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  • 1 cantilever

    [can·ti·le·ver || 'kæntɪliːvə]
    n. תומכה
    v. לבנות תמוכות
    * * *
    תוכומת תונבל

    English-Hebrew dictionary > cantilever

См. также в других словарях:

  • cantilever — [ kɑ̃tiləvɛr; kɑ̃tilevɶr ] adj. inv. et n. m. • 1883; mot angl., de cant « rebord » et lever « levier » ♦ Qui est suspendu en porte à faux (sans câbles). Pont cantilever. Suspension cantilever. N. m. Aile d avion en cantilever. ● cantilever… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Cantilever — (englisch für verschiedene waagerechte, einseitig gelagerte und auskragende Bauteile) bezeichnet: den „Lesekopf“ von IBM Millipede, siehe Millipede die Messnadel eines Rasterkraftmikroskops, siehe Cantilever (Mikroskop) eine Bauart für eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cantilever — cantilevér s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  CANTILEVÉR adj., s.n. (Sistem de suspensie) care nu are o susţinere directă. // s.n. (constr.) Tip de pod metalic ale cărui grinzi principale nu au o susţinere directă… …   Dicționar Român

  • cantilever — ► NOUN 1) a long projecting beam or girder fixed at only one end, used chiefly in bridge construction. 2) a bracket or beam projecting from a wall to support a balcony, cornice, etc. ► VERB ▪ support by a cantilever or cantilevers. ORIGIN of… …   English terms dictionary

  • Cantilever — Can ti*lev er, n. Same as {Cantalever}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cantilever — (Cantaliver, engl., spr. känntĭlĭwer, känntǟlĭwer), vorspringender Träger, Ausleger; s. Brücke, S. 479 …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • cantilever — cantiléver (ingl.) m. Voladizo. * * * ► masculino CONSTRUCCIÓN Voladizo …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • cantilever — 1660s, probably from CANT (Cf. cant) (2) + LEVER (Cf. lever), but earliest form (c.1610) was cantlapper. First element also may be Sp. can dog, architect s term for an end of timber jutting out of a wall, on which beams rested …   Etymology dictionary

  • cantilever —  Cantilever  Кантилевер (консоль)   Название распространенной конструкции микроэлектромеханического зонда атомно силового микроскопа. Представляет собой гибкую балку (175х40х4 мкм усредненные данные) с определенным коэффициентом жесткости k (10 3 …   Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.

  • cantilever — [kant′ l ē΄vər, kant′ lev΄ər] n. [as if < CANT2 + I + LEVER, but < ?] 1. a large bracket or block projecting from a wall to support a balcony, cornice, etc. 2. a projecting beam or structure supported at only one end, that is anchored as to …   English World dictionary

  • Cantilever — For the figure skating element, see Cantilever (figure skating). A schematic image of two cantilevers. The top example has a full moment connection (like a horizontal flag pole bolted to the side of a building). The bottom example is created by… …   Wikipedia

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