1 canonical problem
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > canonical problem
2 canonical problem
Математика: каноническая задача -
3 canonical problem
мат. -
4 problem
1) задача; проблема3) трудность, затруднение•- boundary value problem - card matching problem - central limit problem - decision problem under risk - decision problem under uncertainty - extremum problem - fair division problem - gambling problem - gasoline blending problem - incompletely structured problem - optimal path problem - optimal stopping problem - portfolio selection problem - precisely specified problem - recursively solvable problem - sequential decision programming problem - sequential occupancy problem - shortest path problem - shortest route problem - standard control problem - three houses and three wells problem -
5 каноническая задача
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > каноническая задача
6 extremal
экстремаль, экстремальный extremal [extreme value] distribution ≈ распределение экстремальных значений extremal [extreme] vector ≈ экстремальный вектор extremal [extremum] problem ≈ экстремальная задача extremal probability paper ≈ вероятностная бумага для распределения экстремальных значений extremal with corners ≈ экстремаль с углубленными точками method of extremal metric ≈ метод экстремальной метрики sequence of extremal points ≈ последовательность экстремальных точек - absolute extremal - absolutely extremal - admissible extremal - anormal extremal - broken extremal - canonical extremal - closed extremal - conditional extremal - extremal algebra - extremal basis - extremal characteristic - extremal circle - extremal clique - extremal control - extremal curvature - extremal curve - extremal derivative - extremal diameter - extremal domain - extremal equation - extremal experiment - extremal function - extremal functional - extremal graph - extremal involution - extremal lattice - extremal length - extremal mapping - extremal measure - extremal metric - extremal monomorphism - extremal path - extremal polynomial - extremal quotient - extremal relation - extremal representation - extremal space - extremal spline - extremal statistic - extremal strategy - extremal submanifold - extremal subset - extremal system - extremal transversal - extremal uniformity - global extremal - neighboring extremal - nonsingular extremal - ordinary extremal - parametric extremal - regular extremal - secondary extremal - unconditional extremal (математика) экстремаль, линия экстремумов экстремальный;
крайнийБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > extremal
7 representation
1) представление; выражение ( в определённой форме); обозначение (напр. символами)2) образ; отображение; изображение3) символ; идея; мысленное представление5) рисунок; изображение; картина; описание6) пример7) эквивалент; соответствие•- analog representation
- binary representation
- canonical representation
- Cayley representation
- coded representation
- data representation
- diagrammatic representation
- digital speech representation
- discrete representation
- distributed representation
- extensional representation
- external data representation
- fixed-point representation
- floating-point representation
- frequency-domain representation
- fuzzy knowledge representation
- Granger representation
- Heisenberg representation
- innovations representation
- integer representation
- internal data representation
- irreducible representation
- knowledge representation
- local representation
- logical representation
- mental representation
- moving average representation
- perceptually-based representation
- problem-specific representation
- projective representation of infinity
- ray representation
- referential representation
- semantically-based representation
- spectral representation
- time-domain representation
- time-waveform representation
- wave representation -
8 representation
1) представление; выражение ( в определённой форме); обозначение (напр. символами)2) образ; отображение; изображение3) символ; идея; мысленное представление5) рисунок; изображение; картина; описание6) пример7) эквивалент; соответствие•- analog representation
- binary representation
- canonical representation
- Cayley representation
- coded representation
- data representation
- diagrammatic representation
- digital speech representation
- discrete representation
- distributed representation
- extensional representation
- external data representation
- fixed-point representation
- floating-point representation
- frequency-domain representation
- fuzzy knowledge representation
- Granger representation
- Heisenberg representation
- innovations representation
- integer representation
- internal data representation
- irreducible representation
- knowledge representation
- local representation
- logical representation
- mental representation
- moving average representation
- perceptually-based representation
- problem-specific representation
- projective representation of infinity
- ray representation
- referential representation
- semantically-based representation
- spectral representation
- time-domain representation
- time-waveform representation
- wave representationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > representation
9 identification
1) идентификация, сопоставление2) опознавание, распознавание || опознавательный4) опознание; отождествление•- identification of caller -
10 structure
1) конструкция; строение; структура || структурировать2) сооружение, здание; строительная конструкция3) состав4) текстура5) геол. формация•- finitely generated structure - fish protection structure - locally convex structure - recursively presentable structure - redundant logical structure - strictly finer structure - strongly undecidable structure - weakly saturated structure -
11 variable
1) переменная (величина) || переменный2) изменчивый3) изменяемый; варьируемый4) регулируемый•variable unrestricted in sign — переменная, не ограниченная в знаке
- absolutely integrable variable - anonymous free variable - complex free variable - complex random variable - discontinuous variable - discrete random variable - discrete variable variable - discrete variable - essentially free variable - excessive random variable - exchangeable random variables - generalized random variable - geometric random variable - infinitesimal random variable - jointly normal random variables - linguistic random variable - multinomial random variable - multinormal random variable - multiplicative random variable - mutually independent random variables - nonanticipative random variable - normed random variable - number variable - optimal stopping variable - orthonormal random variables - pairwise independent random variables - spatial variable - symmetrized random variable - two-state variable - two-valued variable - uniformly limited variableto separate variables — мат. разделять переменные
См. также в других словарях:
Canonical form (Boolean algebra) — In Boolean algebra, any Boolean function can be expressed in a canonical form using the dual concepts of minterms and maxterms. Minterms are called products because they are the logical AND of a set of variables, and maxterms are called sums… … Wikipedia
Canonical Criticism — This term, though not welcomed by its exponents, has been applied to a kind of biblical scholarship developed by a small group of university teachers in North America. It began with the breakdown in the 1960s of the attempt by Biblical Theology… … Dictionary of the Bible
Canonical quantization — In physics, canonical quantization is one of many procedures for quantizing a classical theory. Historically, this was the earliest method to be used to build quantum mechanics. When applied to a classical field theory it is also called second… … Wikipedia
Canonical general relativity — In physics, canonical quantum gravity is an attempt to quantize the canonical formulation of general relativity (or canonical gravity). It is a Hamiltonian formulation of Einstein s general theory of relativity. The basic theory was outlined by… … Wikipedia
Problem size — In the fields of algorithm analysis and computational complexity theory, the running time or space requirements of an algorithm are expressed as a function of the problem size. The problem size measures the size, in some sense, of the input to… … Wikipedia
Monty Hall problem — In search of a new car, the player picks a door, say 1. The game host then opens one of the other doors, say 3, to reveal a goat and offers to let the player pick door 2 instead of door 1. The Monty Hall problem is a probability puzzle loosely… … Wikipedia
Synoptic problem — The synoptic problem concerns the literary relationships between and among the first three canonical gospels (the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke), known as the Synoptic Gospels (from the Greek syn, meaning together, and optic, meaning seen ) … Wikipedia
Word problem for groups — In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as combinatorial group theory, the word problem for a recursively presented group G is the algorithmic problem of deciding whether two words represent the same element. Although it… … Wikipedia
Inverse problem for Lagrangian mechanics — In mathematics, the inverse problem for Lagrangian mechanics is the problem of determining whether a given system of ordinary differential equations can arise as the Euler–Lagrange equations for some Lagrangian function. There has been a great… … Wikipedia
Focus recovery based on the linear canonical transform — Focus recovery from defocused image is an ill posed problem since it loses the component of high freqency. Most of the methods for focus revocery are based on depth estimation theory [Most of depth recovery methods are simply based on camera… … Wikipedia
Post canonical system — A Post canonical system, as created by Emil Post, is a string manipulation system that starts with finitely many strings and repeatedly transforms them by applying a finite set of specified rules of a certain form, thus generating a formal… … Wikipedia