest; root; rudiment; seat; seating; stand; stem; substratum; substruction; substructure; underpinning; understructure8. camp (noun) camp; centre; complex; garrison; headquarters; installation; post; settlement; site; station9. point of departure (noun) goal; object; point of departure; radical; terminal10. principle (noun) basis; core; element; essence; heart; principle; support11. establish (verb) bottom; build; establish; fasten; found; ground; predicate; rest; root in; seat; stay12. locate (verb) locate; situate; stationАнтонимический ряд:good; grand; high-minded; honorable; honored; honourable; honoured; lofty; majestic; moral; noble; peak; pure; refined; summit; virtuous -
6 двухслойный протектор
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > двухслойный протектор
7 двухслойный протектор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > двухслойный протектор
8 construction
1) строительство; стройка;2) строение; сооружение; здание3) конструкция5) матем. построение; составление6) структура•construction in dry — гидр. строительство насухо (напр. перемычкой),-
additional construction
auxiliary construction
avalanche-protection construction
bagged-out construction
balanced construction
basic construction
BBC construction
beam-and-girder construction
bearing-wall construction
block construction
breadboard construction
brick construction
bucket shell tine construction
building block construction
building construction
cap-and-base-tread construction
cellular construction
columnal construction
composite construction
construction of diagram
cross-wall construction
double-wall construction
dry-wall construction
dry construction
engine module construction
field facilities construction
fire-resistant construction
flat-slab construction
folded-plate construction
frame construction
geometrical construction
geometric construction
girderless construction
heavy-wall construction
hipped-plate construction
hollow-core construction
hollow-wood construction
hologram construction
image construction
integral body construction
irrigation and drainage construction
layer-built construction
leakproof construction
lift-slab construction
modular construction
multiply construction
noncombustible construction
one-piece construction
orbiter-based construction
packwall construction
pan construction
planar construction
pneumatic construction
prefabricated construction
rammed-earth construction
reclamation construction
sandwich construction
semihydraulic construction
shell construction
shingled construction of tank
skeleton construction
steel-cage construction
stressed-skin construction
tilt-up construction
top construction
tunnel construction
tuyere belt construction
unit construction
unit tread construction
unitary body construction
unprotected metal construction
warp-knitted terry construction
water-retaining construction
wood-frame construction -
9 wheel
колесо; проф. скат; скатка; проф. "баранка"; руль; маховик; ручной маховичок; зубчатое колесо; шестерня; штурвал; шлифовальный круг; II катить; поворачивать; шлифовать- wheel alignment - wheel-and-disk integrator - wheel arch - wheel axis - wheel balance - wheel balancing fixture - wheel blank - wheel bouncing - wheel cap - wheel carrier - wheel caster - wheel felloe - wheel fight - wheel fork - wheel free-type lift - wheel front support - wheel front support arm - wheel hop - wheel-hub drive - wheel lean gear housing - wheel loader - wheel lock ring - wheel lock-up - wheel locking - wheel lug - wheel-mounted - wheel-mounted shovel - wheel mounting - wheel nut wrench - wheel offset - wheel-out tank - wheel payloader - wheel peener - wheel plane - wheel plate - wheel pressure - wheel puller - wheel pump - wheel reduction gear - wheel rolling along the plane - wheel scotch - wheel shaft - wheel side ring - wheel sideway - wheel size - wheel skidder - wheel skids - wheel slide protection - wheel slip - wheel slip angle - wheel slip brake control system - wheel slipper - wheel spacer ring - wheel spacing - wheel speed sensor - wheel spider - wheel spin - wheel splash guard - wheel spoke - wheel springing - wheel stand - wheel suspention - wheel swarf - wheel tip compactor - wheel toe - wheel track eliminator - wheel tractor - wheel tractor scraper - wheel tramp - wheel tread pressure - wheel tread thickness - wheel-type tractor - wheel washer - wheel wearing - wheel web - wheel with drop center rim - wheel wobble - bull wheel - castor wheel - swivelling wheel - castoring wheel - centre wheel - correcting wheel - coupled wheel - depth-control wheel - dirigible wheel - dished steering wheel - escapement wheel - fine-grain grinding wheel - great wheel - great setting wheel - herringbone wheel - hind wheel - hypoidal wheel - idle wheel - impulse wheel - interchangeable gear wheels - intermedial wheel - intermediate wheel - internal gear-wheel - keyless wheel - knife wheel - laminated grinding wheel - land wheel - landing wheel - leading wheel - lever escape wheel - lifter wheel - little main wheel - little setting wheel - locking wheel - maintaining wheel - mangle wheel - Mansell wheel - metering wheel - middle wheel - minute wheel - mitre wheel - mortice wheel - multiplying wheel - one-side grinding wheel - pick-up wheel - spiked wheel - lantern wheel - pitch wheel - plate wheel - plough trail wheel - pricking wheel - rear furrow wheel - regulating wheel - skew bevel wheel - spinner wheel - spinning wheel - resilient steering wheel - star-feed wheel - third wheel - traveling wheel - worm wheel
См. также в других словарях:
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